Board: M.U.G.E.N Discussion
quite satisfied with how it ended looking
Do you get an error with the crash or does the engine just close?just suddenly closes only that,this is why i found it kinda weird.
I've never once had it crash on me and I've used both 1.0 and 1.1. Do you have a link to the version of the character you're using?the only one
I realize this is a low effort bait thread, but there's never a bad time to dispel myths.i have tested lot of stuff on ikemen go yet still don't find the appeal,stages work really bad (look smaller then they should),characters have the issue of being bigger then what they look on mugen.
The appeal of Ikemen is that it basically everything that is tortuous or only viable in a full game environment can be done more easily and universally in ikemen, and a lot shit that are fullstop impossible in mugen are viable in ikemen.
To list a few:
- Ikemen now has support for REAL 3d stages.
- Attached chars makes interactive stages infinitely easier to implement.
- Real-ass characters transformations are doable in ikemen.
- Characters can save and load external information to external files in ikemen.
- Ikemen allows you to run multiple common states on all characters. All the goodies the engine comes packed like stun, guardbreak and tag use this.
- Ikemen gives you a real scripting language with functions, temporary variables and loops and other useful things that make coding *not* be a harrowing experience.
- There's dozens and dozens of new triggers and state controllers; there's far more options for screenpacks and lifebars.QuoteWell i still don't get the appeal and hype of ikemen go over mugen,tested it for a year still same issues over regular ikemen.
If you truly tested the original szz ikemen and ikemen go in the past year you'd realize they're different as night and day. There's been literally thousands of changes since Suehiro moved the project to Go. 0.98.2 to 0.99 alone feels like a huge leap and those are only like one and a half year apart; the original ikemen build was abandoned over 4 years ago.Quotefor example lot of stuff can be added to mugen to increase features via lua,asi plugins and so on which gives more pros to use mugen against ikemen go,this is why i said i still don't understand the hype for ikemen go since it works worse then original ikemen and mugen 1.1 in fact i have seen more cons then pros when it comes to ikemen go.
No you can't easily add new features and plugins because mugen 1.1 is still a black box of uncracked propietary code. In over a decade the only person who has made any meaningful changes to mugen is Ermaccer with mugenhook. It's a dead end.Quotefor example since most people hyping it say "is a replacement to mugen and has more features and you can use all the content for mugen 1.1" yet sadly this isn't true,the only stages that work kind fine are the stages by shiyo kakuge,the characters well the only ones working kinda fine are chibi characters,and you can't use screenpacks of mugen 1.1 without crashing,most characters exclusive to 1.1 have issues when you use them on ikemen go.
This is bullshit. I've tested hundreds of characters and stages from the winmugen and mugen 1.0 eras (none of them "chibi") and by and large they all worked as intended. The only memorable cases where they did not work as intended was due to characters using bad code or stages with zoom having the wrong zoffset, but that has been fixed in 0.99. Screenpacks have worked without a hitch for years.
There are still some weird edge cases, but the average mugen user would not be able to tell the difference between a character running on ikemen versus mugen.
Ikemen is open source and in constant development.while i know is open source thing is it doesn't offer much in amount of things you can do,for example hacking mugen 1.1 and adding features would be better in this case.
If you prefer to stay in an obsolete piece of 20+years old software together with poorly coded characters, based on your comments, it's your decision.
Here are the post source:he asked because the links are down,it seems oldgamer removed all links outside newage and mugen arcihve on purpose to me.
Good luck!!!
Nice to see another creator picking up this style! I've noticed some visual oddities that I figured were worth mentioning:those are issues with ikemen itself more then the character failing.
- Her character select portrait is noticeably stretched.
- Not a huge issue, but your take on Kirino is noticeably taller than Vinnie/Ichida's.
- There's an odd lighting effect that appears when using any move with a super flash (Distortion Drives, etc.)
- The B version of Athlete Dash doesn't have any hitsparks when it connects with an opponent, but the A and C versions do.
- The visuals on her Astral Heat are broken in both 640x480 and 1280x720 resolutions, as detailed in the images below. (First image is 640x480, second is 1280x720.)
(Edit) Was doing some more experimenting and realized her Forward C input doesn't have any hit sounds other than the sparkling effects surrounding Kirino.
i agree with you i still have been unable to use the latest version because download some files then won't start anything at all...well at least have a working version that is quite older.Fighter Factory Studio keeps getting suspended.
Yeah, infact how Studio is the worst version of Fighter Factory. Version 3 is might be recommended.
Dragonball FighterZ literally had more Gokus than female characters in it's entire roster. You can count the number of females in Xenoverse with just your two hands despite having a roster of a shitton of characters.The english is too forced and WWE so not really like dragon ball at all.
If you want to blame the lack of female characters, blame the source material for botchering the way it treats its ladies. Chi chi and Videl got demoted to non combat roles, Bulma has always been the genius scientist character, 18 was only there to make Cell look better, Kale and Caulifla got their own mini arc in ToP and then thrown to the side when it was done, Launch was so forgettable that even the creator forgot about her existence, 21 was the only female that was an actual prominent character with her own arc and she was made exclusively for FighterZ. Every other female has been too minor of a character.
Dragonball has always been a sausage fest and the male characters are the ones that get most of the spotlight so they get to show up a lot more.
Also, I prefer the english dub over the japanese one.
I use english dubbers because I can control what they say and get original audio for the game. I wouldnt be able to do that in just screams and some techniques which are currently known is not that hard to figure out,it took me just two weeks to learn japanese so i don't see it as difficult to learn a bit.