
Books (Read 579634 times)

Started by Sepp, September 06, 2004, 07:17:29 pm
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Re: Books
#121  November 17, 2008, 12:41:34 am
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    Sex for Dummies
Nobody reads this thread anyway, right? ;) It's an old woman writing this, and it shows sometimes. Not really recommended for the 21st century.
lol, a friend read part of it and told me it's like reading a book about love and sex back in the 18th century. :P

At The Mountain of Madness
The Call of Cthulhu
I read both of them not so long ago, along with "the shadow out of time" and "the dreams in the witch-house".
They were my first reading of HP Lovecraft novels... and probably the last ones. Now I understand better why some people love him while others just cannot stand his style. His style is just "Too much" for me. I had to read some sentences up to 4 times (in French) to understand more or less what it was about. :gonk:

I'm currently reading Dune Messiah (finally time I read one of SF's masterpiece), and I'll soon start Foundation & Empire (Book 2 of the Foundation series by Isaac Asimov) and Renegade's Magic (Book 3 of the Soldier Son trilogy by Robin Hobb).


Re: Books
#122  November 17, 2008, 12:45:28 am
Did anyone read the book Beggars & Sons (Prosijaci i Sinovi)? By Ivan Raos.
If you have the book in your library please read it, you will know how we lived then.
Re: Books
#123  November 17, 2008, 01:02:12 am
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Sepp: did you read Feuchtgebiete?
Re: Books
#124  November 17, 2008, 01:48:27 am
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only thing that came to my mind for the moment is Le Dernier jour d'un condamné (Last Days of a Condemned Man), and Planet of the Apes

on my list:
The Alchemist
V for Vendetta
"I’m never gonna grab anything by its balls, especially life. especially if life shows up in the incarnation where it would have testicles. if life showed up and had balls, the last thing I would do is grab those balls" - kyle kinane
Re: Books
#125  November 17, 2008, 01:53:31 am
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The books I've been reading lately are by Jules Verne and John Grisham.

ironic signature because this is interesting text

I like hate mail
Re: Books
#126  November 17, 2008, 01:56:24 am
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This reminds me

The voice of Fire By Alan Moore.

Amazingly well done and entertaining, really an interesting piece.
Its a collection of short stories all on the same town in Britain, along the ages, starting in the pre historic times.
Re: Books
#127  November 17, 2008, 02:08:04 am
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Came across it in the library and remembered Bia recommending it, so... only got a few pages in so far.
The series runs on a few of centuries and include Noble House, Shogun, Tai-Pan, Whirlwind, Gai-Jin and King Rat - going from before 1600 all the way to 1945, passing through Japan, China, Israel (I think ? Somewhere in the Middle-East for Whirlwind) and a ship for prisonners during WWII.
Shogun is amazing for various reasons (except the Dutch and Japanese dialogues are just way off), but I totally hated Gai-Jin - it was just a collection of people who were each uglier than the next one. Only a couple of good guys deep down on each "side", but it wasn't enough to buy back how ugly the people and the events went. Regarding the characters, their personnalities and how the events go, Shogun and Gai-Jin are pretty much complete opposite. Loved one, hated the other.
Dunno about the others in the series, haven't read them.
If I struggled to the end of my determination, to the end of my way of life with my followers, if the result is ruin, then this ruin is inevitable. Grieve. Shed tears. But you cannot regret.
Last Edit: November 17, 2008, 03:14:06 am by [B]yakko


Re: Books
#128  November 17, 2008, 03:24:15 am
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only thing that came to my mind for the moment is Le Dernier jour d'un condamné (Last Days of a Condemned Man), and Planet of the Apes

on my list:
The Alchemist
V for Vendetta

You're going to love The Alchemist, well maybe not, but I did.  I reread it every once in a while and underline some of my favorite quotes.

Looks like the last few months have been guide-heavy...

    Sex for Dummies
Nobody reads this thread anyway, right? ;) It's an old woman writing this, and it shows sometimes. Not really recommended for the 21st century.

    The Complete Idiot's Guide to Amazing Sex
A younger author, sometimes silly or with overdone coolness (noticed the awful title?), but with more practical tips and more appropriate text all around.

I'm curious......  why? 

  The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul
All right, but nowhere as good as the first reading of The Hitchhicker's Guide.

I had the author reading this one (audio book)  wow!  Listen if you ever get the chance, it makes a real difference.

Interview with the Vampire
My only expose to Anne Rice's world so far had been the movie version of Queen of the Damned and I thought maybe the movie didn't do her justice. It probably didn't, but turns out I don't like the actual books much either. Hated it throughout and kept skipping pages!

you just don't like her style, or something else?

Been picking up on cheap books , so my latest reading are things that most people already read a long time before.
Terry pratchet Discworld's - Mort
Read the translated version, had heard about him before but never had the possibility to read any discworld, it was entertaining original and made me laugh quite a few times, loved the way he would break into describing the world in tangents.
Reminded me of a more interesting Lovecraft.

His writing is wonderful!  Did you ever read Good Omens that he co-wrote with Neil Gaiman?

Came across it in the library and remembered Bia recommending it, so... only got a few pages in so far.
The series runs on a few of centuries and include Noble House, Shogun, Tai-Pan, Whirlwind, Gai-Jin and King Rat - going from before 1600 all the way to 1945, passing through Japan, China, Israel (I think ? Somewhere in the Middle-East for Whirlwind) and a ship for prisonners during WWII.
Shogun is amazing for various reasons (except the Dutch and Japanese dialogues are just way off), but I totally hated Gai-Jin - it was just a collection of people who were each uglier than the next one. Only a couple of good guys deep down on each "side", but it wasn't enough to buy back how ugly the people and the events went. Regarding the characters, their personnalities and how the events go, Shogun and Gai-Jin are pretty much complete opposite. Loved one, hated the other.
Dunno about the others in the series, haven't read them.

I liked King Rat the best, I'm not really sure why.

I'm rereading the Dune series before I give the books away to my sister for her students.  I'm not sure whats next, something a little trashy I guess.

Re: Books
#129  November 17, 2008, 06:36:08 am
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Well by what I am reading right now, I'm sure many will say that I am one of those people who just follow, but I only read them cause that caught my eye.  :P

Book I am reading now
Eclipse by Stephenie
I am reading the Twilight books. My Girl Friend got me to read them, and I got to say that its been a good while since I got into a book Sage, last being Harry Potter. Now its not just about Vampire sex.  ::)

Some books I read in the past
All Harry Potter
What Can I say, its what got me into reading.
Kind of filled me up when I was done with Harry Potter, hope to pick up the 2nd and 3rd one up soon.
My Girl Friend also got me into these books, but I feel these could use a lot more work, they seem to go at a really fast pace, but it gets a plus for putting views of different eyes in each book. I might pick up the 4th and 5th up after getting the others out of the way.

I did try Lord of the rings, but never got it done, might try to go back to it one day.

Also reading gets me to write a few stories myself, now if I can only can get them published  :P
Re: Books
#130  November 17, 2008, 06:54:57 am
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My favorite books of all time.

1984. It's not just the Big Brother stuff. If you ever had a girl friend in the Military while serving, you will find all the shit that two main characters were going through to be very familiar.

The Count of Monte Cristo. It's long but very Awesome indeed.

The Red Badge of courage, this book is a requirement for anybody who wants to know how war is.

My so called Mates, The only book i ever read that is honest about drugs and the people involved.

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. If you never have done a hallucinogenic then don't bother reading.... You just won't get it.


Re: Books
#131  November 17, 2008, 10:56:38 am
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Re: Books
#132  November 17, 2008, 12:37:22 pm
Did anyone readed Forest Gump? Blackwater Sound? What about you Oz?
Re: Books
#133  November 17, 2008, 02:39:28 pm
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I haven't read either but I'm told that the movie Forrest Gump is the only first half of the book that it went all the through the 1980s so I need to check it out.

I mean I got to see if Forrest played SF in 1987 LOL
Re: Books
#134  November 17, 2008, 02:49:03 pm
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Re: Books
#135  November 17, 2008, 03:41:29 pm
I haven't read either but I'm told that the movie Forrest Gump is the only first half of the book that it went all the through the 1980s so I need to check it out.

I mean I got to see if Forrest played SF in 1987 LOL
I watched Forest Gump but I know there were details that's difrent in the book. Forest didn't met Bubba in the army.
Re: Books
#136  November 17, 2008, 04:43:32 pm
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conscious dreamers can be treasurer to their own currency
im a conscious dreamer
therefore i can be treasurer to my own currency

i can be the mind controller
Re: Books
#137  November 17, 2008, 06:54:05 pm
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Well. At least it's not Eragon! I suppose Twilight is better than Eragon, right? I read the first page of Eragon at a friend's and wanted to hurl the book across the room. =)

I agree with this, i've kinda tried on the "New Sith" series and it's just BAD. As a character he's been completely ruined. And everyone but Jaina is now all namby pamby. It's gone downhill a lot since the joiner trilogy. Those were pretty awful too.

I liked the clone wars ones though with omega/delta squads.

The clones don't interest me. I'll have to buy Luke Skywalker and the Shadows of Mindor next because it's Matt Stover. But for the rest of Star Wars, I'll just continue to read the storyline summaries and shake my head about them.

About Hitchhiker's: I saw the movie first, and I actually liked it better than the book. Especially Marvin, while being adorably depressed in the movie ("I have a suggestion, but noone listens to me anyways.." and actually noone even noticing him, "Can I have my arm back now?" in that very disinterested tone.. loved those scenes) just felt very cynic in the book :sadgoi:

I'm not sure which book it is in, The Restaurant at the End of the Universe possibly... but far and away the best scene was not in the film: in which Marvin, unarmed, is ordered to stay behind and stop the super high-tech tank robot from hell...

I'm curious......  why?
How did I end up reading those? Well you see one day I caught a friend reading up on fellatio in Sex for Dummies and the resulting discussion... haha. :p

you just don't like her style, or something else?

I like vampires, guess I just can't stand Anne Rice. The deal with the young girl was intriguing, but, meh.

lol, a friend read part of it and told me it's like reading a book about love and sex back in the 18th century. :P

Your friend *faye eyes* exaggerated. A bit. XD

Spoiler: Sex for Dummies (click to see content)

Sex for Dummies reads like it's been writing for another age by some old lady constantly scaring you about dangerous dangerous WATCH OUT sexually transmitted diseases.

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Amazing Sex sounds about as bad as it can get for a book title, but is way more appropriately written all in all, have fun kids but pay attention.

And as far as tips go, apparently complete idiots are way above to dummies. The typical Dummie description of something will read like, "In oral sex, one person applies his mouth and possibly tongue to his partner's genitalia [oh really?] and then does whatever pleases his partner [well thanks for that advice!]." Idiots are able of handling actual examples. Hm.

Sepp: did you read Feuchtgebiete?

"Several times now, Achamian thought he had glimpsed golden haloes about Kellhus's hands. He found himself envying those, such as Proyas, who claimed to see them all the time."
--R. Scott Bakker
The Thousandfold Thought (2006)
Re: Books
#138  November 17, 2008, 06:58:48 pm
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I recently reread the hitchiker's guide series. besides that I plan to "read" umineko, which is supossed to be a sound novel and it would be my first of those.
Re: Books
#139  November 17, 2008, 07:04:15 pm
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I didnt read that one but I did read a lot of material from Neil Gaiman, one of my personal favorite writers.
Re: Books
#140  November 17, 2008, 07:07:11 pm
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Well. At least it's not Eragon! I suppose Twilight is better than Eragon, right? I read the first page of Eragon at a friend's and wanted to hurl the book across the room. =)

Huh. I thought the first Eragon book was ok, not very memorable but ok. The second was negatively memorable. It sounds like a 15 year old d&d gamemaster going marty-stu-fanfic on the first book. Srsly. --;