I've already completed the movelist + system:
Copied from the Readme:
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Grasping Upper : (Near Opponent) Hold F or B + HP
Buster Throw : (Near Opponent) Hold F or B + HK
-Run : Double tap and hold F
-Back Step : Double tap B
-Long Jump : Tap D and quickly press U
-Roll Forward : Hold F and Press C
-Roll Backward : Hold B and Press C
-Blowback Attack : Press Z
-Guard Cancel Emergency Evade Forward (Requires 1 Power Bar) : Hold F and Press LP + LK while guarding
-Guard Cancel Emergency Evade Backward (Requires 1 Power Bar) : Hold B and Press LP + LK while guarding
-Guard Cancel Blowback Attack (Requires 1 Power Bar) : Press HP + HK while guarding
-Power Charge : Hold HP + HK
-Safe Fall : Press 2P when nearing ground while falling
-Just Defend : Guard the instant the opponent attack hits
-Step : Double tap F
-Back Step : Double tap B
-Long Jump : Tap D and quickly press U
-Original Combo : Press HP + HK ( Requires 3 Power Bars,activates and drains the power bars until depleted or player is hit)
Ground : Tap F
Low : Tap D
Air : Tap F
-Safe Fall : Press 2P when nearing ground while falling
-Alpha Counters (Require 1 Power Bar)
Rising Tackle : Hold F and Press 2P while guarding
Crack Shot : Hold F and Press 2K while guarding
-Run : Double tap and hold F
-Back Step : Double tap B
-Long Jump : Tap D and quickly press U
-Dodge : Press LP + LK
-Dodge Attack : Press P or K while Dodging
-Roll Forward : Hold F and Press LP + LK
-Roll Backward : Hold B and Press LP + LK
-Guard Cancel Emergency Evade Forward (Requires 1 Power Bar) : Hold F and Press LP + LK while guarding
-Guard Cancel Emergency Evade Backward (Requires 1 Power Bar) : Hold B and Press LP + LK while guarding
-Guard Cancel Blowback Attack (Requires 1 Power Bar) : Press HP + HK while guarding
-Original Combo : Press HP + HK (Requires 3 Power Bars,activates and drains the power bars until depleted or player is hit)
-Power Charge : Hold HP + HK
Ground : Tap F
Low : Tap D
Air : Tap F
-Safe Fall : Press 2P when nearing ground while falling
-Just Defend : Guard the instant the opponent attack hits
-Shield (Melty Blood) (Requires 1 EX Slot) : Press Z to Shield (Stand,Crouch and Air available)
-Quick Roman Cancel (Modified version of Guilty Gear's) (Requires 1 EX Slot): Press C to Roman Cancel (Requires 1 Power Bar)
(Stand,Crouch and Air available)
You can Quick Roman Cancel Specials or Supers
-Air Dash (Guilty Gear)
Forward : Double Tap F while in Air
Backward : Double Tap B while in Air
-Alpha Counters (Require 1 Power Bar)
Rising Tackle : Hold F and Press LP + HP while guarding
Crack Shot : Hold F and Press LK + HK while guarding
-Blood Rage (Requires 4 EX Slots) : Press LK + HP to activate
1.Infinite Shield and Quick Roman Cancel
2.Excel Super
3.Increased Attack
4.Health Regeneration
-Rising Upper : Hold D and F and press HP
-Rising Tackle : Hold D and quickly press U + P
-Power Drive : F,D + P
-Power Shoot : B,D + P
-Burn Knuckle : QCB + P
-Power Wave : QCF + P
-Crack Shot : QCB + K
-Power Charge : F,D,DF + P
-Power Dunk : F,D,DF + K
-MAX Dunk (Can only be performed during Blood Rage) : LK + HP
-Power Geyser : 2QCB + P
-Buster Wolf : 2QCF + K
-High-Angle Geyser : 2QCB + K
===========================LV.3 SUPER=====================
S.Knuckle/Rising Force : 2QCF + P
A few of his commands are not accurate (eg.Power Geyser being 2QCB+P)