fernozzle/Michael Huang (YouTube content creator)
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Specials:- Fight Cary
Michael sends the running men from the "fight cary" video to charge at the opponent. Move inspired by the "fight cary" video on YouTube.
Hypers:- Maltese Boyfriend
Michael does his praying pose, and mirages of Michael as seen in the infamous "Maltese Boyfriend" post from r/lgbt spawn and hit the opponent. Move inspired by the "Maltese Boyfriend" meme amongst the HTwins community.
- Jurassic Michael
Michael transforms into his dinosaur form and bites the opponent, swings them around, and flings them onto the wall, which they bounce off of. Move inspired by the dinosaur Michael image circulating the HTwins community.
Tempo (Harmoknight)
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- Staff Swing
Tempo swings at the opponent with his Melodian staff. After the initial swing hits, the player must time two additional attack button presses to get full damage out of the move. Failing to press the attack button again or in time will cause the move to fail. The first two hits deal minuscule damage, while the third one raises the damage output to normal. Additionally, the first swing can be charged to deal slightly more damage. Inspired by the main mechanics of the game.
Noel Gallagher (Oasis)
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Specials:- Summon Guigsy
Noel summons Guigsy (Paul McGuigan) to attack the opponent. Still debating the specifics of his attack. Inspired by Tony McCarroll's book, which hinted that Guigsy often sided with Noel in arguments.
- Cricket Battery
An overhead swing where Noel does a chop with a cricket bat. Based on an incident where Noel hit Liam over the head with a cricket bat.
- Rickenbacker Trick
Noel hold a Rickenbacker by the neck and spins it around in his hand for fixe long-distance hits. Based on Liam's Rickenbacker move and a quote from Wibbling Rivalry, where Liam wishes he could hit Noel in the nose with a Rickenbacker and have him do the same back.
Hypers:- If I Had A Gun...
Noel pulls out a revolver, aiming it at the sky. The bullet shatters the sun, and causes fireballs to rain on the opponent. The fireballs spawn almost directly above the player and put them into the burn state. The animation will look identical to that of Hol Horse's glass shatter special.
- Do the Damage
Your typical ranbu fare, though it will be very punch-centric. May end with a Rickenbacker swing like a baseball bat.
Damon Albarn (Blur/Gorillaz)
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Captain Disillusion (YouTube content creator)
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Hypers:- Laminar Flow!
Captain D stabs a hole into a water-filled balloon to give a display of laminar flow. Works like a typical Wlanman laser hyper, but the flow of the water is at a curve, so the attack is not full range. It also creates a spill on the ground that the opponent can trip over for relatively minor damage should the attack not land. The puddle does not appear if at least 5 hits have been landed. Based on "Laminar Flow DISAMBIGUATION" and some conversations in a Discord.
Rabbid (Rayman Raving Rabbids)
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Specials:- Plunger Toss
The Rabbid hurls a toilet plunger at the opponent, which sticks to them and stuns them for about 1.3 seconds. The plunger moves in a slight arc, having the potential to hit airborne opponents. Airborne opponents that are hit by it still get stunned, and fall to the ground. Deals less damage than average projectile move. Move inspired by various Rayman Raving Rabbids games.
- Ear-Buster
The rabbid lets out a titular "bwah", sending a short ranged sound wave right in front of him. This move can nullify projectiles. Holding the button will charge the attack. No charge results in a quick shout that pushes the foe back on hit or block. It also has restand properties for extending combos. A few seconds of charge gives the move longer hitstun. Full charge is unblockable and knocks the opponent down. This move can only be done on the ground.
- Pepper Flame
The Rabbid downs a red pepper, and spews out flames from his mouth. The move function identical to Dhalsim's Yoga Flame. The button pressed determines the angle of the flame. The downwards angle can hit downed opponents. Inspired by Super Brawl 3.
- Toss the Junk
The Rabbid throws a random object at the opponent. Though the objects he chucks are random, and have different visual effects when they hit the opponent, all the objects do the same damage and have the same hitbox, making differences purely cosmetic. Has a lower arc than the Plunger Toss, but goes slightly further. Deals an average amount of damage for a projectile. Inspired by Rabbids Go Home.
Hypers:- Rabbid Invasion
Rabbid blows into a horn made of pipes, signaling a whole army of Rabbids to come from behind, running and jumping into the opponent. The move functions similarly to carykh's Unpaid Child Labor, however, there are more Rabbids on screen, some jump to knock down airborne opponents, and the move can hit OTG.
- Rabbid Disrespectoid
The Rabbid drinks a Capri-Sun, then slam it on the ground. Upsetting the Capri-Sun gods, the Rabbid's head becomes a swordfish as punishment. The Rabbid uses this to his advantage, however, and lunges at the opponent with several slashes, though eventually, the punishment ceases, and the Rabbid falls over, turning back to normal. Inspired by Rabbids Go Home and Capri-Sun promotional work.
- Weaponized Insanity
The Rabbid pulls out the Egg Fry Rumblebang that is normally used by Rabbid Yoshi, and fires multiple rounds at the opponent, then follows it up by a shot of the Pipe Dream Rocket used by Rabbid Luigi, and finishes the attack with a Sir Goldwain Grenaduck, also used by Rabbid Yoshi. Inspired by Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle.
Edd (Eddsworld)
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Specials:- Cola Throw
Exactly what the title suggests. Edd hurls a cola can at the opponent. Additionally, Edd can drink from the can and restore some Power, but this is risky, as it leaves Edd open for attacks for a while depending on the button pressed. The can itself is just a standard gravitated projectile.
- Summon Tom
Edd summons Tom to barrage the opponent with empty molotovs. Puts the opponent in the burned animation sometimes. Based on Zombeh Attack 3.
Hypers:- Shaken Cola Keg
Edd shakes a cola keg and opens it, releasing the carbonated cola onto the opponent. If used as a finisher, puts the opponent into the burned animation. Move inspired by the eddisode "WTFuture".
SimpleFlips (Twitch streamer/YouTube content creator)
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Specials:- BLJ
Simp charges at the opponent with a backwards long jump. It can be charged up to 1.5 seconds for up to 1.8x more damage. Soft knockdown up until 1.4x damage, in which it becomes a hard knockdown/wall bounce.
Hypers:- Green Demon
Simp pulls a Green Demon out of his pocket, and it homes in on the opponent, dealing a few hits of damage.
- Nathaniel Scuttlebug Bandy Every Time
Simp unleashes Nathaniel Scuttlebug Bandy, who charges at the opponent. The second the attack lands, the screen fades to black, as the X Files theme plays. The camera then zooms out on the opponent with their head swapped out for that of Nathaniel Bandy. Nathaniel fuckin' opponent Bandy every goddamn time.
- Gay Baby Jail
Simp Raging Demon motions towards the opponent and grabs them, then throws them offscreen and into Gay Baby Jail. If the opponent does not die from the impact of being thrown, after a while they learn that they can exit course. If they die, however, their corpse stays there as the Bowser fadeout plays, cutting back to Simp's winpose.
Popee (Popee the Performer)
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Specials:- Bomb Toss
Popee pulls out one of his trusty bombs and throws it at the opponent. They instantly detonate upon contact with either the ground or the opponent. The distance of the bomb is dependent on the button pressed.
- Bullet Swat
Popee uses a tennis racket to reflect a projectile. Also does damage. Based on "Gunman".
- Flame Spitter
Popee blows gasoline on a lit torch to spit fire. A quite literal Yoga Fire function. Based on "Fire Breather".
- Alien Suplex
A literal German Suplex. Based on Alien.
- Test Your Strength
Popee swings a mallet down onto the ground, forcing the opponent into liedown in a squished state. Based on Eraser.
Hypers:- Comically Large Dagger
Popee summons a massive dagger via mirage and swings it down onto the opponent. Based on the episodes "Mirage" and "Eraser".
- Flame Combustion
Popee downs a whole jerry can of gasoline with a lit torch, which causes him to propel forward like a missile. Probably activated with a charge input. Based on "Fire Breather".
- Strength, Not Integrity
Popee injects his arm with steroids and sends a shockwave through the ground, causing it to send chunks flying upward. Similar to Hulk's Gamma Quake.
- Triple Alien Suplex
A super version of Alien Suplex, with the effect recreated from the show's original scene. Based on Alien.
- Conductive Clown
Popee opens an umbrella and gets electrocuted by a large lightning bolt. Could function similarly to Dante's Jam Session. Based on Acrobatics.
- > Magnetism
Popee can spend another bar of meter to survive the lightning bolt strike with magnetism powers to boot! Several objects magnetize to him, ending with a truck that causes Popee and any unfortunate opponent to wall splat. Also based on Acrobatics.
- Strong-Willed Chop
Popee ties a headband around his forehead and performs a powerful karate chop capable of crumpling the opponent from at least half screen. Based on Karate Show.
Daxflame (YouTube personality)
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- Frustrated Screech
Typical soundwave projectile, can be charged to deal more damage, at max charge becomes unblockable and deals multiple hits. Based on "Freaking event DUMB!"
- Swipe.
Dax swings powerfully at the opponent in a clawing motion. Button changes distance of the attack at the expense of added startup. Based on "Second Motion Picture: Cool Moves"
- Superman!
Dax removes his clothes to reveal his Superman costume underneath them, then charges at the opponent, wildly flailing his arms at them. Based on "First Motion Picture: Superman"
- Too Bad My Phone is Actually a Gun!
Dax recreates the classic scene from "A Christmas Carrols DEAD!", and reaches into his pocket for his gun, under the guise of reaching for his cellphone. The bullet is a high-speed projectile that hard-knockdowns the opponent. Has a good amount of startup, so usage is best at a distance. Based on "A Christmas Carrols DEAD!"
- Don't Call Me Casper
Dax starts with a version of Frustrated Screech that stuns the opponent, then grabs his rolling chair from offscreen and hurls it at the dizzy opponent, dealing massive damage. Inspired by "Freaking event DUMB!"
Linus (Linus Media Group)
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- Drop Tip
Linus falls over and drops a piece of equipment. Button decides the weight of the equipment dropped, the heaviest having the most damage and the least range.
- Go Ahead And Cut
Linus signals for a camera cut, opening himself up for an attack. If the opponent hits him, test bars appear, and when they clear, he is behind the opponent, opening them up for combos.
- Socker Bopper Punch
Linus pulls a Socker Bopper from his pocket and performs a strong punch, similar to Balrog's Turn Punch.
- Jumping Spin Kicks
Linus taps into his Taekwondo black belt expertise and delivers a rekka consisting of a single pivot spin kick followed by two jumping spin kicks. Based on "I Fought Linus... Literally" on Channel Super Fun.
- Motivated RGB Design
Linus eats a motivation sphere from his pocket and harnesses the performance boost of RGB lighting, turning himself into a strobe light and gaining a speed boost, as well as reduced pause time for easier comboing.
- Tree-zooka
Linus pulls out his repurposed potato cannon and fires a tree at the opponent, propelling him far back due to recoil, resulting in endlag. The tree projectile hard knocks the opponent down.
- Rubber Band Machine Gun
Linus pulls out his rubber band machine gun, fully loaded. He fires an onslaught of rubber bands at the opponent, dealing several hits of small damage.
- Sumo Bopper Charge
A Sumo Bopper is tossed on screen, and Linus dons it on his waist, before charging into the opponent. Debating whether to make this multi-hit or one large hit with lots of knockback. May be projectile invulnerable.
Patricia Wagon (Mighty Switch Force)
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Specials:- Pellet Shooter
Patty fires a shot from her Pellet Shooter. The projectile functions identically to a hadouken, dealing average damage with generous speed, and knocks the opponent down. Can be done in the air.
- Hose it Down!
Patty switches to her Infinity Dousing Apparatus and sprays water at three different angles depending on the button pressed. The light version simply has her aim it at the opponent, dealing multiple low-damage hits. The medium version moves her angle upwards for an anti-air attack. The heavy version has her spray it on the ground, creating a puddle that players can trip on.
- Push the Block
Patty fires up her Siren Helmet, which moves an invisible block into the foreground. If the opponent is in front of the block as it comes in, they get pushed into the screen, cracking it a little. The button pressed determines the distance the block spawns at.
- Drop and Roll
Reusing the animation for the intro, Patty performs a somersault kick forward, which spikes the opponent into a ground bounce to allow for combo extension.
Hypers:- Mega Blaster
Patty switches to her Mega Blaster and fires a larger blast that deals multiple hits, similar in function to a projectile Shinku Hadouken.
- Ugly Secret Baby
An Ugly Secret Baby gets tossed on screen from below, which Patty kicks to safety. The baby bounces across the screen a few times (maybe between three and five), then gets sent offscreen. The baby deals an average amount of damage and knocks the opponent down, dealing multiple hits if the bouncing baby catches the opponent while they are falling.
- Patty Propulsion!
Patty uses her Siren Helmet to push an invisible launcher block into the foreground, which captures her and sends her soaring towards the opponent. When she makes contact with either the opponent or the wall, she bounces back and onto her feet. This move makes the opponent wall bounce if they are close enough to it.
- Screen Basketball
Patty uses her Siren Helmet to move forward an invisible block that hits the opponent into the screen. They bounce off of it as Patty moves an adjacent block forward with her Siren. This happens five times until the move ends and the opponent is finally allowed to drop.
- Yummy Hearts!
A Heart Drive spawns between Patty and the opponent. If Patty is able to collect it, she regains around 250 health. The opponent can hit the Heart Drive to prevent Patty from obtaining it. This move can only be used once per match, and only when Patty's life is below a certain amount. Whether the move can be used or not will be indicated by a Heart Drive UI element.
Bellybutton (Doodle Toons)
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Nikki (Swapnote/Swapdoodle)
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Specials:- Air Mail
Nikki pulls a note from her pocket and lets it fly towards the opponent. The horizontal velocity and damage output of the note depends on the button pressed, with more x velocity meaning less damage. The note moves in a slight upwards curve.
- Scribble Helpers
Based on her function as an assist trophy in Smash Ultimate, she draws out an assist on her 3DS quickly, which is determined by the button pressed.
Hypers:- Send to All
Nikki taps on her 3DS, and a flock of notes spew from it. These notes move the same way the medium variant of Note Sent does with slight variations in horizontal velocity.
Dr. Octagonapus (The Lazer Collection)
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Hypers:- Imma Firin' Ma Lazor
The Doc's signature move, he, well, fires his lazer. Works like your average lazer move. Inspired by his existence.
- Oh Shit Holy Shit
Doc Ock falls through the floor to enter his giant mech, which punches the opponent through the ground and hard knocks them down. Doc Ock then fires his lazer at the downed opponent for further damage. Inspired by The Lazer Collection 5.
Susie Lavoie (Dead by Daylight)
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Specials:- Bloodlust Lunge
Susie lunges forward with her knife. Properties and movement similar to Balrog's Turnaround Punch.
- Perks of the Job
Susie can perform one of three small installs that take effect for 6 seconds, all based on the Legion's Unique Perks.
- > Discordance
Buffs Susie's damage output, as well as giving her knife moves a tipper hitbox for even higher damage when landing a move from farther away, such as for a poke.
- > Iron Maiden
Buffs Susie's speed.
- > Mad Grit
Gives Susie armor for a single hit.
Hypers:- All The Works
A Level 1 install supers activated at once. Runs out in the same duration of time. Disables meter build for the duration of the buffs.
- Feral Frenzy
A level 3 install super that grants Susie better movement, more links, and allows Susie to tank projectiles and single hits, at the cost of significantly neutered damage output. Runs out after about 40 seconds.
- Deep Wounding
Susie latches onto the opponent, holding them in place as Julie Kostenko, fellow Legion member, enters from off-screen to run her knife down the opponent's chest, which has them enter crumple after Susie releases them.
Ringo Starr (The Beatles cartoon)
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Spoiler: Personal movelists, you probably won't be able to contribute to these. Criticisms are still appreciated though! (click to see content)
Brady Millars (Self-insert)
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Specials:- Footcrack
Brady unrolls a Fruit by the Foot like a whip for a long-ranged attack. Can be used to extend normal combos.
- Dead Weight
Brady leaps forward for a command grab, active hitbox on descent. If the grab lands, Brady latches onto the opponent like a Left 4 Dead 2 jockey, then leans to topple the opponent onto the ground. Leads to hard knockdown.
- Holland Wheel
Brady charges at the opponent in a tackle pose, but instead of having his elbow hit the opponent, he spins his forearm in a circle, dealing three individual hits. Doing the command again at the end will have Brady stop and stick out his palm, doing a final hit that knocks down.
Hypers:- Masa-Tornada
Basically Masako's High Sock Hurricane. Brady does a tatsu motion whilst moving forward and ascending. Final animation might look more like the Mii Brawler's Helicopter Kicks.
Dawn de Era (Original character)
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Specials:- Tasing Aura
Dawn parts her fingers slightly, creating an aura with taser-like properties. She then thrusts it at the opponent, shocking them and knocking them down. Puts opponents in the electrocution state.
Hypers:- RGBeam
Dawn parts her fingers rapidly, creating a almost static-y beam. The beam functions identically to Donald's Donald Magic, knocking the opponent down with average damage.
Emily Jenners (Original character)
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Specials:- Rapidfire
Emily fires a single bullet at the opponent. The projectile functions similarly to Hol Horse's B variant of the similar special. The button determines the trajectory, with light having her fire standing, medium having her fire it crouching, and heavy having her fire it slightly upwards to work as an anti-air.
Iney (Camren Springer remake/April Fools project)
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Specials:- Water Geyser
Iney hits the ground, summoning a water geyser to erupt from it. The button pressed determines the distance the geyser spawns at.
- Gaseous Liquid
Iney tosses a water vapor cloud, which moves horizontally and slowly floats upwards. Pressing an attack button a second time will cause Iney to turn the water vapor into water droplets, which fall onto the opponent, dealing multiple hits of damage. If she is hit, the vapor cloud transforms on impact, giving it counter potential. The vapor cloud does not hit the opponent.