Posted by RagingRowen
in Been working on a new MUGEN Iceberg as of late... (Started by RagingRowen November 09, 2024, 05:57:37 pm
Board: M.U.G.E.N Discussion
Board: M.U.G.E.N Discussion
- Not sure if this counts, but would "Ntcore's 4GB Patch" fit? Lots have usual trouble running 1.1 due to being OpenGL software rendering. The 4gb patch was the only way they could run it on the possible lowest specs hardware.
4GB Patch isn't kinda unrelated to Mugen in the long run, so it's inclusion is a bit doubtful.
- Original WinMUGEN 2002.04.14 private beta (was limited to only 2 characters and had a 10 minute timer before it closes)
- BrokenMUGEN HR (not sure if the one in the iceberg means the screenpack or the modified engine that initiated a C&D by Elecbyte)
The Beta kinda ties into No Limit Patch assuming that's what it was made for, though.
May put that actual beta kinda low seeing the sheer rarity of it.
BrokenMUGEN is refering to the engine. You can tell by the Text Color.
- Kong (known for his MvC2 characters that had inaccuracies, bugs and a cheap A.I. in their hard mode but contained some new stuff and even additional hypers).
Kong is already there, on the 4th tier.
Thanks for the suggestions, peeps. Not all of them will be considered but there's still some good stuff here.