
Extended Intro & Outro functions (updated 2023/10/30) (Read 73281 times)

Started by Foobs, October 22, 2022, 03:41:09 am
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Extended Intro & Outro functions (updated 2023/10/30)
New #1  October 22, 2022, 03:41:09 am
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    • Guatemala
This is a little project I've been working on for a couple of weeks. It's an easy to use module to change how intros and winposes look, because the defaults Ikemen inherited from mugen don't quite look like most commercial games. Among other things, this lets any and all of your characters:

- Walk, run, crouch and jump before the match starts.
- Mute the music and hide the lifebars during intros.
- Mute the music and hide the lifebars during kos.
- Override mugen's default slowdown on ko.
- Play special effect when you ko a character with a special and/or super move.
- Have the camera focus on the winner (or loser) when a round ends.

Here's some small clips showing what you can do with the system:

Download it here (click on "Source code (zip)" on the top release).

Last Edit: December 26, 2023, 02:15:46 am by Foobs
Re: Extended Intro & Outro functions
#2  October 22, 2022, 07:01:06 pm
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  • Formerly DeathScythe
    • Brazil
I'm not very familiar with Ikemen and modules, so I'm gonna ask...

Is it possible to make intros and winposes unskippable?

This is something that I've been wanting for years... :P (also unskippable versus screen)
Re: Extended Intro & Outro functions
#3  October 22, 2022, 08:48:06 pm
  • ******
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Re: Extended Intro & Outro functions
#4  October 23, 2022, 04:55:50 pm
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  • un mago errante
    • Chile
    • Skype - cristopeles
wow, how great to keep progressing by leaps and bounds thank you very much bro
un mago errante estudiando idiomas para salir de la rutina
Re: Extended Intro & Outro functions
#5  October 24, 2022, 06:29:40 am
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I've just tested recently and even if I set the camera to the winner, the camera seems to focus on the loser :/
"Heroes are not applied on good people with powers, they apply on cops, firefighters, medics." ~Lucifer

Re: Extended Intro & Outro functions
#6  October 25, 2022, 04:55:43 am
  • ******
  • 90's Kawaii
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    • Guatemala
Could you be a bit more specific as to under which circumstances it's not working?

I tested the files from the github repository on a fresh install and both camera settings were working.

@Nintendo DS:

I already implemented unskipabble intro and winpose settings. You can try them by downloading the main repository, I want to try a couple more things before the next "formal" release.
Re: Extended Intro & Outro functions
#7  October 25, 2022, 10:18:54 pm
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  • The Modern Mystical Ninja
  • Goemon's Descendant
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    • Skype - ardilla_shc
Could you be a bit more specific as to under which circumstances it's not working?

I tested the files from the github repository on a fresh install and both camera settings were working.

@Nintendo DS:

I already implemented unskipabble intro and winpose settings. You can try them by downloading the main repository, I want to try a couple more things before the next "formal" release.

I configured it to 1, so the camera supposedly has to work to focus on the winner, but I saw it focusing on the loser instead.
"Heroes are not applied on good people with powers, they apply on cops, firefighters, medics." ~Lucifer

Re: Extended Intro & Outro functions
#8  October 27, 2022, 12:32:31 am
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  • Formerly DeathScythe
    • Brazil
Re: Extended Intro & Outro functions
#9  October 27, 2022, 11:23:56 pm
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  • 90's Kawaii
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    • Guatemala
You're welcome!

I configured it to 1, so the camera supposedly has to work to focus on the winner, but I saw it focusing on the loser instead.

I don't really know what would be causing the issue, but on any case I added a few more failsafes in the most recent update.

Version 0.5 is out now, I added some check to make sure the ko bg works more or less the same regardless of slowdown. I also added an experimental sound feature, the Breakers' Revenge victory fanfare.

Re: Extended Intro & Outro functions
#10  October 28, 2022, 12:06:53 am
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  • The Modern Mystical Ninja
  • Goemon's Descendant
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    • Skype - ardilla_shc
Weird, I replayed again with other characters and now works fine.

Must be an issue involving the characters Riesz (Maybe due to her being a High-Resolution char) and Puyo Puyo-n Archan

But still, it's good to have a failsafe check before anything goes.

Here's a thing I would like to contribute: Maybe extend the options so you can put any victory jingle depending on the character? Of course, customizable for any character.

For example: if using Lucario, play a file like 'sound/victory/LucarioVictory.mp3' by just adding the char name and the path of the file.

Edit: Oh, now that it seems fixed, on High-Res Chars like Riesz the camera zooms too deep to the point you don't see them completely.

Also Victory Music feedback: The victory music plays twice and then there's silence until the victory music plays again when a winpose happens again, the silence doesn't happen if the stage has round x music. Would be better if there was an option to play victory jingles ONLY when a character wins twice.
"Heroes are not applied on good people with powers, they apply on cops, firefighters, medics." ~Lucifer

Last Edit: October 28, 2022, 01:11:32 am by Ganbare-Lucifer
Re: Extended Intro & Outro functions
#11  October 29, 2022, 01:50:50 am
  • ******
  • 90's Kawaii
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    • Guatemala
Edit: Oh, now that it seems fixed, on High-Res Chars like Riesz the camera zooms too deep to the point you don't see them completely.
Easy enough to fix, I had not accounted for localcoord 640x480 and higher.

Here's a thing I would like to contribute: Maybe extend the options so you can put any victory jingle depending on the character? Of course, customizable for any character.

For example: if using Lucario, play a file like 'sound/victory/LucarioVictory.mp3' by just adding the char name and the path of the file.
The problem is that this kind of goes against my design philosphy of making stuff plug and play; if the end user already has to find a sound sample for every character he'd be better off copy pasting the code in the character itself.

Also Victory Music feedback: The victory music plays twice and then there's silence until the victory music plays again when a winpose happens again, the silence doesn't happen if the stage has round x music.
This might be an engine issue. I'll need to llok deeper into this. Meanwhile...

Would be better if there was an option to play victory jingles ONLY when a character wins twice.
This actually turned out to be a workaround solution, so I'm keeping it that way for now.

These two issues are kind of major fuck ups, so I released version 0.5.1 just to fix them.
Re: Extended Intro & Outro functions (updated 2022/10/28)
#12  November 10, 2022, 04:35:40 am
  • ******
  • 90's Kawaii
  • :thinking:
    • Guatemala
New update.

I added some new options to control how much power you start each round with. Want to start each fight with full meter like in SFA3? go for broke!

Also, I moved all the victory music stuff to its repository, and also included a small script I hadn't shown before. It hides the powerbars for characters with in-built resource management, so they won't clash with your lifebars.

Check it here:
Re: Extended Intro & Outro functions (updated 2022/11/09)
#13  November 10, 2022, 05:19:20 am
  • *****
  • WIP: Tons and tons of IKEMEN stages
Nice! For the Hide Powerbars stuff, I thought you could use some Authornames as triggers, too. Warusaki comes to mind.
Re: Extended Intro & Outro functions (updated 2022/11/09)
#14  November 10, 2022, 02:09:52 pm
  • ******
  • 90's Kawaii
  • :thinking:
    • Guatemala
I thought of that, but it would clash with with his non-cvs2 characters.
Re: Extended Intro & Outro functions (updated 2022/11/09)
#15  November 10, 2022, 04:13:03 pm
  • *****
  • WIP: Tons and tons of IKEMEN stages
Authorname + Character name, maybe? :P At least for Waru chars and maybe a couple more.
Re: Extended Intro & Outro functions (updated 2022/11/09)
#16  November 10, 2022, 04:20:32 pm
  • ******
  • 90's Kawaii
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    • Guatemala
Too annoying. Easier for the end user to copypaste 3 lines into the characters def than for me to add 20+ triggers for his works.
Re: Extended Intro & Outro functions (updated 2022/12/28)
#17  December 28, 2022, 08:07:56 pm
  • ******
  • 90's Kawaii
  • :thinking:
    • Guatemala
Updated today.

No new features implemented, sorry, only a few bug fixes.
Re: Extended Intro & Outro functions (updated 2022/12/28)
#18  October 22, 2023, 05:02:20 am
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  • The Modern Mystical Ninja
  • Goemon's Descendant
    • Chile
    • Skype - ardilla_shc
It's quite a long time.

But here's another bug report:

Just compatibility issues: Starting from 99.0 the victory screen music keeps playing, mixing with the other music like the menu screen, select screen, versus screen.
"Heroes are not applied on good people with powers, they apply on cops, firefighters, medics." ~Lucifer

Re: Extended Intro & Outro functions (updated 2022/12/28)
#19  October 31, 2023, 01:46:34 am
  • ******
  • 90's Kawaii
  • :thinking:
    • Guatemala
Updated again to celebrate the new ikemen version.

The most notable update is that you can enable prefight movement in the style of the versus series (or MB) now.

It's quite a long time.

But here's another bug report:

Just compatibility issues: Starting from 99.0 the victory screen music keeps playing, mixing with the other music like the menu screen, select screen, versus screen.
I don't remember if we had this conversation on the discord server or something before, but iirc those were some temporary regressions on the nightly build. Please try 0.99.0.
Last Edit: October 31, 2023, 02:06:43 am by Foobs
Re: Extended Intro & Outro functions (updated 2023/10/30)
#20  November 12, 2023, 02:42:49 am
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I don't know what it is, but I tried with multiple characters and I'm not seeing them be able to move pre-fight. I have the setting turned on.