
ShugenDo - Discussion Thread (Read 134467 times)

Started by Kratos, January 04, 2007, 08:08:28 pm
Re: ShugenDo - Discussion Thread
#41  January 05, 2007, 03:16:26 pm
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but it slows down my pc as hell when I run it.  o_O

Well while you run it I don't know...
But when you close it, doing this maybe?

:P Amazingly enough, if I use the exit option or the Escape key instead of doing that, I get less memory consumption when leaving Mugen programs. Yep, ShugenDO too.
But anyway, my PC keeps taking its little time to stabilize after that.

By pressing that X button on the window you force the programm to shoutdown and it  has no chance
to delallocate all it resource the normal way.

Good that windows allows us to disable this X button :D
Re: ShugenDo - Discussion Thread
#42  January 05, 2007, 03:22:36 pm
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  • what a shame
    • Iran
I heard somewhile ago on your your forums that you were also planning on creating a more advanced paid version?
I saw that in the old forums,though,correct me if im wrong.
Re: ShugenDo - Discussion Thread
#43  January 05, 2007, 03:28:32 pm
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Forget that
ShugenDo is for free with all its features and will be free
Here you can find ShugenDo
Re: ShugenDo - Discussion Thread
#44  January 05, 2007, 04:21:51 pm
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(..) but it slows down my pc as hell when I run it.  o_O
So that's your computer's fault :( it works fine for me.

Trust me, when a 2.4ghz Pentium with 1024 mb ram and a GeForce 6000 can run 3D games with no slowdown and it slows down with an unfinished 2d application, it's NOT its fault.

Hmmm which version of ShugenDo slow your PC down the Software Render(ShugenDoSw.exe) version or the normal version which use D3D?

The D3D version runs quite good even on an Radeon 9500
The only possible slow dow is the SW rendere of ShugenDo or the logfile because its write each messge to the file directly.

The SW. I just tried D3D and it works fine, except that KFM has palette problems.

EDIT: Nevermind, not only KFM has palette problems - most of my chars does. Also, Kei's custom AI turned on just right after I performed a special and it acted way, way, way bad.  o_O
triggerall = Win && numhelper(180) = 0 && time = 0 && (stateno = 180) && matchover
Last Edit: January 05, 2007, 04:26:03 pm by Rikard
Re: ShugenDo - Discussion Thread
#45  January 05, 2007, 08:09:22 pm
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I have a pentium 4, 2.60 ghz, 512 ram. And a Radeon 9550 Graphics card. And it runs very smoothly. Even with chars like Dragon Claw.
But when I throw chars with Evil Ryu, they go the oppisite way.
Last Edit: January 05, 2007, 08:13:01 pm by Kratos
Re: ShugenDo - Discussion Thread
#46  January 05, 2007, 10:28:07 pm
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  • IKEMEN Go interactive stage object creator
  • WIP: Tons and tons of IKEMEN stages
I already developed a simple software to make a *.bat out of your \Chars folder, to run StConv.exe with each char (how the hell do you think I playtested all those chars?). To be released soon. 8)
For my latest stage pack release, go here:

For donations go to


Re: ShugenDo - Discussion Thread
#47  January 05, 2007, 10:35:19 pm
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    • Brazil
Interesting... Still, it won't run my chars properly. Due to my unusual use of triggers for their CMD files, it's currently impossible to attack with them in the current ShugenDo build.
Also, I cannot tell if the bezier curve code works properly because I can't use the attack.

If you're willing to take a look onto it, there's a sample char with the bézier curve code below.


Princess Adora: "My friend saw She-Ra take her dress off in the shower. She said she has an 8 pack. She said She-Ra is shredded."

SF2NES is dead. Long live SF2NES.
Re: ShugenDo - Discussion Thread
#48  January 05, 2007, 11:55:05 pm
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I will see what i can do
Hmm this little guy makes some big problem in ShugenDo :D
Here you can find ShugenDo
Re: ShugenDo - Discussion Thread
#49  January 06, 2007, 06:09:51 am
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  • "In case you're wondering, you've lost."
    • USA according to the pics posted so far, there is no graphic mode equal to doubleres=2? that kinda sucks...i can't stand it when the most visually appealing thing in my game is the lifebars :S though there are some very NICE doubleres=4 chars out there (mostly of the GG persuasion(sp?)), it would be nice to see a mode that looks as smooth as Mugen's doubleres=2 graphical mode...this is, of course, just the opinion of one individual/user --;...

...and before someone mentions that there is a mixed mode in works for a future release of ShugenDo, I've seen the pics of this mode, and they look like painted chars with no just looks weird to would be MUCH better with a dr=2 instead...again this is just MY opinion...


Re: ShugenDo - Discussion Thread
#50  January 06, 2007, 11:50:20 am
Seeming that we're aiming to neutralize "competition" wouldn't it be best to change the topic title?

"ShugenDo, The Future of Mugen...."

Come on.
Last Edit: January 06, 2007, 01:49:47 pm by Zod!ark
Re: ShugenDo - Discussion Thread
#51  January 06, 2007, 12:01:00 pm
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  • IKEMEN Go interactive stage object creator
  • WIP: Tons and tons of IKEMEN stages

EDIT: Wow, 1000 posts. I really should get a life.  :P

EDIT2: Copied for better viewing:

The Future of Mugen is... here?


Originally Posted by Kratos
Yeah, I know about this too. ShugenDo will be much better.
Infinity Cat is interesting, but way too buggy. The author should focus more on getting the bugs out of the engine and making chars fully compatible. Instead the author is just adding new triggers.

Sakir was smart, he worked on the main engine first and worked out all his bugs, And then he added new stuff.

Having Patients pays off, and our wait will be worth it. I can tell. Looking forward to an new year with ShugenDo!

I've been to this scene since 2001, and backed up every single clone project that popped out, a process in which I lost face and got bashed by lotsa ppl. I would certainly hate to see the now clone-flourishing scenario  turn into a "My clone is better than yours!" one with rivalry instead of cooperation...
Claiming that InfinityCat is the Future of Mugen is disrespecting ShugenDo, SakirSoft, and the other clone authors.
Likewise, claiming that ShugenDo is the Future of Mugen is disrespecting InfinityCat, SofiyaCat, and the other clone authors.

So, I would like to ask to some members here (with no authority, of course; just a polite request) to be more respectful (just like SakirSoft and SofiyaCat are) towards all the WIP Mugen clones, and try to keep the "XXX clone sux and YYY rulez!" comments private, to avoid any possible conflicts.
We all know our preferences and can communicate them, yet I think there is no need to run the risk of harming the feelings of any clone authors.

In other words: The Future of Mugen isn't ShugenDo or InfinityCat: the Future of Mugen are its Clones.
For my latest stage pack release, go here:

For donations go to
Last Edit: January 06, 2007, 12:03:46 pm by Lasombra Demon


Re: ShugenDo - Discussion Thread
#52  January 06, 2007, 12:03:46 pm
Re: ShugenDo - Discussion Thread
#53  January 06, 2007, 01:29:19 pm
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    • according to the pics posted so far, there is no graphic mode equal to doubleres=2? that kinda sucks...i can't stand it when the most visually appealing thing in my game is the lifebars :S though there are some very NICE doubleres=4 chars out there (mostly of the GG persuasion(sp?)), it would be nice to see a mode that looks as smooth as Mugen's doubleres=2 graphical mode...this is, of course, just the opinion of one individual/user --;...

...and before someone mentions that there is a mixed mode in works for a future release of ShugenDo, I've seen the pics of this mode, and they look like painted chars with no just looks weird to would be MUCH better with a dr=2 instead...again this is just MY opinion...

Okey i see you want bilinear filtering.
Now i added this filter

here are the current filters,l choose which one you like

Normal( doublerez = 4 )

bilinear( doublerez = 2)

and Scale2x

All support high rez chars at the same time
Here you can find ShugenDo


Re: ShugenDo - Discussion Thread
#54  January 06, 2007, 01:36:05 pm
Normal (doublerez = 4) FTW - Definately the best
Bilinear (doublerez = 2) Is hurting my eyes
Scale2x - Not bad ;)
Re: ShugenDo - Discussion Thread
#55  January 06, 2007, 01:36:25 pm
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Interesting... Still, it won't run my chars properly. Due to my unusual use of triggers for their CMD files, it's currently impossible to attack with them in the current ShugenDo build.
Also, I cannot tell if the bezier curve code works properly because I can't use the attack.

If you're willing to take a look onto it, there's a sample char with the bézier curve code below.
Thanx man for that char i found a bug in my Var Assigment code and fixed.
Now you guynes works in ShugenDo and you can test it in the next update release.
By the way i think now i saw everythink in cns coding  ;).
Thats a very very special way to detect things via flags.But hey it wotks and now in ShugenDo too
But i thing your bézier curve code does not work in ShugenDo because the white dragon is not flying.

Here you can find ShugenDo
Re: ShugenDo - Discussion Thread
#56  January 06, 2007, 01:38:07 pm
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Normal (doublerez = 4) FTW - Definately the best
Bilinear (doublerez = 2) Is hurting my eyes
Scale2x - Not bad ;)

Yeahh i also prever Normal and Scale2x
But i give you the choice to choose.
Here you can find ShugenDo


Re: ShugenDo - Discussion Thread
#57  January 06, 2007, 01:45:18 pm
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Hm... Even without looking at your code, I might have figured the problem.

Does your code process an Null sctrl trigger?
If not, the code to assign the keypoints won't work, as it use the null sctrl to set several variables at once.

If it does, does it use short-circuit to evaluate the trigger expression?
Now, if your engine uses short-circuited express evaluation for triggers, the code won't work because I use 1 || (varsetting code here) to assure that mugen won't skip the next trigger of the sequence due to the unlikely possibility of one the vars being zero after the random pos calculation, thus leading mugen to return fail for the trigger in question and skipping the all the other triggers with the same id within the sequence.

InfCat was having the same issue.
Princess Adora: "My friend saw She-Ra take her dress off in the shower. She said she has an 8 pack. She said She-Ra is shredded."

SF2NES is dead. Long live SF2NES.
Re: ShugenDo - Discussion Thread
#58  January 06, 2007, 01:57:48 pm
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Thank you Bia for that hint.
Hope i will see this the dragon of that little guy flying soon in ShugenDo ;)
Here you can find ShugenDo
Re: ShugenDo - Discussion Thread
#59  January 06, 2007, 02:37:06 pm
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Okey say hallo to the white dragon

I like the way he flys good work man.
Here you can find ShugenDo
Re: ShugenDo - Discussion Thread
#60  January 07, 2007, 03:35:46 am
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  • "In case you're wondering, you've lost."
    • USA
Normal (doublerez = 4) FTW - Definately the best
Bilinear (doublerez = 2) Is hurting my eyes
Scale2x - Not bad ;)

Yeahh i also prever Normal and Scale2x
But i give you the choice to choose.

I hate to ask, but could you maybe make it support dr=3 too? that way, if it comes out that blurry, I can just use the scanline mode to make it look a little more tv-ish...I know, I know...some of you are probably like, "why on Earth would you EVER use dr=3/scanline filtering?!"...but I kinda like dr=3 sometimes...if there was a way to make normal resolution characters look less pixellated in dr=4 mode, then I wouldn't mind...but I know not how to edit chars into dr=4 resolution, so I would have to deal with the pixel look in hi-res mode, and that would suck...but, yeah...I see that in ShugenDo dr=2 (bilinear resolution) mode, it looks could you maybe try to make a scanline-compatible mode? maybe it won't look so bad...and maybe better than bilinear mode...