If anyone wants to give me feedback on this character you can message me, I'm open. (I still dont use this site, but i can at least use something some of you guys say, there are somethings i do in my characters on purpose, that's why i dont call my stuff pots style anymore it's just an arranged version)
I'm not worried about any of that ok, all of this was all for nothing. it was like everyone was bored and was just repeating what everyone was saying, wasting my time honestly. if people would of been willing to help me out and guide me because someone new is not going to do things right the first time...i never intentionally try to make bad characters, i never had a helping hand do characters, i seen tutorials from ryon and i just went from there.
i just want to relax now, i can never have peace here without all of this. it's tiring and annoying, one person saying something is enough, it should of been trololo's feedback, even if he went off trashing me. yes i been doing this ten years but that does not mean that i didn't ask around for help with how some things work in characters. I'm just content with this being me last works, the only place that i know to get help and feedback and i just got an angry one.
I'm just doing mugen for fun and not trying to be the best or top anyone. all of this should of never happened, i just wanted feedback for my game, not everyone coming at me all at once and not even talking about the game, but about me.
i did not say everyone is stopping me, thats how i know no one reads what i'm saying, i just want to only focus on what this thread is about not all this extra stuff. i just don't want to post something and i get all of this, no positivity all just do better do better, we are not attacking you, ethic, i know all of this.
is there any way we can just stop this please, i do make one character at a time, it's just no one likes the way i code stuff and that's fine, i know how to make characters a certain way that everyone is telling me, that's just not what i do. plus everytime i post a character, i get no reaction like, it's the same thing again instead of i'm going to try out this character and give critique, like with my roy i got some feedback and i used it. crash bandicoot was doing to much damage, and was moving forward too much, and the colors were messed up, i fixed it, i can't help it if people dont like what i'm doing but i have reason why i make my characters the way i do, if there is bugs i fix it,
plus i can't help if no one follows my work. most people don't even say anything about my stuff or what can be better or whats messed up, that's why i really don't post here anymore. this thread is only here because someone did not ask me if they could post my game...and with no one really posting anything on my works here, why would i post my game here. now that im asking for help with feedback all this starts, and i knew this would happen, the only person who helped me was trololo, besides his side remarke in the feedback
i hope you read all of this
and i read what you said, i make stuff in the background because i don't trust people will help me out, i always get all of these messages, instead of messaging me or leaving a reply about what someone noticed. i have someone testing my stuff, he just checks if the characters are not buggy. he probably didn't catch the tripping thing trololo showed me that i fixed.
i'm not mad at you Macaulyn97, it's just i do make characters one at a time, I don't live stream me making characters and stuff.
i know that, i heard everyone saying that and i am, but not in the same way everyone wants me to but there are thing i did learn but not everyone follows what i do, it's just people keep saying the same thing, and i heard everyone. as i said i'm update the characters now. its the the same way i make my usual characters but im using the feedback.
im already done and i been done, yeah in the beginning because i knew everyone was going to come here and do this like it been years ago. i can say that im not at the level i want to be, people here trying to prove me but i know im not like everyone the way they are making characters and stuff.
im trying to stop all of this and let me just work on my stuff.
and i was only using them because they were the only alpha type sprites even if they are edits. but there are not alot of spriters who are willing to do a whole character now, maybe there might be some but not as many to do whole character sprites.
please keep this on topic and im not running away because i already answered everyone, i can't yell through the computer screen and yell it out. geeez. (people like talking about me more the my game lol) but off topic should not be allowed anyway.
and i get it i get it i get it geeeeez. no more telling me the same thing, I'm not same as i was then, i just wanted feedback, that's all i asked and trololo gave it to me. i know people are jumping in here to say all this stuff, but this thread was never about whats going on now. if this keeps happening I'm going to tell there admin (lol it sound so dumb like a karen lol) but seriously can we just drop all of this, this site has not changed, can't make a post without all of this going on.
and it ain't like I'm lying either, and i know all the other names and accounts i had, i just could not take the harassment and negativity i got from being here, i just want to make an update to my game and finish it. that's it, all of this is why I'm retiring because no on deserves this much hounding from a bunch of people who don't know me in real life. i have not messed with anyone i just want to make my projects and that all and if anyone wanted to help me out then I'm fine with it all, but I'm not going to get it because of my characters. it should be "this guy has potential maybe i can help him out"
I might just message an admin because this is just gone too far for no reason and i tried so many times to keep this thread on topic but no one is listening. this is supposed to be about the game and not me.
im not getting rid of this game, people are telling me stuff i been doing, i just stop asking for help, because either they did not like me or they had no time, i had to do stuff on my own. i learned some stuff but to say im not putting any effort and not knowing what im doing, is not my fault i'm just finding different way of trying ti improve. and no problem you did a good job on them Rabano, i was surprised that you were the same person who made them lol
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but all im saying is enough of the bashing or telling me stuff i already know, im not dumb, if no one else likes my recent stuff, thats just how i like making characters in mugen. does not mean i don't get fighting games. it's not like i couldn't look at other pots characters and learned from that but, i have my own way of making my own stuff, i just find the way i make stuff fun, there might be somethings here and there i can fix but overall because of how i never got a positive introduction to mugen, i found my own way to enjoy making stuff, i'm not trying to be the top creators, but i still learn something everytime i make something. not everyone makes characters the same and im not excusing the way other 2D fighting games are made, if i wanted to i could look at their hitboxes. but i think it's just fun and creative doing characters the way i want, instead of them being the obvious way, like are any character in any other iteration of the game, going to feel the same, no. but i get that people want a sf1 game the way they like it to be, with the smaller hitboxes and how the animations and move are done, im trying my best now. i just don't want anymore people saying the same thing already.
I've tried asking but either people were busy or didn't like me. not everyone can be talented to learn stuff fast, like when ever i would post characters, no one told me the stuff trololo is telling me to fix, i just got negative back lash and people hating my works without me knowing why, ever time i asked, i got nothing. even though swagga kings don't know how to make characters, he tells me if anything is broken or glitch and i fix them.
it was because before i needed help with one this with a max mode problem because it kept taking a whole bar of meter instead of half, and you got mad at me or snapped out and said something like more work ethic, something like that, and i just only asked for help with one thing since i used your kfm to make c.viper, i might of messed up on one thing with the code and i thought you would help me real quick.
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it was not a big deal, i might of messed with something on accident. no other creator uses max mode for pots styled characters. even if you were working on something you replied to me.
if this keeps going someone please lock this thread, it's not even about my game anymore. i stopped talking about all of this.
I'm allowed to make full games if i want to, i may not make characters like how it is in other fighting games, i could if i wanted too, but i have my own way that i like, does not mean i don't know what I'm doing. and I'm not trying to come off ignorant here. no one been telling me this stuff until now. this is supposed to be a guild. not dog pilling on me.
I'm not trying to be on pare with kof or sf because they are professionals making high quality games, i can only get a good as i can get, and just telling me you lack fundamentals of other fighting games is not going to help someone get better, if i got help back then, maybe things would be different
and im not looking for praise if im asking for feedback, like without trololo getting angry or upset in the middle of feedback, i understood what he is talking about and fixing things now. i made my other characters that way is because that's how i like making characters.
i dont want any pitty when i say this, im not perfect, and i mean that, im not the best creator, but asking someone if you like to help them if something is wrong, then thats not a big deal, for me asking for help here, i dont find that helpful, only when i got to the code helping section. this is not even about my game anymore. this needs to be locked, i already said i'm going to update the characters.
I can't even have one post without a problem, i only wanted feedback, also i never wanted to be on that level, there is nothing wrong with having fun making mugen stuff, yeah i like making full games and i may not be on you guys level, but when i started out years ago it was not like people let and right was willing to help me and get me to understand making characters, i watch ryon's vidoes when he was making tutorials to get an understanding of how to set up and put a character together.
I did bring up the past stuff but, I just didn't like that this thread got derailed into arguments, and the negative comments every time i post something that get peoples attention. I just wanted feedback on buggy or broken things, not getting feedback then getting upset with me and saying my work like Hit Boxes and stuff like that is trash, I can fix those easy, I can except the feedback but the rest felt like Trololo didn't want to give it but because it was sf1 he did. someone saying that work on one character at a time, which I do, i can't help if no one wants to help me or ask me if i needed it, everyone who wants to help don't end up helping me.
it just brought up old stuff i didn't want to be around again.
I'm going to do the updates the best way i can, and that's all.
well since it's a remake i wanted to give the game a combo heavy experience since the original didn't have combo, and since now a days capcom want to give character high combo potential i wanted to add something where people can do something like that. and since sf1 remake is supposed to be fresh, i wanted to add stuff for people to be like i wonder if i can do this, and every system in the game takes meter so it's not like it's broken. there are limitations if you don't have meter or only have 1, but if you have 3 then if you don't mess up you can go crazy, kinda replaces 3 bars, your doing more steps, more damage, a reward for spending 3 bars of meter.
and i know trololo speaks the truth, he is helping me, it's just i never got any help years ago and people wanted to fight with me. i know how to do all the things he is telling me, it's just i have a way of how i make characters. i really just make stuff and characters for fun since my stuff is fan made, but bugs like the 10 tripping and the hit boxes i can do those easy.
just the other stuff he said and the others here just brought back stuff i did not want to re-live like, no one is nice to me here, but a tiny bit of people here are nice that i've met.
i just don't want to argue and fight with people, this is a guild, and i know it's the internet but everyone is supposed to get along here right?.
can we please not continue what has been said here please?
well Sil3NT J did the other sf1 sprites, and I'm not good with spriting big characters like Abigail and i didn't even sprite him, i just added stuff he was missing that i seen in sfv.
since i can't lock this thread i just want this to just be about the game and not anything in the past or how i was (for ever reason why no one likes me and my stuff) things like that.
also i just don't want to talk about this kind of stuff again, I'm too old to be talking back and forth i just want to do these last updates and that's it, this is the only site i can get help with mugen stuff and I get talked to like i did something wrong or certain people just don't like me and not help. well it's the internet anyway, i just want to say that for the people who never got upset with me with small stuff and things, we are good. there just been a lot of bad times being here with how i am treated.
let all just leave this like this and wait for the updates to this game as trololo helps me if he still wants to since every times someone wants to help me, i never hear from them again. and they say they are but it's been a whole year.
the only reason why i was saying that years ago because of the negativity and no one helping me with character coding, but years went by and this kind of stuff is why. i never said people are telling me to retire, it's just the years of negative actions and some people telling me to do stuff by myself makes me think if i am wasting my time. and don't compare me to pots, we are different people. i can learn it's the people around here's ignorance to me that drives me away from having the confidence to keep going.
yeah i did think about it but all of this was from years of just straight up shitting and trashing me without any "hey if you are new to making stuff i can help you with a link" or when trololo gave feedback to make had a lot of hate in it like i don't know what I'm doing and it's not like i never ask some people for help. i kept getting people telling me to do characters my self, or snapping at me.
i was going back and forth with if i should leave or not, like i love fighting games but not if people say why they don't like my characters and when i ask what i can do better, i get nothing.
i don't know what i did wrong, so many people constantly trying to give chuchoryu feedback and not me, i get a tiny bit of feedback and not that "the hit boxes are messed up or the animation timing are messes up. i helped other people when they needed help but I'm still by myself working on stuff.
i been through so much on this and other sites that i just feel like maybe it's me people don't like for some reason. if you go on my channel i do work very hard so it's not I'm not putting in any effort. i just think people just don't like me for some reason.
at the end of the day i am one person, people can leave stuff for me to fix characters or leave messages to fix things, it's just people in this thread thinking that im still who i was years ago and bringing up certain things from how i was in the past, its like no matter what i do im still going to get hate from here, and this is the only site i can get feedback from.
if you don't feel like reading all of this, maybe you don't care because we don't know each other or you read this because you want to understand, (let what i said be everything about everything of why this is the last thing update and do and my last project)
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I been through so many negative things on this site for years, lots of people wanting to disrespect me, not asking me if they would like to help, starting out years ago with nothing but negativity, asking for help and got yelled at to do stuff my self, some people here telling me i should of asked for help and the way my characters are is my fault when no one liked me and helped me.
The way I made my characters is because, i wanted to go for a mvc type like the way characters juggle and combo. i know how fighting games work, i just don't make character like certain people do, i have my own style of characters, and for the touch of death stuff, it's because the way i make characters is if you have enough meter you can do extended combos, and the hit box things, they are like that because, there are some characters that are too short and a jab can reach them.
if people were more positive with me and showed me some stuff, things with me in mugen would not be like this. and it was disrespectful saying that i know nothing about fighting games and literately going on a rant/rampage in that feedback like i did something wrong to anyone, just because i asked for feedback...that's the reason why i don't ask for help, to much hostility, and that does not motivate anyone, like you have no business making character or a fighting game.
after i do the update i just want to retire because i have gotten nothing but negativity for so long...no other sites can give me feedback on things so i can know in the future, playing fighting games and understanding to make one is different in ways, it's not like before in fighting games you can look at hit boxes, but i have my own way of doing things that i think is fun, i like being creative not having to make stuff like everyone else, like every fighting game are not the same game.
I'm not going to say anything anymore, maybe if i was someone else i would probably get treated different i don't know, I'm not perfect but it's also not that serious for something simple as help without attacking me about me knowing about fighting games or negativity by lots of people back then.
there are people who gave feedback on stuff like Roy, no one told be about animation timing , hit boxes, if moves did not work or connected, or if there was an infinite which i fix all of those, 10 years of negativity is not worth making content, I'm only one person and not a company who can catch everything in a game.
have a good day everyone (this is a rant but not a crying boo hoo me rant, just things that happens to me during my time in mugen and why I'm retiring after this games update. and yeah you would say ignore certain people but sometimes they will say really ignorant and you have to say something and defend your self, but then when you do, then you get a warning like a threat of getting banned) kind of the reason why i did not want to post anything here, i just did not want anymore negativity without someone letting me know if i forgot to fix something.
like people bullied me from spriting taki and i thought they would get in trouble because i was not hurting or being disrespectful but nothing happened.
for anyone who cares, thank you for somewhat liking my stuff
and trololo thank you for the feedback which i and using, but the extra negative stuff was like you were holding back things about me you had and i don't want someone to get that way because of the way i make things, my thing is to improve what I'm already doing and not change everything about the style of my characters. i know there are certain ways to make characters and not all the time characters are made the same, does not mean they are the wrongs ways, it's just styles or creation rather some people like them or not. unless some things are buggy then yeah they should fix them, but saying that a certain thing is wrong, as long as the work they way the creator intended. stuff like to much damage or priority is another thing that can be fixed to.
yeah nothing is perfect but i still want to get better, i can get feedback but not mixed with negativity, I'm a bit discouraged with what trololo said because there was a lot a negative mixed with helpful feedback, anyway i don't want this thread to be filled with negative back and forth, I'm just going to take what trololo said and he agree to test the characters. i never wanted to be a bad creator, i just never got that positive vibe ten years ago with everyone hating me and wanting me to be like chuchoryu so bad instead of talking to me and helping me, if you seen some of the recent characters and games i do use feedback but no one telling me about certain things like this.
well everyone years ago would love to yell at me and harass me, and when i did ask for help people kept saying do it your self, never got respect, that's why i just try to do everything my self its not like I'm trying to be a one person team, i was just brought up to do that here and everywhere else. like i asked how to make throws and someone got upset with me and said look in the throws and figure it out.
and i had someone on youtube swagga kings and other to help me out, its not like i don't ask for people to test my stuff, but years ago i never got help just ignorance and harassing. even when i tried to defend my self from ignorant people, i get in trouble. i seen people post stuff here and without asking for feedback someone gives them out if there was a problem with a character, i get it sometimes.
it's like if I'm not on other creators level of making characters then why bother helping or saying what it wrong with the characters. (this is coming from most people who don't create)
and the two people i looked up to, and asked for help was akira r@ce and Divinewolf and they both got angry with me which discouraged me from asking anyone here for help.
i know how to ask for help, it's just this site just doesn't like me.
I will see, i tried that before and no one wanted to help me. I'll try, i had someone to test my stuff and i thought everything was fine, trololo's feedback opened my eyes on some stuff i wished i done with my recent works. but with the reputation of my works, i don't know if anyone will help me out. but i will try. im just going to do the updates and release a version 2 and see if i did things right.
i will try to do one character at a time instead of thinking i know what i'm doing.
I didn't mean to get you this worked up with the feedback lol but in all seriousness no one taught me how to make characters because everyone would tell me to "do it yourself" and had a problem helping me. i will look at these and update the characters, i don't have anyone to test out my characters to let me know if i did things right. most people are negative to me here for me to want to ask anyone. but i will do my best.
and the characters i edited, i was not passing them off like they are mine, if you look in the credits in the text document. and the pause from lucia's flame kick is how it was in final fight 3.