Well. At least it's not Eragon! I suppose Twilight is better than Eragon, right? I read the first page of Eragon at a friend's and wanted to hurl the book across the room. 
I agree with this, i've kinda tried on the "New Sith" series and it's just BAD. As a character he's been completely ruined. And everyone but Jaina is now all namby pamby. It's gone downhill a lot since the joiner trilogy. Those were pretty awful too.
I liked the clone wars ones though with omega/delta squads.
The clones don't interest me. I'll have to buy Luke Skywalker and the Shadows of Mindor next because it's Matt Stover. But for the rest of Star Wars, I'll just continue to read the storyline summaries and shake my head about them.
About Hitchhiker's: I saw the movie first, and I actually liked it better than the book. Especially Marvin, while being adorably depressed in the movie ("I have a suggestion, but noone listens to me anyways.." and actually noone even noticing him, "Can I have my arm back now?" in that very disinterested tone.. loved those scenes) just felt very cynic in the book 
I'm not sure which book it is in, The Restaurant at the End of the Universe possibly... but far and away the best scene was not in the film: in which Marvin, unarmed, is ordered to stay behind and stop the super high-tech tank robot from hell...
I'm curious...... why?
How did I end up reading those? Well you see one day I caught a friend reading up on fellatio in Sex for Dummies and the resulting discussion... haha. :p
you just don't like her style, or something else?
I like vampires, guess I just can't stand Anne Rice. The deal with the young girl was intriguing, but, meh.
lol, a friend read part of it and told me it's like reading a book about love and sex back in the 18th century. 
Your friend *faye eyes* exaggerated. A bit. XD
Spoiler: Sex for Dummies (click to see content)
Not everyone thinks that this freedom is a sign of progress. Many religious
leaders decry the concept of recreational sex (sex intended only to provide
pleasure). And, because I’m old-fashioned and a square, I, too, say repeatedly
that one-night stands are not a good idea, even though you can possibly have
sex with hundreds of people and never once make a baby.
The purpose of this book isn’t to debate the moral consequences of the
sexual revolution, however. Maybe one day you’ll be able to buy Morality For
Dummies, but until then, you’re going to have to look elsewhere for a full discussion
on the subject.
The only thing that I will state, one more time, is that sex between two people
who are part of a committed relationship is much better than sex between
people who are basically strangers. I say this not to attach any moral stigma
to other types of behavior, but simply because I truly believe that if you
follow this advice, your sex life will improve.
Sex for Dummies reads like it's been writing for another age by some old lady constantly scaring you about dangerous dangerous WATCH OUT sexually transmitted diseases.
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Amazing Sex sounds about as bad as it can get for a book title, but is way more appropriately written all in all, have fun kids but pay attention.
And as far as tips go, apparently complete idiots are way above to dummies. The typical Dummie description of something will read like, "In oral sex, one person applies his mouth and possibly tongue to his partner's genitalia [oh really?] and then does whatever pleases his partner [well thanks for that advice!]." Idiots are able of handling actual examples. Hm.
Sepp: did you read Feuchtgebiete?