
Don't you hate it when you lose by someone who's a noob or plays noobish? (Read 149689 times)

Started by light321, January 25, 2007, 04:33:53 am
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Re: Don't you hate it when you lose by someone who's a noob or plays noobish?
#21  January 29, 2007, 02:34:10 pm
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I don't hate losing against newbs because I mostly play for fun anyways. The only time I play somewhat seriously is when I know that my opponent knows what he's doing.

What I do hate is when I'm playing against a person that knows infinites/100% damage combos and uses them at any given opportunity. That really pisses me off.
Re: Don't you hate it when you lose by someone who's a noob or plays noobish?
#22  January 29, 2007, 10:36:50 pm
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lol not really noobish if they do things like that. i guess it depends on where you go if you go to an arcade where theres only tourney players and you caught off in the mix then yea its not really fun i guess

like cars in reverse ,  ya better back up
Re: Don't you hate it when you lose by someone who's a noob or plays noobish?
#23  January 30, 2007, 07:41:54 pm
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i swear, Stupid muthafokkers exist all over this board!
Nonetheless Dickriders get all of the Attention!
Go Figure.
Yes online Gaming is important........ Who Else are you gonna practice on?

Beta Kagetsura can still be found here.
Re: Don't you hate it when you lose by someone who's a noob or plays noobish?
#24  January 31, 2007, 09:08:59 pm
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Re: Don't you hate it when you lose by someone who's a noob or plays noobish?
#25  January 31, 2007, 11:20:10 pm
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Yeah, they should stay there, standing humilliated like real men do >:(
Re: Don't you hate it when you lose by someone who's a noob or plays noobish?
#26  February 01, 2007, 12:31:43 am
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Being a noobish player in most fighting games, I don't hate when I beat someone claiming he is a god at "insert random game".  :)
du me !
Re: Don't you hate it when you lose by someone who's a noob or plays noobish?
#27  February 06, 2007, 01:41:44 am
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For some reason I don't like loosing against my friends, I guess I like impressing people  :sugoi: But if I loose to a "noob" then I guess it's my fault, so I don't hate it when it happens.
Re: Don't you hate it when you lose by someone who's a noob or plays noobish?
#28  February 06, 2007, 02:31:11 am
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When I lose to one of my friends they laugh at me HARD  :XD:
But I like to go easy on my friends then I whoop them then laugh at them!
Re: Don't you hate it when you lose by someone who's a noob or plays noobish?
#29  February 07, 2007, 06:45:21 pm
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Being a noobish player in most fighting games, I don't hate when I beat someone claiming he is a god at "insert random game".  :)
topic ovah!

...I think I've ever only played with two people that played "noobish". One of them was a huge SF (...and any fighting game) fan, BUT DIDN'T KNOW HOW TO DO A HADOUKEN! ahm, yeah, I swear. Was one of those guys that keeps rotating the d-pad while randomly pressing buttons, hehe, you all know them. Don't recall if I ever did lose to him (this was like 5 or 6 years ago), but it probably annoyed me if I did. :P
The other one was my little sister, in which case I like losing because it makes her want to keep playing. ;D
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Re: Don't you hate it when you lose by someone who's a noob or plays noobish?
#30  February 08, 2007, 03:41:32 am
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Hell yes. I was playing MvC2 a couple days ago with my cousins and their friends and I was beating them all.


B.B Hood
Akuma or Ironman
Morrigan or Cable

Anyway, my cousin picks his usual Ryu, Morrigan, and Sakura team, and I swear to god!! This is all he did and beat me with Sakura.

Super Jump -> Strong Kick -> SHOOUUUUKEN -> Strong Kick -> Super Jump -> Strong Kick -> SHOUUUUKEN -> Triple Hyper

Repeat the process.

I swear to god for some reason I could not touch him.

NOTE: I'm 13 and my cousin's + friends are 21+

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MvC2 Tron Bonne, MvC Kim Kaphwan, Barns (Destruction Desire),
and Burai Yamamoto (Arranged)
Re: Don't you hate it when you lose by someone who's a noob or plays noobish?
#31  February 08, 2007, 04:43:06 am
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that's why I avoid playing on arcades, the only way I play against the monkeys is than I'm Mad and need to vent out some rage, yet they still complain because I use a very basic not combos gameplay... not even leaving them space for breathing

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Re: Don't you hate it when you lose by someone who's a noob or plays noobish?
#32  February 08, 2007, 06:56:40 am
topic title said:
Don't you hate it when you lose by someone who's a noob or plays noobish?

I hate everyone equally.   ::)

Seriously, though...I think the guys that take winning supa-SRSLY are a little worse.  I remember playing 3rd Strike at the arcade a few months back (was waiting on some friends for our semi-regular bowling night) and I had won a couple of matches with Alex.  I wasn't really playing all that serious; I was just looking to kill some time.  Some dude came in using Ken and completely owned me.  After the match, I was all, "Hey, good match, dude," like I'd do against anyone I play.  His response?  He gives a stare of supa-serious DOOM. 

I'm assuming that he didn't think I was on his level or I had something in between my teeth.  I'm not sure which.
Re: Don't you hate it when you lose by someone who's a noob or plays noobish?
#33  February 08, 2007, 04:36:30 pm
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  • Gros con cac
Video games are serious business afterall.
du me !
Re: Don't you hate it when you lose by someone who's a noob or plays noobish?
#34  February 09, 2007, 02:35:06 am
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Some dude came in using Ken and completely owned me.  After the match, I was all, "Hey, good match, dude," like I'd do against anyone I play.  His response?  He gives a stare of supa-serious DOOM.
Been there ... awkward :sweatdrop:
Re: Don't you hate it when you lose by someone who's a noob or plays noobish?
#35  February 09, 2007, 03:00:47 am
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  • duwa duwa
yea theres some assholes like that in the business but like the top players (daigo, justin wong, sanford kelly david sirlin< just to name a few) are really cool and show good sportsmanship the ones who give attitudes have problems seriously they think they nice but noone whos realy good acts like that trust me

like cars in reverse ,  ya better back up
Re: Don't you hate it when you lose by someone who's a noob or plays noobish?
#36  February 09, 2007, 03:34:57 am
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It takes a lot to recognize one's inferiority to someone else without feeling intimidated.

Actually I feel sportsmanship is a sign of intelligence and maturity.
Re: Don't you hate it when you lose by someone who's a noob or plays noobish?
#37  February 09, 2007, 03:45:19 am
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  • duwa duwa
true that i remember some airhead showing no sportsmanship to noone he beat which i think was like 4 in scoreboard so when i beat him he got mad i let out my hand and said good shit gave me a look and ran off pissed i swear i hate people like that

like cars in reverse ,  ya better back up
Re: Don't you hate it when you lose by someone who's a noob or plays noobish?
#38  February 09, 2007, 08:28:50 am
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Man i Remeber in East NY Brooklyn in like 95' I whupped Some Kids ass in Alpha 1 With Guy (You know the 6 hit chain Combo) That Motherfucker and his boys plotted to Jump me and my crew. I seen the hate in his eyes and bounced being that i was'nt from aound there. I realized that only Certain Gamers that have Respect know when to say GG. If I get Own Fair and Squared I give Props to the player and say Good shit i'll be back. If i Do the Owning and the other player acknowledges that he had no chance but was playing for the hell of it i say nice try and give Tips and pointersm If it Close i Give Dap and Good game kid and point out what i liked (At least thats how i use to do it at Broadway arcade and Playland.Slick you should know about those spaces. I would say Chinatown fair but everyone there is so uptight.)
i swear, Stupid muthafokkers exist all over this board!
Nonetheless Dickriders get all of the Attention!
Go Figure.
Yes online Gaming is important........ Who Else are you gonna practice on?

Beta Kagetsura can still be found here.
Re: Don't you hate it when you lose by someone who's a noob or plays noobish?
#39  February 09, 2007, 02:13:22 pm
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in MVC2 i never loos to noobs, its so hard to loose to them, it is true that you have to play them differently, because the randomness can mess you up alot if your use to playing people who know what thier doing, but in the end if i do get caught off guard and they kill my first character(storm) , I usually switch my style up and play them very differently with sentinel and cable, dont even get me started on cable, he is like my noob killer, cause usually noobs are button mashing, so they dont block...then...BAM!...gun shot xx schimitar xx AHVB x3 GG!

"I can Fight Again, My Fight"
Re: Don't you hate it when you lose by someone who's a noob or plays noobish?
#40  February 09, 2007, 07:45:23 pm
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  • duwa duwa
(At least thats how i use to do it at Broadway arcade and Playland.Slick you should know about those spaces. I would say Chinatown fair but everyone there is so uptight.)
my nigga lol i know what you mean but playland arcades damge is too high they rigged that shit od. do you go to chinatown fair? i go almost every friday. yeah some are uptight since their the highest of the highest but youll get used to it. i almost got jumped too in broadway on fordham in some small game store apparently everyone thinks akuma owns and shit around there

like cars in reverse ,  ya better back up