
Add004/Ikemen Tag System (Read 151637 times)

Started by BurningSoul, April 20, 2023, 09:18:26 pm
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Re: Add004/Ikemen Tag System
#61  July 02, 2024, 05:22:56 pm
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When I'm playing tag team coop, second player can't switch and do assist but only player 1 can switch and assist. Is there a way for second player have the ability as player 1?
Re: Add004/Ikemen Tag System
#62  July 05, 2024, 08:14:08 am
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    • USA
Are you able to make the slow camera feature a separate module?
Re: Add004/Ikemen Tag System
#63  July 27, 2024, 04:22:23 am
Didn't realize this updated a couple months ago, got that set up real quick as soon as I realized. New DHC stuff is pretty cool, remember you trying to get it up set up before, so nice to see that's all working smoothly now.

Admittedly few minor nitpicks/requests, although I feel they're worth bringing up:

1) Would really appreciate the ability to tweak the initial timer for how long assists are initially locked off at the beginning of rounds/matches. The default timer as isn't horrible or anything, but just being able to make it a bit faster would be nice.

2) Ability to just outright lock off assists/DHCs in general depending on a certain state number range. Some supers I either just don't want to be DHCable out of, whether because they're Level 3s or just too quirky to be compatible for other reasons, and not being able to stop assist calls during that is kind of annoying, especially in the case they can potentially screw something up.

3) No idea if this intentional or not, figure I may as well bring it up just in case: Calling one assist seems to also lock off calling other available teammates for assists. Would be nice to be able to call more than 1 assist at a time, although if it'd be too much of a headache or cause other issues, I'd completely understand, so no worries.

P.S. Noticed you also fixed the Assist OK text not showing up, HEAVILY appreciate it no longer being invisible, bless you.
Re: Add004/Ikemen Tag System
#64  August 31, 2024, 07:45:16 am
    • Venezuela
I'm having a problem every time I install the module, here is the screenshot:

Am I doing something wrong?
Re: Add004/Ikemen Tag System
#65  September 03, 2024, 08:59:53 pm
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Tag Updated,
Re: Add004/Ikemen Tag System
#66  September 03, 2024, 09:29:40 pm
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Re: Add004/Ikemen Tag System
#67  September 03, 2024, 10:08:08 pm
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not him, but here:
Re: Add004/Ikemen Tag System
#68  September 05, 2024, 09:25:11 pm
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  • Pixels are atom's of resolution,Low-res or Hi-res
    • Turkey
Re: Add004/Ikemen Tag System
#69  September 12, 2024, 06:53:02 am
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    • USA
Just wanted to know if there's is way for player 2 to switch and super