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Messages by DivineWolf


Re: Kula retouch

 December 08, 2024, 11:52:57 pm View in topic context
 Posted by DivineWolf  in Kula retouch (Started by Rhythmholic October 12, 2024, 07:21:33 am
 Board: Sprite Projects

Great work with Kula! I think I see newer torso better than old. But there's ONLY ONE think I can not stop seeing. Breast area. Not because me being a pervert(sorry, but I am not!),  there's a small mistake. It looks SO short cut. Instead, you can play a bit withthis (I coloured yellow the missing area, so you can replace it with clothing's colours.

I agree. The more defined shoulders are nice and with that, her breasts do need the extra pixels to round them out. Nice find. Great work Rhyth, I look forward to more progress. :thumbsup:

Re: Kula retouch

 October 17, 2024, 06:14:41 pm View in topic context
 Posted by DivineWolf  in Kula retouch (Started by Rhythmholic October 12, 2024, 07:21:33 am
 Board: Sprite Projects

Looking good. :) I was in the opinion of the bigger head translation from XIII but I didn't notice the legs that Roach pointed out. They're subtle changes but they look nice. I'm looking forward to more progress. Good luck with everything.

Re: Classic VS : Balrog

 September 21, 2024, 09:43:59 pm View in topic context
 Posted by DivineWolf  in Classic VS : Balrog (Started by ELECTR0 January 01, 2019, 01:00:11 am
 Board: Projects

Ah ok, I'll give this a try with KFM as I planned to do some tweaks to him anyway relatively soon. I'll have to add the sprites to the SFF, but it's not a big deal. Once I get it going with him, everything else should fall in line. Thanks. :)

Also, looking forward to see what you do with Balrog. Very nice CS you have going on with him.

Re: Classic VS : Mai

 September 06, 2024, 03:18:27 pm View in topic context
 Posted by DivineWolf  in Classic VS : Balrog (Started by ELECTR0 January 01, 2019, 01:00:11 am
 Board: Projects

It's Mugen in all of the videos, but I also have an Ikemen version of the game. The Ikemen version doesn't have simultanious mode but it does have tag mode.

Oh really? That's even better then. Is this a 1.1 exclusive thing? It doesn't look like it from the vid, though I want to confirm. Honestly, if you don't mind, would you be willing to put up a tutorial/guide on making chars compatible with this/these stage(s) intro(s)? I'd like to try my hand at it and if it's pretty streamline, make all my chars compatible with your stages.

Re: Classic VS : Mai

 August 30, 2024, 06:23:46 pm View in topic context
 Posted by DivineWolf  in Classic VS : Balrog (Started by ELECTR0 January 01, 2019, 01:00:11 am
 Board: Projects

Haha! Nice, I agree. That is really cool. Looks very authentic as if they were all really in Slam Masters. Is this Mugen or Ikemen? I'm assuming the latter? Especially with the Thailand bell throw interaction.(Which is also really cool btw :))

Re: The 504Gateway need to Stop AND MFG need a new Domain Web server

 August 25, 2024, 06:36:03 pm View in topic context
 Posted by DivineWolf  in The 504Gateway need to Stop AND MFG need a new Domain Web server (Started by OldGamer July 28, 2024, 05:49:17 pm
 Board: Feedback

I know all of that. That's why I said either they try and get in contact with the owners and have them hand over the "keys" to this place, or we just make a new forum and transfer everything over. That's honestly the only options. Once that's establish, we can figure out who will fulfill what roles from here on out. Waiting is not an option. This site has been like this for several years and is only getting worse with no attendance. The stuff that you mentioned is next to be affected by this. The longer you all wait, the worst it's gonna get. I barely even want to type this out, as there's like a 60% chance it will just hit me with the 504 bullshit.

I can't even give feedback that I want to give, because so many of my posts have been eaten, and I just give up at that point. Most engagement is hindered because of this. Despite common misconception, Discord has not made taken away the traffic to this forum. The poor maintenance has. It needs to be addressed while it still has legs underneath it, to at the very least make it easier to migrate to a new forum.

Re: The 504Gateway need to Stop AND MFG need a new Domain Web server

 August 24, 2024, 10:40:01 pm View in topic context
 Posted by DivineWolf  in The 504Gateway need to Stop AND MFG need a new Domain Web server (Started by OldGamer July 28, 2024, 05:49:17 pm
 Board: Feedback

I'm going to have to chime in on this and agree. Discord can not replace this forum or at the very least, it's formatting. The Code Library alone is enough to shoot any notion of Discord filling that role. Not to mention focused, individual threads that invite feedback and support with out the discourse that is Discord. You Admins: @Iced: , @JustNoPoint: , @Jmorphman: , @SpeedPreacher: , need to address this situation.

I don't know if it's Nunor or Valodim or who(else) is responsible for the assumed financial upkeep of this site. Though if they're not going to be around/not keep things running smoothly, they should consider handing it off to someone who will. Or, if none of you can get ahold of them and they have moved on from all this(which is fine, life goes on), we should be in talks of making a new forum and transferring all data from this site to the new one. We can discuss finances and upkeep, which I am willing to pitch in with. I'm not just telling you to do something without offering aid myself.

It seems pretty clear that this site unfortunately has been abandoned by it's owner(s), so I believe migrating will most likely be the best course of action. This is very important and should be discussed.

Re: Street Fighter 6 (PS4/PS5/Xbox Series X|S/PC) (Year 2 announced!)

 August 23, 2024, 01:31:22 am View in topic context
 Posted by DivineWolf  in Street Fighter 6 (PS4/PS5/Xbox Series X|S/PC) (Year 2 announced!) (Started by Kirishima February 21, 2022, 06:39:43 am
 Board: Fighting Games

But Terry had that jacket catch intro in Real Bout... :-\ I don't think it's exclusive to his Garou outfit. I think they just showed it off with said outfit.

Re: Street Fighter 6 (PS4/PS5/Xbox Series X|S/PC) (Year 2 announced!)

 August 21, 2024, 04:49:16 pm View in topic context
 Posted by DivineWolf  in Street Fighter 6 (PS4/PS5/Xbox Series X|S/PC) (Year 2 announced!) (Started by Kirishima February 21, 2022, 06:39:43 am
 Board: Fighting Games

His eyes look weird, but the animations are fantastic. I see Fire Kick as a Target Combo into Crack Shoot too, cool.

I thought I was the only one lol. I agree his eyes do look a bit...derpy for lack of a better term. I guess it's more so in correlation with certain facial expression. Though overall, yeah he's awesome.

I think they should have used his ark/City of the Wolves design as the default rather than making it his 2nd costume, but that's just me

Nah the baseball cap alone is way more iconic for Terry. Don't get me wrong, I do like his Garou design as well, but it's just not as iconic.

In addition to having 7 Special Moves at his disposal, he'll also have a unique function that involves  jumping further into the background of the stage similar to Fatal Fury.

Not sure how to feel about his Critical Art.  So many over the years that could have been better choices.

Oh that sounds pretty cool, with the background stuff. As for his Critical Art, I think it's cool they're finally implementing Sempuu Ken into the games. While it was used multiple times in the OVAs, they never gave it to him in the actual games. He even defeated Geese with it in one of the OVAs! Now he has two variants of it in this(SF6) and City of the Wolves. I kinda agree with you tho. As I'm more partial to Buster Ignition myself.

Re: Shin Akuma - SFVI Movelist

 July 15, 2024, 03:02:29 am View in topic context
 Posted by DivineWolf  in Shin Akuma - SFVI Movelist (Started by vyn June 17, 2024, 04:31:56 am
 Board: Projects

I won't lie, that SGS is quite sexy. It's a nice interpretation of it translated to 2D. I'm working on adding SF6 stuff to my Akuma as well, and have been conceptualizing the SGS. I still need some stuff and whatnot, but it's nice to see a lot of what I was imagining can be approximated here(in MUGEN). Very good work. :)

Re: cave2014-red

 June 23, 2024, 06:03:34 pm View in topic context
 Posted by DivineWolf  in cave2014-red (Started by KOFHƎRO77 June 15, 2024, 11:51:00 am
 Board: Edits & Add-ons

Thanks for this. :heart: I like Shiyo's stages, but detest the zoom feature. I believe there are more stages converted from him. I need to find them. :llama:

Re: Blaze released + Tiffany updated (6/2/2024)

 June 23, 2024, 05:45:31 pm View in topic context
 Posted by DivineWolf  in Blaze released + Tiffany updated (6/2/2024) (Started by Rhythmholic June 02, 2024, 04:49:26 pm
 Board: Your Releases, 1.0+

Overall she(Tiffany) still feels great. I have some things of note:

-Throw clsns should go to ground level. I'd honestly say hers is too high. It should be lower so jumping it is more likely, though it should be on ground level so it can grab anyone.
-German Suplex should allow the camera to scroll X vel. Looks odd as it locks currently. Maybe add some width for screen edge?
-The Y hit vels for p2 are too high when launching them(air combo hits). Each hit causes p2 to fly higher than they should. Also air HK/HP doesn't spike p2 hard enough imo.
-I know it's probably a bit confusing with Kyosuke, because of all the wacky restrictions I had to implement with his launcher. However, you have a lot of things there for Tiff that you don't need. Kyosuke's Lightning Upper super also allows him to follow up from it like a launcher. So I had to add multiple restrictions to prevent infinites/multiple launchers in one combo. As far as I can see, Tiff can only launch p2 from her launcher. Which means it's much easier for you, and you don't need all those other variables that Kyosuke does. Cleaning up code and knowing what does what, is what I'm getting at. Technically it does work, but, knowing what you did will help you in future development. If you're having a hard time telling what does what, PM me and I'll help you clean it up.
-Not sure if EX Groovy Knuckle and EX Exciting Kick(Stand) should have projectile resistance. Seeing as how you gave it to EX Groovy Wheel. Also seeing as how EX Groovy Knuckle and (EX)Exciting Kick(Stand) can avoid projectiles with proper timing anyway. EX Knuckle can go under most projectile due to it's clsn mapping. While (EX)Exciting Kick's main offensive perk is jumping over projectiles. Seems a bit redundant.
-Speaking of EX G.Knuckle, have the red clsns while she's spinning extend to ground level to cover bases. It's fine to do so.

I'd like to suggest adding her Double Tornado Uppercut super. It's a really cool super and I'm not sure why you omitted it. :-/ It can remain a Lv2 only super. You don't need to add a Lv 1 variant. One last thing, and this is probably just me, but I have to mention it; I can't help but feel, as far as animations go, that cr.LK should be cr.MK and vice versa. Mainly due to range and how they look in general. This is most likely just a "me" thing though, so feel free to disregard. :P At any rate, I stand by everything I've always said about her. She's very fun and you did a great job on her. :)

As far as Blaze goes... Haven't tested her yet. I'm not a big fan of the sprites or the overall moveset. I'll ignore my biased though and try her out soon.


I'm using the Mugen versions fyi. Also one last thing:

-I feel like (Max)Groovy Special should re-stand p2, rather than juggle the way it does. I haven't tested it fully, but I feel like the juggle allowance could allow shenanigans with the super and launcher now implemented. You won't have to worry about anything like infinites, but she may be able to output some damage and combos now that you didn't intend. I'll have to test to confirm. Actually just came to me when watching the 2nd showcase vid of her(Tiff).

Re: All Characters Updated + Waha released (6/22/2024)

 June 23, 2024, 05:18:22 pm View in topic context
 Posted by DivineWolf  in All Characters Updated + Waha released (6/22/2024) (Started by Amanojaku June 23, 2024, 05:29:18 am
 Board: Your Releases, 1.0+

Yo! Hey it's been awhile. I'm glad to see you updating your stuff and back around. :) I'll try these out relatively soon and get back with you.

Re: All Chars Update(2018 & Beyond)

 June 12, 2024, 04:12:31 pm View in topic context
 Posted by DivineWolf  in All Chars Update(2018 & Beyond) (Started by DivineWolf May 31, 2018, 06:25:07 pm
 Board: Your Releases, older Mugen

I have several things in mind actually. Though if any of it will come to fruition is the real question... :( In the relatively near future, I'll be going over ideas and possible projects in my according threads.

Re: Blaze released + Tiffany updated (6/2/2024)

 June 11, 2024, 02:19:19 pm View in topic context
 Posted by DivineWolf  in Blaze released + Tiffany updated (6/2/2024) (Started by Rhythmholic June 02, 2024, 04:49:26 pm
 Board: Your Releases, 1.0+

I agree with what you say, but this happened to me with Tiffany, and it seems that it was due to the ticks that I mistakenly modified for both of them. But after tweaking the tick values of buffering system, noticed a great change in both in their combo executions.

This is my fault. As you and Cruz followed my example. I was trying to go for how it feels in CVS2, with tighter windows for executions. After months of playtesting and research, along with talks with JZ and Kame, I learned that CVS used 2 for this. However, I went back with what Vans originally defaults it at 3. This is closer to how MUGEN's default cmd buffering feels and is overall easier for the player. I also tweaked how harder commands are read and their timings to be a lot more player friendly. I was going to fill you in, but never got around to it. I apologize for that. You can reference any of my chars now that are up to date, to update accordingly for your chars. If you have any questions, you can PM me.

Those updates for Tiffany look really cool. I'm glad to see you seem to have implemented her launcher to actually follow up after it. Adds a lot more to her damage output and overall offensive flow. I'll DL and get back with you soon.

Re: All Chars Update(2018 & Beyond)

 June 11, 2024, 02:04:38 pm View in topic context
 Posted by DivineWolf  in All Chars Update(2018 & Beyond) (Started by DivineWolf May 31, 2018, 06:25:07 pm
 Board: Your Releases, older Mugen

I apologize for not announcing this, but better late than never. All of my characters have been updated with various things. I don't feel like going over everything with every individual character now, but I'll update the OP with it if you're curious/interested as time goes on. I'll just note the most important things here:

-Firstly, my site is up again. It was up for a while now. All of the latest versions are there.(Check OP for link)
-Tweaked the Tiny Buffering and command timings for all.
-Added an "Config" file that allows you to customize some of the FX.
-Added new FX, SFX.

Morrigan, Rock, and Kula now have AI. Thanks to Kamekaze and DeathScythe respectively. As usual, there's now a "DW" version for those 3 now that remains Win compatible. The only difference is AI.

Re: MUGEN Video thread

 June 11, 2024, 01:51:50 pm View in topic context
 Posted by DivineWolf  in MUGEN Video thread (Started by c001357 September 27, 2008, 11:24:14 am
 Board: M.U.G.E.N Discussion


Re: MUGEN Video thread

 February 01, 2024, 03:13:11 am View in topic context
 Posted by DivineWolf  in MUGEN Video thread (Started by c001357 September 27, 2008, 11:24:14 am
 Board: M.U.G.E.N Discussion


Re: Garden Sand Land Stage 1.1 & 1.0

 January 18, 2024, 05:45:28 pm View in topic context
 Posted by DivineWolf  in Garden Sand Land Stage 1.1 & 1.0 (Started by MatreroG January 18, 2024, 02:25:36 pm
 Board: Your Releases, 1.0+

Another creative and beautiful stage. I expect nothing less. Thanks for sharing.

Re: Ingrid Big Update (01/16/24)

 January 18, 2024, 05:37:32 pm View in topic context
 Posted by DivineWolf  in Ingrid Big Update (01/16/24) (Started by Lyrica December 31, 2023, 11:28:56 pm
 Board: Your Releases, 1.0+

Congrats on the update. I haven't tried her since back when you asked, so I'll redownload her soon and get back with you. I doubt there's much of note to address as you had done everything already.