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Messages by Dude01


Re: Mid117's Color Palettes for OHMSBY Style Characters and others Authors

 February 16, 2025, 06:49:42 pm View in topic context
avatar  Posted by Dude01  in Mid117's Color Palettes for OHMSBY Style Characters and others Authors  (Started by Mid117 December 20, 2023, 03:54:48 pm
 Board: Edits & Addons 1.0+

Aye Welcome Back :D

EDIT Note: I wanna request here, instead of replying to another page cuz reasons lol so here's the request:

Yakuza 0: The Money Kyodai Simulator
1. Kiryu (Judgement Outfit) [Yakuza 0] - Akira (Vinnie)
Reason: WERE BREAKING ZA LAW, BREAKING ZA WORLD. KO.WA.SE (breaking za world) Chitanda Tenderness!!!!

2. Akira Nishikiyama [Yakuza 0] - Akatsuki (OHMSBY)
Reason: My Boi Nishiki needs a pal so i pick akatsuki cuz his hairstyle looks similar so I chose akatsuki

Random Things That Pop into my head
3. Jubilee [X-Men 97'] - Bullet (Resentone)
Reason: She looks cool n her powers is "fireworks"..... wow. Wish she was mvc, but srsly this show really loves the respect for mvc, cyclops, arcades.

4. Marian [River City Girls 2] - Yang (OHMSBY)
Reason: She looks cool And when it comes to my taste of women *ahem* cough cough and uh yeh that's it

5. Beastboy (The OG Teen Titans) - Kouma (Vinnie)
Reason: Tbh i didn't really grown up with this show, I remember watching this show from mbc 3 and that was it and yeh i grown up with teen titans go. And Ngl i think the teen titans go is an okay-ishy-ish show I think reason cuz the jokes r just sometime make sense to me.

6. Asura [Asura's Wrath] - Enkidu (Vinnie)
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Reason: Love this game cuz of all the punching and cyber connect's Fight Choreography It feels SO SATISFYING Just The Way HE Does

Re: Character of the YEAR: 2024

 February 12, 2025, 07:14:26 pm View in topic context
avatar  Posted by Dude01  in Character of the YEAR: 2024 (Started by Lyrica February 12, 2025, 02:11:40 pm
 Board: M.U.G.E.N Discussion

I voted Minazuki & Answer

Re: KarmaCharmeleon's WIP thread: Terry's Remake

 January 19, 2025, 07:22:25 pm View in topic context
avatar  Posted by Dude01  in KarmaCharmeleon's WIP thread: Terry's Remake (Started by KarmaCharmeleon April 21, 2019, 02:40:00 am
 Board: Projects

Ngl Ready to See your kazuya in action. Not sure there will be that hm PEWGF?

Re: Mid117's Color Palettes for OHMSBY Style Characters and others Authors

 January 01, 2025, 11:46:41 pm View in topic context
avatar  Posted by Dude01  in Mid117's Color Palettes for OHMSBY Style Characters and others Authors  (Started by Mid117 December 20, 2023, 03:54:48 pm
 Board: Edits & Addons 1.0+

New Year New Request That Come to my mind so yeh

1. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Answer [Hexioum]
Long Reason: Don't know, Answer is A Ninja so I was thinking his scarf will be just the turtles iconic colors so what will the reference look like uuuh since idk much about the turtles other than watching the shows (The TMNT 2012 i tried to get into but srsly they just go plot then go filler like what the H?), saw them from injustice 2 (imo pretty suprising guest characters but really good), so what is the reference: "just do anything if you know"

2. Shohoku Team [Sakuragi] (THE FIRST SLAM DUNK) - Tomoka (Tornillo)
Reason: Watched the Movie and Its Really Good sure some ppl will think cgi is problem but hey its great and really its a good animation. since there was kuroko no basket tomoka how about bring the real basket ball manga which i respect (i don't want to bring opinions cuz ppl love wut they love)
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

3. Soldier (Team Fortress 2) - Shovel Knight (Tornillo)
Reason: Read The Last Comic and let me tell "You Wanna Live Forever" Damn What A Beautiful Ending for A Wonderful Game I will Adore & RIP Rick May. Now Finding to do Soldier TF2 Color Pal is hard because I can't find who wears a helmet but i was thinking him cuz shovel so yeh he fits.

4. "Curl Scout" FIlia or FIonna The Human [Adventure Time or Skullgirls Mobile] - Heart (OHMSBY)
Reason: Don't Know Just Thinking She Fits And if you play mobile This Color Pal is my Favorite but OH MA GAWD SHE IS ANNOYING WTF

5. Dicky Tracy - Hazama (Vinnie)
Reason: Idk He looks Cool But I haven't Read the Comic Just know Because Skullgirls Mobile and I like it when he had black shade on it that's wut makes it cool dude
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

6. Marceline [Adventure Time] - Yuzuriha (Resentone)

Re: "M.U.G.E.N Sistan" v1.0 by Kanfong, happy holidays!

 December 30, 2024, 11:37:48 pm View in topic context
avatar  Posted by Dude01  in "M.U.G.E.N Sistan" v1.01 by Kanfong, happy holidays! (Started by Kanfong December 29, 2024, 06:34:21 am
 Board: Your Releases, 1.0+

try the character and my thoughts on it. Man her combos man i just feel damn this is cool (I can't describe to do positive stuff lol sorry) overall like her combos and she is so cool (I can't do combos lol)

Re: MT7's Random Palette Thread for OHMSBY Characters (and others I guess) v2

 December 20, 2024, 05:12:50 pm View in topic context

Aye Btw that ciel one with eda is ngl genius. Nun from normal, powered ciel being casual nice

Request Time Lesgo:

1. Bullet (Resentone) - Seonhee [Like A Dragon Infinite Wealth]
Reason: Good thing she is playable at infinite wealth and why add her uhm idk it fits for her ig idk
idk if this is a good reference.

2. Yumi (OHMSBY) - Ahri [2XKO]
Reason: Well it fits for her

3. Susanoo (OHMSBY) - Dr. Phosphorus (Creature Commando)
Reason: Ngl He has the coolest effect and character wise also, but yeh idk who to put it so i was thinking hm maybe he fits

4. Eltnum (Resentone) - Clorinde [Genshin Impact]
Reason: Maybe This Fits Her

5. Kagura (Tornillo) - Clive Rosfield [Tekken 8 but his from ff 16]
Reason: Well This character has more flashy stuff and yeh its gonna break my "graphics card". For me putting him at tekken is kinda of uh hm i either go with it or hate it. Cuz Tifa is right there man. But hey i ain't gonna complain cuz hey the mishimas are right there and it's not dead game soo the game is fine so yeh

6. Adachi (OHMSBY) - Yu & Izanagi no Okami

7. Carmine (OHMSBY) - Freeman (Garou Mark of the wolves)

There is some issue for Ruby's Weiss Color is that it is almost complete just the chest and something i cannot tell idk how to describe it.

Re: New Virtua Fighter Project Announced

 December 20, 2024, 01:20:21 am View in topic context
avatar  Posted by Dude01  in New Virtua Fighter Project Announced (Started by GTOAkira December 13, 2024, 04:12:40 am
 Board: Fighting Games

Ngl Whenever there is no story in this game i feel like i pretty much don't know what are characters going through hell the personality is there is just that i don't know what the Heck is going on hell VF V got dural and uhm yeh...

Re: New Virtua Fighter Project Announced

 December 17, 2024, 10:17:35 pm View in topic context
avatar  Posted by Dude01  in New Virtua Fighter Project Announced (Started by GTOAkira December 13, 2024, 04:12:40 am
 Board: Fighting Games

Ngl Akira Look Really Badass from the trailer but what bother me the most is that same old feedback sound effect when you punch yeh that really bother since they make changes for VF5 but not sound fx which really questions me but i just hope they don't use it. And I hope they don't use the weird voice acting like it was charming but at the same time they gotta change. That's why i didn't get into the franchise at all but i hope SEGA has to change something. (also I'm sorry for sounding very negative to the franchise because i just wanna get this out of my chest and ik everyone is hype for VF project) now ik this post will age poorly as H.

Re: Tekken 8

 December 13, 2024, 08:42:45 pm View in topic context
avatar  Posted by Dude01  in Tekken 8  (Started by videoman September 14, 2022, 12:28:30 am
 Board: Fighting Games

Ngl when i first saw him i was really really disappointed at first but now when i rewatch it. It was uhm hm its hard to say about him cuz i will say he is cool but he doesn't fit at all, he fits from the soul calibur ngl. And FF 16 holy crack i have never saw this game last year holy crack and all ik is FF 7 remake n that was it lol XD man im terrible to know this franchise. But Now my Final Verdict is "he is okay but i'm worried he is going to be hated, but it is what it is".

Re: MT7's Random Palette Thread v2

 December 05, 2024, 06:23:38 pm View in topic context

Ngl Love the Link Ragna though

Also Some Request:

1. Yu (OHMSBY) - Adachi & Magatsu Izanagi (Persona 4)
Reason: Switcheroo

2. Yukina (Resentone) - Tsukishiro Yanagi (ZZZ)

3. Tager [OHMSBY] - Wario [Uhm it's Wario]

4. Aegis - V2 [Ultrakill]
Reason: Max0r Reference here "Simple but Complicated, Simple Because He has your Moveset, Complicated because he had your moveset"
Idk the Wiki is a troll or wut lol XD

5. Kirito (OHMSBY) - Dan Hang (HSR)
Reason: Well we need the trio: Stelle, March 7th, n him that's it to me he is "there" that's it

6. Kamui (Vinnie) - Hibiki Takane (CVS 2 Color)

7. Phonon (Resentone) - Lofi Girl
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Re: Mid117's Color Palettes for OHMSBY Style Characters and others Authors

 November 30, 2024, 08:33:50 am View in topic context
avatar  Posted by Dude01  in Mid117's Color Palettes for OHMSBY Style Characters and others Authors  (Started by Mid117 December 20, 2023, 03:54:48 pm
 Board: Edits & Addons 1.0+

Request Time

Team JNPR Season 1 to Season 3 (The Vale)
1. Jaune - Ruby
2. Nora - Yang
3. Pyhrra - Weiss
4. Ren - Blake
Reason: JNPR is really fun at season 1 to 3 i decided hey why not just add JNPR to RWBY n i feel sad they dumbed downed at later seasons.

Skullgirls Vote Characters
5. Regina (Skullgirls Vote Character) - Wagner (Vinnie)

6. Panzerfaust (Skullgirls Vote Character) - Tager (OHMSBY)
Reason: Idk they look cool that's all i can say lol

Re: Mid117's Color Palettes for OHMSBY Style Characters and others Authors

 November 29, 2024, 09:33:42 pm View in topic context
avatar  Posted by Dude01  in Mid117's Color Palettes for OHMSBY Style Characters and others Authors  (Started by Mid117 December 20, 2023, 03:54:48 pm
 Board: Edits & Addons 1.0+

thank you for not making spoilers man n oh yeh the creator said they're gonna spinoffs for runeterra like noxus, demacia, n ionia (my fave cuz WAG BAN YAS, its a filipino term of don't ban yas) noxus im ready for it cuz DARIUS hell everytime i heard noxus i always say DARIUS HELL YEH XD n demacia is basically i think of lux n hm jinx that's what i think idk why they shipped them really...

Re: Mid117's Color Palettes for OHMSBY Style Characters and others Authors

 November 29, 2024, 07:51:44 pm View in topic context
avatar  Posted by Dude01  in Mid117's Color Palettes for OHMSBY Style Characters and others Authors  (Started by Mid117 December 20, 2023, 03:54:48 pm
 Board: Edits & Addons 1.0+

Aye nice Btw how was arcane to u? r u ok for what u saw? did u cry? don't spoil i haven't finish the 3 episodes left

Also One Problem But i'll give u some slack it is yukina's nicole is anime color

Re: MT7's Random Palette Thread v2

 November 25, 2024, 12:17:50 pm View in topic context

Yo MT7 i have a question. Have you watched arcane season 2? because i might bring some palette ideas for it (also don't spoil it i have 3 episodes left XD lol)

I've heard good things about Arcane but haven't watched it, I'm not a League of Legends kind of guy but you can still share ideas for LoL Arcane

Yeh it is good but honestly u don't need to know anything about league of legends and play that game (cuz this game is just sigh like how genshin impact ruined my life XD)

Edit: Mid117 Did the arcane pals so yeh looks like i won't be doing those anymore so sorry.

Re: MT7's Random Palette Thread v2

 November 24, 2024, 04:22:10 pm View in topic context

Yo MT7 i have a question. Have you watched arcane season 2? because i might bring some palette ideas for it (also don't spoil it i have 3 episodes left XD lol)

Re: MT7's Random Palette Thread v2

 November 23, 2024, 04:25:49 pm View in topic context

Here's one

OHMSBY's Homura
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

yo btw paulo S. did this pal already you can check it at paulo s. palette stuff but i think some ppl said that the mediafire or google drive had some problems ig idk im dumb enough to get it.

Re: MT7's Random Palette Thread v2

 November 21, 2024, 08:15:57 pm View in topic context

Kagura Pals (Well I got some ideas that is bad because his new and idk how will the outcome go so...)
1. Kagura Mutsuki (Tornillo Oxidado) - Homare Nishitani [Yakuza 0]
Reason: Same VA from Keiji Fujiwara (R.I.P You Legend)

2. Kagura Mutsuki (Tornillo Oxidado) - Blade [Honkai Star Rail]
Reason: Idk man if it fits for him cuz sword and long hair and yeh

3. Kagura Mutsuki (Tornillo Oxidado) - Shun Akiyama [Yakuza 4]
Reason: I Like The Main Character of him and also i want the complete yakuza 4 protags

Randos (Hey I put some colors wow XD)

4. Shiki (Resentone) - Homare Nishitani III [Like A Dragon Gaiden]
Reason: I like his suit just want to see his pal for shiki cuz they have.... knife.

5. Yu (OHMSBY) - Makoto Yuki & Orpheus (Persona 3) or Door Kun
Reason: Since he has joker (p5) i was thinking hm hey he didn't have the pal for door kun so yeh

6. Yang (OHMSBY) - Steve Fox (Tekken 5 Player 2 Outfit)
Reason: She has Bri'ish Boxer name dudely so why not another bri'ish guy

7. Waldstein (OHMSBY) - Guardian Ape [Sekiro Shadows Die Twice]
Reason: This video makes me think of him cuz man grabs everytime and doing 2C or 2B idk yeh (This was my favorite video XD)

Re: Happy Birthday to...

 November 18, 2024, 06:03:02 pm View in topic context
avatar  Posted by Dude01  in Happy Birthday to... (Started by TempesT January 11, 2010, 04:27:19 am
 Board: All That's Left


Re: [Tornillo Thread]: Tomoka Minato Released (10/11/2024)

 November 11, 2024, 04:38:02 pm View in topic context
avatar  Posted by Dude01  in [Tornillo Thread]: Dante Sparda Released (29/1/2025) (Started by TornilloOxidado January 07, 2023, 12:52:31 am
 Board: Your Releases, 1.0+

It still had the issue cuz idk man, my google drive is ok with others but not tomoka like i'm questioning is my google drive not working?

Re: [Tornillo Thread]: Tomoka Minato Released (10/11/2024)

 November 11, 2024, 11:23:14 am View in topic context
avatar  Posted by Dude01  in [Tornillo Thread]: Dante Sparda Released (29/1/2025) (Started by TornilloOxidado January 07, 2023, 12:52:31 am
 Board: Your Releases, 1.0+

btw uhm when i download her it says virus n it won't let me download