
Ash Crimson Released (Read 49138 times)

Started by Chazzanova, November 30, 2013, 05:51:28 pm
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Re: Ash Crimson Released
#61  December 04, 2013, 02:08:17 am
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Updated again, now with AI made by Quickfist : D.
Re: Ash Crimson Released
#62  December 04, 2013, 02:09:54 am
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    • Blacksight22@Yahoo.Com.Ve
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Guys, keep in mind it's my first time coding AI, so feedback would be very much appreciated

Re: Ash Crimson Released
#63  December 04, 2013, 02:50:50 am
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Guys, keep in mind it's my first time coding AI, so feedback would be very much appreciated

Just tested out his AI all he seems to do is spam you with VENTOSE & THERMIDOR.
You rarely get a punch pr kick out of him, hes pretty easy to beat since its just jumping over his Projectiles
and comboing the shit out of him haha, other than that his AI is much better than before  :2thumbsup:

by the way I like the read me, very nice!
Re: Ash Crimson Released
#64  December 04, 2013, 10:53:46 am
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Hm... His AI is a bit TOO spammy. And not in a difficult way.

He tries to use Genee when up close to the foe... Often times leading him to get punished.

And he has no regard for when people could out projectile him. Such as with super projectiles. Like Shinku Hadouken. Or even projectiles that just fly under his. Like Rugal's Reppuken.

I also feel sometimes he parries things he shouldn't be able to... But I might just be crazy, this needs more testing.

The same is true for Dark Ash mode as well.

However, there are some things I DO like about this AI. I like how when Dark Ash uses Thermidor, and the foe rolls through it. He often times grabs them out of the roll, and throws them into the projectile anyway. That's a good touch to punish those too eager to do damage to him.

He just needs to use more moves, since right now he's too predictable.

Also, as a suggestion for his block advantages... If I recall right, generally mediums are less safe then lights. And heavies are less safe then mediums. But then again, there are exceptions... Like Morphman's Guile. His block safety seems a bit odd.
Re: Ash Crimson Released
#65  December 04, 2013, 11:44:28 pm
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Updated again, fixes in the AI.

Aslo, Data, I will try to fix the issues of frame advantage on the next update.
Re: Ash Crimson Released
#66  December 05, 2013, 12:33:29 am
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Awesome! Thanks guyz for update.
Re: Ash Crimson Released
#67  December 05, 2013, 12:40:15 am
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Thanks for the Update, I will give him a test run.
Re: Ash Crimson Released
#68  December 05, 2013, 02:50:59 am
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    • Argentina
And updated again, fixed (I think) the issues of the frame advantage (thanks @_Data_Drain_ , you get a spot on the ReadMe ;)), aslo, implemented a new option in the config file that regulates the Ventose to your tastes (2k3-XI, XIII or mix).
Re: Ash Crimson Released
#69  December 05, 2013, 04:57:11 am
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I just noticed one thing pointed out, whenever he performs fructidor, his kofxiii sprite appears for some reason, intentional?
Re: Ash Crimson Released
#70  December 05, 2013, 05:13:37 am
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    • Blacksight22@Yahoo.Com.Ve
    • Skype - sebastian.osio
Please read the WIP´thread, just the latest pages.
I'm way too tired to answer something so obvious

Re: Ash Crimson Released
#71  December 05, 2013, 05:34:19 am
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Your first drewski post is something to cherish.

What exactly is the difference between all the Ventose's?

Hitsouds are all weird, the punches and kicks all use the same hitsounds for the standing attacks, standing and crouching light/medium punches use the same hitsounds,

The special winpose for win vs. Kyo and Iori isn't in here, and it's cool, so c'mon. :V

Hate to keep beating this horse, but the custom gethit animation for MAX Germinal is really pointless. There's no reason to have one when the character's own gethit animations will (in most cases) look more fluid, because it isn't constrained by the required gethits. And it really should check if for a collapse animation (check for 5955 first, then 5950), and if not, then play a custom collapse animation that uses standard sprites, because a collapse animation would make that attack look much, much better, and it's a very common animation.

The velmul in both regular and EX Germinal Caprice have an ignorehitpause = 1 in them, meaning they will activate during the hitpause. This isn't super noticeable for the regular version (but it still should be fixed), but for the EX version, it results in Ash's being frozen in place until P2 bounces off the wall, which looks really weird.

Like Morphman's Guile. His block safety seems a bit odd.
The frame advantage is really, really bad for my Guile (well, not for him, but you know what I mean), it's one of the things I need to get around to fixing.
Re: Ash Crimson Released
#72  December 05, 2013, 05:48:45 am
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    • Venezuela
    • Blacksight22@Yahoo.Com.Ve
    • Skype - sebastian.osio
Jay, do me a favor will ya?
Open Ash's Supers CNS and look for this state: [Statedef 3251]
You may notice that I did exactly what you told me, so please, stop beating the poor horse, and if you don't have that change in your copy of the char, then it is outdated

I'll check the other stuff, regarding the differences between Ventose's
2k3-XI launches a double reppuken-like projectile, 2 in 1
XIII launches a single projectile and hits when forming it in his hands

Re: Ash Crimson Released
#73  December 05, 2013, 05:56:27 am
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    • USA
Ah, I thought it was supposed to change the Ash's throwing animation or something.

Jay, do me a favor will ya?
Open Ash's Supers CNS and look for this state: [Statedef 3251]
You may notice that I did exactly what you told me, so please, stop beating the poor horse, and if you don't have that change in your copy of the char, then it is outdated
I downloaded the version on the site tonight. It uses Ash's own gethit animations, not P2's own animations. So people with collapse anims don't actually play them, they can't use their own gethit animations for the hits before collapse, and so on.
Re: Ash Crimson Released
#74  December 05, 2013, 06:08:37 am
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    • Venezuela
    • Blacksight22@Yahoo.Com.Ve
    • Skype - sebastian.osio
And why does it work en every char in my roster?

Re: Ash Crimson Released
#75  December 05, 2013, 06:23:23 am
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  • If you’re gonna reach for a star...
  • reach for the lowest one you can.
    • USA
Dunno. I'm just going by what's in the version on the site:

Re: Ash Crimson Released
#76  December 05, 2013, 08:56:35 pm
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    • Argentina
Hitsouds are all weird, the punches and kicks all use the same hitsounds for the standing attacks, standing and crouching light/medium punches use the same hitsounds,

The special winpose for win vs. Kyo and Iori isn't in here, and it's cool, so c'mon. :V
Fixed. Aslo, added a winpose for Perfect, and another one against Magaki. Should I do it active against any final boss?

The velmul in both regular and EX Germinal Caprice have an ignorehitpause = 1 in them, meaning they will activate during the hitpause. This isn't super noticeable for the regular version (but it still should be fixed), but for the EX version, it results in Ash's being frozen in place until P2 bounces off the wall, which looks really weird.

I'll update when I fix the issue of MAX Germinal. Thanks for testing :)
Re: Ash Crimson Released
#77  December 05, 2013, 09:22:42 pm
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Hm... I notice something odd.

If you have the palette selector on, and the Dark Ash selector. You can't switch to Dark Ash mode when facing Iori/Kyo.

Also... Have you thought about having separate def files for normal Ash, and Dark Ash? This way, it would be easier to set Dark Ash as a boss, or sub boss in Arcade mode.
Re: Ash Crimson Released
#78  December 05, 2013, 11:19:11 pm
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    • Argentina
Hm... I notice something odd.

If you have the palette selector on, and the Dark Ash selector. You can't switch to Dark Ash mode when facing Iori/Kyo.

Also... Have you thought about having separate def files for normal Ash, and Dark Ash? This way, it would be easier to set Dark Ash as a boss, or sub boss in Arcade mode.

Thanks for the report, this bug really baffles me, but ask for it.

Updated, fixed the thing pointed by Jmorphman.
Re: Ash Crimson Released
#79  December 06, 2013, 12:47:24 am
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    • USA
So now anytime he performs MAX Germinal,the opponent will either have a delayed fall,and then not get up [JMorphman's Kyo and Divine Wolf's KFM] or loop the collapse animation [Quickfist's Ioris].

Additional Edit: Ash himself doesn't seem to collapse as well.

Additional Edit Sequel: Neither the perfect winpose,nor the winpose against Kyo seem to play.He's just always in his stance animation.
Last Edit: December 06, 2013, 01:13:38 am by Project.13
Re: Ash Crimson Released
#80  December 06, 2013, 01:25:58 am
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    • Argentina
So now anytime he performs MAX Germinal,the opponent will either have a delayed fall,and then not get up [JMorphman's Kyo and Divine Wolf's KFM] or loop the collapse animation [Quickfist's Ioris].

Additional Edit: Ash himself doesn't seem to collapse as well.

Fixed. Thanks. Sorry, inadvertently I uploaded a outdated version. Now, updated again.