
Reversal (Mechanics) (Read 5775 times)

Started by Ricepigeon, June 15, 2016, 08:03:09 pm
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Reversal (Mechanics)
#1  June 15, 2016, 08:03:09 pm
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A reversal, also known as a wake-up attack, is a technique in most fighting games in where a player performs a counterattack immediately after receiving an attack. Reversals are not a game specific mechanic but, rather, they take advantage of a small timing window so that a special or super attack is performed at the first possible moment the player recovers from being hit by an attack.

  • Certain moves are made specifically for the purpose of being used as reversals, usually those with startup invincibility frames such as the Shoryuken.
  • Reversals can be done when leaving block stun or hit stun, getting up from a liedown or quick stand state after a knockdown, landing after a mid-air hit, or leaving a stunned or dizzy state.
  • In the Street Fighter IV series, all reversals gain the armor break property, allowing the attack to ignore any armor state that the opponent may have.
Last Edit: June 15, 2016, 08:10:04 pm by Ricepigeon
Re: Reversal (Mechanics)
New #2  November 28, 2016, 03:14:59 pm
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Reversals in Mugen's common1.cns aren't quite right compared to commercial fighting games, and it's due to Mugen not giving you immediate control after hitstun, blockstun, wakeup, and safefall. Instead you become stuck in your standing/crouching state for one frame, and then you can do anything afterward. This leaves you at a 1-frame disadvantage when recovering from these hit states, among other things. It also makes attack invincibility after wakeup a necessity, even though real fighting games don't do this. Overall it's a minor detail (we're talking about a single frame), but it's yet another example of how Mugen can be kinda derpy. :P

This can be solved by using a CtrlSet in [StateDef -3] that gives you access to [StateDef -1] before being sent into the Standing state.

[StateDef -3]

[State -3, CtrlSet]
type = CtrlSet
trigger1 = StateNo = 151 || StateNo = 153
trigger1 = HitOver     ;<----end of blockstun
trigger2 = StateNo = 5001 || StateNo = 5011
trigger2 = HitOver     ;<----end of hitstun
trigger3 = StateNo = 5120 || StateNo = 5201
trigger3 = !AnimTime   ;<----end of wakeup/safe fall
ctrl = 1
Last Edit: November 28, 2016, 03:27:41 pm by Niitris