
EF-12 Custom Character Asura Asura's Wrath Download (Read 5973 times)

Started by ℳℛ∀ℵтσℵισẐ∀ℵ™ Discontinued, April 09, 2014, 01:58:58 am
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EF-12 Custom Character Asura Asura's Wrath Download
New #1  April 09, 2014, 01:58:58 am
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  • i am officially discontinuing ef-12.....
i now quit EF-12.....
I am NEVER going back to EF-12 so you guys are gonna have to say goodbye to it because without me EF-12 will be dead completely.....
Last Edit: April 04, 2015, 07:00:44 pm by ℳℛ∀ℵтσℵισẐ∀ℵ™ Discontinued
Re: EF-12 Custom Character Asura Asura's Wrath Download
#2  April 10, 2014, 05:45:47 am
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    • Puerto Rico
I like it looks very promsing like the other characters I've seen you made for EF-12. Just I can see aswell that many of the characters you made aren't rigged too well and their arms, legs, body and even their stance seem akward abit. I would suggest take your time with learning how to rig them first to fix those problems. Like there are many tutorials on youtube for blender that can help you learn how rig even animate abit oh, also you should add some lighting the models too because they seem very flat without it. Also I understand this is your first time with messing with 3d modeling too like don't stress it bro take your time and you'll get better at it like if I had money for a laptop or computer I would be learning myself how to make 3d models and characters for EF-12 too. So keep up the work bro and I look forward to see more awesome characters from you :)