
LEAVE won. (Read 37382 times)

Started by Iced, June 24, 2016, 06:15:11 am
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Re: LEAVE won.
#61  June 25, 2016, 04:01:42 pm
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Nigel Farage and the Leave campaign proclaimed that 350 million pounds went to the EU, and that if the UK left, that would go to the NHS.

Well, it seems that won't be the case.
Re: LEAVE won.
#62  June 25, 2016, 04:02:47 pm
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Could they not just block the proposal like they have countless others? Is it really worth bottoming out your economy to forgo an extra step to keeping out migrants?
The UK hasn't blocked countless proposals from other member states and the main opponent of refugee quotas, Hungary, doesn't have that much leverage either. Actually, the UK has failed harder than any other state at blocking proposals in the last decade. This is another pivot of the leave campaign, though they're guilty of intellectual dishonesty and using bloated statistics. Here's a unbiased, factual breakdown.
Re: LEAVE won.
#63  June 25, 2016, 04:23:30 pm
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-European currency dropped hard in value due the decision.
UK currency. I don't know that the Euro dropped quite as hard - the Pound dropped to levels unseen since 1985.
-They're even worse problems to come, and the people of the UK are starting to regret their decision.
That one's right, a lot of the people who voted leave didn't realize what that meant, and didn't realize most of the stuff they expected from it wouldn't happen. That's the problem with protest vote : when slightly more than half the country does a protest vote, everybody realizes the size of the land mine they just stepped on. Obviously the real problem is what made half the country do that protest vote in the first place, but the result of that vote is even worse.

By the way, literally the only people happy about it are the far left and far right. Those who have the least clue about how the hell this all works and what that means.
its fucking ridiculous, they expected to still keep all trade arrangements, free visa traveling and european funds while leaving.
Ive seen a family of british migrants interviewed that all voted leave for the glory of the british empire and now wanted to change the vote because htey finally realized they wouldnt be able to freely work across europe.
How the fuck does a family of migrants vote against the european union ? Did they all expect every benefit from the union to remian in place if they left?

The british are one of the countries that had the most influence and still kept most of their own shit with the union, down to literally keeping their coin. A lot of their growth and power comes from the possibilities that the union supplied them with, the investors that could move workers around with littel effort and the like.

They threw all that out in a show of patriotism and now their coin is ruptured, their market has everyone getting ready to abscond and they are about to lose Sctoland and North Ireland AND theres talk all around europe on hurrying the process to kick them out even faster than the 2 years, because every other country now thinks they'll be able to reforge a stronger union without them in the way.

They fucked themselves in the stupidest possible way and there are still extreme left and extreme right gloating about it as if it was something they wish could happen everywhere

Re: LEAVE won.
#64  June 25, 2016, 04:31:06 pm
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Well, the far right is the racists who think they don't need anyone and deduce that no one else in the country needs anyone outside of it, and the far left is the little people, those who take the maximum damage from Europe while not receiving any of the benefits. Of course they're gloating. They just don't care (or don't even understand) about everyone else because no one has cared for them in decades.
If I struggled to the end of my determination, to the end of my way of life with my followers, if the result is ruin, then this ruin is inevitable. Grieve. Shed tears. But you cannot regret.
Re: LEAVE won.
#65  June 25, 2016, 07:13:20 pm
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Re: LEAVE won.
#66  June 25, 2016, 09:29:26 pm
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The Department of Foreign Affairs in Ireland has put up this page following the result
because there's been an explosion in requests for an Irish passport coming from Northern Ireland since yesterday.
That is a FAQ with questions such as "I have Irish origins and I live in the UK, can I move to Ireland ?"

Watch and take notes, Canada, if Trump becomes president. This is how it is when it gets real.
If I struggled to the end of my determination, to the end of my way of life with my followers, if the result is ruin, then this ruin is inevitable. Grieve. Shed tears. But you cannot regret.
Last Edit: June 25, 2016, 09:55:03 pm by Byakko
Re: LEAVE won.
#67  June 25, 2016, 09:46:02 pm
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lol qq more
Re: LEAVE won.
#68  June 26, 2016, 03:32:21 am
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Re: LEAVE won.
#69  June 26, 2016, 04:42:46 am
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2 trillion gone so far. hope it was worth it

Oh my God! Markets are having a panic attack and reacting to the unexpected and the uncertainty negatively, like it has always done before a hundred times! The horror!

Please, it already has been a couple of days and you are basing your judgement on day-to-day market fluctuations. The wiser option is to wait several months or a year so that the initial noise will die out. Then, you can panic if things are not improving.
Hug the Pikachus!

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Re: LEAVE won.
#70  June 26, 2016, 04:50:06 am
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Re: LEAVE won.
#71  June 26, 2016, 05:07:05 am
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Oh my God! Markets are having a panic attack and reacting to the unexpected and the uncertainty negatively, like it has always done before a hundred times!
Yeah, no. This is an unprecedented situation. The pound is at the lowest level it's been in over 30 years; it took 7 years for the pound to recover from a similar fall, back during the Great Recession (i.e., it basically just recovered). The UK's credit rating is about to get downgraded. There are legitimate concerns that this might spark another global recession.

This is not normal. This is not good. You seriously don't have a single clue about what you're talking about.
Re: LEAVE won.
#72  June 26, 2016, 05:23:57 am
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Oh my God! Markets are having a panic attack and reacting to the unexpected and the uncertainty negatively, like it has always done before a hundred times!
Yeah, no. This is an unprecedented situation. The pound is at the lowest level it's been in over 30 years; it took 7 years for the pound to recover from a similar fall, back during the Great Recession (i.e., it basically just recovered). The UK's credit rating is about to get downgraded. There are legitimate concerns that this might spark another global recession.

This is not normal. This is not good. You seriously don't have a single clue about what you're talking about.

I do have a clue what I am talking about: it is all of the markets reacting negatively towards what they perceive or feel as a future signs of instability. Sure it is more extreme than normal, but I am confident that things will stabilize pretty soon and rebound. After all, markets are made up of emotional people. When things happen, first, there will be panic, then calm and acceptance, and then it will be business as usual.

This is not just me saying this, plenty of other financial experts share my point of view. Like I said, wait for a few months at the very least, then if nothing improves, then you have my permission to panic.
Hug the Pikachus!

Hug A Pikachu Today!
Re: LEAVE won.
#73  June 26, 2016, 05:27:11 am
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Pikachu Guy's actually making good posts for once. All this shit's just fearmongering from our typical fearmongering leftist sites like The Guardian and Huffington Post.

Everyone I know except KoopaKoot is fucking thrilled about this. The economy will tank in the meantime, the UK may collapse, but England and Wales will be back in the future, just you wait.
Re: LEAVE won.
#74  June 26, 2016, 05:42:14 am
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We don't need to wait months: the aftereffects are already being felt now. Dow and S&P have plummeted. Oil prices are plunging. Things aren't going to get better soon, these things take time to recover. We're not going to wake up the next morning to discover everything's fine and dandy now that the initial panic is over with. And it might get worse, given more time: many of the most damaging long-term impacts won't be felt until a year or so from now. And for the UK, things are especially bleak. Their economy is expected to shrink over 6% this year, and for per-capita GDP to fall by more than £4,000. Half a million more people than previously predicted are expected to be unemployed by 2020. Britain has irreparably lost the prestige and honor it held as a center for European finance and business. Banks and companies headquartered are expected to flee the UK en masse to more hospitable locations such as Dublin or Luxembourg. Scotland and Northern Ireland have a very real chance of leaving the United Kingdom. And there are already rumblings of similar referendums for other countries in the EU, which would only further destabilize things.

This is not some unsubstatiated, unpopular opinon. Quite the opposite, in fact: it's a view shared by the vast, vast majority of news outlets, whether they be dedicated to finance or not, whether they're left-wing or right-wing. It's absurd to say otherwise.
Re: LEAVE won.
#75  June 26, 2016, 09:28:22 am
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it's going to stabilize like always but you would have to be a dummy to think there are zero short term effects
Re: LEAVE won.
#76  June 26, 2016, 10:19:44 am
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Yeah pikachu guy is right but still pound will not go unscathed after this.
Re: LEAVE won.
#77  June 26, 2016, 10:40:37 am
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The pound was soaring when the markets thought that we would remain, but then it dropped 30 years in a few hours.  :no:

This is what happens when you blindside the people from the main issue. You wouldn't believe how many people said "I'm voting leave because there are too many migrants on the streets!"

the whole subject was overtaken by extreme right groups that feed on xenophobia.

Bullshit. That's the sort of thing the left says to discredit their opposition without addressing their arguments.
Re: LEAVE won.
#78  June 26, 2016, 03:56:30 pm
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The pound was soaring when the markets thought that we would remain, but then it dropped 30 years in a few hours.  :no:

This is what happens when you blindside the people from the main issue. You wouldn't believe how many people said "I'm voting leave because there are too many migrants on the streets!"

the whole subject was overtaken by extreme right groups that feed on xenophobia.

Bullshit. That's the sort of thing the left says to discredit their opposition without addressing their arguments.
Yeah it's actually got me both impressed and disgusted after all this went down, the media in the UK is nearly identical to the US media in how they report sides of in issue. Push the racist narrative because it's easier than understanding the opposition.
The cause of leave boils down to 3 things if you consider sites likes Vox/TheGuardian,
1. Old white people that will be dead in 2 years so they aren't important. (Lol)
2. Racism. The medias easiest trump card and almost universally bullshit.
3. Stupidity. People who voted leave are uneducated sheep fuckers. (see uneducated cousin fuckers in the USA ie anyone with a Southern accent). I get the Welsh sheep-shagger jokes, but I love Wales.

All 3 equal controversy, which is free clicks/views. Dismissing the LEAVE view as being any of the above was the problem from the start and the lazy, inexperienced REMAIN millennials (see I can do bullshit labels too!) have to pay the price.. and I mean so do their elders when it comes to any economic changes, but let's ignore them because it doesn't fit an agenda, everyone 40+ will be dead soon enough anyway!
Re: LEAVE won.
#79  June 26, 2016, 09:40:42 pm
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Even putting aside most of the obvious bullshit there, the 'old people' thing really makes no sense this time. This isn't a social issue, where one might expect people to have antiquated views. This is an issue where only the old people know what Britain was like before the EU. They have relevant experience here. What possible grounds are there to discard their opinion? It makes no fucking sense.
Re: LEAVE won.
#80  June 26, 2016, 10:04:30 pm
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are they gonna pull back or what many do kinda regret it