Glossary:D=DownU=UpB=BackF=ForwardHP=High PunchLP=Low PunchHK=High KickLK=Low KickBL=BlockR=RunS=StartK=Any KickKombos:HP,HP,D+LP,D+HPK,B+HK,F+LKHP,HP,LK,B+HK,F+LK (not implemented in beta 3.1)Special Moves:Freeze: D,F,LPSlide: B+LP+LK (Optional command will be: B,F,LK)Ice Puddle: D,B,LKEX Moves:EX Freeze: D,F,LP+BL (Freeze longer and can be thrown with an ice puddle (regular) on screen)EX Slide: B,F,LK+BL (Armor from start, removed armor on contact or when movement stops, more damage, safer (enemy pushed back on block))EX Ice Puddle: D,B,LK+BL (Stay longer, bigger, can be performed with the oponent freezed)Finishing Moves:Fatality 1:Fatality 2:Babality:Friendship:Animality:Brutality:Stage Fatality: F,F,F,R (this will be changed later)All this commands and some special moves properties are subjet to change