If you pay close attention, you'll see that in the bottom left corner is the bar dedicated to the character, not the game bar, so how can I stop it when he is in ssj3, ssg, ssb and ssk forms?Here is the version I am using, you can check them out:https://onedrive.live.com/?authkey=%21AIZVdG4fpxJ0TMA&id=EC53FF9C3EC05CB5%21105&cid=EC53FF9C3EC05CB5
You image's url has expired. Use Imgur or a hosting site that wont change. It sounds like you're trying to stop a variable from being VarAdd while a different Var is active. So you'd need a trigger in the VarAdd. triggerAll = Var(A) <= 0 ; should work. Var A is the var that's active when the mode you want is active. Use displaytoclipboard and check the Vars to identify how and when things are getting added in real time. You can also check the moves that add to the bar to see what Var they have VarAdd applied to.