
Basara's WIP thread (There's not just CF this 2025) (Read 1874594 times)

Started by Basara Bogard, October 12, 2010, 08:33:06 pm
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Re: Basara's WIP thread (Still in SPvTWTG Mode)
#741  October 05, 2017, 05:56:19 am
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OK, now that Envy was released, I'm still in SPvTW mode now, so these are the announcements I've to say about that:
  • I'll keep working on Kim, but not sure if i could finish her this 2017, i'm still ensembling her SFF since she hasn't much sprites added in the time I retake MUGEN
  • I'm making another SPvTW character, but not from Scott's group right now. It's a surprise by now, but probably would be finished during these months (if not THIS month if I get this fast)
  • I want to retake the spriting thread, but this time to make some of the unripped characters: Wallace Wells. As you know, I made some sprites for him as Scott's striker, but the idea is to make him completely as character, and this time would be easier since the original sprites are a copy-paste version of Stephen, so I'll modify those ones to make Wallace. I still got the screenshots Rolento gave me, so he has a couple more of moves I can make, but I'll still need more shots to get the complete sprites (is Rolento still alive, anyone??). I hope to revivie the thread soon, I hope so
  • And now for something completely different: I want to retake Guild Database!! I hope to restart my work there now I got more time, I can't tell you when i'll get this, for the intentioon to come back as admin for the Database is for real
That's all I can tell you by now, let's see if the time is still to my favor as is now, I hope so :P
Re: Basara's WIP thread (Back to the Classics: Chiho Masuda)
#742  October 23, 2017, 05:36:49 pm
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Well, after the surprise release of Robot Chuck, I decided to get back to my old WIP folders and see what can I do...

And now, Chiho Masuda will be back as my main project!! Yes, I decided to revive her as one of the old debts I got to you (and since many have still asking for her even during these days). I take a look of what i've done already and she has all basics but only a few attacks (only standing punches), so I'm adding the rest of them to make her fully playable and then starting with her moves. Also, seeing the sounds of the game, I don't remember if in VGC you can get them as well... also, I've to play my VG games to remember how Chiho plays (I only rmemeber her 2 classic moves, the kunai projectile and the charge attack) and then start to make her for MUGEN once for all...

And, I got a surprise for you I'm preparing during these days, maybe I can release them before halloween, let's see if I can do it :P
Re: Basara's WIP thread (Back to the Classics: Chiho Masuda)
#743  October 24, 2017, 07:02:30 pm
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That's great! Will you make her gameplay similar to AVG2?
Re: Basara's WIP thread (Back to the Classics: Chiho Masuda)
#744  October 24, 2017, 07:18:53 pm
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That's the idea since the beginning, basing her gameplay and movelist from AVG2 and VGC, but also I want to make a secret mode with the gameplay of the first VG games, even I made some palettes based on them :P
Re: Basara's WIP thread (Back to the Classics: Chiho Masuda)
#745  October 24, 2017, 10:26:23 pm
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That's the idea since the beginning, basing her gameplay and movelist from AVG2 and VGC, but also I want to make a secret mode with the gameplay of the first VG games, even I made some palettes based on them :P

I wish you luck on chiho herself
Re: Basara's WIP thread (I'm back... and so Rose)
#746  January 25, 2019, 09:07:11 pm
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Hi guys, I hope you miss me after being absent all 2018, not just in the forum.
Yeah, I come back to MUGEN and this time to finish Rose once for all.
She got all basics ready and 3 moves: Soul Spark, Soul Spiral and Soul Throw (this one I still code it), also now she has Gai Tendou's SND, so she has all CVS2 sounds, now changing Gai's voice for Rose's as well making the rest of specials and supers and finally adding sparks to her (the official ones by Relampago and the normal ones from CVS2)

I'm decided to finish her once for all so this will be my next release. Don't expect a date, because I don't ever know one. And before you ask, Kim Pine and Chiho Masuda are also part of my list, as well Larry Light, who was de-on-hold'd and now is a WIP. As well another one you'll see in other thrad over there soon.

That's all. I'm back to MUGEN and I missed this so badly, you know :D
Re: Basara's WIP thread (I'm back... and so Rose)
#747  January 25, 2019, 09:11:20 pm
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Good to hear from ya! I was wondering where you went, and I figured you was done with MUGEN.
Re: Basara's WIP thread (I'm back... and so Rose)
#748  January 25, 2019, 09:18:57 pm
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Well, I couldn't make something related to MUGEN in all 2018, my life was a mess all that year (I can't write details here) and barely I could make cosplay (my other big hobby apart of MUGEN), and not even post here or in MFFA.

Finally these days I can re-ensemble my life together, and I remember MUGEN and what I did in the past, so I decided to come back this time, and also I remembered all the debts I got, one of them was Rose, the project more advanced of all I made, so I took it and now I'm gonna finish this once for all
Re: Basara's WIP thread (I'm back... and so Rose)
#749  January 25, 2019, 11:24:51 pm
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is chiho masuda going well so far...?
Re: Basara's WIP thread (I'm back... and so Rose)
#750  January 26, 2019, 03:32:25 am
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Well, yeah... she has all basics until now, still adding basic punches and kicks, but eventually I'll take her back ;)
Re: Basara's WIP thread (I'm back... and so Rose)
#751  March 30, 2019, 05:01:24 am
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Hi guys, I'm reviving my normal WIPS thread for some stuff I want you to say:
  • During the making of Ice, I used my Blizzard (the icy karateka and brother of XXX) to see some things on Frosty's evil clone, but I found various unsolved bugs on Blizzard... which makes me update him to the actual standards (not just fix his bugs), probably I'll do it after Ice's release ;)
  • The release of Zior's Kim Pine as well his other SPVTW releases re-enacted me to finish my version of Kim, which suprisingly is different of the version I saw on Zior (I thought he could make the same I was planning for her), so maybe I should finish her in these months
  • Same as above, but in the bad way, is Animugen's Rick Strowd XI, good to see more Rick chars on MUGEN but this one I don't like it, the demonstration video makes me take my own KOF version of him kept with dust since years (and even I may say decades) and restarting it to a proper KOF version (in my EX version as Rai, Ryu and Yuki, of course), let´s experiment a bit with him and I'll say if he's worth to be my new project in a close future
  • I really need to play again Variable Geo games to retake Chiho, at least she has all his basic moves, now it's time to code her moves, I'll be playing AVG2 and VGC during these weeks to get more inspiration for her, wish me luck
  • And before you ask... yeah, I'm still keeping Rose as the primary character, I'm just stuck with some things, but I hope to retake her soon ;)
Re: Basara's WIP thread (Working on old & new stuff)
#752  June 09, 2019, 08:08:22 pm
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Yes, I decided to make her in the end: False Yuka, the evil clone of Yuka Takeuchi from Variable Geo series. She's now added to my official WIPs instead of being just an idea. She will be part of my "Doppelganger Project" I got, along with my already made chars Roxy and Shelly Tarlar (when I finished her, I'll make a separate section for them in Experimental Series chars in my website). These're the things she will have:
  • The same movelist than the original Yuka, modified to be slighty different
  • SFF provided by DivineWolf's Yuka (CS'd by XCB), which is free source but I asked for permission anyway XD also, I'll use Yuka's voices from NyanKiryu ver.
  • As Shelly and Roxy, she'll have 6-buttons (3 punches and 3 kicks) and SFA's gameplay and sparks to be consistent with them
  • 12 palettes, 6 of them will be cosplays of another females (pretty well done thanks to the CS)
  • I modified a bit the small portait to be different than DW's Yuka, looks cool, isn't it?? >:D
Too late, I already released her :XD:

Apart of her, I'll become necromancer and I'll revive some old projects I got (adviced before as well in my head only) with the time, both are original characters I wanted to do since long time ago:

1. Kenji Sagara
A ye-olde project from my first years, Kenji is an edit of Rock Howard, a teenager with fire powers, but with a twist... his flames are green. In a beginning manually editing MOTW Rock sprites in a time the CS were inexistent, now I found a CS Rock based on his CVS2 incarnation (by Froz) that I can convert easily now into Kenji. I still keep some of his original FX with green flames (from MVC Dhalsim) which I'll probably reuse for him

2. Fuego
Her name is unknown by now (in reality I didn't think one for her), but her nick means "Fire" in Spanish, so she's probably a latina (and a spicy one :kiss2:). As her name says, she'll use fire powers and she's after Blizzard to "warm up" a little :heart: (think about Kisarah after Joe in AODK). A character I got my head long time ago and now I want to make something real with her. The sprite you saw is the first attempt to recreate her, so after deciding to make her, I made a complete look with her portrait (here's a complete version). As you can see, she'll use ROTD's Sonia sprites, but don't worry, she'll play as Sonia as Blizzard plays the same as Reiji Oyama (that means, nothing). Looking for a MUGEN version of Sonia to get the SFF and then changing the colors to start the AIR and coding in general. About the voice, I know a close friend of mine who apart of drawing she's also a voice actress for fan projects (mostly for Megaman X) that can help me with that ;) this won't happen, so looking for a new voice :(

Well, don't expect a release date for those 2 original chars, but I'll be working on them during this time, maybe some shots and a video I'll be making soon. About False Yuka, she's advanced until now, I hope to show you more than those 2 shots, as well advancing in my other projects here (I've invested more time in ClayFighter WIPS than in my normal ones) in turtle-walk. That's all, I hope you like them, I promise I'll posting some of them soon ;)
Last Edit: July 10, 2020, 02:41:48 am by Basara Tiny
Re: Basara's WIP thread (Working on old & new stuff)
#753  June 09, 2019, 10:41:24 pm
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It's cool to hear about you, Boss Bass :D!!

I don't know if there's an already CSed Sonya, so the outfit could be a bit different and not that "sprite swap". Maybe different sleeves, so them to be flesh.

And even Kenji is Valyrian Fire green fire, I see a lot of FIRE there. Are they related?
I swear there was something cool here!!
Re: Basara's WIP thread (Working on old & new stuff)
#754  June 10, 2019, 12:25:21 am
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Thanks man :D

AFAIK, there's no CS of any ROTD char out there, not even the Billy and Jimmy bros. Anyway, I wanted to play her different than Sonia, so she wouldn't be a spriteswap at all (the first char I was thinking about getting fire powers for her was Kyo Kusanagi indeed)

No as I know, Kenji is very old, he's from the time I was starting to work on Eric, Gai Tendou and Gen-an. The green fire idea came from Doom games and it was predated in MUGEN by Zelgadis296's Scylla and later by Ash Crimson. Eventually I never continued him because the sprites, but now there're CS chars and Rock was one of them I thought it could be a good idea to make him finally now that I got more knowledge on chars than in my first years
Last Edit: June 10, 2019, 12:30:04 am by Bad Mr. Basara
Re: Basara's WIP thread (Working on old & new stuff)
#755  June 10, 2019, 01:55:51 am
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Re: Basara's WIP thread (Working on old & new stuff)
#756  June 10, 2019, 01:08:30 pm
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Hope you still plan to work on Larry Light BK!
Re: Basara's WIP thread (Working on old & new stuff)
#757  June 11, 2019, 11:37:54 pm
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Actually there is a Jimmy cs hold up!AispdDQgkFaalxW0RlcZi-C6JkMO
Wow, there was one!! Also, I remembered there's a CS for Lynn Baker I guess. However, there's nothing about Sonia AFAIK

Hope you still plan to work on Larry Light BK!
He's frozen, but not cancelled. Eventually I'll retake him someday, I've a debt from years ago here :P

Also, about False Yuka... I got her all her basic moves and all her basic punches and kicks, now starting to work in her specials, I think the first video will come very soon ;)
Re: Basara's WIP thread (Working on old & new stuff)
#758  June 16, 2019, 04:10:06 pm
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Glad to know there will be some more progress on your work Basara!
Keep it up with unconventional characters! ^^
I like it!
Re: Basara's WIP thread (Vamos a prender MUGEN, papi <3)
#759  July 10, 2020, 02:59:30 am
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Reviving this since I didn't noticed I announced officially False Yuka exactly a year ago :mlol:
OK, as you already know, False Yuka was released a week ago, but also I've to say this...

Fuego has been started officially as MUGEN character!!
Has passed so much time since I made an original character, so it's time to break the internet one more time with her. As I mentioned a year ago, she's connected with Blizzard and XXX, mostly with the former :swoon: I'm thinking about her possible moveset and her voice (I want something original, so I'll recruit some friends on my FB that can help me with that), but technically speaking, she has all the basics but punches and kicks, a punching bag basically. Of course, Fuego has the same base used for Blizzard and XXX, including FX and sounds (I've to add the former BTW). So, I'll be playing with her (in a good way) to decide which kind of moves will have based on her SFF (taken from RYO 2005's Sonia).

Also, probably I'll be looking on Chiho and Larry, other 2 pendent debts I got with you... apart of keep working on Bad Mr. Frosty (but that's for the other thread). So, expect surprises, boys and girls ;)
Re: Basara's WIP thread (Vamos a prender MUGEN, papi <3)
#760  July 10, 2020, 03:38:51 pm
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Nice, also slowpoke but AnimugenZ's XI Rick you mention when you talking about redoing Your KOF Rick was a edit of the KOF EXUM Rick (Wich was made by the game's maker 119way).
Last Edit: July 10, 2020, 03:45:16 pm by SwordmasterZack