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Re: Need help with character editing

 February 11, 2025, 08:26:02 pm View in topic context
avatar  Posted by vicneo  in Need help with character editing (Started by vicneo December 24, 2024, 07:29:51 am
 Board: M.U.G.E.N Development Help

in the CMD there should be only 1 or 2 ChangeStates that switch to 8200. Possibly 4 if it has a ton of triggers. Other ChangeStates may use 8200 as a trigger, but that's different. Find the
type = ChangeState
value = 8200
One of them the player should be able to activate. It should have a trigger with Var(45) in it. That's the counter checking to see if it's in blue form. Try to duplicate that/those triggers var(45) uses for var(44).
So if var 45 is in trigger3, and trigger 3 uses 4 lines, You need to look down the list of triggers and see which one is the last number and use the next number available for gold form. You'd make, say, trigger6 have the same lines as trigger 3.  IF Trigger 5 doesn't exist and you put trigger6, trigger6 doesn't activate.

Some of the triggers for the one holding var 45 might not work for var 44. There could be multiple checks to see if it's ok to counter in blue form that wont work in gold form. Post the ChangeState if you duplicate it and it's not working.

ONE QUICK TEST could be to change the actual var in the trigger(s) from 44 to 45 and see if it works. Then you'd just add the next trigger for var(44) because 45 is already working.

For the sparking, do you know what state it's in? You could look inside the CNS file for that state and see if there's a varadd that subtracts every time it's activated and mess with it's value.

It's time you checked him out yourself, his code design is completely different from what you instructed, while i also have absolutely no experience with code so i lost patience with this character

How to fix this error?

 January 28, 2025, 04:25:34 pm View in topic context
avatar  Posted by vicneo  in How to fix this error? (Started by vicneo January 28, 2025, 04:25:34 pm
 Board: M.U.G.E.N Development Help


Re: Need help with character editing

 January 24, 2025, 10:19:47 am View in topic context
avatar  Posted by vicneo  in Need help with character editing (Started by vicneo December 24, 2024, 07:29:51 am
 Board: M.U.G.E.N Development Help

And another problem is that he also has a yellow bar right above the blue bar. And I don't know how to make it not decrease every time he uses sparking

Re: Need help with character editing

 January 23, 2025, 06:27:14 pm View in topic context
avatar  Posted by vicneo  in Need help with character editing (Started by vicneo December 24, 2024, 07:29:51 am
 Board: M.U.G.E.N Development Help

Even if I find the exact stateno number for his counter action I don't know what to do next. It exists in many different locations in the cmd file, not fixed in one location. So you can only help me by digging deeper into them. Here is some information I can provide:

His counter Stateno is 8200, his god form is var(44) and his blue form is var(45)

How to fix this error?

 January 23, 2025, 08:33:54 am View in topic context
avatar  Posted by vicneo  in How to fix this error? (Started by vicneo January 23, 2025, 08:33:54 am
 Board: Ikemen General Discussion and Help

This is the character I am using:

And here is the error code when I try to start him in ikemen go:

\external\script\start.lua:1441: Legend Kyo/Legend



name: Not enclosed in "

stack traceback:

[G]: in function 'game'

\external\script\start.lua:1441: in function 'f_game'

\external\script\start.lua:1887: in function


external/script/default.lua:2: in function


\external\script\start.lua:1504: in function 'f'

external/script/main.lua:3181: in function 'loop'

external/script/main.lua:4227: in main chunk

[G]: ?

Error saved to Ikemen.log

It is worth mentioning that I did not find anything related to the number 7096 in the file that ikemen go mentioned.

Need help!

 January 20, 2025, 04:51:26 pm View in topic context
avatar  Posted by vicneo  in Need help! (Started by vicneo January 20, 2025, 04:51:26 pm
 Board: Ikemen General Discussion and Help

when i select a mode my selection box always starts too far from the character frame what should i do? i am using ikemen go so i cant use vselect to move the character.

Re: Is there any way to convert this to Ikemen go?

 January 07, 2025, 05:36:48 am View in topic context
avatar  Posted by vicneo  in Is there any way to convert this to Ikemen go? (Started by vicneo January 06, 2025, 05:22:25 pm
 Board: Ikemen General Discussion and Help

Ikemen Go strives to be compatible with Mugen, so anything Mugen can run should ideally be also playable in Ikemen Go.

You can download Ikemen Go nightly build ( and and try to run any Mugen game using Ikemen. Some things you need to do is extract Ikemen Go into the game directory and set a correct path to the system.def file in configuration.

Once You get the game to at least run, if there are still any incompatibilities with Mugen, then you can report them here: and there is a chance that any shuch issues will be fixed in the future.
What is the way to convert the entire screenpack in the yt link above to ikemen go?

Is there any way to convert this to Ikemen go?

 January 06, 2025, 05:22:25 pm View in topic context
avatar  Posted by vicneo  in Is there any way to convert this to Ikemen go? (Started by vicneo January 06, 2025, 05:22:25 pm
 Board: Ikemen General Discussion and Help


Re: Need help with character editing

 December 25, 2024, 12:11:10 pm View in topic context
avatar  Posted by vicneo  in Need help with character editing (Started by vicneo December 24, 2024, 07:29:51 am
 Board: M.U.G.E.N Development Help

Sorry, not "edit the sparking usage timing" but adjust it so that he enters the aura state earlier when his HP is only slightly lost, different from the original default that he only switches to it when his HP is very low

Need help with character editing

 December 24, 2024, 07:29:51 am View in topic context
avatar  Posted by vicneo  in Need help with character editing (Started by vicneo December 24, 2024, 07:29:51 am
 Board: M.U.G.E.N Development Help

This is the version of goku I'm using, he just automatically counter hits from blue form onwards, while not doing the same thing in god form. How to make him do it in god form?

One more thing is how to edit the sparking usage timing of each of his forms? (When his HP is low in any form, he usually goes into a state where he emits an aura around his body)


Note: Please check him before giving instructions, because if you can't understand how he works then your instructions are completely irrelevant.

Re: How to edit system of mugen?

 December 06, 2024, 06:41:12 am View in topic context
avatar  Posted by vicneo  in How to edit system of mugen? (Started by vicneo December 02, 2024, 11:42:52 am
 Board: M.U.G.E.N Configuration Help

i dont think mugen does 8v8, i could be wrong ive been gone a while

It does not do 8v8. By default the maximum for simul is 2v2, and the only patches available for simul replace 2v2 with 3v3 and 4v4.

Since OP said they didnt want to use ikemen for it I kinda think theyre SOL since that's the only mugen content engine that actually does support simul mode with teams of more than 2 chars (4 with the patch).

So how to make an 8v8 patch for mugen?

How to edit system of mugen?

 December 02, 2024, 11:42:52 am View in topic context
avatar  Posted by vicneo  in How to edit system of mugen? (Started by vicneo December 02, 2024, 11:42:52 am
 Board: M.U.G.E.N Configuration Help

How to adjust turn mode in mugen (not ikemen) and make it 8v8 or more?

How do I edit this?

 October 21, 2024, 02:06:31 pm View in topic context
avatar  Posted by vicneo  in How do I edit this? (Started by vicneo October 21, 2024, 02:06:31 pm
 Board: M.U.G.E.N Development Help


Re: how to edit goku 280gou?

 October 18, 2024, 10:57:27 am View in topic context
avatar  Posted by vicneo  in how to edit goku 280gou? (Started by vicneo October 14, 2024, 09:43:01 pm
 Board: M.U.G.E.N Development Help

vicneo you'll need a variable to keep track of all this. More than likely variables are being used to figure out what level he's at.
You need to find what var is used to keep track of the levels. Once you know that, you can edit the CMD file to restrict what states can be used and which one's get used for each level.
Then to have him go from level 3 back to level 1, you'd need to change how the level 3's value is reset. I imagine that it would be at var(X) = 3 and it gets varAdd/varSet to 0. You could have it reset to 1 and that might be all you need for it to work.

So what about adjusting the blue bar in the bottom left corner? Goku's own energy bar, not the game's bar

how to edit goku 280gou?

 October 14, 2024, 09:43:01 pm View in topic context
avatar  Posted by vicneo  in how to edit goku 280gou? (Started by vicneo October 14, 2024, 09:43:01 pm
 Board: M.U.G.E.N Development Help

Hello everyone, I want to create 2 new Pals to force him to only use specified statuses. Below are the "Pal" that I want to apply to him.

Pal 1: Make him only use states like ssj1, ssj2, ssj3. When he runs out of energy bar in ssj3 state, he will return to base state but then he immediately returns to ssj1 state.

Pal 2: Similar to the first one, he can only use statuses like ssgod, ssblue, ssbluekaioken. When he runs out of energy bars in ssbluekaioken, he will return to base state for a moment and then immediately return to ssgod.

Re: How to stop goku's energy bar?

 August 17, 2023, 06:03:27 pm View in topic context
avatar  Posted by vicneo  in How to stop goku's energy bar? (Started by vicneo August 16, 2023, 06:59:38 pm
 Board: M.U.G.E.N Development Help

Use debug. Ctrl+D will bring it up. Watch the stateno value. Go into the move to find out the number.
Inside that stateno you'll probably see a few variables be set. You might have a list of what those variables represent under [Data] [Size] [Velocity] [Movement] [Quotes]

It sounds like it gets a VarAdd to subtract it. Then in Statedef -2 or -3, it gets automatically refilled. Try to find out which Var fits all of that.
You may also want to check the ChangeState in Statedef -1, the cmd file, to see if the Triggers watch for certain Variables there.

The ssj blue kaioken move may have a variable that represents that it has been activated. You can use that variable as a trigger in the code that automatically refills the mana bar in Statedef -2, or -3.

Dig around and see what you come up with. If you're totally stuck, copy and paste the ChangeState that switches into the ssj blue kaioken and the Ultra Instinct moves.

I really don't understand what you are saying, the only thing i need is to turn off the recharge of the energy bar when he is tired (he is in his normal form in a tired pose) after using ssj blue kaikoken, i don't even know which file to go to.

How to stop goku's energy bar?

 August 16, 2023, 06:59:38 pm View in topic context
avatar  Posted by vicneo  in How to stop goku's energy bar? (Started by vicneo August 16, 2023, 06:59:38 pm
 Board: M.U.G.E.N Development Help

I'm using goku by 280gou, whenever he loses his ssj blue kaioken his energy bar constantly recharges making him unable to go to Ultra Instinct but instead goes back to ssj blue. So is there a way to stop his mana bar right after he loses his ssj blue kaioken?

Re: Yagami-AD

 August 02, 2023, 04:27:31 pm View in topic context
avatar  Posted by vicneo  in Yagami-AD (Started by vicneo August 01, 2023, 09:04:09 am
 Board: M.U.G.E.N Development Help


Re: Yagami-AD

 August 01, 2023, 08:27:18 pm View in topic context
avatar  Posted by vicneo  in Yagami-AD (Started by vicneo August 01, 2023, 09:04:09 am
 Board: M.U.G.E.N Development Help

Is there a way to make him instantly go into stronger form when his health starts to lose like Xavier Kim and Orochi K Shura?

You need it for AI or you want it to happen automatically no matter who's in control?

I want it to happen automatically

So, you go to your Statedef -2
and write something like this

[State 0, SelfState]
type = SelfState
trigger1 = statetype != A && ctrl && life<lifemax/2 && var(x) != y
value = ;transformation state number
ctrl = 0
People usually use vars for transformations, so if after transformation he sets var(2) to 1, that's what X and Y should stand for. This is important, or he will spam the transformation endlessly. It's if I understand correctly how this character works, of course. If u do everything right, then, after his health is below 50% he will automatically transform, assuming, he is on the ground and in control, not in the middle of any move etc.

EDIT: if he has many transformations, then u add more Selfstates changing the conditions as you like, and don't forget to include the var part.
And you can choose any life value u see fit, like 'life<500' etc. that was just an example.

but xavier automatically transforms even without losing health, and orochi k shura no matter how he edits cmd, he still transforms automatically when he only loses 1% of his health

Re: Yagami-AD

 August 01, 2023, 02:38:14 pm View in topic context
avatar  Posted by vicneo  in Yagami-AD (Started by vicneo August 01, 2023, 09:04:09 am
 Board: M.U.G.E.N Development Help