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I'm happy to know that you're still making Mugen stuff. I remember the first Sakura I put in my Mugen was yours. You are part of a time when I was discovering Mugen as a teenager. Thank you so much.
I'm so glad you made it, Jubei is one of my favorite chars from FF.
So, I made a command list for those who use IKEMEN.
It comes with the def file, just replace it.
Posted by
HLoader about a year ago
IKEMEN Releases
Posted by
Jubei Yamada in CVS Style (Started by
Rabano about a year ago
Sprite Projects
Very nice! Jubei is an underrated character, I like him so much
Awesome release, loved The animations. Thank you so much
Posted by
Hon Fu (CVS/POTS) (Started by
Rabano about a year ago
Your Releases, 1.0+
Very nice, I'll download. Thank you
Posted by
jafar works (Started by
jafar 9 years ago
I'm really impressed with your work, awesome as always. Ganryu Island and TVC stages are so good! I hope you make more from TVC and Samsho.
Loved the Ryo Stage. Downloading now, keep doing this awesome work man.
Awesome. I really hope there are more stages like this coming
I'm really impressed! I remember about your older chars and stages, they were very nice, and you've improved so much! I'm really excited for him.
Parabéns DG! Continue com esse trabalho maravilhoso!
Hi dura7ll3ur! Are you accepting suggestion for the next chars?
Depends of the character....
Oh I understand! Thank you...
I'm so glad we are having so many Darkstalkers content these days... Thank you!
Hi dura7ll3ur! Are you accepting suggestion for the next chars?
Really nice! Karma's Rose is really nice, but I would like to see her working with Soul Satellite, like varo hades version. Soul Illusion would be nice too!
I knew about the first one because it's the same thing in the source game, but I have no idea how the second one happened. Fixed both and reuploaded. Thanks for pointing them out and for the support.
glad to help!
I don't know where to post it, but i would like to thank you POTS, for releasing the Deserted Chateau stage. It's really gorgeous, thank you so much, I think that version was never been converted for mugen.
I'm shocked. Welcome Back!
It's nice to see Power Instinct 5 chars coming!
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