Board: M.U.G.E.N Development Help
in the CMD there should be only 1 or 2 ChangeStates that switch to 8200. Possibly 4 if it has a ton of triggers. Other ChangeStates may use 8200 as a trigger, but that's different. Find the
type = ChangeState
value = 8200
One of them the player should be able to activate. It should have a trigger with Var(45) in it. That's the counter checking to see if it's in blue form. Try to duplicate that/those triggers var(45) uses for var(44).
So if var 45 is in trigger3, and trigger 3 uses 4 lines, You need to look down the list of triggers and see which one is the last number and use the next number available for gold form. You'd make, say, trigger6 have the same lines as trigger 3. IF Trigger 5 doesn't exist and you put trigger6, trigger6 doesn't activate.
Some of the triggers for the one holding var 45 might not work for var 44. There could be multiple checks to see if it's ok to counter in blue form that wont work in gold form. Post the ChangeState if you duplicate it and it's not working.
ONE QUICK TEST could be to change the actual var in the trigger(s) from 44 to 45 and see if it works. Then you'd just add the next trigger for var(44) because 45 is already working.
For the sparking, do you know what state it's in? You could look inside the CNS file for that state and see if there's a varadd that subtracts every time it's activated and mess with it's value.
It's time you checked him out yourself, his code design is completely different from what you instructed, while i also have absolutely no experience with code so i lost patience with this character