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Messages by Brergrsart


Re: Character of the YEAR: 2024

 February 27, 2025, 05:33:52 pm View in topic context
 Posted by Brergrsart  in Character of the YEAR: 2024 (Started by Lyrica February 12, 2025, 02:11:40 pm
 Board: Contributions of the Month

Me and Rabano right now:

Congrats on the win! Well fought, and well deserved. (Also as a side note I kinda miss RK-Bro :( )

I'm honestly happy to have made it this far and to "podium" character of the year in third place is still a great honor.

I can't overstate enough how much I appreciate the out-spoken support I've gotten from the community here, from May (or I guess June?) up until today. It's been a wonderful journey through 2024 and I can't wait to see what 2025 has in store for us all.

Re: Character of the Month: December 2024 Voting

 January 24, 2025, 02:18:36 am View in topic context
 Posted by Brergrsart  in Character of the Month: December 2024 Voting (Started by Lyrica January 21, 2025, 06:19:07 pm
 Board: Contributions of the Month

He is a Hobo he is a Cop. He is a Hobo Cop.

Re: Character of the Month: May 2024 Voting

 July 08, 2024, 12:20:18 am View in topic context
 Posted by Brergrsart  in Character of the Month: May 2024 Voting (Started by Lyrica June 22, 2024, 06:38:42 pm
 Board: Contributions of the Month

o k !

Re: Terrence Bongo (Fatal Fury?) by Brergrsart released

 June 23, 2024, 12:18:44 am View in topic context
 Posted by Brergrsart  in Terrence Bongo (Fatal Fury?) by Brergrsart released (Started by Cavery210 June 03, 2024, 01:14:55 am
 Board: Found Releases 1.0+

Just popping on to mention how much love I put into this character - As the OP mentions, it's been in development since before I started on WannaKOF, and I put in a lot of features into this character because Terry is one of my favorite fighting game characters, and I wanted it to be the most robust character he can be.

Some of the work I put into Terrance includes:
●Custom sprites for select normals, specials, and supers. From minor detail tweaks, to full on new sprites.
 HK, Command MP/HP, Air HP, Taunt Walk, Double or Nothing, Air Buster Wolf, Buster Vacation are some but not all of the examples.
●Making new moves like follow-ups to Rising Tackle, a guard-breaking move called Bongo Buckshot, An Air Buster Wolf - moves that (I feel) would be at right at home home with an official Terry moveset.
●A lot of subsystems and maneuvers like Fatal Fury-like Lane swapping, CVS2-like Roll Cancelling, Just Defending, Alpha counters, A max-mode like overheat system, airdodging, air throws, An assist-like system baked into Power Wave, variant supers, that funny C O U N T E R thing from Strive (Though that last one is more just a visual effect and tacked on extra damage as the KOFXV CD-like wallsplat already in the move is more than sufficient reward for hitting it)
●Tag team supers with WannaKOF and Buster in Simul. While I may not be the first to do this, nor is Terrance my first character packing a tag team super, I still wanted to point this out in case it hasn't been discovered yet.
●Special Intros against a lot of characters, like, a lot of them. A special winpose vs Yamazaki (that hopes he's in a specific pose when KO'd), and even a special interaction with Ray McDougal of all people
●An overhaul to my scaling AI, basically having coded 3 entirely different AI Levels based on the difficulty setting in MUGEN.
●Supers that do different things (visually) when used on Geese, namely Hungry Hunter Buster Wolf and Are You Okay?
●My usual fare, like prolonged idle pose, special animations upon getting KO'd and losing the match, cinematic-like high level supers, and a special mode for selecting Terrance while holding start.

I may have even forgotten a few things in this list, but I put a lot of care and attention into the development of this character, and wanted to make more than "just a joke character" - I hope that shines through when you play him (or watch or however you prefer to enjoy MUGEN). That said, I know a simple laundry list of bells and whistles doesn't really show the love I put into the character, and I implore you to explore this character for yourself to see what I've done.

And for those who have already seen Terrance and have given me good feedback - Thank you so much for enjoying this character and for giving these years I spent on working on Terrance meaning.

Re: Balanced Uncle Joel! (April Fools!)

 April 02, 2022, 11:59:01 pm View in topic context
 Posted by Brergrsart  in Balanced Uncle Joel! (April Fools!) (Started by Karl/Karla April 02, 2022, 04:13:13 am
 Board: Edits & Addons 1.0+

I appreciate that you chose my character as a basis for an April Fools Joke, but the least you could have done was credit me for making the original.

WannaKOF by Brergrsart Released! (12/12/2021)

 December 12, 2021, 06:03:34 am View in topic context
 Posted by Brergrsart  in WannaKOF by Brergrsart Released! (12/12/2021) (Started by Brergrsart December 12, 2021, 06:03:34 am
 Board: Your Releases, 1.0+

​Yo dude... Wanna play some KOF?

Well, if you do, you might have look elsewhere.

WannaKOF is my take on Kyo Kusanagi, whose moveset is centered around his rekka series. His Rekkas can cancel into any other special move, and has some crazy combo potential.
When WannaKOF hits 30 hits, something neat will happen. How you get there is up to you. Will you use his weaker multi-hit moves to get the easier and more consistent road to 30? Or will you try to string together more damaging combos to work your way to an insanely damaging combo?

The thing that happens when WannaKOF hits 30 hits is calculated differently than normal - If you drop a combo, as long as your opponent doesn't recover, your streak will still count. In addition. "The thing" will interrupt your attacks that aren't throws and supers.

WannaKOF has special functions when you hold start while selecting him:

With the A Button - removes his damage scaling and "frees" the entire cast of KOF98 early.
The following buttons feature Kyo's face that deal damage around the screen and have the following extra helpers:
With the B, C, X, Y Buttons - Various stuff flies around on screen.
Z- Oh no.

This character, like my other recently made characters, has scaling AI. The lower the difficulty setting is, the easier they are to fight against. Keep this in mind when using him in AI vs AI battles or if you are having too much trouble fighting against this character.

MUGEN 1.1 Version

MUGEN 1.0 Version

The movelist can be found here:

You can find more of my work at