
Build 50 (4/29) (Read 42381 times)

Started by FrantzX, April 29, 2009, 12:13:51 pm
Build 50 (4/29)
#1  April 29, 2009, 12:13:51 pm
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Donate to xnaMugen with PayPal. I like money.

If you like xnaMugen, please inform MUGEN creators to test their creations with xnaMugen. The more testers I can get, the better xnaMugen becomes.

If you are going to give a bug report, PLEASE include a link so I can download the character / stage / screenpack in question. If the bug report is for a character, please state how to do the move to cause the bug, along with the state number of said move. It will save me a lot of time.

What's New:
Bug Fix - Crash bug when drawing tiling background.
Bug Fix - Explod positioning with 'MakeGameAnim' state controller.
Bug Fix - Combo counter.
Bug Fix - Bugfix with building expression trees with unary operators.
Bug Fix - PalFx timing.
Bug Fix - Helpers blocking attacks.
Bug Fix - Hitspark facing.
Bug Fix - Character bind behavior.
Bug Fix - Crash when helper is removed twice with 'DestroySelf' state controller.
Added - Assertion 'Unguardable'.
Added - Undocumented trigger 'Const(Data.Power)'.
Added - Reflections
Added - Shadows
Improvement - New drawing system.
Improvement - xnaMugen will automatically look in the 'stages/' directory for the stage sprite file.
Improvement - Background handling.
Improvement - Multiple character no longer can use the same palette.

For The Next Version:
Improvement - Allowed for Unix linebreaks (\n & \r\n both work now).
Improvement - Loosened parsing for Phsyics / StateType / MoveType

To Do List (Long Term)
Pushing behavior
Juggle Checking
CNS cleaner/combiner helper program.
Sprite/Animation viewer.
Last Edit: May 08, 2009, 01:48:38 pm by FrantzX
Re: Build 50 (4/29)
#2  April 29, 2009, 04:04:52 pm
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Thankyou for working on this. Tis awesome.

(State file cleaner idea sounds great btw.)
Re: Build 50 (4/29)
#3  April 29, 2009, 04:17:41 pm
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WOOOOOOOO Happy Birthday to me!!

EDIT: The only two things wrong in my last bug report that I saw you didn't fix yet were Kim's Team Korea's Haki Kyaku's hitdef's yaccel not activating, which I looked through your source code and saw wasn't properly implemented yet, and doing Burai's QCF + A against a grounded opponent in the corner makes them bounce off the wall twice.

How hard do you think it would be to implement/fix these two things?

                  ~*The Last Quincy*~         ~Sig by [TempesT]
My MUGEN shit:
MvC2 Tron Bonne, MvC Kim Kaphwan, Barns (Destruction Desire),
and Burai Yamamoto (Arranged)
Last Edit: April 29, 2009, 08:23:34 pm by ~*Ishida-Uryuu*~
Re: Build 50 (4/29)
#4  April 30, 2009, 01:26:13 am
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  • Loyal to the Game
    • USA
  • Sand Splash FX still look like dust... Check the previous threads for screens.
FrantzX Edit: Victory!  :)
  • For some reason, she can trip the opponent after she's knocked them down with Delta Kick, which should not happen.
  • In a corner (as close as she can be to the opponent and the opponent as close to the corner as possible), performing Delta Kick should not put her behind the opponent.
  • Her Hellcat appears to be misaligned for the first tick or two on the X-axis.
  • I notice that when the opponent is hit, her portrait flashes for a split second. PalFX should only be applied if it's a counter hit, at least in my case since it's coded to be that way.
  • Also I dunno how the heck this happens, but sometimes it looks like MoveType = A is not being set and none of the attacks are guarded or hitting.
  • She shouldn't be able to juggle after crouching HK! But she does!

I have no idea why she has these juggling problems when I use a custom juggling system that works fine in MUGEN...

  • I can still see only fonts with the new shader, and the old shader appears to still have the same problems as before.
  • Debug keys don't seem to work. I changed them to valid keys, but they won't work.
Last Edit: April 30, 2009, 09:50:55 am by FrantzX
Re: Build 50 (4/29)
#5  April 30, 2009, 05:06:56 am
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FrantzX, you should probably look into JZ's stuff, as he's had the same bugs for like 6+ builds now. :S

                  ~*The Last Quincy*~         ~Sig by [TempesT]
My MUGEN shit:
MvC2 Tron Bonne, MvC Kim Kaphwan, Barns (Destruction Desire),
and Burai Yamamoto (Arranged)
Re: Build 50 (4/29)
#6  April 30, 2009, 05:16:16 am
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  • Just a butcher on a mission
He's been addressing the graphical glitches as best he can, don't be so hard on him.
Re: Build 50 (4/29)
#7  April 30, 2009, 05:18:57 am
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Not being hard, just saying it'd probably be a good idea to check into recurring stuff from build after build.

If I had the money to, I'd donate something so you could buy a low-end graphics card that can just barely run XNAMugen, and then you could base your drawing stuff off of that, so you could be in the same boat as the rest of us. ;P

                  ~*The Last Quincy*~         ~Sig by [TempesT]
My MUGEN shit:
MvC2 Tron Bonne, MvC Kim Kaphwan, Barns (Destruction Desire),
and Burai Yamamoto (Arranged)
Re: Build 50 (4/29)
#8  April 30, 2009, 07:12:08 am
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This is how Felicia's Sand Splash FX looks in WinMugen to me.
Re: Build 50 (4/29)
#9  April 30, 2009, 07:47:58 am
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  • Loyal to the Game
    • USA
That is.... Strange. I'll try testing with different stages... Because the color of the BG in the stage might be what's making it look like that. If that's the case, I'm a dork:

FrantzX Edit: YAY

Dunno what's up with the screenshot though with all that white. It looks fine in-game...
FrantzX Edit: I did not check how shadows work with the screenshot system. It will be fixed.

On a related note, I got this error while trying to use Caddie's CvS2 training stage:
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
FrantzX Edit: That stage uses VERY large sprites. Large enough, that your videocard cannot create a texture of that size. There is a way to fix that for xnaMugen, but I'm not going to rewrite that much code for quite some time.
Last Edit: May 02, 2009, 10:07:12 am by FrantzX
Re: Build 50 (4/29)
#10  April 30, 2009, 03:58:28 pm
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                  ~*The Last Quincy*~         ~Sig by [TempesT]
My MUGEN shit:
MvC2 Tron Bonne, MvC Kim Kaphwan, Barns (Destruction Desire),
and Burai Yamamoto (Arranged)
Re: Build 50 (4/29)
#11  April 30, 2009, 04:48:23 pm
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  • [E]
    • Mexico
so, know bugs of xnamugen are:
1) depending on your video card, big sprites can't be created.
How does it create the textures, all in one go, or does it create an image buffer first, them creates the texture after palettizing the image ?
Re: Build 50 (4/29)
#12  May 01, 2009, 03:04:09 am
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Tron Bonne

- Rocket flame during QCF + HK Bonne Strike is very misaligned near the end of the move while facing left (or facing = -1). It ends up, like, above the lifebar. Stateno 1005
- During King Servbot, while facing left (or facing = -1), Servbot stops WAAAAAAAAAY after where he's supposed to. Stateno 23150


- Can't do Hou'ou Kyaku for some reason. When I try to do it on the ground, Kim just goes into a landing state. When I do it and connect in the air, he goes into his landing state after he hits the ground. Stateno 3002
- The Haki Kyaku of the Team Korea super sends the opponent too high. I use yaccel in the hitdef to slow the opponent down, but it seems it's not taking effect. Stateno 3101
- Afterimages during the Lv. 2 supers (Hou'ou Hiten Shougeki Kyaku & Hou'ou Hiden Kyaku) are still all black. Stateno's 3000 and 3010, repectively.


- Dust afterimages still all black, as well as most of the blood sparks (though they are transparent) Effects.cns


- Using QCF+A against the wall still makes the opponent bounce off the wall twice. Strangely, this doesn't happen if the opponent was hit in the air against the wall with the move.  Stateno 3000

                  ~*The Last Quincy*~         ~Sig by [TempesT]
My MUGEN shit:
MvC2 Tron Bonne, MvC Kim Kaphwan, Barns (Destruction Desire),
and Burai Yamamoto (Arranged)
Last Edit: May 03, 2009, 05:15:00 am by ~*Ishida-Uryuu*~
Re: Build 50 (4/29)
#13  May 02, 2009, 08:50:14 am
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  • Master of the palm and foot.
<Anonymous> someone needs to tell the guy to implement unix file formatting.
<Anonymous> i use that for my characters and they crash it
<Anonymous> it's a simple change, instead of 0d 0a it uses only 0a for linebreaks.
<Anonymous> also his parser's a bit too strict in few cases.
<Anonymous> it should only detect the StateType/movetype/physics by their first letter
<Anonymous> for fun i used a sup/invincible/nou instead of s i n and it complains.
<Anonymous> but other than that it's good how it reports problems.
FrantzX Edit: FIXED
Last Edit: May 08, 2009, 01:49:27 pm by FrantzX
Re: Build 50 (4/29)
#14  May 03, 2009, 06:34:59 pm
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  • In after lock
Made a public release? :P

Many people risk their lives everyday by having Mugen.
Re: Build 50 (4/29)
#15  May 11, 2009, 09:17:04 am
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Sorry for the delays, everyone. It has been busy at work & I'm getting off the night shift. It usually takes me a week or two to shift my sleeping patterns correctly, so I won't be doing much until then.
Last Edit: May 11, 2009, 03:21:07 pm by FrantzX
Re: Build 50 (4/29)
#16  May 11, 2009, 09:42:44 am
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We don't mind. Everything you achieve is awesome.

In M.U.G.E.N there is no magic button

They say a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, but it's not one half so bad as a lot of ignorance.
Re: Build 50 (4/29)
#17  May 12, 2009, 05:02:51 am
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  • In after lock
And that's pretty good to shift your sleeping patterns that quickly.  I take forever to change mine.

Many people risk their lives everyday by having Mugen.
Re: Build 50 (4/29)
#18  June 02, 2009, 02:59:17 am
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OK, I'm still not able to get all the sleep I need, but I think I'm good enough to pick xnaMugen back up. I should be back to regular updates pretty soon.
Re: Build 50 (4/29)
#19  June 02, 2009, 04:47:48 am
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Awesome news!

                  ~*The Last Quincy*~         ~Sig by [TempesT]
My MUGEN shit:
MvC2 Tron Bonne, MvC Kim Kaphwan, Barns (Destruction Desire),
and Burai Yamamoto (Arranged)
Re: Build 50 (4/29)
#20  June 02, 2009, 01:42:14 pm
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  • Loyal to the Game
    • USA
Good to see you're still alive, at least!