Posted by dreadedpotato
in (IKEMEN Only) Command Lists for OHMSBY-styled characters (Started by dreadedpotato February 17, 2024, 07:00:26 amBoard: Resource Releases
I have learned of your many thoughts, but after all, I can't stand it, so, I really need you to change the names and descriptions of the moves back to what they were before the change.Once again, I must respectfully decline. I understand that you disagree with some of the choices I make while editing your movelists, but I don't believe any harm is being done by making edits to the movelists included with your characters. My edited versions don't diminish the hard work and effort you put into making your characters from the custom sprites to the actual designs of their movesets, which is by far the most important part. I also want to reiterate that my edits aren't meant to be "superior" versions of the movelists that you make yourself and I don't make any effort to promote my movelists (original or edited) anywhere but this website and their official Discord server. I don't mean any disrespect by continuing to edit your movelists, but I also have no intention of stopping.