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Messages by Tabris666


Re: MUGEN Video thread

 December 24, 2024, 11:41:10 pm View in topic context
 Posted by Tabris666  in MUGEN Video thread (Started by c001357 September 27, 2008, 11:24:14 am
 Board: M.U.G.E.N Discussion

Well was able to replicate sxvector screenpack almost fully just from images i saw from it.
quite satisfied with how it ended looking

Re: Celebrating 25 years working with MUGEN!

 December 20, 2024, 06:58:21 am View in topic context
 Posted by Tabris666  in Celebrating 25 years working with MUGEN! (Started by O Ilusionista December 17, 2024, 10:17:40 pm
 Board: Your Releases, 1.0+

i am still one of the oldest still working on it, even if community doesn't like me or makes a wiki about me (which i stopped caring when i didn't see anything about me back in 2005 wiki now i won't even care if they did).

Re: Help with a char

 January 26, 2024, 06:29:24 pm View in topic context
 Posted by Tabris666  in Help with a char (Started by Tabris666 January 25, 2024, 06:53:41 pm
 Board: M.U.G.E.N Configuration Help


Re: Help with a char

 January 26, 2024, 03:30:20 am View in topic context
 Posted by Tabris666  in Help with a char (Started by Tabris666 January 25, 2024, 06:53:41 pm
 Board: M.U.G.E.N Configuration Help

I've never once had it crash on me and I've used both 1.0 and 1.1. Do you have a link to the version of the character you're using?
the only one
and while i can agree it doesn't crash in two players or training that doesn't prove it won't crash,not even haseo version is safe from crashing when controlled by CPU.
as i explained is an issue when is controlled by CPU (that log was from blaziken vs blaziken as it crashed)

Re: 3D Stages are Here! a fairly comprehensive guide

 January 26, 2024, 01:01:30 am View in topic context
 Posted by Tabris666  in 3D Stages are Here! a fairly comprehensive guide (Started by SuperFromND November 25, 2023, 07:34:44 pm
 Board: Ikemen General Discussion and Help

are they really 3D??
i wonder this since from what i have seen is just a 2D stage and nothing out of the world since can be done (has been done) on mugen 1.1
for example can i just paste a 3d map on the engine and will run it? it use the general map format of obj or something different?
let's be honest most of the so called 3D aren't really 3D stages on ikemen in fact i tested the so called 3D stages on mugen 1.1 and worked without issues so how is it even a feature if the stages can be used on regular 1.1
this reminds me of netplay implementation "is unique and is the first time  it has been done on mugen" well nope paintown did it,you could set up hamachi to play online with 1.1 (kinda tricky and risky to do but can be done) in fact i laughed when they said "is similar to lunaport for 2D fighter maker" yet it isn't even close (press join...wait 40 minutes...nothing is shown....wait an hourstill nothing...give up on testing ikemen go did it even work??)
some kind of reminder "pre rendering on blender and creating the sprites there doesn't make it 3D point being donkey kong for snes isn't a 3D game"

Help with a char

 January 25, 2024, 06:53:41 pm View in topic context
 Posted by Tabris666  in Help with a char (Started by Tabris666 January 25, 2024, 06:53:41 pm
 Board: M.U.G.E.N Configuration Help

Well needing help with a char,the cahr is blaziken by dshiznetz no matter what i try the char keeps crashing mugen when playing against the CPU.
Tested it on winmugen an no issues at all yet when it comes to .0 and 1.1 it crashes the engine while CPU makes a move.
Did this need some special common1 file or was poorly coded?
This is the log after it crashed :
OKGameflow 3
Gameflow 4
Entering mode select.
Unloading match assets
Freeing players
Game loop init
Mode select init
End of mode select loop
Game loop deinit
Gameflow 6
Reset persist vars team 0
Reset persist vars team 1
Gameflow 7
Entering character select.
Unloading match assets
Freeing players
Game loop init
Unreserved all palettes
Charsel init
Selected char 0 on teamslot 0.0
Char Blaziken.def (0) request pal 0 FFF (FFF) -> reserved 0 (FFE)
Selected char 7 on teamslot 1.0
Char SceptileJG.def (7) request pal 0 FFF (FFF) -> reserved 0 (FFE)
Game loop deinit
Canceled character select.
Gameflow 4
Entering mode select.
Unloading match assets
Freeing players
Game loop init
Mode select init
End of mode select loop
Game loop deinit
Gameflow 6
Reset persist vars team 0
Reset persist vars team 1
Gameflow 7
Entering character select.
Unloading match assets
Freeing players
Game loop init
Unreserved all palettes
Charsel init
Selected char 0 on teamslot 0.0
Char Blaziken.def (0) request pal 0 FFF (FFF) -> reserved 0 (FFE)
Selected char 0 on teamslot 1.0
Char Blaziken.def (0) request pal 0 FFF (FFE) -> reserved 1 (FFC)
End of charsel loop
Game loop deinit
Gameflow 8
Gameflow 9
Gameflow 10
Entering versus screen.
Unloading match assets
Freeing players
Game loop init
Versus screen init
End of versus screen loop
Game loop deinit
Gameflow 11
Unloading system background data...sprite data...OK
Loading match assets...
Loading stage...
  Loading BG...OK
Stage loaded OK
Setting game resolution 1280x960...OK
  Allocating helpers...OK
Match RNG seed: 2141220482
Reset persist vars team 0
Reset persist vars team 1
Loading character chars/R-18/Blaziken/Blaziken.def...
  Loading info...Info: Blaziken loading in pre-1.0 compatible mode
  Loading cmd command set Blaziken.cmd...OK
  Loading cns Blaziken.cns...OK
  Loading cns helperselect.cns...OK
  Loading cmd state entry Blaziken.cmd...OK
  Loading common states common2.cns...OK
  Loading sff Blaziken.sff...OK
  Loading anim Blaziken.air...OK
  Loading snd Blaziken.snd...OK
  Loading pals...OK
  7811 expressions (2358 on trigger lines)
Character Blaziken.def loaded OK
New char Blaziken loaded into cache: (1/6 cached) Load time: 1680.000ms
Player Blaziken cache count increased: 2
Resetting round
Match assets initialized OK
Game loop init
Match loop init

Re: What's the appeal of ikemen go (plus ultra or whatever fork) over mugen?

 January 22, 2024, 05:02:10 am View in topic context
 Posted by Tabris666  in What's the appeal of ikemen go (plus ultra or whatever fork) over mugen? (Started by Tabris666 January 21, 2024, 07:07:46 pm
 Board: M.U.G.E.N Discussion

I realize this is a low effort bait thread, but there's never a bad time to dispel myths.

The appeal of Ikemen is that it basically everything that is tortuous or only viable in a full game environment can be done more easily and universally in ikemen, and a lot shit that are fullstop impossible in mugen are viable in ikemen.

To list a few:

- Ikemen now has support for REAL 3d stages.
- Attached chars makes interactive stages infinitely easier to implement.
- Real-ass characters transformations are doable in ikemen.
- Characters can save and load external information to external files in ikemen.
- Ikemen allows you to run multiple common states on all characters. All the goodies the engine comes packed like stun, guardbreak and tag use this.
- Ikemen gives you a real scripting language with functions, temporary variables and loops and other useful things that make coding *not* be a harrowing experience.
- There's dozens and dozens of new triggers and state controllers; there's far more options for screenpacks and lifebars.

Well i still don't get the appeal and hype of ikemen go over mugen,tested it for a year still same issues over regular ikemen.

If you truly tested the original szz ikemen and ikemen go in the past year you'd realize they're different as night and day. There's been literally thousands of changes since Suehiro moved the project to Go. 0.98.2 to 0.99 alone feels like a huge leap and those are only like one and a half year apart; the original ikemen build was abandoned over 4 years ago.

for example lot of stuff can be added to mugen to increase features via lua,asi plugins and so on which gives more pros to use mugen against ikemen go,this is why i said i still don't understand the hype for ikemen go since it works worse then original ikemen and mugen 1.1 in fact i have seen more cons then pros when it comes to ikemen go.
No you can't easily add new features and plugins because mugen 1.1 is still a black box of uncracked propietary code. In over a decade the only person who has made any meaningful changes to mugen is Ermaccer with mugenhook. It's a dead end.

for example since most people hyping it say "is a replacement to mugen and has more features and you can use all the content for mugen 1.1" yet sadly this isn't true,the only stages that work kind fine are the stages by shiyo kakuge,the characters well the only ones working kinda fine are chibi characters,and you can't use screenpacks of mugen 1.1 without crashing,most characters exclusive to 1.1 have issues when you use them on ikemen go.
This is bullshit. I've tested hundreds of characters and stages from the winmugen and mugen 1.0 eras (none of them "chibi") and by and large they all worked as intended. The only memorable cases where they did not work as intended was due to characters using bad code or stages with zoom having the wrong zoffset, but that has been fixed in 0.99. Screenpacks have worked without a hitch for years.

There are still some weird edge cases, but the average mugen user would not be able to tell the difference between a character running on ikemen versus mugen.
i have tested lot of stuff on ikemen go yet still don't find the appeal,stages work really bad (look smaller then they should),characters have the issue of being bigger then what they look on mugen.
as i said is kinda hard to find the appeal.
about mugen being a black box not really is just people not wanting to change or learn and still using same old chibi chars while complaining of loading times and issues when using modern character (still haven't seen people releasing shaders for mugen when it can be done or lua scripts since mugen 1.1 use lua).
errmancer did a good stuff with the asi plugin and was the hint to users "you can add asi plugins to mugen" and it kinda works similar to those features you mentioned from ikemen go,the nijikaku comunity made more progress with mugen 1.1 then western side learning what can be achieved with the engine something people didn't seem to take kindly,guard break  well we have that since 1.0 is a copy paste code made by hloader over a decade ago (duracelleur did something similar) yet i don't see people using it for lifebars kinda similar to the stun code.
sadly most people don't even bother checking the current documentation available for 1.1 yet they hurried up to ikemen go simply because it added stuff with lua instead of they making the changes manually.
hidden boss can be added to mugen is not that hard and won't be even selectable (just remembering the classic mugen darkness game made this point clear) so you see the point.
sadly is more about people wanting to do less then doing things for mugen (why make a plugin or lua script on mugen 1.1 when they can simply add a line on ikemen go to have different stages for a fight and call it a day)
for example add004 has the best system of all yet people don't use it for reasons,same as increasing the limits of mugen.cfg you know the limits can get higher then the limitations of ikemen go.
For example characters transformations are something that has been done since winmugen era is not something of other world so i don't think is something you can say "is only doable on ikemen go" (just remembering KOF chris that transformed into each of his versions was cool,same as gohan going from normal to SSJ2 and lot of other more).
For example lot of the stuff mentioned was doable on paintown betas before they moved to ikemen go yet no one wanted to use it.

Re: What's the appeal of ikemen go (plus ultra or whatever fork) over mugen?

 January 22, 2024, 02:24:23 am View in topic context
 Posted by Tabris666  in What's the appeal of ikemen go (plus ultra or whatever fork) over mugen? (Started by Tabris666 January 21, 2024, 07:07:46 pm
 Board: M.U.G.E.N Discussion

Ikemen is open source and in constant development.

If you prefer to stay in an obsolete piece of 20+years old software together with poorly coded characters, based on your comments, it's your decision.
while i know is open source thing is it doesn't offer much in amount of things you can do,for example hacking mugen 1.1 and adding features would be better in this case.
i just wondered what is the appeal of ikemen go without bias.
for example lot of stuff can be added to mugen to increase features via lua,asi plugins and so on which gives more pros to use mugen against ikemen go,this is why i said i still don't understand the hype for ikemen go since it works worse then original ikemen and mugen 1.1 in fact i have seen more cons then pros when it comes to ikemen go.
for example since most people hyping it say "is a replacement to mugen and has more features and you can use all the content for mugen 1.1" yet sadly this isn't true,the only stages that work kind fine are the stages by shiyo kakuge,the characters well the only ones working kinda fine are chibi characters,and you can't use screenpacks of mugen 1.1 without crashing,most characters exclusive to 1.1 have issues when you use them on ikemen go.
i understand your point of mugen 1.1 being 10 years old yet if it works better then ikemen go what is the point of using a replacement that doesn't work as close as mugen 1.1.
let's just remember that winmugen era came with lot of content even more when the engine got hacked and improved.
For example which 1.1 screenpack is the closest to club syn screenpack,sadly there is none that uses the whole power of mugen 1.1 right now,are there custom common cns,fightfx and so on that use the whole power of mugen 1.1 there is none,how many tag systems are that use the whole power of mugen 1.1 sadly there is none right now (in winmugen we had unoshe and red navy tag system being the more famous along add002,add003,add004 yet in 1.0 and 1.1 there is nothing like it).
Can an slg game system be done on ikemen go like what was made for mugen 1.1,sadly no one has done it,storymode is for winmugen and 1.1 but there is nothing similar on ikemen go.
As you see is more appealing trying to uncover the whole potential of mugen 1.1,i tested ikemen go for a year yet still can't find the appeal of it besides the 64bit that bypass the 32bit limitation of mugen 1.1 yet if characters,lifebars and so on don't work as intented there what is even the point of using the open source alternative.
Is kinda similar to the other alternative whose developers jumped in the ikemen bandwagon dropping any effort of their open source mugen engine.

Re: Anyone have this stage?

 January 21, 2024, 08:13:51 pm View in topic context
 Posted by Tabris666  in Anyone have this stage? (Started by Zingo January 09, 2024, 08:52:40 pm
 Board: Requests


What's the appeal of ikemen go (plus ultra or whatever fork) over mugen?

 January 21, 2024, 07:07:46 pm View in topic context
 Posted by Tabris666  in What's the appeal of ikemen go (plus ultra or whatever fork) over mugen? (Started by Tabris666 January 21, 2024, 07:07:46 pm
 Board: M.U.G.E.N Discussion

Well i still don't get the appeal and hype of ikemen go over mugen,tested it for a year still same issues over regular ikemen.
Until now i have been unable to see something that will make me change over mugen 1.1.
The only appeal i have seen is:
>network play
>64 bit
besides that i don't see anything at all and seems more like a mugen specially made for chibi characters (we aren't in early 2000s for those limitations).
Mugen characters tend to bug out quite a lot specially chars that have movements like tatsumaki kenpukyaku which once made will corner the opponent creating an infinite move,other issue is stages and characters aren't the proper scale and tend to look bigger then what they are (not an issue on regular old ikemen).
For example some will say "lua scripts are the advantage" but you can use lua scripts on 1.1,other could say "internal shaders are the advantage" you can also use internal shaders on 1.1,others will say "you can have a specially made damage display" yet this was available on 1.1 (it was made by sxvector on one of his screenpacks yet said screenpack is down),as you see there is nothing in favor of ikemen go besides the 64  bit and networking,add004 can add some features on mugen 1.1,hloader made a great guard break system for 1.0 (that can be used on 1.1) so still don't get the appeal of ikemen go.


 January 19, 2024, 09:35:04 pm View in topic context
 Posted by Tabris666  in Kirino + PUBLIC RELEASE (Started by HakiKing+ January 19, 2024, 01:10:47 am
 Board: Your Releases, 1.0+

Nice to see another creator picking up this style! I've noticed some visual oddities that I figured were worth mentioning:
- Her character select portrait is noticeably stretched.
- Not a huge issue, but your take on Kirino is noticeably taller than Vinnie/Ichida's.
- There's an odd lighting effect that appears when using any move with a super flash (Distortion Drives, etc.)
- The B version of Athlete Dash doesn't have any hitsparks when it connects with an opponent, but the A and C versions do.
- The visuals on her Astral Heat are broken in both 640x480 and 1280x720 resolutions, as detailed in the images below. (First image is 640x480, second is 1280x720.)
(Edit) Was doing some more experimenting and realized her Forward C input doesn't have any hit sounds other than the sparkling effects surrounding Kirino.
those are issues with ikemen itself more then the character failing.
best advice would be keep ikemen tests outside of normal mugen 1.1 comments area for references.
i test on both and while nomally no issues on mugen itself,ikemen go on the other hand will have more issues then benefits.

Problem with lifebars

 January 13, 2024, 05:39:06 am View in topic context
 Posted by Tabris666  in Problem with lifebars (Started by Tabris666 January 13, 2024, 05:39:06 am
 Board: M.U.G.E.N Configuration Help

Well old time user here so was checking some new lifebars with localcoord yet most of them have the same issues.
The issue is shown on the pic,the resolution is correct so no problem in that area is just the power bar is always higher then the lower area normally stays on the middle,this has happened too many times (reason of why i stopped using lifebars by several users due to all of them having the same issue) normally it can be fixed by changing stagefit = 0 but looks different then what really is.
The lifebar is the SF6 posted some time ago,tested on 1.1 and ikemen go yet both have the same issue no matter what i try (and changing some stuff doesn't work for unknown reason because it stays on same position despite changing the coordinates X & Y on fight.def),and those aren't the only ones with issues most of raizo lifebars and screenpacks have the same issues,the mortal kombat X ones also same issue,i would really love to use new ones but sadly the authors don't answer those questions (leading me to believe they are using photoshop or making something with localcoords on characters,stages and so on to mmake it look like it works)

Re: Fighter Factory Studio 3.5.3 (UPDATED June, 16)

 September 28, 2022, 06:32:06 pm View in topic context
 Posted by Tabris666  in Fighter Factory Studio 3.5.3 (UPDATED June, 16) (Started by VirtuallTek April 04, 2018, 02:43:30 pm
 Board: Your Releases, 1.0+


Re: Dragon Gals

 August 20, 2022, 09:09:25 pm View in topic context
 Posted by Tabris666  in Dragon Gals (Started by Tabris666 October 12, 2021, 06:58:09 pm
 Board: Hyper DBZ

there aare hundreds of ways to introduce them,and is not that hard to make i already did (private usage) but as always i want to compare them with something being made.
is similar to the current mugen situation with mostly updates but nothing being done,or people taking advantage of 1.1 potential because they are stuck with old standards which is the current case of this dragon ball fangame is not bad but sadly fails as a fangame or taking advantage of the potential since this seems made for winmugen
>low res chars.
>low res stages.
when it could be better and more easy to work if the sprites are made in HD (a 720p sprite is more easy to work then a 160p char which are the HDBZ chars not trying to offend anyone just as a designer is more easy to work on higher resolutions then making low res stuff due to small miss means you have to remake everything again)
advantages of 1.1
>exclusive coding
>more advance techniques
>higher limits
>24 bit sprites
> zoom stages
> proper gpu usage
a lot more can be done but mugen community or certain individuals ruined what could be achieved in 1.1 saying things
>is unstable
>use too much CPU/GPU resources
>crash too often
and similar comments which made people run away from the engine when in reality the problems are less likely to happen and thanks to the 24 bit sprites things can be done more smoothly.

Re: Dragon Gals

 August 20, 2022, 06:29:59 am View in topic context
 Posted by Tabris666  in Dragon Gals (Started by Tabris666 October 12, 2021, 06:58:09 pm
 Board: Hyper DBZ

well sad to see the fans aren't really that knowledgeable as i thought.
bulma is on budokai games,is playable on the DS games along lunch and the others it seems to me that no one wants to make them on z2 team for some unknown reason (probably some guy thinking woman belong in the kitchen or something...kek)
While this promised a lot sadly now is in a really bad state,what most people want in fighting games are girls (reason of why you get tons of them on each dragon ball game) not only that in the last game being made bulma is a playable character, videl is already playable on several games and i think this would attract more users to the project.

Re: My character doesn't want to load into the game when I want to start a fight

 November 27, 2021, 05:32:41 am View in topic context

my guess for now because of lack of details is you are trying to load a 1.1 char on 1.0 or lower sadly it isn't compatible and will crash while loading.

Re: Mugen crashes

 November 27, 2021, 05:30:23 am View in topic context
 Posted by Tabris666  in Mugen crashes  (Started by shotx August 17, 2021, 12:42:30 am
 Board: M.U.G.E.N Configuration Help

Problem is your screenpack,to be precise you are running out of memory,is a normal problem with certain screenpacks.
Some people pointed out that problem is opengl so you have to change it but in reality any PC from the last 10 years can run mugen in opengl mode (you need opengl 1.3 which is technology from 2004 so no need to think your PC can't run it)
Just checking your log you ran out of ram before being able to play since poorly optimized screenpack that uses too many resources add to that the chars and stages and you will run out of memory sooner then later.
Try to test another screenpack and my advice that i always give,avoid using too many chars specially on modern mugen ,in case of 1.0 keep the chars to less then 100 and in case of 1.1 keep the chars to less then 50 in that way you won't run out of memory and your game won't crash.
For example winmugen despite the claim "no limits" it was mostly a way to say "what you want to do is possible and your imagination is the limit" but users started to make those screenpacks of thousand of  slots and fomented the myth but mugen has limits and are mostly on the ram.
>20 HR chars use around 300 to 500 MB of ram
>10 HD chars use up to 1 GB of ram
>40 lowres chars use around 500 MB of ram
add to that the stages and screenpacks to the math and you can notice the limit next time you make something,as an advice TBM screnpack uses around 900 MB of ram just the screenpack wihout chars.

Re: Ran Suginon [Happy Battle]

 November 17, 2021, 05:53:03 pm View in topic context
 Posted by Tabris666  in Ran Suginon [Happy Battle] (Started by valgallah77 October 08, 2021, 05:48:57 pm
 Board: Your Releases, older Mugen

this char looks fine but sadly it isn't Hires as you claim.

Re: Dragon Gals

 October 14, 2021, 04:28:26 am View in topic context
 Posted by Tabris666  in Dragon Gals (Started by Tabris666 October 12, 2021, 06:58:09 pm
 Board: Hyper DBZ

Dragonball FighterZ literally had more Gokus than female characters in it's entire roster. You can count the number of females in Xenoverse with just your two hands despite having a roster of a shitton of characters.
If you want to blame the lack of female characters, blame the source material for botchering the way it treats its ladies. Chi chi and Videl got demoted to non combat roles, Bulma has always been the genius scientist character, 18 was only there to make Cell look better, Kale and Caulifla got their own mini arc in ToP and then thrown to the side when it was done, Launch was so forgettable that even the creator forgot about her existence, 21 was the only female that was an actual prominent character with her own arc and she was made exclusively for FighterZ. Every other female has been too minor of a character.
Dragonball has always been a sausage fest and the male characters are the ones that get most of the spotlight so they get to show up a lot more.

Also, I prefer the english dub over the japanese one.
The english is too forced and WWE so not really like dragon ball at all.
Bulma is a playable character and combatant on games,while fighterZ future is unknown it will be a matter of time before they add bulma in over 550 versions as playable character (i only played one of the mobile games because had bulma and got more bulmas with different styles they even added one that used weapons like freeza with a combat style similar to mister satan),chichi well no need since was already made by ohgaki,Videl well she has always been a fighter that isn't going to change at all,lunch (her correct name) is available on the mobile game and thanks to last update she got over 3 different versions.
Xenoverse well it has lot of characters specially female ones (i found lot of those custom NPC while on parallel quests) add the classic ones and you are done but is a game of customization with a heavy focus on custom characters and NPC.
New movie pan is the MC so things are changing specially with the additions of more female characters which was difficult to do on a series focused on fighting in fact became more popular thanks to adding  Xeno Pan which brought the attention and now the Super Hero movie that brings attention to pan.
PS : would be easier to work if the tool allowed other sound format like ogg,mp3 or others instead of only supporting wav.
I use english dubbers because I can control what they say and get original audio for the game. I wouldnt be able to do that in japanese.
is just screams and some techniques which are currently known is not that hard to figure out,it took me just two weeks to learn japanese so i don't see it as difficult to learn a bit.
I could help you if you want but for that i need a PC which is why i said before "If i get  donation of 1500 dollars i would make Videl,i could go out of my way to make other female characters like bulma and chichi" (have made several chars in the past all of them with a gameplay similar to the one used by choujin chars) since is easy thanks to new sprite techniques using blender and grabbing an mmd of videl from fighterz i could get a really good 2D sprite with no difference from pixel art.

Re: Dragon Gals

 October 13, 2021, 05:24:28 pm View in topic context
 Posted by Tabris666  in Dragon Gals (Started by Tabris666 October 12, 2021, 06:58:09 pm
 Board: Hyper DBZ

more easy i just remove the audio but stop derailing this with unneeded complains of "is because the author wants english" when in reality all the chars had dual audio in the past which he removed in recent "updates"
After checking stuff i realized it would be fool to expect some dragon gals showing up,i realized that after seeing that the only reason he added 18 was because of pressure but not because he really wanted,kinda weird that having female dragon ball characters being officially added balthazar is still thinking in such and obsolete way like "this game is for boys and men,they have to use male characters not female because is from queers" or something like that.
I would love to see more female characters for example i wouldn't mind doing the char but sadly i only work under donations and would be something closer to dragon ball fighter Z with a mix of choujin gameplay (as i said once if i reach the 1500 dollars donation i will make one character since is not that hard to do and there are tons of ways to get 2d sprites thanks to blender you can even use mikumiku dance to make sprites using a KOF shader effect)