
M.I.C.A FINAL Complete Update for 10/17/2022 (Read 107198 times)

Started by OldGamer, December 24, 2019, 11:22:17 am
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M.I.C.A FINAL Complete Update for 10/17/2022
#1  December 24, 2019, 11:22:17 am
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Last Edit: October 18, 2022, 04:39:25 am by OldGamer
Re: Early Christmas Present: M.I.C.A Final HD 720P ScreenPack Release
#2  December 25, 2019, 07:22:06 am
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I have to say, you put in a lot of hard work into this screenpack, and it cannot be denied that you did excellently here, OG.
Re: Early Christmas Present: M.I.C.A Final HD 720P ScreenPack Release
#3  December 25, 2019, 09:34:10 am
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I always though your original M.I.C.A Final Version Edition screenpack is going to be your last work to finally retire out of M.U.G.E.N judging by the name, but you always come out of retirement and make the screenpack better than ever. You never cease to amaze me, OldGamer. :)
I will still do detail and aesthetic feedback for the rest.
Re: Early Christmas Present: M.I.C.A Final HD 720P ScreenPack Release
#4  December 25, 2019, 06:21:06 pm
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I always though your original M.I.C.A Final Version Edition screenpack is going to be your last work to finally retire out of M.U.G.E.N judging by the name, but you always come out of retirement and make the screenpack better than ever. You never cease to amaze me, OldGamer. :)
thank you so much that’s really coming from the heart I really appreciate appreciate your words beginning a lot of emails about people telling me when Mika ever is going to have an HD version I’ve been avoiding it for the past year since I made the final version of Mica 480p version  I was going to retire from mugen But I was getting a lot of emails private messages and also from you to private messages asking when does Mica ever going to have an HD version Morgan infinite character arena never was planned to be in HD version in the first place.But this is finally is the last one there will be some updates and some changes along the working process we don’t know if someone will work for others but I will keep it ion it and making sure that everyone who is using it be happy and satisfied with the work that I created for the screen pack
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Re: Early Christmas Present: M.I.C.A Final HD 720P ScreenPack Release
#5  December 25, 2019, 06:26:48 pm
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I have to say, you put in a lot of hard work into this screenpack, and it cannot be denied that you did excellently here, OG.
I really appreciate all your feedback and help and suggestions this is how big is going to look like for now on all thanks to you there are still some improvements but will just leave it as it is for now once again thank you for your help I do appreciate it god bless and take care yourself and I hope I see you again on discord and happy holidays

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Re: Early Christmas Present: M.I.C.A Final HD 720P ScreenPack Release
#6  December 25, 2019, 06:27:36 pm
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Thank you OG  :)
Re: Early Christmas Present: M.I.C.A Final HD 720P ScreenPack Release
#7  December 25, 2019, 11:36:53 pm
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Re: Early Christmas Present: M.I.C.A Final HD 720P ScreenPack Release
#8  December 26, 2019, 12:51:55 am
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Thanks a bunch bro. Merry Christmas! :)
Re: Early Christmas Present: M.I.C.A Final HD 720P ScreenPack Release
#9  December 26, 2019, 03:42:41 am
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Re: Early Christmas Present: M.I.C.A Final HD 720P ScreenPack Release
#10  December 27, 2019, 03:13:43 am
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Thank you for the screenpack. Although I got this error when I try using it for Mugen 1.1

Error detected.

Can't load system.sff
Error loading system data: data/system.def

Clipboard tail:
Initializing timer...performance timer enabled...frequency 10000000...OK
Initializing keyboard...configuring...OK
Initializing input engine...OK
Initializing sound...OK
Initializing BGM...  OK
Initializing graphics...gameCoord 1280x720...render mode 2_20...trying 1280x720x32 mode 0x0...success...OK
Setting callbacks...OK
Initializing font...OK
Initializing game variables...OK
Session RNG seed is 1577412729
Loading system fonts...OK
Loading options...
Initializing pads...failed
Reinitializing input engine...OK
Remapping keys...OK
Reinitializing input engine...OK
Options loaded OK
Loading system...
  Load system file system.def...OK
  Load system spr...
Re: Early Christmas Present: M.I.C.A Final HD 720P ScreenPack Release
#11  December 27, 2019, 04:31:57 am
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Thank you for the screenpack. Although I got this error when I try using it for Mugen 1.1

Error detected.

Can't load system.sff
Error loading system data: data/system.def

Clipboard tail:
Initializing timer...performance timer enabled...frequency 10000000...OK
Initializing keyboard...configuring...OK
Initializing input engine...OK
Initializing sound...OK
Initializing BGM...  OK
Initializing graphics...gameCoord 1280x720...render mode 2_20...trying 1280x720x32 mode 0x0...success...OK
Setting callbacks...OK
Initializing font...OK
Initializing game variables...OK
Session RNG seed is 1577412729
Loading system fonts...OK
Loading options...
Initializing pads...failed
Reinitializing input engine...OK
Remapping keys...OK
Reinitializing input engine...OK
Options loaded OK
Loading system...
  Load system file system.def...OK
  Load system spr...
an error on the system.sff its only mean one thing  your pc cant handle mugen 1.1
and you need to run it on only on mugen 1.0, because I don't know if u have a low spec laptop or maybe its did something while its was downloading got corrupted somehow. I don't know how going about fixing it. so far your only person with this error because everyone I know never had this issue

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Re: M.I.C.A Final HD 720P ScreenPack Closed release until further notice
#12  January 05, 2020, 07:07:57 am
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Im sorry mica is closed for further notice. Top post show a video and explain why. thank for your understanding
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Re: M.I.C.A Final HD 720P ScreenPack Closed release until further notice
#13  January 07, 2020, 06:30:16 am
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New Rebuild Mica screen pack is now 100% fixed and ready for download enjoy everyone :D all credit goes to Phantom and New Age Mugen Community and there Discord download and info is in the top post
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Re: New Rebuild M.I.C.A FINAL HD Screen Pack NTcore Version Complete Release
#14  January 08, 2020, 05:33:30 am
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MicaHD is now also Mugen1.0 NTcore 4gb patch is  now release for a download :D light of feather with great speed loading time :D
all do bug are fixed with this as well. you can get it the top post as well xD
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Re: New Rebuild M.I.C.A FINAL HD Screen Pack NTcore Version Complete Release
#15  January 13, 2020, 04:09:57 am
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mica hd is growing stronger now. with many chooses of feedback I get from youtube. new mica is a mugen fans dream :D
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Re: New Rebuild M.I.C.A FINAL HD Screen Pack NTcore Version Complete Release
#16  January 13, 2020, 08:27:46 pm
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What does NTCore do?
Re: New Rebuild M.I.C.A FINAL HD Screen Pack NTcore Version Complete Release
#17  January 18, 2020, 03:41:18 am
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What does NTCore do?
The NTcore removes the 32bit application 2GB system Memory allocation limit - extending it to a theoretical 4GB.
Although it is stated as a "4GB patch", the maximum RAM allocated to M.U.G.E.N may vary depending on individual system specs etc.

This will address many crashing issues, out of memory errors, and resource loading errors when running mugen at resolutions above 640x480.
It will assist with the handling of multiple simultaneous large sprites larger than 640x480px or 720p in 16/32bit png when OpenGL Rendering mode enabled.
It will assist you in using much higher values for AfterImageMax / LayeredSpriteMax / ExplodMax / SysExplodMax / HelperMax / PlayerProjectileMax.

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Re: New Rebuild M.I.C.A FINAL HD Screen Pack NTcore Version Complete Release
#18  January 19, 2020, 09:19:38 pm
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Wow Dude, all of your Screenpack's are always SO GOOD!! :D You should do some work for a Videogame Company or Something like Hyper Arcade. This Screenpack is GOOD! I Also like Kung Fu Man, he keeps getting better and better the more people keep enhancing him and Creating him. :) I Also REALLY Like the Cool "Anime" Inspired, intro that comes on at the Start Too! Well Done! :D
"My Technique Can Not be Beaten"
Re: New Rebuild M.I.C.A FINAL HD Screen Pack NTcore Version Complete Release
#19  April 21, 2020, 07:12:36 am
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Alright, i downloaded it now and it looks amazing, thank you alot for the amazing work.
On the new 4GB Version, it doesn't show the Mugen Monitor next to the Menu. Is that intentional or some weird bug? In the Video it shows just fine :)

(I hope the Mods don't delete this now... this is an obvious bug report).
Re: New Rebuild M.I.C.A FINAL HD Screen Pack NTcore Version Complete Release
#20  June 04, 2020, 05:10:53 am
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Alright, i downloaded it now and it looks amazing, thank you alot for the amazing work.
On the new 4GB Version, it doesn't show the Mugen Monitor next to the Menu. Is that intentional or some weird bug? In the Video it shows just fine :)

(I hope the Mods don't delete this now... this is an obvious bug report).
I removed the Monitor because was too mush to handle for people dont have a good gaming pc, there no bug, was just been removed for that fact not everyone have decent gaming pc to run it and will cause problem and that why is been removed

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