To this day this is still the best stage creation tutorial and where I learned to build stages just by reading rather than trusting a random guy on YouTube telling me to download a program instead of coding it from scratch haha
However, I think some information needs to be updated about Mugen 1.1, as many things have become obsolete in this version (atleast is what i believe based on fighter factory parameters since remove them doesnt affect the stage to work)
Congrats to the Games Bros for their Kyo-2 Also I want to thank you for your votes on my CF chars, didn't expect so much votes on both, it was awesome (I hope to win a COTM with a CF char someday)
How do you let your character move but not attack during the intro (After the announcer says "Round one..." but before he says "FIGHT!"), and ensure hitting an attack button won't skip this intro sequence, and ensure the player cannot attack and won't be teleported back to the starting position when "Fight!" is announced?
I googled this but all I could find was decade-old links and dead sites and forum threads with people saying to google this.
But every Melty Blood character I download can't move at all during the intro, let alone jump or air dash. They just play an intro animation. Some characters prompt the player to pick something during the intro like Melty Blood/Original/ReAct or a Groove but that's not what I'm after.
Also in Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Heritage For The Future, the game doesn't reset the position of the fighters between rounds. If you lost round one in the corner, you get up in the corner, the other player is still standing where they last stood, and you both get a brief window to move around before the next round starts. Results in great mindgames as you both fight for position. How do you replicate that in Mugen Ikemen Go? None of the JJBA characters I downloaded and looked at have code for that.
How do you let your character move but not attack during the intro sequence, and ensure hitting an attack button won't skip this intro sequence, and ensure the player won't be teleported back to the starting position when "Fight!" is announced?
I searched for this but all I could find was decade-old links and dead sites.
But every Melty Blood character I download can't move at all during the intro, let alone jump or air dash. Some characters prompt the player to pick a mode like Melty Blood/Original/ReAct or a Groove but that's not what I'm after.
can u make it so that it has to be the same strength in order for this to happen? like attacks done with lights cannot clash with mediums or hards. Only with other lights. And only normals with normals, specials with specials, excels with excels, and supers with supers?
My latest commission from TKkill I asked him to create the get hit sprites and flip kick from the OG Final Fight games to be used with Poison from 119way. Reference Commissions
Re: My character shouldnt be able to infinitely forward/backdash! Even AI's stumped!
How to convert the 03 select portraits into the mini versions (Aesprite) Step 1: Change the canvas size from 104x111 to 96x90 and make sure trim outside the canvas is turned off to adjust the cropping make sure to crop some of the top to have the portrait end around the top of the shoulder
Step 2: Change sprite size to 32x30 from ear to end of either the farthest cheekbone or forehead should be around 20px and the top to the chin should be around 25x the result won't look perfect at first but you can make the changes to it to match
Works perfectly fine for me in Ikemen Nightly. Great stage though.
The "window" parameter is currently borked in all versions of Ikeman, including the nightly build. Any elements that use it either don't display correctly or at all (affects a few of my stages too).
Re: Character of the Month: January 2025 Nominations
- Fat Replica Atack:F,D,B+KK has no landing sound - Have a very hard time doing foward rolling:DF,DF or back rolling:DB,DB - Why did you exclude the Pal.Defaults in the def. file?
Some suggestion...
- Since you added the general moves from Samurai Shodown 2 (have never seen Eartquakes lie down:D,D), shouldn't he have 2 taunts? - Should be able to cancel the taunt with a short step:same level slash+kick. - No Triangle Flying/Wall Jump? - Maybe make it in the readme clear that in the Fat Copy special the button pressed determines where Earthquake reappears. - Add to the readme that forward and short step does a Hop Up and not a backwards hop
Made one palette for Terry. Took me a while to figure the template out, especially with the Crack Shoot effect, but I think I get it now. If I have the time, I might try to adapt his KOF XV palettes like I did with Iori and Ash.
Also made a few more palettes for Jubei
Spoiler: Jubei Palettes(click to see content)
Three more custom palettes, the last one I attempted to reference Kamen Rider OOO of all things.