Board: Edits & Addons 1.0+

EDIT Note: I wanna request here, instead of replying to another page cuz reasons lol so here's the request:
Yakuza 0: The Money Kyodai Simulator
1. Kiryu (Judgement Outfit) [Yakuza 0] - Akira (Vinnie)
Reason: WERE BREAKING ZA LAW, BREAKING ZA WORLD. KO.WA.SE (breaking za world) Chitanda Tenderness!!!!
2. Akira Nishikiyama [Yakuza 0] - Akatsuki (OHMSBY)
Reason: My Boi Nishiki needs a pal so i pick akatsuki cuz his hairstyle looks similar so I chose akatsuki
Random Things That Pop into my head
3. Jubilee [X-Men 97'] - Bullet (Resentone)
Reason: She looks cool n her powers is "fireworks"..... wow. Wish she was mvc, but srsly this show really loves the respect for mvc, cyclops, arcades.
4. Marian [River City Girls 2] - Yang (OHMSBY)
Reason: She looks cool And when it comes to my taste of women *ahem* cough cough and uh yeh that's it
5. Beastboy (The OG Teen Titans) - Kouma (Vinnie)
Reason: Tbh i didn't really grown up with this show, I remember watching this show from mbc 3 and that was it and yeh i grown up with teen titans go. And Ngl i think the teen titans go is an okay-ishy-ish show I think reason cuz the jokes r just sometime make sense to me.
6. Asura [Asura's Wrath] - Enkidu (Vinnie)
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Reason: Love this game cuz of all the punching and cyber connect's Fight Choreography It feels SO SATISFYING Just The Way HE Does