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Garfieldfan's Blueprint Workshop!
There's character ideas I have, and I do have to study my sources well. That's what this area is for: any non-fighting game characters that I come up with a moveset for. If there is a source for a move, I take note of it (the move's origin will always be shown to the right of the move names). There might not be a ton of characters that'll be on here, but I assure you there is love and care put into these movesets, even if some of them seem jank (if it does seem like it, expect a lot of reworks).
Movesets on the back-burner: 3
Movesets to possibly revise: 0
Movesets that need minor revisions/are complete: 4
Character List:
Spoiler: Garfield (click to see content)
(Portrait by WlanmaniaX; stance by Wlan, cleaned up by Jenngra505)"I'll rise, but I won't shine."A version of the lasagna-loving, Monday-hating cat with a moveset mostly composed of references from various sources.
Garfield plays similar (but not exact) to a MvC-style character. He has moves that work better up close and some that are better for playing keep-away.
Moveset is a collab effort with me and Wlan.
Specials:Hackin' Hairballs (Based on comic from: 12/28/1987)Garfield does what cats do best. Simple projectile move. (Air OK)
Cat Cannonball (Based on the first live-action movie and on the comic from 7/4/1999)Garfield lunges himself upwards in a cannonball, traveling in an arc. Hits twice, once on the way up and once on the way down.
Cat Pounce (Origin: Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl)Garfield leaps forward, pouncing into anyone that dares get in his way.
Happy Day (Based on Nick All-Star Brawl 1 & 2, as well as Best of Breed)Garfield spins around twice for the light variant, 4 times for medium, and 6 for heavy, finishing each version with a take on one of his neutral moves from the NASB games. (Air OK)
Remote Possibilities (Origin is episode of same name)Garfield pulls out a remote as an item spawns. Activating the same command (even with a different button strength) will activate the item. The items are as follows:
- Light: An alarm clock. Activated, it stuns opponents in place, leaving them open to attacks.
- Medium: A toy car. Basically a moving trip, useful if you can't get up close and personal.
- Heavy: A TV. Activating it will turn on The Binky Show. Nothing happens when he says "HEEYYYY," but a knockdown happens when he yells out "KIIIIDDDSS!" When hit, the TV explodes, and will take you with it, so be careful.
Hypers:Chili Con Flame (inspired by various pieces of Garfield media where he eats something spicy)Garfield, seeming to have had something spicy, breathes a large stream of fire. Basically his take on your generic laser hyper. Puts opponents in the burned state in the last hit, should they have it and/or the hit connect. (Level 1 hyper; Air OK)
Caped Avenger (comic-inspired)Garfield becomes his most well-known alter-ego and charges at the opponent before hopping back for a landing. (Level 1 hyper; Air OK)
What's On Now? (based on Remote Possibilities, Monday Misery and The Cartoon Cat Conspiracy)Garfield takes out the remote and fires a unblockable projectile. If the opponent is hit, they turn into Nermal, to which Garfield presses a button and drops a piano on them. (Level 2 hyper)
Not-so-Sweet Dreams (Based on his super move in Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl 2)Garfield takes out his giant drumstick and whacks the opponent off-screen. From what looks to be his dreams, three living pastries charge at the opponent and deliver a single massive blow to them, knocking them back onto the stage. If used to finish the opponent off, a special winpose where he sits down and enjoys a nice lasagna plays instead of the normal ones. (Level 3 hyper; cinematic)
Spoiler: SpongeBob SquarePants (click to see content)
(Original sprite by MyYoutube Rocks, edited by me)"As long as these pants are square, and this Sponge is Bob... I will not let you down!"A version of SpongeBob with a moveset mainly based on episodes of the show, as well as other sources sprinkled in here and there.
Specials:Giant Pearl, 100 Feet in the Air! (Origin: The Smoking Peanut)SpongeBob fires a spitball made from a cap, how far it travels depends on move strength. Dragon punch variant is an anti-air projectile.
I'm a Jerk! (Origin: MuscleBob BuffPants)SpongeBob dons some unused Anchor Arms, which inflate upon him getting hit. (Counter)
Hypers:Bath Delivery (Origin: Gary Takes a Bath)SpongeBob takes in a lot of water, to which he soon fires at any opponents in front of him. Works similarly to the vomit move in Warner's Peter, only with a much quicker startup and with the water being larger. (Level 1 hyper; Air OK)
The Quickster (Origin: Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy V)SpongeBob takes the first (actual) superhero form he was given and dashes through both sides of the screen, ramming into the opponent repeatedly. (Level 1 hyper)
So Excited He'll Explode (Origin: Best Day Ever)SpongeBob starts to glow as he tries to contain his excitement. If hit, he'll explode, knocking the enemy back... but also not without taking damage himself. (Level 2 hyper; counter)
Goofy Goober Rock (Origin: The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie)SpongeBob dons his Rock Wizard outfit and surrounds himself in a force field that damages anyone around him which fires lasers as well. (Level 3 hyper; Air OK)
Spoiler: Marina Liteyears (Mischief Makers/Yuke-Yuke!! Trouble Makers) (click to see content)
"Do you know what time it is? Well? ...Wrong!! It's Boss Time!!"The Ultra-Intergalactic Cybot G herself. While most of the game she comes from depends on grabbing and shaking, this incarnation is inspired by her being in the Super Smash Bros. mod Smash Remix, where has more physical attacks.
Specials:Clancer BombMarina picks up the aforementioned item and tosses it towards an opponent. How far it's tossed depends on the move strength. (Air OK)
Afterburner UppercutYour standard Shoryuken type move, just like in Smash Remix.
Shake Shake!Marina grabs the opponent and shakes them quickly 2-6 times depending on the variant before throwing them forward.
Grab and ThrowMarina grabs the opponent and can perform 1 of 4 options:
Up: Performs a standing uppercut, launching them into the air
Down: Slams them onto the ground
Left: Tosses them behind her
Right: Throws them into the air, away from her
The move in general acts as a stand-in for a general throw, and gets stronger depending on what button you pressed while activating it.
Clancer PotJust like in Smash Remix, Marina uses the pot to catch projectiles. The more she stores (up to 3), the higher of a chance you'll get a better item:
Blue Gem: Restores a small part of your health
Boomerang: Hits an opponent once before coming back to you
Shuriken: a projectile larger than your ordinary shuriken that deals multiple hits
Green Gem: Restores a chunk of your health
Laser Gun: A more tradtional projectile move
Clancer: Hops out and wails away off-screen, dealing multiple hits in the process
Any projectile-based moves temporarily replace Clancer Bomb.
Hypers:Gunner FrenzyMarina picks up a machine gun you pick up in one of the desert levels and fires away for a brief period of time. (Level 1 hyper)
Afterburner SlamdownMarina picks up the opponent before launching high into the air with her Afterburner and slamming them into the ground. (Level 1 hyper)
Gold GemMarina holds up a Gold Gem for a few seconds before all of her health is restored. Only able to be used once per round, and activates on half of her health and lower. (Level 3 hyper)
Blockman RisesMarina lifts up Teran and blasts off into the sky, before slowly decending riding his alternate form, Blockman, who delivers two additional slams from each arm. (Level 3 hyper)
Spoiler: Meggy Spletzer (SMG4) (click to see content)
"You just got REKT by the upcoming star, Meggy!"Meggy's kit is surprisingly easy to come up with, with her being a former Inkling and all. All moves not labled with a SMG4 episode as its origin is lifted directly from the usual Inkling kit.
Specials:SplatershotMeggy pulls out a Splattershot and fires a brief 3/5 hits that deal okay damage (depending on if it's light or medium). Heavy version has her fire a fast yet powerful shot that makes airborne opponents fall down, with the aerial version knocking down anyone. (Air OK)
Splat BombIf you play Inkling in SSBU, you should know how this works. Range and power depends on move strength.
Tornado Kick (Origin: Wild, Wild Mario)Actually, this is just Street Fighter's Tatsumaki, but considering she did something similar in the episode mentioned, it seems fitting for her to have.
Hypers:Can a' Whoop-Ass (Slightly based on: A Happy Little Road Trip)Meggy, once the first hit connects, goes into a generic multi-hit physical combo before opening a literal can of Whoop-Ass which is facing the opponent. (Level 1 hyper)
Mustard Trouble (Origin: Mario Reacts to Nintendo Memes 11 ft. Meggy)Meggy stuffs the opponent into a mustard barrel and gives it a kick. The barrel until destroyed can hurt the opponent's teammate. (Level 1 hyper)
HERE'S MEGGY! (Origin: POV: You're Mario; slightly inspired by Uncle Joel's "Nuke Norway")Meggy's answer to the Shun Goku Satsu. She throws the opponent into the level end castle and beats the living tar of of both them and Bowser. If used to finish the opponent off, a special winpose featuring SMG4 will play instead of a regular one. (Level 3 hyper)
Spoiler: Tom (Tom and Jerry) (click to see content)

This Tom not only takes inspiration from MultiVersus, but all
three classic eras of T&J (the shorts by Hanna-Barbera, Gene Deitch and Chuck Jones), to not only give Tom more to do, but also give him a similar type of moveset to that of Garfield's, with some moves working better up close, and some better for playing keep-away.
Look Out Below! (Origin: MultiVersus)Tom tosses a dynamite stick that explodes on a second bounce or upon contact with an opponent. The distance the dynamite is thrown depends on the button strength.
Feline Pounce (Origin: MultiVersus)Tom charges forward with a pounce. Differs extremely from Garfield's Cat Pounce as the heavy version is a guard break.
Gas Cloud (Origin: Trap Happy; H-B era)Tom's "dirty trick," to put it lightly. He uses Butch's gas pump and fires away, the cloud making the opponent dizzy and draining their health over time. Uses both punch+kick; how far the cloud travels depends on the strength, though there will be a bit of startup lag the heavier the move.
Hypers:Kitchen War (cartoon-inspired)The ONLY move not based off a cartoon, but rather inspired by the Fever hypers in M3's Arle and Amitie characters, as well as the usual carnage in a T&J short (think The Yankee Doodle Mouse, despite not being based on it), Jerry runs by Tom, who gives chase soon after.
Depending on the power you start this move with (capped at 3000), a whole lot of items (food, plates, knives, what have you) are thrown the direction of the opponent. The more power you have, the bigger the items in the arsenal will be, and the more damage the move will be able to do. The move ends with Tom running into the opponent, and due to the camera lock, the wall, to which it takes him a second or two to recover. (Level 1 hyper; can go up to Level 3)
Liftoff! (Origin: Mouse into Space; Deitch era)Tom shifts into a rocket shape and slowly ascends to the sky. However not too long after, he pops back and falls to the ground screaming, knocking anyone in his way down. (Level 1 hyper)
Showoff Failure (Origin: The Tom and Jerry Cartoon Kit; Deitch era)Tom challenges the opponent to see who can break the larger block of wood. However, the opponent turns out to be a bit of a showoff and tries to break a massive one that makes the floor cave in from under them. (Counter; Level 3 hyper)
Spoiler: Star Butterfly (Star vs. the Forces of Evil) (click to see content)
(Sprite by Jarquin10)"Some people have called me reckless and irresponsible just because... I fight monsters and tame wild unicorns... I like to have fun!"While able to fight normally, Star relies more on her spells for this moveset, making her have an all-around moveset similar to Garfield, however with much less combo potential. However despite that, Star has plenty of tricks and a couple traps up her sleeve, making her moveset the most fun to work on.
Moveset is mostly based on Season 1 with a couple moves from Season 2.
Specials:Rainbow Fist Punch (Origin: Star Comes to Earth)Star fires a rainbow projectile shaped like a fist. The strength of the move determines how fast the projectile travels and how long it's active. Performing a reverse Dragon Punch activates a slightly angled anti-air version of the move.
(Air OK; anti-air version is ground only)
Princess Cuckoo Pants (Origin: School Spirit)Star turns her wand into a large, spiked mace as she hops into the air, soon slamming down on any poor soul that gets in her way. Move strength determines how high Star jumps and how powerful the move is on the way down. A more grounded version has her swing around with the mace a set number of times.
Winterstorm Hyperblow (Origin: Pixtopia)Acts similar to Kula Diamond's Diamond Breath, but actually does freeze the opponent for a brief period (1-2 seconds) of time no matter which version of the move you use. Move strength determines how far the blast of air travels. Useful for setting up combos.
Shooting Star Explosion (Origin: Gift of the Card)Star fires a shooting star that mostly stays in place until 6 seconds pass or an opponent touches it, to which it explodes. Only 2 stars are allowed on screen at the same time. (Air OK)
Light: Straight ahead; doesn't travel far
Medium: Anti-air; travels further, air version fires the star downwards
Heavy: Bounces around 2-3 times before exploding
Hypers:Supersonic Leech Bomb (Origin: Storm the Castle)Star fires a leech at the opponent. If it successfully latches to the opponent, she fires 4 more in the air, which land next to them, to which they all explode together. (Level 1 hyper)
Super Geyser Windstorm (Origin: Star vs. Echo Creek)Star fires said spell to the ground, which causes an angled blast of rushing water (think of Mario Mario's Super Big Water Damage but angled lower) dealing mutiple hits to the opponent. If done in the air, Star shoots the water straight ahead, or angled downward if you hold down as the move starts. (Level 1 hyper; Air OK)
(this also isn't exactly how the spell works in the source episode, I just wanted to have a bit of fun with it)Paper Tornado (Origin: Sleep Spells)Star summons what looks a single piece of paper, which if it slices the opponent, more papers drop and the tornado forms, continuously slicing the opponent for a brief period of time. (Level 1 hyper)
Thermonuclear Butterfly Blast (Origin: Match Maker)Star charges up a massive rainbow explosion that deals great damage and, for a visual effect, shows butterflies flying across the screen. Staying true to the episode, however, the move effects everyone
but Star. (Level 3 hyper)
Spoiler: Roll (Ruby-Spears Mega Man) (click to see content)
"Shouldn't throw your toys around like that!"(said after sucking up Cut Man's Rolling Cutter for the
first time)
Yes, even this Roll deserves a MUGEN adaptation. Based on the cartoon series (mainly), slightly on Tatsunoko vs. Capcom and slightly on the Robot Master Mayhem fangame (more on that below).
Specials:(See the spoiler below for selectable weapons and what they do.)ProjectileRoll fires one of three projectiles she can switch between.
Broom Swing (based on TvC's Roll Broom Swing)Basically the move this is based on except she moves slightly forward, making it like KFM's Kung Fu Palm. Roll's long range physical attack... that doesn't travel far.
Flying KickInspired by her love for Kung-Fu movies
(see Mega Dreams) and is a take on the flying kick found in Capcom KFM (honestly unsure what
that's based on), how far she travels and how hard the move hits depends on how strong the move is. Roll does a small backflip off the opponent if the move connects.
Melee WeaponRoll attacks with one of three of her utilities she can switch between.
Splashed! (based on TvC's Roll Splash)A much more useful version of the special this is based on. It works much better in combos, deals 3-5 hits depending on how strong the move is, and the puddle left behind can make an opponent slip if they're running... with the downside of the last thing affecting you as well.
Spoiler: Check out the weapons! (click to see content)
This version of Roll is more or less based on the Robot Master Mayhem fangame... with one difference. She has the ability to bring out three weapons from two seperate sets (see the above specials). Using the punch buttons choose the projectile, and the kick buttons for the melee weapons.
Tennis Ball (Bad Day at Peril Park): Roll fires 1-3 tennis balls depending on move strength.
Rolling Cutter (Terror of the Seven Seas): Projectile does the same amount of damage, but travels further the stronger the move.
Toast Blast (Future Shock): Basically a Hadouken but with the effect of knocking your opponent back on the medium version... and YOU as well on the heavy version.
Melee Weapons:
Can Opener (Cold Steel): Deals multiple hits, but is the weakest out of all the weapons.
Frying Pan (Cuture Shock): Light is a stronger Stand Light Punch, Medium has longer hitstun and is a good combo starter, and Heavy has hard knockback.
Axe (Ice Age): Roll twists and swings it forward; the strongest of all her weapon specials.
Hypers:Plasma Blast (Based on Mega X)Roll activates her vacuum and fires out a laser made out of plasma. (Level 1 hyper)
Suck 'n Blend (Based on The Beginning)Roll sucks her opponents in using her vacuum. If successful, she throws them up and continues the attack via her blender before kicking them away at the end of it. In addition to being based off the aformentioned episode, this is also inspired by the throw in Fer619 and aperson98's versions of Garfield. (Level 1 hyper)
Breaking New Ground (Inspired by the episode Ice Age)Roll overclocks her chisel and uses it to create small but powerful pillars that send the opponent back. (Level 1 hyper)