
CPS2/VS Style Original/Edit Stage "AVPboy6754" - "Variable Cross"  (Read 4002 times)

Started by AVPboy, November 03, 2019, 08:33:30 pm
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CPS2/VS Style Original/Edit Stage "AVPboy6754" - "Variable Cross"
New #1  November 03, 2019, 08:33:30 pm
  • ****
  • Fist of Nothingness
  • I'm not powerful.
    • Mexico
Hello there! I am back again with more stuff in here, i know i've been absent, but i am actually working on something special, you'll see... for now, a classic MUGEN stage for me turned into something much more color yet simple based , and it obviously resembles that glorious feeling on MVC1 when you just annhilated your opponent with both of your characters. Have fun.

THANKS to: "God, always God... and every single Human beign on the Planet, because all of you are my brothers".
SPECIAL THANKS to: "DG, since it's his stage to begin with".
Compatible to: "MUGEN 1.1"
Animated: "Decently, at least."

Suggested Tracks:

Download link:

Enjoy yourselfs.
Last Edit: November 05, 2019, 04:26:42 am by AVPboy