
Necrosan Primal Rage II by Rent & Gruntzilla94 (Read 12260 times)

Started by Rent, June 12, 2017, 08:21:03 pm
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Necrosan Primal Rage II by Rent & Gruntzilla94
#1  June 12, 2017, 08:21:03 pm
  • **

Necrosan is a Primal Rage 2 boss that was originally intended to be included in the original Primal Rage. Although he was then planned to be released in Primal Rage 2, the game never reached full development. Primal Rage 2 was previously unplayable, but thanks to the hard work of Gruntzilla94, Primal Rage 2 was able to be opened through emulators. Please support Gruntzilla here:

Sprite Extraction: Gruntzilla94
Spriter: Rent
Template: Sauron by Skorpophobia, edited by CultistofVertigo and LordShade67
Re: Necrosan Primal Rage II by Rent & Gruntzilla94
#2  June 12, 2017, 08:34:46 pm
  • ***
  • It's time to fly...
    • USA
    • Skype - suburban-gamer

Necrosan is a Primal Rage 2 boss that was originally intended to be included in the original Primal Rage. Although he was then planned to be released in Primal Rage 2, the game never reached full development. Primal Rage 2 was previously unplayable, but thanks to the hard work of Gruntzilla94, Primal Rage 2 was able to be opened through emulators. Please support Gruntzilla here:

Sprite Extraction: Gruntzilla94
Spriter: Rent
Template: Sauron by Skorpophobia, edited by CultistofVertigo and LordShade67

Epic work. Thank you for the release

When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it. - Henry Ford
Re: Necrosan Primal Rage II by Rent & Gruntzilla94
#3  June 12, 2017, 10:04:13 pm
  • ****
  • Raging Fist
times like this I wish I had that primal rage mugen... sad that's gone.
Oh well, better make a restart for this bad boy XD
Re: Necrosan Primal Rage II by Rent & Gruntzilla94
#4  June 13, 2017, 01:56:17 am
  • ****
  • The Chaos has ended. You will be remembered!
    • Germany
DidnĀ“t expected anything so soon from Primal Rage II. Nice.

Some short feedback...

 - CLSN needs a lot of work in almost all animations

 - no CLSN on recovery frames of crouching y
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
and Petrify (Throw)
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

 - Stray pixels on the taunt/win animation
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
and Petrify (Throw) recovery
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

 - taunt scream from Necrosan starts very late into the animation

 - KFM knockdown landing sound?

 - very low damage on the projectiles (Voidball & Lightning) 

Really nice to see Necrosan. Keep it up.
Re: Necrosan Primal Rage II by Rent & Gruntzilla94
#5  June 13, 2017, 01:57:15 pm
  • ****
    • Brazil
hi Rent....
good to see you active.
I remember when you ripped these sprites from a video.
work very hard
congratulations on finally doing this char
thanks for sharing
I hope you keep updating
Re: Necrosan Primal Rage II by Rent & Gruntzilla94
#6  June 15, 2017, 01:27:40 pm
  • ***
This looks awesome. Great work. Thanks