Board: All That's Left
I will repeat again, don't be a xenophobic.
treats this as a joke and don't even care.You mean like China did in its early stages and how it led the world to this current situation!?
If I would know how the command parser works I'll have fixed the compatibility for it a long time ago.
The problem is.
I have absolutely no idea on how the input parser works.
I personally think people are overreacting. Sure, it has victimized a large number of people, but the media is overhyping it to being the next Black Plague. Thousands is nothing compared to the dozens of millions who died to the latter. Also, my mother asked me to lend her $3,000 last week to stock up, but I flatly said no because that's like a month and a half of my work wages being blown over overhyped bullshit.
Either way, being the quiet city with a relatively small population that is Erie, Pennsylvania... the worst that happened here are face masks being out of stock.
Wait what!?... I thought you're supposed to set lifebars in system.def and not in the lifebar's fight.def itself.
DO you have bars declared in your fight.def? You can declare bars for every mode available, simul, ratio, tag, etc.
Check the default Ikemen Go screenpack fight.def, you can see how to declare bars for every mode.
I'm modifying myself to make some KOF XI tag system.I'm VERY interested on this.