
Prince is DEAD!!! (Read 30082 times)

Started by Titiln, April 21, 2016, 07:03:41 pm
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Re: Prince is DEAD!!!
#41  March 28, 2018, 04:42:52 pm
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    • USA
Not sure about the internet, but he certainly hated Weird Al, that's for sure.
Re: Prince is DEAD!!!
#42  March 28, 2018, 04:51:02 pm
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    • USA
It's sort of true? He's the only artist Al's made an actual jab at, lighthearted or not ("Party like it's 1699" in Amish Paradise)
Re: Prince is DEAD!!!
#43  March 29, 2018, 09:27:49 am
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    • Philippines
lol didnt he hated the internets?

I was googling for his MBTI (most would say he is either ISFP or INFJ) then I accidently discovered he sued his own fan club.  :bjugoi:

The music legend is an experienced piracy fighter, having sued or attempted to sue those who use his material without permission multiple times in the past.

In 2007, he filed an unsuccessful lawsuit against The Pirate Bay in the US, France and Sweden but this time, he has bypassed file-sharing websites to sue the fans who share links on social media instead.

Members of online fan community seem largely unsupportive of their idol's latest legal mission. "Is this a joke? What a black day in Prince history," one user wrote, while another said: "Crazy guy. Not like he needs the money either, he's loaded!"

A strong opposer of digital distribution, Prince famously stated his belief that "the internet is completely over" in 2010. He regularly forces video streaming websites such as YouTube and Vine to take down fan-uploaded footage of his concerts.
sailormoongalaxy said:
I had read on Wikimoon, and I found it grotesque it was so wrong.