While working on a character, I implemented a short hop. But I can't for the life of me figure out how to make the input less strict. I've tried a few things but no matter what, I always end up back at having to press up for an absurdly short amount of time. I apologize if this is really simple, I'm new to coding my own characters. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
here is the code for my jumping and short hopping.
[Statedef 40]
type = S
physics = S
anim = 40
ctrl = 0
sprpriority = 1
[State 40, 1]
type = VarSet
trigger1 = command = "holdfwd"
sysvar(1) = 1
[State 40, 2]
type = VarSet
trigger1 = command = "holdback"
sysvar(1) = -1
[State 40, 3, Jump Velcoity]
type = VelSet
trigger1 = AnimTime = 0
x = ifelse(sysvar(1)=0, const(velocity.jump.neu.x), ifelse(sysvar(1)=1, const(velocity.jump.fwd.x), const(velocity.jump.back.x)))
y = const(velocity.jump.y)
[State 42, 4, Short Jump Velcoity]
type = VelSet
trigger1 = AnimTime = 0 && command != "holdup"
x = ifelse(sysvar(1)=0, const(velocity.jump.neu.x), ifelse(sysvar(1)=1, const(velocity.jump.fwd.x), const(velocity.jump.back.x)))
y = const(velocity.jump.y) - -4.3
[State 40, 5, Landing]
type = ChangeState
trigger1 = AnimTime = 0
value = 50
ctrl = 1