
EF-12 Custom Characters (WIP) (New updates will now on be all here) (Read 7337 times)

Started by ℳℛ∀ℵтσℵισẐ∀ℵ™ Discontinued, May 17, 2014, 07:04:58 pm
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EF-12 Custom Characters (WIP) (New updates will now on be all here)
New #1  May 17, 2014, 07:04:58 pm
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  • i am officially discontinuing ef-12.....
i now quit EF-12.....
I am NEVER going back to EF-12 so you guys are gonna have to say goodbye to it because without me EF-12 will be dead completely.....
Last Edit: April 04, 2015, 06:58:44 pm by ℳℛ∀ℵтσℵισẐ∀ℵ™ Discontinued
Re: EF-12 Custom Characters Toan Daisy Carley Megagargomon
#2  May 17, 2014, 10:14:39 pm
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  • Moving your life with greener pastures.
Excellent work on Megagargomon. Nice, Antonio. :)
Re: EF-12 Custom Characters Toan Daisy Carley Megagargomon
#3  May 18, 2014, 01:29:43 am
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    • Canada
Wow, you're improving a lot!!! Ther models look a lot better than your earlier stuff!

Also, maybe instead of making so many threads, you could have one thread for showing off all of your WIPS, and you could make new threads for when you release characters? It would be a lot more manageable.
Re: EF-12 Custom Characters (WIP) You can also add your characters (videos&photos)
#4  May 18, 2014, 09:45:59 pm
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    • Puerto Rico
Looks really promising you really improved in so little time its amazing. Also only issue I see is Carley which her pants cuz it looks like she have a boner o_O
Re: EF-12 Custom Characters (WIP) (New updates will now on be all here)
#5  May 20, 2014, 12:56:44 am
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  • entrust your heart to me.
MY Rukia and trish wips  i still have much to learn :P 
Last Edit: May 20, 2014, 01:12:47 am by Clover Fury
Re: EF-12 Custom Characters (WIP) (New updates will now on be all here)
#6  May 22, 2014, 08:49:08 pm
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Hey there, figured I'd make an appearance. ^^
Re: EF-12 Custom Characters (WIP) (New updates will now on be all here)
#7  May 23, 2014, 05:01:52 am
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I rarely make posts like this so I'll do it just this one time.

Rukia ;D