
Dragon Gals (Read 67063 times)

Started by Tabris666, October 12, 2021, 06:58:09 pm
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Dragon Gals
#1  October 12, 2021, 06:58:09 pm
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  • 超高校級の「絶望」
  • “Just like a single bullet setting off a world war
    • Japan
Since there has been an increase on dragon ball female chars popularity,what is going to be the next dragon gal.
Is there one planned?
Or there isn't plans for now?
I wonder this since there hasn't been that much of female characters made for mugen specially the dragon gals take for example this
>Bulma has been made a fully playable character on the official games
>Videl was introduced as a regular with a full moveset on Dragon Ball FighterZ
>Lunch was introduced as a fully playable character on the official games
>Chichi was introduced as a fully playable character on official games
I wish videl was made for this since would expand more,not only that it would be one of the greatest additions to HDBZ specially if it has the original japanese voice (18 lacked this and people barely cared enough so they used stig87 patched)
Are there plans to add Pan since she seems to be the main character on the next movie so a GT pan or Xeno Pan would be great (great seiyuu on japanese the english dubbers sucked and are annoying as hell)
“Thousands of humans falling over like dominoes... ahhh... that sight was so beautiful! I thought my brain was gonna melt..!”
Re: Dragon Gals
#2  October 12, 2021, 07:50:01 pm
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Since there has been an increase on dragon ball female chars popularity,what is going to be the next dragon gal.
Is there one planned?
Or there isn't plans for now?
I wonder this since there hasn't been that much of female characters made for mugen specially the dragon gals take for example this
>Bulma has been made a fully playable character on the official games
>Videl was introduced as a regular with a full moveset on Dragon Ball FighterZ
>Lunch was introduced as a fully playable character on the official games
>Chichi was introduced as a fully playable character on official games
I wish videl was made for this since would expand more,not only that it would be one of the greatest additions to HDBZ specially if it has the original japanese voice (18 lacked this and people barely cared enough so they used stig87 patched)
Are there plans to add Pan since she seems to be the main character on the next movie so a GT pan or Xeno Pan would be great (great seiyuu on japanese the english dubbers sucked and are annoying as hell)

Videl would be great...
But don't wait too much for the community to make more female characters.
The best would be to try by yourself. sure you can have all the help you need.

I like both male and female characters, but 99,9% of the males I needed for mugen are already made, because they are popular.
So, I focus more on girls now, since "obscure" ones / less popular ones have very few chance to be completed. (particularly in a pecific sprite/gameplay type)
Re: Dragon Gals
#3  October 12, 2021, 08:18:30 pm
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What Ned said -- more would be neat cause there are a variety to choose from but it's best to either be okay with what ya got and not press the devs or try your own hand at making them.

Also unless I'm big dumb and am forgetting something, I don't think if any of these characters get added they'd only have the Japanese VAs. Pretty sure the game primarily uses an English voice cast (can't recall if its the Funi VAs or unofficial dubs done by other people tbh) so be ready to patch if you so must.

Also this all feels *very* familiar lol like this is something you've posted before.
what do i put here ew
Re: Dragon Gals
#4  October 12, 2021, 09:45:44 pm
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  • 超高校級の「絶望」
  • “Just like a single bullet setting off a world war
    • Japan
Well videl would be great but is kinda weird that people say there is no japanese audio.
For example this videl based on choujin style has japanese audio,checking the resources site i found that each audio from DB FighterZ has been dumped out even the DLC chars.
Well that videl is one of the few with a gameplay somehow similar to what you would expect from her,sadly neocide seems retired,benhazard also retired so no hope on getting new chars with their magician style sprite work.
“Thousands of humans falling over like dominoes... ahhh... that sight was so beautiful! I thought my brain was gonna melt..!”
Re: Dragon Gals
#5  October 12, 2021, 09:49:48 pm
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Well videl would be great but is kinda weird that people say there is no japanese audio.
For example this videl based on choujin style has japanese audio,checking the resources site i found that each audio from DB FighterZ has been dumped out even the DLC chars.
Well that videl is one of the few with a gameplay somehow similar to what you would expect from her,sadly neocide seems retired,benhazard also retired so no hope on getting new chars with their magician style sprite work.

I didn't say that there's no Japanese audio, I just said that this game uses English audio.

And I can't speak for others but I don't think Benhazard retired -- I still see sprite art from him (unless it's someone else with a radically similar name and I am just getting confused).
what do i put here ew
Re: Dragon Gals
#6  October 12, 2021, 10:21:30 pm
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  • 超高校級の「絶望」
  • “Just like a single bullet setting off a world war
    • Japan
I didn't say that there's no Japanese audio, I just said that this game uses English audio.
Most chars at least the old version have japanese audio with 18 and 3 more having just english audio (haven't updated the chars so are still intact)
The reason japanese audio should be preferred is because is better in  general,for example the Videl dubber was really bad,yet japanese seiyuu was great cute sexy erotic voice,18 is the same you know they aren't just reading a storyboard,i thought that was clear when choujin normalized japanese audio as neutral,along other big names that also followed example and used japanese audio while updating their old characters to just have japanese audio.
For example i wouldn't have problems if balthazar decided to use spanish audio since he is native spanish speaker but going out of the way just to please patreons is ridiculous when he could use something neutral.
“Thousands of humans falling over like dominoes... ahhh... that sight was so beautiful! I thought my brain was gonna melt..!”
Re: Dragon Gals
#7  October 12, 2021, 10:32:06 pm
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The reason japanese audio should be preferred is because is better in  general

This is what we call an opinion.

They are much like snowflakes -- no two opinions are 100% the same

As such, the developers should do whatever it is they want to do -- whatever, in their opinion, fits the game they are creating lol

If that means using English voices, or recording their own English voice-overs even, so be it.
what do i put here ew
Re: Dragon Gals
#8  October 12, 2021, 10:51:56 pm
  • **
  • 超高校級の「絶望」
  • “Just like a single bullet setting off a world war
    • Japan
The reason japanese audio should be preferred is because is better in  general

This is what we call an opinion.

They are much like snowflakes -- no two opinions are 100% the same

As such, the developers should do whatever it is they want to do -- whatever, in their opinion, fits the game they are creating lol

If that means using English voices, or recording their own English voice-overs even, so be it.
is not an opinion is what dragon ball mugen community tried to normalize (this is why DB chars with english audio are considered rare) to avoid having bad audio or poor dubbed stuff that sounded more like WWE instead of what they are DB chars,as an example over 80% of 1.0 DB chars have currently japanese audio while minorities have english,spanish,portuguese or some unknown language but are legacy stuff with updated versions having japanese audio.
For example as i said before "i wouldn't mind if balthazar used spanish audio nobody would mind since is his native language yet he goes out of his way to please the patreons " but instead he should please the end user which are dragon ball mugen community whose critics get plain ignored ( reason of why they still use choujin chars and choujin based gameplay due to being compatible with add004 and better overall).
“Thousands of humans falling over like dominoes... ahhh... that sight was so beautiful! I thought my brain was gonna melt..!”
Re: Dragon Gals
#9  October 12, 2021, 11:11:59 pm
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If you don’t like the English audio, make a sound patch.

If you don’t wanna do that, get over it.

The end.
what do i put here ew
Re: Dragon Gals
#10  October 13, 2021, 05:24:28 pm
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  • 超高校級の「絶望」
  • “Just like a single bullet setting off a world war
    • Japan
more easy i just remove the audio but stop derailing this with unneeded complains of "is because the author wants english" when in reality all the chars had dual audio in the past which he removed in recent "updates"
After checking stuff i realized it would be fool to expect some dragon gals showing up,i realized that after seeing that the only reason he added 18 was because of pressure but not because he really wanted,kinda weird that having female dragon ball characters being officially added balthazar is still thinking in such and obsolete way like "this game is for boys and men,they have to use male characters not female because is from queers" or something like that.
I would love to see more female characters for example i wouldn't mind doing the char but sadly i only work under donations and would be something closer to dragon ball fighter Z with a mix of choujin gameplay (as i said once if i reach the 1500 dollars donation i will make one character since is not that hard to do and there are tons of ways to get 2d sprites thanks to blender you can even use mikumiku dance to make sprites using a KOF shader effect)
“Thousands of humans falling over like dominoes... ahhh... that sight was so beautiful! I thought my brain was gonna melt..!”
Re: Dragon Gals
#11  October 13, 2021, 06:09:22 pm
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For example i wouldn't have problems if balthazar decided to use spanish audio since he is native spanish speaker but going out of the way just to please patreons is ridiculous when he could use something neutral.

Balthazar isn't Spanish. :mlol: He's from the Netherlands.

In the past there were two soundpacks.
In the past.
The reason it's not the case anymore is for these points:
- the game will be less heavy;
- the team wants to have different voice actors to fit the dialogue the team wants: they won't be restricted by the games' only voice clips, but they have more freedom in making new dialogues.

You're telling people to stop complaining but you're the first complaining.
The team does what the team wants. They didn't make 18 because they felt pressured.

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
... what the hell is this?

Balthazar thinking in an obsolete way (girls are for queers)???

Also, news flash, the team isn't only Balthazar. As you know, a team is composed of more than one person.
Last Edit: October 13, 2021, 06:17:31 pm by AlexSin
Re: Dragon Gals
#12  October 13, 2021, 06:52:54 pm
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  • Young Gun
  • Random furry dude who codes.
    • USA
what do i put here ew
Re: Dragon Gals
#13  October 13, 2021, 07:08:09 pm
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  • 日本は素晴らしい国です。
hi, just clearing what seems to be a few odd misconceptions. we didnt feel forced to make eighteen. a spriter showed up that was able to perform her , wanted to do it and had a cool personality so she got added.
At no point during the fullgame were there any thoughts of females being for queers and its odd that this is a point. I'd have done a bulma even before piccolo had there been anyone willing to provide frames ( and in fact tried to find a spriter for her back then ) .
Spriters mostly propose characters and we workshop how we would do them, if you follow some of them on twitter you mightve seen them even practicing some potential future fighters, but at this point in time the only wips we are actively working on publicaly are jiren, black and cell.

I will also point out the weird assumption that Balth patreon has anything to do with this game decisions. It doesnt, I use english dubbers because I can control what they say and get original audio for the game. I wouldnt be able to do that in japanese.
Re: Dragon Gals
#14  October 13, 2021, 08:30:23 pm
  • *****
kinda weird that having female dragon ball characters being officially added balthazar is still thinking in such and obsolete way like "this game is for boys and men,they have to use male characters not female because is from queers" or something like that.
touch grass

Re: Dragon Gals
#15  October 14, 2021, 12:49:49 am
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    • Puerto Rico
Dragonball FighterZ literally had more Gokus than female characters in it's entire roster. You can count the number of females in Xenoverse with just your two hands despite having a roster of a shitton of characters.
If you want to blame the lack of female characters, blame the source material for botchering the way it treats its ladies. Chi chi and Videl got demoted to non combat roles, Bulma has always been the genius scientist character, 18 was only there to make Cell look better, Kale and Caulifla got their own mini arc in ToP and then thrown to the side when it was done, Launch was so forgettable that even the creator forgot about her existence, 21 was the only female that was an actual prominent character with her own arc and she was made exclusively for FighterZ. Every other female has been too minor of a character.
Dragonball has always been a sausage fest and the male characters are the ones that get most of the spotlight so they get to show up a lot more.

Also, I prefer the english dub over the japanese one.
Re: Dragon Gals
#16  October 14, 2021, 04:28:26 am
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  • 超高校級の「絶望」
  • “Just like a single bullet setting off a world war
    • Japan
Dragonball FighterZ literally had more Gokus than female characters in it's entire roster. You can count the number of females in Xenoverse with just your two hands despite having a roster of a shitton of characters.
If you want to blame the lack of female characters, blame the source material for botchering the way it treats its ladies. Chi chi and Videl got demoted to non combat roles, Bulma has always been the genius scientist character, 18 was only there to make Cell look better, Kale and Caulifla got their own mini arc in ToP and then thrown to the side when it was done, Launch was so forgettable that even the creator forgot about her existence, 21 was the only female that was an actual prominent character with her own arc and she was made exclusively for FighterZ. Every other female has been too minor of a character.
Dragonball has always been a sausage fest and the male characters are the ones that get most of the spotlight so they get to show up a lot more.

Also, I prefer the english dub over the japanese one.
The english is too forced and WWE so not really like dragon ball at all.
Bulma is a playable character and combatant on games,while fighterZ future is unknown it will be a matter of time before they add bulma in over 550 versions as playable character (i only played one of the mobile games because had bulma and got more bulmas with different styles they even added one that used weapons like freeza with a combat style similar to mister satan),chichi well no need since was already made by ohgaki,Videl well she has always been a fighter that isn't going to change at all,lunch (her correct name) is available on the mobile game and thanks to last update she got over 3 different versions.
Xenoverse well it has lot of characters specially female ones (i found lot of those custom NPC while on parallel quests) add the classic ones and you are done but is a game of customization with a heavy focus on custom characters and NPC.
New movie pan is the MC so things are changing specially with the additions of more female characters which was difficult to do on a series focused on fighting in fact became more popular thanks to adding  Xeno Pan which brought the attention and now the Super Hero movie that brings attention to pan.
PS : would be easier to work if the tool allowed other sound format like ogg,mp3 or others instead of only supporting wav.
I use english dubbers because I can control what they say and get original audio for the game. I wouldnt be able to do that in japanese.
is just screams and some techniques which are currently known is not that hard to figure out,it took me just two weeks to learn japanese so i don't see it as difficult to learn a bit.
I could help you if you want but for that i need a PC which is why i said before "If i get  donation of 1500 dollars i would make Videl,i could go out of my way to make other female characters like bulma and chichi" (have made several chars in the past all of them with a gameplay similar to the one used by choujin chars) since is easy thanks to new sprite techniques using blender and grabbing an mmd of videl from fighterz i could get a really good 2D sprite with no difference from pixel art.
“Thousands of humans falling over like dominoes... ahhh... that sight was so beautiful! I thought my brain was gonna melt..!”
Re: Dragon Gals
#17  October 14, 2021, 04:43:01 am
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Why do you wanna change this game to suit you so badly lol

I don't see anyone else sharing your concerns, whether it be wanting the female characters you're horni over in the game or wanting them to speak Japanese over English lol

I mean... it's one thing to have the opinion of "Oh, I prefer the Japanese dialogue", or "I think the roster is too female imbalanced", but... you're talking like the game absolutely has to go this route, or you won't stand for it NOT going this route.

Can you... stop acting like you're speaking for everyone maybe? Cause, you kinda are acting like that. And you're only speaking for yourself. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Again, it is one thing to have an opinion, it is another to sorta shove in the notion that the developers would be better off listening to you lmao cause for real you're coming off like that hella badly.
what do i put here ew
Re: Dragon Gals
#18  October 14, 2021, 04:48:27 am
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Dude, what the fuck are you on about? Honestly? Why does this matter so much to you? I can imagine if this was an actual problem then maybe I would see this as less of an annoyance, but you clearly don't understand what we're trying to say here. The HDBZ team aren't going to follow your commands, especially if you're this adamant about proving your incompetent points as inarguable.
Re: Dragon Gals
#19  October 14, 2021, 05:08:46 pm
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  • 日本は素晴らしい国です。
I dont have a issue with not knowing japanese, nor am I interested in only having screams and move names. You ignored the rest of my post where I explained that I use custom english VAS and where I was baffled about the queer comments.
If you had played the characters in anyway you wouldve noticed that its not just screams and technique names that we've used.Piccolo never said it wasnt easy to be green in the japanese version.

This isnt the first time you posted here with wild theories on how we are doing stuff. Last time it was about how Nico had ripped extreme butoden sprites and we were only releasing wips for patreon, this time its about how patreon made us go english and  we were pressured into putting eighteen in. You know nothing about the project  but post with the authority of someone that has been accompanying the project from inside, and thats a bit alarming and strange, considering all the false claims you make along the way.

so again in order

-we use english voice actorsbecause they are custom, we dont even use voices similar to the english version.
-spriters own personal patreons have nothing to do with the project, most of the spriters dont even have patreons
-this is a team effort, not a single person deciding everything
-No one forced anyone to put eighteen in, Nicotinefist a very talented spriter made her, so she's in
-nothing prevents other females to be made, and anyone following our work woulve seen us do several female character tests, with bulma even being a wip at one point
-If anyone makes jp voice packs and send it to us we will host them, but the original pack will remain original voice only for size reasons
-The notion that we have no ladies in the game because queers is weird and off putting , youll need to explain how the fuck you come up with that

Please stop posting wild roleplaying assumptions on queers and other made up stuff, Its bloody strange and you could've known those things if you had asked about them instead of just supplying your weird takes that assume everyone is a monster that hates gay people or something.
Re: Dragon Gals
#20  October 14, 2021, 06:53:30 pm
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    • Puerto Rico
The english is too forced and WWE so not really like dragon ball at all.
The japanese is too high pitched and screechy so I can barely enjoy the action. Would even take the spanish dub tbh.
Bulma is a playable character and combatant on games,while fighterZ future is unknown it will be a matter of time before they add bulma in over 550 versions as playable character (i only played one of the mobile games because had bulma and got more bulmas with different styles they even added one that used weapons like freeza with a combat style similar to mister satan),chichi well no need since was already made by ohgaki,Videl well she has always been a fighter that isn't going to change at all,lunch (her correct name) is available on the mobile game and thanks to last update she got over 3 different versions.
So basically they're only playable in some random gacha I probably never heard of. Launch is the name used in dubs and therefore also correct.
Xenoverse well it has lot of characters specially female ones (i found lot of those custom NPC while on parallel quests) add the classic ones and you are done but is a game of customization with a heavy focus on custom characters and NPC.
Yea, when I said you could count the number in your hands, I wasn't including NPCs and custom characters.
New movie pan is the MC so things are changing specially with the additions of more female characters which was difficult to do on a series focused on fighting in fact became more popular thanks to adding  Xeno Pan which brought the attention and now the Super Hero movie that brings attention to pan.
And Cell saga was hyping up Gohan to be the new MC only to do nothing about it once it was done. None of that matters if they don't capitalize on it.