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Messages by 18DragonSubduingPalm


Re: Requesting any full game (or w/e you have collected) with Hi-res/HD-only roster

 August 12, 2013, 06:01:58 pm View in topic context

I'm talking about editing the pictures to use them for your character's portrait, the process of editing it in photoshop takes skill and effort, depending on the style you're going for. (I know how to add portraits to my characters lol, that part is easy.)

And I'm not talking about just the portraits, but also the little face icons for the selection screen (the tiny face icons for the highlight boxes, not the large picture of the character). Those need to be custom made too, since all the screenpacks are different and use different styles.

What's nice about downloading a full game (compiled, or "true"  full game) is that all of this is done already. All of the icons & portraits are there. And it has a nice professional feel to it. The stages & music are there as well.

Re: Requesting any full game (or w/e you have collected) with Hi-res/HD-only roster

 August 12, 2013, 02:10:25 pm View in topic context

If I can understand, you want compilations. I won't help you for that.
I've seen a lot of compilations released as full games too, and some of them have characters like Luigi and Wonderwoman in the roster lol (basically, rosters with characters from tons of diff games/animes/etc). I'm actually okay with that as long as it still looks nice. But what I'm looking for in this thread is hi-res only games, not low-res games. Low-res games are easy to find.

putting a portrait in a char requires little time
That actually depends. Some portrait styles take more effort than others. Mugen 1.0 screenpacks have different styles of portraits, unlike old mugen.

Re: Requesting any full game (or w/e you have collected) with Hi-res/HD-only roster

 August 12, 2013, 12:18:09 pm View in topic context

lol it seems like everyone has their own definition of what's a "full" game..

Re: Requesting any full game (or w/e you have collected) with Hi-res/HD-only roster

 August 12, 2013, 11:35:52 am View in topic context

I'm looking for any full game mugen (or your own game, if you're kind enough to share it lol..) with hi-res/HD-only characters.

I don't want low-res sprite characters, because I have a ton of them already on my old mugen.

Thanks! =)

Use the "hi-res character" filter next time in Releases/Found Releases sections :P

Is not that hard to build a compilation (or so-called "fullgame") by yourself.
I'd rather download a full game though. All of the portraits and stuff are already made, and there's intros and stuff lol. If I were to compile my own game, I'd have to create a portrait for each character to make them all look consistent with each other. I just prefer full games compiled by other ppl, they do a better job at it than I do. Know what I mean? =)

Re: Requesting any full game (or w/e you have collected) with Hi-res/HD-only roster

 August 12, 2013, 10:23:25 am View in topic context

nvm. you said scroll down, so I thought you were talking about the one at the very bottom. thanks

Re: Requesting any full game (or w/e you have collected) with Hi-res/HD-only roster

 August 11, 2013, 02:08:39 pm View in topic context

Thanks, but the links for that game don't work.. lol Also, do you know of any others? I already have all the GG games for PC lol

Requesting any full game (or w/e you have collected) with Hi-res/HD-only roster

 August 10, 2013, 11:50:12 pm View in topic context

I'm looking for any full game mugen (or your own game, if you're kind enough to share it lol..) with hi-res/HD-only characters.

I don't want low-res sprite characters, because I have a ton of them already on my old mugen.

Thanks! =)

Re: Haven't played MUGEN in 5 years, need help getting started again

 August 03, 2013, 07:06:07 pm View in topic context

Iced beat me to it!!And he is right about Koalas. Watch yourself....
lol, I'm open to different opinions and suggestions. BTW, are you the same Saikoro from Mugen-infantry? I remember someone with your name waaaaay back when I used to play this lol (mainly cuz I only made 1 thread on that forum, and he was one of the people who replied and supported the thread)

Did the profile pic show a dude with two ladies at his side?? Yup. That would be me.  I haven't been there in eons only because it's awesome here. But Infantry was my first Mugen site ever, so I stuck it out there until it went under.
Just sent you a PM =)

Re: Haven't played MUGEN in 5 years, need help getting started again

 August 03, 2013, 06:53:49 pm View in topic context

Iced beat me to it!!And he is right about Koalas. Watch yourself....
lol, I'm open to different opinions and suggestions. BTW, are you the same Saikoro from Mugen-infantry? I remember someone with your name waaaaay back when I used to play this lol (mainly cuz I only made 1 thread on that forum, and he was one of the people who replied and supported the thread)

Haven't played MUGEN in 5 years, need help getting started again

 August 03, 2013, 06:34:40 pm View in topic context

I believe the last time I played this was in 2007 or 2008. I have a few questions in order to get started again.

1. Which mugen program should I download? (Mugen 1.0, winmugen+, etc)
2. What websites do you recommend for downloading screenpacks and characters?
3. Is Mugen 1.1 worth downloading? Does it have compatibility issues or anything?
4. What characters would you recommend to download (fun characters that can do lots of combos)?
5. Any major changes in the past 5 years that I should know about?
