
the best way for merging pcx that have been separated in RGB channels + 1 alpha  (Read 14345 times)

Started by electrocaid, June 14, 2014, 11:35:16 am
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the best way for merging pcx that have been separated in RGB channels + 1 alpha
#1  June 14, 2014, 11:35:16 am
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I'm currently trying to solve the hereabove mentionned puzzle:

How to gather - if possible easily - the splitted parts of an image divided in 3 RGB channels + 1 alpha channel?

I manage the merging of the 3 RGB channels but i don't know at all how to add the alpha channel to recover the original image

please help!!!
Re: the best way for merging pcx that have been separated in RGB channels + 1 alpha
#2  June 14, 2014, 04:13:08 pm
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This will work, I use GIMP

- In original image: Layer/Mask/Add layer mask and init to anything (white is OK)
- Load the greyscale for the alpha image as layer in same image or in another image.
- Select all & copy to clipboard
- Back to original image layer, make sure it's selected, you can also check that Layer/Mask/Edit layer mask is still set
- Edit/paste: this creates a floating selection
- Layer/Anchor layer: moves floating selection to layer mask
- Apply layer mask
<- Foros Mugen en español. And also English forums.
Re: the best way for merging pcx that have been separated in RGB channels + 1 alpha
#3  June 14, 2014, 06:42:07 pm
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thanks for your help but i'm still having headaches....

even if i've GIMP...

in your explanation: original image = the jpeg file from the merging of RGB channels ?

Load the greyscale for the alpha image as layer in same image or in another image

  • open the alpha channel
  • image -> grayscale

sorry but there's really something that's missing me....  :bigcry:
Re: the best way for merging pcx that have been separated in RGB channels + 1 alpha
#4  June 14, 2014, 07:06:59 pm
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Are you doing RGB before putting the 3 pcx images on Fighter Factory?
Re: the best way for merging pcx that have been separated in RGB channels + 1 alpha
#5  June 14, 2014, 07:29:42 pm
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Re: the best way for merging pcx that have been separated in RGB channels + 1 alpha
#6  June 14, 2014, 07:32:23 pm
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Sorry my mistake.
Re: the best way for merging pcx that have been separated in RGB channels + 1 alpha
#7  June 15, 2014, 09:01:32 am
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Nice try

anyway, i've tried tried tried & tried again without result : i still can't merge decently the alpha channel with the RGB image  :wall:
Re: the best way for merging pcx that have been separated in RGB channels + 1 alpha
#8  June 16, 2014, 04:28:29 am
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If you use Photoshop, paste every layer in a new file and then in layer blend modes (where it's multiplay, overlay and those things) click on Linear Dodge on every layer and tadaaaaaa, you have the original image merged.

If I'm not clear, here I leave you an example:
Last Edit: June 16, 2014, 04:31:48 am by 【 HadeS 】
Re: the best way for merging pcx that have been separated in RGB channels + 1 alpha
#9  June 16, 2014, 06:13:21 pm
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Re: the best way for merging pcx that have been separated in RGB channels + 1 alpha
#10  June 16, 2014, 07:30:42 pm
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Re: the best way for merging pcx that have been separated in RGB channels + 1 alpha
#11  June 16, 2014, 07:39:10 pm
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my my my....

thanks a lot but i'm very very frustrated: how is it possible for me to be so stupid...???

this is totaly unbelievable not to understand how to do  :'(
Re: the best way for merging pcx that have been separated in RGB channels + 1 alpha
#12  June 16, 2014, 07:43:51 pm
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    • Argentina
Maybe when you created a file you had the settings for "grayscale" instead of RGB 8 Bits, but don't worry. There you have them in RGB colors again :D

And no problem, buddy! I like helping when I can :)
Re: the best way for merging pcx that have been separated in RGB channels + 1 alpha
#13  June 16, 2014, 08:14:35 pm
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... well, if i'm correct, i've first tried with RGB sheet & then, by despair, with grayscale one...

the problem is that i should learn how to do that by myself because there will surely be tons of other ones in future (i've already tried to "revive" more than 400 bgs...)

i don't wanna abuse of your kindness... ;)
Re: the best way for merging pcx that have been separated in RGB channels + 1 alpha
#14  August 31, 2014, 11:18:54 am
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If you're using Photoshop, there's no need to bother with multiple files, multiple layers with different blend modes, etc etc. Just open the Channels window (Window menu -> Channels, it appears as a tab on the Layers window by default) and simply paste each of the greyscale images into their corresponding Colour Channel. Click the New Channel button at the bottom of the window to add an Alpha Channel, and paste the Alpha image there. Done.