
Ikemen Plus (Read 857630 times)

Started by ShinLucho, November 20, 2017, 12:45:35 am
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Re: Ikemen Plus
#161  January 07, 2018, 10:33:24 am
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I know that Select.lua is most the sprite are located for the select screen and also controls the Cell size scale ans add more rolls and Columns. but where is the Cell Position located for the Small portraits ? I cant seem to find the Cell small portrait position anywhere ? I dont understand most the Lua coding so I like to know where I can move the small portraits on the select screen also spacing each cell as well
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Re: Ikemen Plus
#162  January 07, 2018, 11:03:10 am
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ALSO next time when you guys do another update please make some documantation for the Select.lua this way we know what is what..
for exsample

selectColumns = 4
selectRows = 12
offsetRows = 0
setSelColRow(selectColumns, selectRows)
setRandomSpr(sysSff, 151, 0, 1, 1)
setSelCellSize(12+4, 12+4) --first number 12 is CellSize and Second Number 4 Is CellSpacing
setSelCellScale(.5, .5)--scale size for small Portraits

function f_selectReset()
   if data.p2Faces then
      p1FaceX = 10
      p1FaceY = 170
      p2FaceX = 169
      p2FaceY = 170
      p1FaceX = 134 --P1Face X and Y move small portraits cells
      p1FaceY = 38
      p2FaceX = 134
      p2FaceY = 38
or something in those lines. be nice to keep it make short but also friendly for users
that way make thing easy to find them
short but easy understanding :D
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Last Edit: January 07, 2018, 11:08:50 am by OldGamer
Re: Ikemen Plus
#163  January 07, 2018, 02:05:36 pm
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I was testing the sprites on the Ikemen Plus and when I try to changes the P1cursor on the System.sff and saved it and I try to launch the Ikemen Plus I got a 396.lau error message. on vanilla Ikemen never crashed but this version did
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Re: Ikemen Plus
#164  January 09, 2018, 03:28:08 am
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I was testing the sprites on the Ikemen Plus and when I try to changes the P1cursor on the System.sff and saved it and I try to launch the Ikemen Plus I got a 396.lau error message. on vanilla Ikemen never crashed but this version did
The version on github is no longer supported, sorry. In fact that repository will be delated soon because we switched to Ikemen GO engine (mentioned in previous page), so trying to find problems in old engine and/or outdated lua code doesn't sound like a good idea.

or something in those lines. be nice to keep it make short but also friendly for users
that way make thing easy to find them
short but easy understanding :D
sure, although with native screenpack support why not just make normal screenpack DEF file instead of coding it in lua? Changes to lua code would make your screenpack incompatible with future releases of ikemen plus (there are tons of features still planned and I'm expecting massive changes in code until project will be considered stable). As for the lack of comments in lua code, everything in new version refers to parsed screenpack data (which is stored in a giant table). For example this:
selectColumns = 4
selectRows = 12
offsetRows = 0
setSelColRow(selectColumns, selectRows)
setRandomSpr(sysSff, 151, 0, 1, 1)
setSelCellSize(12+4, 12+4) --first number 12 is CellSize and Second Number 4 Is CellSpacing
setSelCellScale(.5, .5)--scale size for small Portraits

function f_selectReset()
   if data.p2Faces then
      p1FaceX = 10
      p1FaceY = 170
      p2FaceX = 169
      p2FaceY = 170
      p1FaceX = 134 --P1Face X and Y move small portraits cells
      p1FaceY = 38
      p2FaceX = 134
      p2FaceY = 38
now looks like this:
local selectColumns = sp.select_info.columns
local selectRows = sp.select_info.rows
local offsetRows = sp.select_info.rows_scrolling
setSelColRow(selectColumns, selectRows)
setRandomSpr(sp.files.spr_data, sp.select_info.cell_random_spr[1], sp.select_info.cell_random_spr[2], sp.select_info.cell_random_scale[1], sp.select_info.cell_random_scale[2])
setSelCellSize(sp.select_info.cell_size[1] + sp.select_info.cell_spacing, sp.select_info.cell_size[2] + sp.select_info.cell_spacing)
setSelCellScale(sp.select_info.portrait_scale[1], sp.select_info.portrait_scale[2])

function select.f_selectReset()
if main.p2Faces and sp.select_info.double_select == 1 then
p1FaceX = sp.select_info.pos_p1_double_select[1]
p1FaceY = sp.select_info.pos_p1_double_select[2]
p2FaceX = sp.select_info.pos_p2_double_select[1]
p2FaceY = sp.select_info.pos_p2_double_select[2]
p1FaceX = sp.select_info.pos[1]
p1FaceY = sp.select_info.pos[2]
p2FaceX = sp.select_info.pos[1]
p2FaceY = sp.select_info.pos[2]

It may look confusing at the first glance, but these are all references to stuff existing in mugen screenpack DEF file (+ some new stuff, for example double select screen feature doesn't exist in mugen, so I've added new optional "", "" and "" parameters under [Select Info]).


Some new features planned for next release:
- localcoord support for screenpacks (still need to solve some minor issues, but it looks promissing) - if this will be implemented we will probably switch to mugen 1.0/1.1 720p screenpack by default (there is still no support for FNTv2 though),
- ikemen can now not only assign negative states in a common way but also AIR code that works with character’s SFF, so those interested in add004 Tag system won't need to patch characters anymore at all - lifebar resources, common1.cns and common.air in data directory is enough to make this Tag system work.
Last Edit: January 10, 2018, 09:18:33 pm by K4thos
Re: Ikemen Plus
#165  January 09, 2018, 05:24:33 am
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question ,how will add004 work on multiplayer survival mode XD
Re: Ikemen Plus
#166  January 09, 2018, 08:29:34 am
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Some new features planned for next release:
- localcoord support for screenpacks (still need to solve some minor issues, but it looks promissing) - if this will be implemented we will probably switch to mugen 1.1 720p screenpack by default (there is still no support for FNTv2 though)


Ok, I have something in mind, its possible to make the game music keep playing throught victory screen?
Something like this.
Last Edit: January 09, 2018, 11:05:06 am by -Ash-


Re: Ikemen Plus
#167  January 09, 2018, 09:52:20 am
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Those are superb news! Planned features will make it gold  :kugoi:
"Where greyness prevails, the black always take the power." (c) "Its Hard to be God" - brothers Strugatskie.
Re: Ikemen Plus
#168  January 09, 2018, 06:45:17 pm
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Another minor change to the engine: 2 new unique buttons are now supported, so implementing MVC2 style Tag system for 6 buttons characters is now possible without awkward Assist command mapping. Also fullscreen can be enabled in options so forget about Alt-entering.
Last Edit: January 09, 2018, 11:16:52 pm by K4thos


Re: Ikemen Plus
#169  January 10, 2018, 10:06:47 am
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You mean it's now possible to map 8 action buttons instead of 6?
That open's up a lot of possibilities, like KOF 4 buttons+roll+grab+assist+switch or other schemes.
Or cycling through weapons with those...
Or they are limited  to built-in tag system?

Also about the question I've asked before - with moving to GO version is it now possible to add tug-o-war mode? I think it'll add to fun...
"Where greyness prevails, the black always take the power." (c) "Its Hard to be God" - brothers Strugatskie.
Re: Ikemen Plus
#170  January 10, 2018, 03:32:35 pm
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You mean it's now possible to map 8 action buttons instead of 6?
Or they are limited  to built-in tag system?
no, they aren't. There is also no built-in tag system (at least until JNP releases his common system or Tatsu contribute a dedicated code for this since including whole add004 seems a bit excessive when it comes to sample screenpack), but it's extremely easy to install add004 or uno tag and such systems no longer require characters patching. As for enabling/disabling Tag mode from Team mode selection it’s a matter of using new
teammenu.itemname.tag = "Tag"
parameter under [Select Info] in screenpack (like in vanilla mugen leaving itemname blank with "" disables an item from menu)
In other words global Tag systems can be a part of screenpack releases.

It's up to players/coders how the new buttons will be used. There is even a way to use them globally (for example referencing them in "common1.cns") without patching characters CMD files because there is also a new "common.cmd" file available within data directory that contains this declaration by default:
name = "v"
command = v
time = 1

name = "w"
command = w
time = 1

So once again, when it comes to features that affects characters globally new ikemen plus will have:
- common1.cns (already exists in vanilla mugen but ikemen version supports 3 new negative states: -30, -20, -10 that work the same as -3, -2, -1, but are loaded before them and work even if character's cns files already use negative states)
- common.snd / fightfx.air / fightfx.sff - same functionality as in vanilla mugen
- common.air - loaded right after character's air file (I don't know much about mugen coding, so please let me know if it should have lower priority than character's air file instead of higher)
- common.cmd - loaded right after character's cmd file
All of this allows to add stuff like interactive stages (stage fatalities etc.), global tag system etc. without patching characters.

Also about the question I've asked before - with moving to GO version is it now possible to add tug-o-war mode? I think it'll add to fun...
I don't know what you mean by this. If it's something like this:

than why would you need ikemen Go build to implement it? Looks like something that can be implemented via normal bonus character. If you're asking if a single character created can be used as a base for whole separate mode than yes it can (that's how Training mode is implemented and also mini games sub-menu created automatically when you add "bonus=1" parameter to select.def)

When it comes to new modes created around characters what I would love to see is Tekken Ball Mode:

Not sure how hard would be creating such bonus character, probably a big effort considering no one released anything like this in all these years.

edit: ahh, you mean this mode:
It's possible but would need tons of stuff coded in common files, probably also changes in lifebar source code, so don't count on me adding it. Learn how to code mugen stuff and read some GO language tutorials and implement it yourself, if you want to see it.
Last Edit: January 10, 2018, 08:44:26 pm by K4thos
Re: Ikemen Plus
#171  January 10, 2018, 04:09:02 pm
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Ok, I have something in mind, its possible to make the game music keep playing throught victory screen?
Something like this.

Bumping this in case you haven't seen.

When it comes to new modes created around characters what I would love to see is Tekken Ball Mode:
Not sure how hard would be creating such bonus character, probably a big effort considering no one released anything like this in all these years.

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

Re: Ikemen Plus
#172  January 10, 2018, 08:35:47 pm
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K4thos Im still experimenting with the version 0.3 but the problem is I want to make A solid Ikemen Plus Original Screen pack.
My issue is where is the back, middle an front to redesign the title background ?

also when I add a sprite in the Ikemen plus I get this issue
is there a way to make the green not show on the title background. because Im 100% correct that I made the green color to be indexed and transparent correctly
Here a Picture for title screen and select screen

also is happening on the select screen as well

I made a cool logo and a select screen for Ikemen plus but like I said Before... I don't know what made it do this. is there a code or a command on the main.lau and select.lau that need a command to make the green not to show on the Ikemen plus title Background ? because on the Mugen's System.def when you add a background you can give a command to make the green to show up on mugen screen and that mask = 0 and mask = 1 to make the green not show up on mugen software
so what I really like to know how to make green transparent NOT TO SHOW UP on Ikemen plus title screen what the real command for it ? or what the parameter for the green from not showing on the screen ??

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Last Edit: January 10, 2018, 08:48:55 pm by OldGamer
Re: Ikemen Plus
#173  January 10, 2018, 09:27:35 pm
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also when I add a sprite in the Ikemen plus I get this issue
is there a way to make the green not show on the title background. because Im 100% correct that I made the green color to be indexed and transparent correctly
Nice screenpack. If it's 320x240 or 640x480 I'd suggest coding it for winmugen / winmugen plus - if it works correctly there it should also work in next version of ikemen plus. If it uses localcoord test it on mugen 1.0 since I didn't have any problems with SFF file that Elecbyte distributed with it (720p default screenpack). Not sure about mugen 1.1 RGB sprites, I haven't test them yet.

If you still prefer to code it in pure lua (which as mentioned will make it incompatible with next version of ikemen plus if you base it on v0.3 code) than here is a documentation of all available anim stuff:

animName = animNew(sysSff, [[ 
grpNo, imgNo, x, y, time, facing, trans
Assigns new animation to animName variable of your choice
Required parameters:
grpNo: SFF sprite's group number, imgNo: SFF sprite's image number
x: X offset to the sprite's position; y: Y offset to the sprite's position
time: length of time to display the element before moving onto the next, measured in game-ticks (-1 for static)
Optional parameters:
facing: H = Flip horizontally; V = Flip vertically
trans: transparency blending a = add; a1 = add1; s = sub; AS???D??? (??? - values of the source and destination alpha)

animSetTile(animName, hTiling, vTiling) 
Specifies if the background element should be repeated (tiled) in the horizontal and/or vertical directions, respectively.
0 = no tiling; 1 = infinite tiling; any value greater than 1 = element to tile that number of times

animSetScale(animName, scaleX, scaleY) 
scaleX: horizontal scale factor; scaleY: vertical scale factor

animSetWindow(animName, x1, y1, x2, y2) 
Limits animation to window starting at x1, y1 coordinates; x2, y2 enlarges window by specified amount of pixels moving right and down from the x1, y1

animAddPos(animName, addX, addY) 
Dynamically assigns x- and y-velocities movement in direction depending on the value

animSetPos(animName, setX, setY) 
Changes x- and y-position

Updates previously specified animation

Shows element on screen [Refresh() function resets the screen, so this one often needs to be used at each frame, even if the element is static]

animSetAlpha(animName, transRange1, transRange2) 
Assigns alpha channel to element. Ranges: 0-255

animSetColorKey(animName, colorKey) 
Sets background color from palette (0-255), -1 if background shouldn't be removed . 0 by default

so what I really like to know how to make green transparent NOT TO SHOW UP on Ikemen plus title screen what the real command for it ? or what the parameter for the green from not showing on the screen ??
If you correctly indexed the palette background should not show up by default (or at least I've never noticed this problem and I already tested several screenpacks with new ikemen). Try animSetColorKey if you need to force specific color key.

Ok, I have something in mind, its possible to make the game music keep playing throught victory screen?
Something like this.
yes. In v0.3 version delete "playBGM(bgmVictory)" in scripts/select.lua and the stage music should still play in that screen (untested).

edit: in next version there is also 1 new anim related lua function:
Resets animation frames back to first one (useful for anim data that has last frame set to -1 which stops the animation from looping once that frame is reached). This feature is a new source code change, so it’s not available in v0.3 or default ikemen.
Re: Ikemen Plus
#174  January 10, 2018, 09:34:29 pm
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Re: Ikemen Plus
#175  January 10, 2018, 11:11:41 pm
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also when I add a sprite in the Ikemen plus I get this issue
is there a way to make the green not show on the title background. because Im 100% correct that I made the green color to be indexed and transparent correctly
Nice screenpack. If it's 320x240 or 640x480 I'd suggest coding it for winmugen / winmugen plus - if it works correctly there it should also work in next version of ikemen plus. If it uses localcoord test it on mugen 1.0 since I didn't have any problems with SFF file that Elecbyte distributed with it (720p default screenpack). Not sure about mugen 1.1 RGB sprites, I haven't test them yet.

If you still prefer to code it in pure lua (which as mentioned will make it incompatible with next version of ikemen plus if you base it on v0.3 code) than here is a documentation of all available anim stuff:

animName = animNew(sysSff, [[ 
grpNo, imgNo, x, y, time, facing, trans
Assigns new animation to animName variable of your choice
Required parameters:
grpNo: SFF sprite's group number, imgNo: SFF sprite's image number
x: X offset to the sprite's position; y: Y offset to the sprite's position
time: length of time to display the element before moving onto the next, measured in game-ticks (-1 for static)
Optional parameters:
facing: H = Flip horizontally; V = Flip vertically
trans: transparency blending a = add; a1 = add1; s = sub; AS???D??? (??? - values of the source and destination alpha)

animSetTile(animName, hTiling, vTiling) 
Specifies if the background element should be repeated (tiled) in the horizontal and/or vertical directions, respectively.
0 = no tiling; 1 = infinite tiling; any value greater than 1 = element to tile that number of times

animSetScale(animName, scaleX, scaleY) 
scaleX: horizontal scale factor; scaleY: vertical scale factor

animSetWindow(animName, x1, y1, x2, y2) 
Limits animation to window starting at x1, y1 coordinates; x2, y2 enlarges window by specified amount of pixels moving right and down from the x1, y1

animAddPos(animName, addX, addY) 
Dynamically assigns x- and y-velocities movement in direction depending on the value

animSetPos(animName, setX, setY) 
Changes x- and y-position

Updates previously specified animation

Shows element on screen [Refresh() function resets the screen, so this one often needs to be used at each frame, even if the element is static]

animSetAlpha(animName, transRange1, transRange2) 
Assigns alpha channel to element. Ranges: 0-255

animSetColorKey(animName, colorKey) 
Sets background color from palette (0-255), -1 if background shouldn't be removed . 0 by default

so what I really like to know how to make green transparent NOT TO SHOW UP on Ikemen plus title screen what the real command for it ? or what the parameter for the green from not showing on the screen ??
If you correctly indexed the palette background should not show up by default (or at least I've never noticed this problem and I already tested several screenpacks with new ikemen). Try animSetColorKey if you need to force specific color key.

Ok, I have something in mind, its possible to make the game music keep playing throught victory screen?
Something like this.
yes. In v0.3 version delete "playBGM(bgmVictory)" in scripts/select.lua and the stage music should still play in that screen (untested).

edit: in next version there is also 1 new anim related lua function:
Resets animation frames back to first one (useful for anim data that has last frame set to -1 which stops the animation from looping once that frame is reached). This feature is a new source code change, so it’s not available in v0.3 or default ikemen.
WOW this very useful Info and I don't understand on what do you mean by I need to code it with Winmugen and winmugen plus method ?? also the sprite are 320x240 and not 640x480. also Im Using Fighter Factory 3.0.1 that only software I am using to add the sprite. also I don't do RGB Formatting and I don't use PNG format. All my images are formatted into PCX format.  xD I feel that the best format when I make screen pack hehe

but the sad thing is I don't have version 4 and I have to wait when you guys release version 4. so in the mean time as for taking practice Im using version 3 to understand it better haha XD this only one you guys release atm. I want to make a decent Ikemen plus screen pack and understand more how everything works.

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Last Edit: January 11, 2018, 12:10:25 am by OldGamer
Re: Ikemen Plus
#176  January 10, 2018, 11:48:09 pm
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WOW this very useful Info and I don't understand on what do you mean by I need to code it with Winmugen and winmugen plus method ??
it means that it's better idea to just make a normal mugen screenpack now (you know, the DEF file that controls everything) instead of worrying that something doesn't work in ikemen. The next version aims to support mugen screenpacks, so if your 320x240 screenpack works fine in winmugen (or 1.0 with localcoord set to 320x240, although winmugen is safer bet) than it should also work once new version is released. (if it won't I will ask you to upload the screenpack, so we can analyze what's up).

For example yesterday I tested HDBZ Champ edition mugen version (not ikemen one) and simply copied whole data and font directories into ikemen plus. After doing so the screenpack that has been created for mugen works just fine already after starting the game (well, almost, since it uses TrueType font for options and RGB parameters for fonts, which are not supported yet).

Didn't worked, plays char select music instead.
I will look into it in next version.
Last Edit: January 11, 2018, 12:29:55 am by K4thos
Re: Ikemen Plus
#177  January 10, 2018, 11:55:45 pm
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Thanks man, I appreciate it.


Re: Ikemen Plus
#178  January 11, 2018, 04:03:35 am
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Also about the question I've asked before - with moving to GO version is it now possible to add tug-o-war mode? I think it'll add to fun...
I don't know what you mean by this. If it's something like this:

Naw, this:

Every attack is vampiric, adding to health same amount it took away from enemy. So it's last man standing, the one who drains all health. Spice of mode is always possibility of table turning, one who have little health always have a chance to win until the very end. And it's fought in 2 teams - up to 4 players , up to 3 characters in team(1vs1, 1vs2, 1vs3, 2vs2).

And thanks for explanation about buttons :mthumbs: Great that they aren't hard bonded to tag functions, that'll give wider possibilities, for sure  :kungfugoi:
"Where greyness prevails, the black always take the power." (c) "Its Hard to be God" - brothers Strugatskie.
Re: Ikemen Plus
#179  January 11, 2018, 04:57:59 am
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My Version of IKEMEN PLUS Working in Progress Screen pack made from scratch
THIS STUFF IS HARD TO CODEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.....BUT i did it...I freaking did it with bit of help Info from K4thos haha :hyo:
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Last Edit: January 11, 2018, 11:14:41 pm by OldGamer
Re: Ikemen Plus
#180  January 11, 2018, 07:18:30 am
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the truth is to do a mega tutorial of this I congratulate you for this great job! I do not know how to add the tag add004 also where is the screen resolution and if the openlg is managed? many questions