
B-kun's 63 1/3 Comeback: Blue Suede Goo released, Earthworm Jim updated (update) (Read 14229 times)

Started by Basara Bogard, February 24, 2019, 08:17:33 pm
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B-kun's 63 1/3 Comeback: Blue Suede Goo released, Earthworm Jim updated (update)
#1  February 24, 2019, 08:17:33 pm
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Hi guys!! I've been absent all the past 2018 for personal reasons, but now I'm back with these creations from ClayFighter franchise (and to honor its death and Interplay's in 2016) I've been worked all this summer (yes, here in the southern it's summer) and now they're finally ready to be launched. Let me introduce you my new stuff:

1. Blue Suede Goo
The Elvis impersonator from the first game is back to MUGEN with this new version, which is faithful to the first ClayFighter and CF: Tournament Edition from SNES (since basic to special moves are accurate to the source) but made under the 63 1/3 engine made for Earthworm Jim, as well added various of the features from this game (since sounds and sparks to moves like Overhead Attack, Launcher, Claytalities and the complete combo system, Insane Combos included). I like the result of this character and I hope you enjoy him as I did creating him... OH MOMMA!!
Spoiler: Screenshots (click to see content)

2. Earthworm Jim
The favourite videogames worm is back with a vengeance!! I finally can add all the sprites I needed to get a more complete version of him (adapted and modified from the spritesheet by Random Talking Bush). These are some of the major changes from this update:
  • Various anims (since basics to specials/supers) now have more sprites, so now Jim is more fluid than before
  • He had just one before, now Jim has all the 6 Insane Combos (Ultras) from the game!!
  • Finally made the intro (supersuit falling from sky) and winpose (Jim shooting to himself) from 63 1/3
  • Added his 2 throws from the game
  • Added 2 new Claytalities from the game: Launch from MUGEN and Squish Claytality, completing 3 in total!! (only 2 more should be made to get him all of them)
  • More voice samples added, included the hitsounds
  • Compatible with these custom states: squished/splatted, burnt, stuck in the ground (DrKelexo's Deathmask) and cheap KO
  • Compatibility with MUGEN1.0+ (data, winquotes, etc), just choose "ewj-m1.def" and that's all (Blue Suede Goo also has this BTW)
Spoiler: Screenshots (new ones) (click to see content)

So here they are, I hope you enjoy them... and I hope to make more characters from ClayFighter 63 1/3 (Bad Mr. Frosty and Boogerman are in my chars-to-do list), as well adapting from the first 2 games as I did wth BSG (if you like the result of BSG, I'm interested to revive Tiny in a future). So, download them now!!

Chars -> Adaptations

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

03/08/2019: Both chars has been updated!!
Both chars:
- Dampered damage, since normal hits to supers and combo system
- Added a special CMD for MUGEN1.0+
Earthworm Jim:
- Fixed bug on Cow From Sky for chars that doesn't have the 7689 anim
- Made minor fixes on throws
Blue Suede Goo:
- Fixed some stuff in readme (now is in full english :P)
- Fixed splatted sprite on 7689
- Fixed infinites on normal hits as well unguardables on normal kicks

03/13/2019: Jim has been updated AGAIN!!
Earthworm Jim:
- FINALLY fixed bug on Cow From Sky
- Added more time on afterimage for Insane Combos
Last Edit: March 13, 2019, 11:14:17 pm by Basara Suede Goo
Re: B-kun's 63 1/3 Comeback: Blue Suede Goo released, Earthworm Jim updated
#2  February 25, 2019, 12:54:47 am
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Blue Suede Goo is great. As for Jim, he's pretty good. Jim's sprite need to be of a better quality, and he's still missing some from the game (full crouching animation for one).
Spriting is harder than I thought.
Re: B-kun's 63 1/3 Comeback: Blue Suede Goo released, Earthworm Jim updated
#3  February 25, 2019, 01:07:33 am
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Thanks!! I got that pendant by now since I wanted to get the new sprites for the moves and poses I needed. But yeah, eventually most of the ugly sprites (all the char was ripped from Project64's shots years before the spritesheets appeared) will be resprited with the new method (quality sprite resize + bright/contrast) in a close future ;)
Re: B-kun's 63 1/3 Comeback: Blue Suede Goo released, Earthworm Jim updated
#4  February 25, 2019, 07:20:12 pm
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played around with Blue Suede Goo for a bit and right off the bat you can preform infinites with his basics while his standing kicks are unblockable. His air basics also can't be air blocked. other than that he plays ok, though he could be improved.
Last Edit: February 25, 2019, 08:26:39 pm by Meldo Wiseau
Re: B-kun's 63 1/3 Comeback: Blue Suede Goo released, Earthworm Jim updated
#5  February 25, 2019, 08:10:51 pm
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Wow, I never noticed those stuff :o thanks for the feedback, I'll fix those things as soon as I can ;)
Re: B-kun's 63 1/3 Comeback: Blue Suede Goo released, Earthworm Jim updated
#6  February 26, 2019, 12:47:34 am
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both Blue Suede Goo and Earthworm jim look really good so far. though I am having some trouble getting their combos to work right (mostly trying to get the auto doubles to work before going into the linker)

other than that these two are awesome. can't wait to see more characters. Hopefully you'll do characters that even Shadowtak never got the chance to do back in the day.
Re: B-kun's 63 1/3 Comeback: Blue Suede Goo released, Earthworm Jim updated
#7  February 26, 2019, 02:00:07 am
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Hahaha, that's a thing I couldn't code in its moment when I released Jim for first time: I couldn't make the auto doubles in the system, so you've to jump that and go directly to the others (combo opener -> (linkers ->) finisher/insane combo, all without auto doubles)

I would like to make more characters in this style, I love how I can manage them in MUGEN. As I said before, I'm tempted to make Tiny in 63 1/3 style, and maybe Helga and Octohead in a future, who knows :P
Re: B-kun's 63 1/3 Comeback: Blue Suede Goo released, Earthworm Jim updated
#8  February 26, 2019, 02:30:20 am
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oh okay, I get it now.

Tiny would be cool to see in 63 1/3 style. Especially if you mix his Clayfighter 1 and 2 move sets together. Also would love to see Octohead and Helga as well. I could imagine if you get to N.Boss he'll be tricky to do since all his moves involve using projectiles from what I remember in Clayfighter 1
Re: B-kun's 63 1/3 Comeback: Blue Suede Goo released, Earthworm Jim updated
#9  February 26, 2019, 10:05:08 pm
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These characters are rather overpowered. I'd suggest adding a damage dampener.
Spriting is harder than I thought.
Re: B-kun's 63 1/3 Comeback: Blue Suede Goo released, Earthworm Jim updated
#10  February 26, 2019, 11:21:25 pm
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That's very vague, sorry. In which type they're overpowered?? In normal moves?? In special or supers?? In the combo system?? also, they haven't AI more than the MUGEN standard one
Re: B-kun's 63 1/3 Comeback: Blue Suede Goo released, Earthworm Jim updated
#11  February 27, 2019, 02:39:42 am
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That's very vague, sorry. In which type they're overpowered?? In normal moves?? In special or supers?? In the combo system?? also, they haven't AI more than the MUGEN standard one

Their attacks do too much damage in general. One of Jim's combo finishers does 300 damage, which is a lot. You should nerf the medium and heavy normals, specials, combo system, and hypers.
Spriting is harder than I thought.
Re: B-kun's 63 1/3 Comeback: Blue Suede Goo released, Earthworm Jim updated
#12  February 27, 2019, 03:24:01 am
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Oh, I see, thanks for the aclaration :) yeah, I'll see those things for the next update too (also I found a bug on one of Jim's claytalities BTW)
Re: B-kun's 63 1/3 Comeback: Blue Suede Goo released, Earthworm Jim updated
#13  February 27, 2019, 06:15:01 am
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definitely like the insane combos for both Jim and Blue Suede Goo. the combo system is real good once I got used to it. Can't wait for more of the Clayfighter cast to arrive.
Re: B-kun's 63 1/3 Comeback: Blue Suede Goo released, Earthworm Jim updated (update)
#14  March 08, 2019, 02:05:23 pm
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03/08/2019: Both chars has been updated!!

Both chars:
- Dampered damage, since normal hits to supers and combo system
- Added a special CMD for MUGEN1.0+
Earthworm Jim:
- Fixed bug on Cow From Sky for chars that doesn't have the 7689 anim
- Made minor fixes on throws
Blue Suede Goo:
- Fixed some stuff in readme (now is in full english :P)
- Fixed splatted sprite on 7689
- Fixed infinites on normal hits as well unguardables on normal kicks
Re: B-kun's 63 1/3 Comeback: Blue Suede Goo released, Earthworm Jim updated (update)
#15  March 08, 2019, 03:41:58 pm
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Nice work Basara Suede Goo!
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

Some quick feedback...

 - dunno about the ClayFighter system, but Blue Suede Goo trows are on F + z/c, Earthworm Jims on F + y/z. Maybe get the throws on the same system.

- p2 vanishes for a short time while in "Cow from Sky" Claytality. Tested against Kung Fu Man by DivineWolf in MUEGN 1.0... and maybe you should adjust the position of p2/the cow.
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

How about adding the Island from the source game with p2 flying away after the "Launch from MUGEN" claytality from both chars?
Last Edit: March 08, 2019, 03:53:48 pm by Staubhold
Re: B-kun's 63 1/3 Comeback: Blue Suede Goo released, Earthworm Jim updated (update)
#16  March 08, 2019, 05:01:51 pm
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Thanks a lot!! :D i hope to make a good job on Boogerman, that's other of my favourite characters in the game ;)

- dunno about the ClayFighter system, but Blue Suede Goo trows are on F + z/c, Earthworm Jims on F + y/z. Maybe get the throws on the same system.

- p2 vanishes for a short time while in "Cow from Sky" Claytality. Tested against Kung Fu Man by DivineWolf in MUEGN 1.0... and maybe you should adjust the position of p2/the cow.
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

How about adding the Island from the source game with p2 flying away after the "Launch from MUGEN" claytality from both chars?
-Hmmm, I could see that. That's the way how it works on 63 1/3 (x/y or a/b in MUGEN's case), but BSG only had one throw in CF1/TE (the hair throw was made by me). Maybe I can do that too to get the same system, I'll see that

-Whoa, I didin't noticed that :o I'll see that since that's a bug still bother me (I thought I finally got it, but I see it's not, damn)

-In a beginning I tried to do that when I was making Jim back in 2011, even I got the island's image (from Sculptor's Cut) and tried to use AngleDraw, but I failed miserably so I never use it as Claytality. So, when I retake this in january, I prefer to make dissapear the opponent instead using the island (that's why I renamed as "Launch from MUGEN"), and it worked well after all :P
Re: B-kun's 63 1/3 Comeback: Blue Suede Goo released, Earthworm Jim updated (update)
#17  March 08, 2019, 05:02:46 pm
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Was wondering where you'd been, man. Glad to see you're back, your creations are so well-made!
tyrannosaurus: we’re all gonna die!
triceratops: oh my god i never got to say sorry to my wife, my kids are all the way in the east sleeping in their nest and i wont even be able to see them one last time...god damn it! FUCK THIS WORLD! Why is god so cruel? Why did he do this to me? I regret so much, i lived for so long but I never did anything of meaning with my life, i treated my wife and kids like shit and wasted my years away at a school to get a job i dont even like, to make money to sustain a life a dont enjoy! IM SO SORRY CAROL! GOODBYE, KIDS! FUCK THIS GAY EARTH!
Re: B-kun's 63 1/3 Comeback: Blue Suede Goo released, Earthworm Jim updated (update)
#18  March 08, 2019, 05:03:41 pm
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Thanks man!! Very appretiated :D
Re: B-kun's 63 1/3 Comeback: Blue Suede Goo released, Earthworm Jim updated (update)
#19  March 13, 2019, 11:16:38 pm
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03/13/2019: Jim has been updated AGAIN!!
Earthworm Jim:
- FINALLY fixed bug on Cow From Sky
- Added more time on afterimage for Insane Combos

I hope this time the bug won't appear again ¬.¬
Re: B-kun's 63 1/3 Comeback: Blue Suede Goo released, Earthworm Jim updated (update)
#20  March 13, 2019, 11:27:13 pm
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Tested it. Looks like the cow bug is gone. Good job!