
Help with taunt after tag assist in ikemen (Read 4093 times)

Started by jweezy34, January 02, 2025, 09:28:04 pm
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Help with taunt after tag assist in ikemen
#1  January 02, 2025, 09:28:04 pm
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Sup guys? So im still getting back into the mugen/ikemen thing and literally forgot how to do everything lol but slowly coming back. So im using Orochi tag on ikemen, I got finally got the specific character callouts to work cool yay right? My last issue is getting all the characters to taunt and say something after an assist or leaving the stage and I feel like I've seen this accomplished without the need of a fullgame? Is this possible? If so what would be the right coding and would it go in the tag constant or each character cns file?

[Statedef 56100; type: S; movetype: I; physics: N; anim: Const(AnimRunFwdOrHopForward); sprpriority: -2; velset: 0, 0; ctrl: 0; facep2: 1;]

if map(COOLDOWN) > 0 {

NotHitBy{value: SCA; time: 2}

persistent(0) {

if !Standby {

VelSet{x: Const240p(15); y: 0}

if time > const(TagAssistCooldown)/2 {
ChangeState{value: Const(StateTagWaitingOutside)}
This is the code in the orochi tag that apparently is the state for when the partner leaves, Ive used Ikemens handy debug mode to confirm it as well, seems like it is. So what would be the code for it and where would it go specifically? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I was the Perfect warrior! Cold and Ruthless! I lived by my strength alone! Uninhibited by foolish emotion!
Re: Help with taunt after tag assist in ikemen
#2  January 05, 2025, 02:16:29 am
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Anyone had an idea of what I'm talking about??
I was the Perfect warrior! Cold and Ruthless! I lived by my strength alone! Uninhibited by foolish emotion!