
Ragna the Bloodedge v1.12 (Read 106635 times)

Started by OHMSBY, September 26, 2018, 05:16:10 pm
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Ragna the Bloodedge v1.12
#1  September 26, 2018, 05:16:10 pm
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Hello everyone,

Ragna the Bloodedge is complete. Like my other characters, he uses a custom gameplay style that is largely based on his Cross Tag moveset, and he also has a few of his old moves.

More Screenshots in the spoiler:
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

Get Ragna here:

As always, there is a poll for next character. There have been a lot of instances while working on Ragna where I thought to myself "you know, this character could be fun to work on", so there are a lot of choices this time around. Vote here:
Mai has won the poll. Thank you for voting.

As always, have fun.
Last Edit: July 27, 2020, 04:38:15 am by OHMSBY
Re: Ragna the Bloodedge
#2  September 26, 2018, 05:57:16 pm
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I haven't played with him for very long but the first thing I've noticed is that his main bnb from Tag is impossible.  Since your character has normal walking rather than the automatic dash, you can accomplish this by making dead spike dash cancellable as it is in BB.
Re: Ragna the Bloodedge
#3  September 26, 2018, 06:11:01 pm
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Hot damn, another great work from you! Haven't downloaded yet but I'm sure this gonna be good. This is like Christmas coming early.
Re: Ragna the Bloodedge
#4  September 26, 2018, 06:32:01 pm
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Well this was fast,will test when i have the chance.Looks nice from the screenshots,especially the small portrait,it has the vans feeling
Re: Ragna the Bloodedge
#5  September 26, 2018, 06:55:06 pm
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As far as gameplay goes, the momentum on Gauntlet Hades and Bloodscythe just feel wrong. They both suddenly accelerate.

As far as graphics go, they need a lot of work. The most glaring examples are Hell's Fang's first part and Carnage Scizzors (which is also missing the spark for the first hit). The effects are too small and they don't create a trail (this one applies more to Hell's Fang). Dead Spike B and EX also need adjustments. The former needs to have the last 2 sprites increased in size (some BB effects sprites are much smaller than they show up in the game, including the moving Dead Spike and Hazama's green energy snakes).
Some throws use wrong sprites, including Devoured by Darkness. You should use 5062,0 since that one grabs the enemy by their head.

Black Onslaught feels...empty. The lack of those orbs, extra hits before the final strike and the extra hit effect on the final strike itself make it look underwhelming.
Re: Ragna the Bloodedge
#6  September 26, 2018, 07:19:34 pm
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On the subject of gauntlet hades if you try to use it during a midscreen combo Ragna will cross the opponent up after the followup because of the excessive forward momentum.
Re: Ragna the Bloodedge
#7  September 26, 2018, 07:51:22 pm
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I haven't played with him for very long but the first thing I've noticed is that his main bnb from Tag is impossible.  Since your character has normal walking rather than the automatic dash, you can accomplish this by making dead spike dash cancellable as it is in BB.

Ooh, I haven't even thought about bringing back his dash cancel. I'll have to try that out.


Duly noted on the Gauntlet Hades and Blood Scythe momentum, I will make some adjustments.

As for the graphics and effects, I want to keep the file sizes for my characters relatively low, which is why I've been trying to hold back on them. Although, I do agree that Black Onslaught could use some sprucing up.
Re: Ragna the Bloodedge
#8  September 26, 2018, 10:12:59 pm
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As for the graphics and effects, I want to keep the file sizes for my characters relatively low, which is why I've been trying to hold back on them. Although, I do agree that Black Onslaught could use some sprucing up.
I think you can keep it low without cutting too much. You could probably use a bunch of small effects in addition to what you already have to make things look better. But most of the problems I've mentioned regarding the effects can be fixed without touching the sprites.
Re: Ragna the Bloodedge
#9  September 26, 2018, 10:26:09 pm
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I think you can keep it low without cutting too much. You could probably use a bunch of small effects in addition to what you already have to make things look better. But most of the problems I've mentioned regarding the effects can be fixed without touching the sprites.

True. I'll make some adjustments to these as well.
Re: Ragna the Bloodedge
#10  September 27, 2018, 03:30:17 am
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 May seem nitpicky on my part, but noticed that your characters use p2stateno in hitdefs instead of targetstate to send an opponent into custom states. If attacks ever clash, the fighters will end up inheriting each others states and nasty bugs can occur. It's a bigger deal than it may sound and would be a good idea to switch over to targetstating instead.
Re: Ragna the Bloodedge
#11  September 27, 2018, 03:46:59 am
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Small problem: It seems that Ragna's throw isn't techable. I have never played BBCTB before so is it a thing from that game? Or you just forgot to code it?
Re: Ragna the Bloodedge
#12  September 27, 2018, 03:50:35 am
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Great work on Ragna. Here's my feedback after a few minutes of testing:

-The third hit of his standing B attack doesn't have a hitspark.
-If you stop dashing then jump right after the slide, the sliding fx moves along with the character (This is a shared issue with Ruby, Yang, and Mika and I didn't know about it until now as it was more noticeable on Ragna).
-Nightmare Edge is missing the sound fx where he lands on the ground (Not sure if it's intentional, but it kinda has less impact do to the attack's speed and that he lands on his legs).
-The landing sound effect on the jumping C move doesn't play if it hits (Or maybe it does, but it cuts off due to the hit sounds).
-Devored by Darkness doesn't have hitsparks during the hits of the grab (I still don't have Cross Tag Battle yet, so I'm not sure if it's supposed to).
-For Ruby's special intro with Ragna, you should add dust fx and sparkles like in the Cross Tag Battle game. Also, make Ruby move one more time so she stops right when she finishes talking.

That's all for now.

Another feedback regarding the next character poll. It's great to have them for your next WIPs, but the more you keep adding new characters that weren't present in the last one, the more I feel like Gordeau will get shafted again. It makes me less wanting to vote for him as the new additions feels way more appealing than him. Now you added Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax as a choice of WIPs, I feel more excited to see your take on Kuroko over Gordeau. Just saying since you had him since the first poll and he's always 2nd place, getting beaten by someone who just got added in the new poll. I do hope you get around him eventually.
I will still do detail and aesthetic feedback for the rest.
Re: Ragna the Bloodedge
#13  September 27, 2018, 03:53:24 am
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Now you added Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax as a choice of WIPs, I feel more excited to see your take on Kuroko over Gordeau.

 I actually agree, it would be interesting to see how he'd handle the teleportation mechanics and make them interesting.
Re: Ragna the Bloodedge
#14  September 27, 2018, 04:53:07 am
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May seem nitpicky on my part, but noticed that your characters use p2stateno in hitdefs instead of targetstate to send an opponent into custom states. If attacks ever clash, the fighters will end up inheriting each others states and nasty bugs can occur. It's a bigger deal than it may sound and would be a good idea to switch over to targetstating instead.

You know, throughout the whole time I've using Mugen, I don't think I have ever seen anything like this happen. You learn something new every day.

Small problem: It seems that Ragna's throw isn't techable. I have never played BBCTB before so is it a thing from that game? Or you just forgot to code it?

This gameplay style isn't meant to be an exact replica of Cross Tag. There is throw teching in that game, but here, I intentionally made the throws more akin to that of Guilty Gear X2, where there is no throw teching.

-The third hit of his standing B attack doesn't have a hitspark.
-If you stop dashing then jump right after the slide, the sliding fx moves along with the character (This is a shared issue with Ruby, Yang, and Mika and I didn't know about it until now as it was more noticeable on Ragna).
-Nightmare Edge is missing the sound fx where he lands on the ground (Not sure if it's intentional, but it kinda has less impact do to the attack's speed and that he lands on his legs).
-The landing sound effect on the jumping C move doesn't play if it hits (Or maybe it does, but it cuts off due to the hit sounds).
-Devored by Darkness doesn't have hitsparks during the hits of the grab (I still don't have Cross Tag Battle yet, so I'm not sure if it's supposed to).
-For Ruby's special intro with Ragna, you should add dust fx and sparkles like in the Cross Tag Battle game. Also, make Ruby move one more time so she stops right when she finishes talking.

- I accidentally assigned a spark that doesn't even exist to the hitdef. This will be fixed.
- Good catch. Fortunately, this shouldn't be too hard to fix.
- I gave that move a ground slam sound effect, and I thought that would suffice. I just tried it with the regular land sound effect to go along with it, and it does sound better.
- After using it over and over to hear for myself, it seems that it just gets drained out by the other sound effects
- In Cross Tag, its just the slash effects, although I put them behind the claw as opposed to in front like in the game. I may mess around with it more.
- Noted.

Another feedback regarding the next character poll. It's great to have them for your next WIPs, but the more you keep adding new characters that weren't present in the last one, the more I feel like Gordeau will get shafted again. It makes me less wanting to vote for him as the new additions feels way more appealing than him. Now you added Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax as a choice of WIPs, I feel more excited to see your take on Kuroko over Gordeau. Just saying since you had him since the first poll and he's always 2nd place, getting beaten by someone who just got added in the new poll. I do hope you get around him eventually.

Quick fun fact: I was actually prepared to start working on Gordeau after Ruby before Gladiacloud asked about another poll. I hope to eventually get around to him as well. Also, I don't think I'll be adding any more options to the next poll.
Last Edit: September 27, 2018, 05:27:49 am by OHMSBY
Re: Ragna the Bloodedge
#15  September 27, 2018, 04:54:43 am
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Another feedback regarding the next character poll. It's great to have them for your next WIPs, but the more you keep adding new characters that weren't present in the last one, the more I feel like Gordeau will get shafted again. It makes me less wanting to vote for him as the new additions feels way more appealing than him. Now you added Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax as a choice of WIPs, I feel more excited to see your take on Kuroko over Gordeau. Just saying since you had him since the first poll and he's always 2nd place, getting beaten by someone who just got added in the new poll. I do hope you get around him eventually.
I'm still going to vote for Gordeau because I need to GRIMREAPAH some mofos in Mugen.
Re: Ragna the Bloodedge
#16  September 27, 2018, 07:34:31 am
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 Personally, at the rate Gordeau's been shafted to second place in every poll, I think he should be made as the next guaranteed character after whoever wins this one since I feel he could catch a break for once.
Re: Ragna the Bloodedge
#17  September 27, 2018, 12:08:35 pm
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Re: Ragna the Bloodedge
#18  September 27, 2018, 03:10:12 pm
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Is there any way to have the training mode dummy automatically tech out of invalid combos?  It's very difficult to test this character without knowing what would blue beat.
Re: Ragna the Bloodedge
#19  September 27, 2018, 03:13:01 pm
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Trainning by stupa does have an auto-tech option.
Re: Ragna the Bloodedge v1.01
#20  September 27, 2018, 05:12:41 pm
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Ragna has just been updated, go ahead and redownload him.

- A and B versions of Dead Spike can now be dash canceled like in previous Blazblue titles. Running attacks can also be used during this dash.
- Adjusted the momentum on Gauntlet Hades and Blood Scythe
- Adjusted the launch trajectory on the follow up for Gauntlet Hades
- B Version of Dead Spike is smaller, but it also moves forward now
- Increased the size of the effects for EX Deadspike and it's follow up as well as their hitboxes
- Changed some of the grabbed animations
- Fixed a bug where the dust from sliding after a run would follow Ragna while jumping
- Fixed a bug where Ragna would regain meter during his force breaks
- Added a landing sound to Nightmare Edge
- During Devoured by Darkness, the slash effects now show up in front of the claw as opposed to behind
- Made some of the effects look nicer
- Spruced up Black Onslaught a bit