
New Fight.def (HD) for MIKU Lifebar (mugen 1.0) (Read 17079 times)

Started by JeanBureau, October 17, 2011, 01:02:54 am
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New Fight.def (HD) for MIKU Lifebar (mugen 1.0)
#1  October 17, 2011, 01:02:54 am
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I am giving here the fight.def file for those who enjoy the awesome MIKU lifebar but are frustrated because they have like me, a HD screenpack.

No one released the modified DEF for HD  screenpack so I did it myself. In the end i feel like releasing so other people can enjoy. It was a pain in the ass to do for me as I don't know how to make lifebars. But i think it's fine now.


EDIT: LINK UPDATED BECAUSE I forgot a few things (like the win icon) - it should be 99% perfectly compatible now
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Last Edit: October 17, 2011, 05:36:44 pm by jeanbureau
Re: New Fight.def (HD) for MIKU Lifebar (mugen 1.0)
#2  October 17, 2011, 01:09:38 am
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MIKU BARS!!! :DDDD I have these bars in my WinMugen pack. :D But I have some different bars for 1.0, and I think I'll stick with those. Mainly because I dont really feel like making anymore custom portraits. >_<

(i know i dont have to, but when it comes to Miku Lifebars, I just feel the need to have the custom portraits)
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Spoiler: You want to know what really pisses me off? (click to see content)
Re: New Fight.def (HD) for MIKU Lifebar (mugen 1.0)
#3  October 17, 2011, 01:14:12 am
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Me too I have those for winmugen but even though i normally prefer winmugen, I really can't stand the fact that it crashes during a fight.

It pisses me off too much so in the end I adopted 1.0
My stages exhibition

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Re: New Fight.def (HD) for MIKU Lifebar (mugen 1.0)
#4  October 17, 2011, 01:59:20 am
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Re: New Fight.def (HD) for MIKU Lifebar (mugen 1.0)
#5  October 17, 2011, 02:05:24 am
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Dissidia already made a 1.0 version of these bars, unless this is for 1280x720, which your screenshot shows 640x480.

I know he did and I downloaded it, to finally realize with disapointment that it wasn't the right size. That's whay I am giving this new DEF file.

I personally play in 640 x 480 but that doesn't change the fact that if you download the 1.0 lifebar on dissidia's website, its too small. I was wondering what's the difference with the winmugen and 1.0 section on his website considering both files are too small for mugen 1.0 HD...

My stages exhibition

Find them at:;dl=cat294

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Last Edit: October 17, 2011, 02:09:34 am by jeanbureau
Re: New Fight.def (HD) for MIKU Lifebar (mugen 1.0)
#6  October 17, 2011, 02:50:57 am
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You could have at least asked before you released this  :P
Re: New Fight.def (HD) for MIKU Lifebar (mugen 1.0)
#7  October 17, 2011, 03:01:16 am
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I know he did and I downloaded it, to finally realize with disapointment that it wasn't the right size. That's whay I am giving this new DEF file.

Hmm they look fine to me...

1.0 Screenshot

Are you sure you've downloaded the right version for 1.0? Did you set your localcoord to 640x480?
Re: New Fight.def (HD) for MIKU Lifebar (mugen 1.0)
#8  October 17, 2011, 03:13:02 am
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Are you sure you've downloaded the right version for 1.0? Did you set your localcoord to 640x480?

I downloaded everything (both section winmugen and 1.0) 2 times (4 downloads in toal)  to be sure i didn't make the confusion... the result was the same.

My localcoord are 1280x720 (while I play in 640x480 windowed) and I don't change it to 640x480 localcoord because if I do i am forced to play with a 1280x720 window (fullscreen pretty much) and I hate it.

maybe there is something i am screwing up...

I just tried what you said: put a 640x480 localcoord with the 1.0 version. It works during the fight but the title screen is HUGE...

My stages exhibition

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Last Edit: October 17, 2011, 03:19:20 am by jeanbureau
Re: New Fight.def (HD) for MIKU Lifebar (mugen 1.0)
#9  October 17, 2011, 03:28:55 am
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  • Does this look like the face of mercy?
Re: New Fight.def (HD) for MIKU Lifebar (mugen 1.0)
#10  October 17, 2011, 03:31:11 am
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So this is meant for an HD screenpack with the gamewidth and gameheight set to 640, 480.

So basically this is meant for HD Screenpacks, examples being the default Mugen 1.0 screenpack.
Going to test anyway

Spoiler: HR Screenpack at 640x480 (click to see content)

Spoiler: HD Screenpack at 640x480 (click to see content)

Spoiler: HD Screenpack at 1280x720 (click to see content)

So yeah this hasn't been made before, and only runs well with an HD screenpack at 640x480 which is a rare occasion since HD SPs look crappy in that resolution.
Also move this to Edits and Add Ons
Last Edit: October 17, 2011, 03:43:38 am by Oxe
Re: New Fight.def (HD) for MIKU Lifebar (mugen 1.0)
#11  October 17, 2011, 05:38:09 pm
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I forgot to change the values for the "win" icon so the pruple stars for the second round was fucked up. (it's not really noticeable but let's just make things correctly from top to the bottom i guess)
My stages exhibition

Find them at:;dl=cat294

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