Posted by Unstabler
in Streets of Rage 2 Bonus Game + 12 Chars (Updated 6/30/2022) (Started by K-Fox September 05, 2014, 04:51:54 pm
Board: Your Releases, 1.0+
Board: Your Releases, 1.0+
This is an awesome bonus game, thanks!
Just a few minor issues I noticed:
- When you successfully hit an enemy with Raiden's torpedo attack (Raiden by Omegapsycho), the enemy is not pushed back - it stays frozen in place while hit by attack
1. That sounds like a character-specific problem. I'll check out the character myself to see what is wrong. There may be something I can do to 'fix' this problem.
That would be great, thanks. This same "freezing" problem also occurs when successfully hitting an enemy with Liu Kang's bicycle kick (MKII Liu Kang by Omegapsycho)
Also, when Scorpion's harpoon attack (Scorpion by Omegapsycho) successfully connects, it makes the enemy sprite temporarily disappear, and only sometimes it pulls the enemy sprite towards you. If the enemy sprite does come towards you, they are not dizzy.
I also noticed that with some characters, when they successfully perform a throw attack against an enemy, the enemy's sprite appears misaligned (e.g. Sagat by DivineWolf)
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