
V-Zilla (Read 230525 times)

Started by Shamrock, May 19, 2010, 06:08:57 pm
Re: Vozilla
#41  June 17, 2010, 02:58:29 pm
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  • I got a PM.
Is he still bitching about things from over a year ago?

Oh my fucking god.

That is it, this thread is going public.
Last Edit: June 17, 2010, 03:06:50 pm by Shamrock
Re: Vozilla
#42  June 17, 2010, 03:30:57 pm
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then thats fucking bullshit that you condone breaking your first rule, condone harrassment, and the fact that he can say whatever the fuck he wants, but if i respond, i get in trouble.
Listen, I don't give a flying fuck if you think it's harrasment. Your "every negative post in the same thread that I post in is a direct attack towards me" is ridiculous and I'm not going to make people shut up about CVG because you could get butthurt.

You were banned for being an obnoxius asshole and claiming you'd stir shit up if you wanted and for ignoring a staff warning.

Move on and start using the forum properly or get out.

Knowing him his reply is going to call us pricks and assholes. I say perma if he also pulls the same shit he did with Rajaa. Why would we keep someone that hates us all?
Last Edit: June 17, 2010, 03:43:23 pm by Cyan Paul
Re: Vozilla
#43  June 17, 2010, 04:43:48 pm
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He is still personally messaging each member of the staff in hopes of finding one of us who will bend to his ridiculous grudge towards Gill? Like seriously, get over it, you have no credibility, especially after the IP address incident.

If he pulls that, *I'm-gonna-say-and-do-what-the-f**k-I-want-F**k-you-and-the-rest-of-the-staff* crap again, I say ban him from a year to permanently. Let him say and do what he wants on his on accord, not here. What good is it if we have him trying to bribe us and then if we don't bend to his will, he then proceeds to calling us assholes and afterward request some stupid shit like this? *He edited it at the beginning of this month as to hide something, but we all know what he posted*
Re: Vozilla
#44  June 17, 2010, 07:11:55 pm
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I'll tell you what, you feel he should be "punished", go ahead punish him. Punish the guy on the internet. Get vengeance for all those people.



It is the internet. You can't punish him. What are you gunna do, give him a computer virus?

Yeah anyone who takes the internet as serious as you is a scares me. I worry for their health.
You are incredibly fucking dense. I left this topic with hopes that you wouldn't reply like a retard weeks ago, but when I'm lolforced to check it now, lo and behold.

What do you consider a ban, or a mute if that isn't punishment to you? Get a clue dude you're stupid as hell.

P.S. do the English language a favor and don't reply to this, because I'm better off pretending you don't exist.
you can't mixup a blind man, and you can't out think a brick ~skisonic
Street fighting is all about analysis, prediction, and reaction. That's it.

Last Edit: June 17, 2010, 07:18:52 pm by TempesT
Re: Vozilla
#45  June 17, 2010, 08:02:04 pm
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  • I got a PM.
Shut up Tempest. Go "punish" something, like at small animal or something.

@ Vozilla. Please, stop pulling this mom against dad stuff. We want you around, just not if you plan on turning every thread into a grudge match against people you do not like.

In short, enough with you and Gill fighting.

#46  April 29, 2011, 12:07:50 am
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Coming into this position I was warned about what was going to happen with V-Zilla and Orochi Gill. It didn't take long for me to start getting pms from him asking for me to "stand up to the other staff" that he doesn't have any respect for by deleting all of Orochi Gill's posts.

So apparently this has been going on for a long time now? Where he'll abuse the report feature and then harass staff to try and get Orochi Gill banned?

Well now he has

"don't be a dick" - this means you orochi gill

or something like that in his sig. I'm sure it's come up before. I do think that Orochi Gill has some reponsibility in that he posts in practically every CvG thread, with stuff like "I have my doubts about this because of who made it" and overly exaggerated feedback mostly just to find faults with the characters, usually followed with a cheeky wise-crack at the team.

Anyone else think that something should be done about this? It's apparently gone on way too long. I could post some of the pms V-Zilla sent me to show you the kind of stuff he's been saying to me since I became a mod if yall wanna see.
Last Edit: April 29, 2011, 12:16:11 am by Caddie
Re: V-Zilla
#47  April 29, 2011, 12:11:08 am
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Im so sick of v zilla incessant bickering.
Re: V-Zilla
#48  April 29, 2011, 12:40:17 am
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You don't really need to post the messages, we already know what he said. I mean, he's the same person who tried to get Tempest and Shamrock against the other staff too. He also tried to get Gill's IP address by saying he'll stop complaining if he gets it. He wanted to ban Gill's IP at a forum he doesn't even go to...

He thinks he can keep trying to put staff against each other just to get someone banned? He's being really stupid and I would have thought he'd give up on this stupid shit now. It's been about 2 years.

Post the personal messages. I'm probably going to ban him because he thinks he is sneaky. Trying to "corrupt" a new staff member. Any objections?

Also, this topic could go to the public area. It's nothing that needs to be confidential.
Re: V-Zilla
#49  April 29, 2011, 01:11:35 am
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From back in the Shamrock mess:

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

And from yesterday:

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

I finally sent this back to him:

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

Edit: Think this should be kept private cause I posted his pms. :-X
Last Edit: April 29, 2011, 01:17:31 am by Caddie
Re: V-Zilla
#50  April 29, 2011, 01:52:24 am
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Hey just got this gem:

plz do not pm me again as i know perfectly well where you stand.

you are just like the rest, pick and choose when to enforce procedure and when not to. he has been told to stay away and not do that sort of thing before. he say okay at one time, but then always come back later to act the same way. but because none of you have the backbone to actually enforce that because of him being one of your poster children for your absolute perfect mugen drama community.

cyan paul is an idiot if he thought the backhandedness had no ill intent.

his comment was full of intent at a backhanded slap and put us into a position where someone we banned can now create more drama.

but that is what this place is all about. letting people act like dicks and cause drama.

plz stop with the charade. remove the rule about treating others with respect and the staff comments about dont act like a dick. that is what pisses me off the most, how the staff can be hypocrits concerning those things because you say one thing and encourage another.
Re: V-Zilla
#51  April 29, 2011, 02:42:02 am
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"You choose to enforce." Um, yes. It's called discretion.

He's claiming people are acting like dicks while insulting your intelligence and integrity. His points don't make sense because they're extreme biased, especially looking on his history and desperateness for revenge.

We've been through this too many times before. He always tries to prey on new staff to get them to ban Orochi Gill. Then he brings up the "be respectful guideline." We're not enforcing action just because he wants it done. I don't know who he think he is but what he's trying to do is not acceptable.

I banned him for two months.

And just because it's a personal message doesn't mean this needs to be private. Only if it was something more serious. Like account stuff or something.
Re: V-Zilla
#52  April 29, 2011, 02:45:19 am
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At best we could ask Gill to never post in a CVG thread just so we don't have volzilla bleating at us AGAIN. Gill is actually really sensible about moderation and knows exactly when he's gone too far. volzilla just blows up regardless of the content.

He's been on about that "be nice" rule forever. They are guidelines as you say. And i wish he'd stfu about it because this is meant to be SELF moderation. We are not fucking nannies. Basically, if he want's gill banned, he has to be banned himself, probably for a longer period of time cos he's more of a cock about it.

Thread moves when needed, the occasional topic deletion or split. We shouldn't have to babysit 2 users who can't reconcile their differences or ignore each other.

In M.U.G.E.N there is no magic button

They say a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, but it's not one half so bad as a lot of ignorance.
Re: V-Zilla
#53  April 29, 2011, 02:50:05 am
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3 things

1. Orochi Gill pm'ed about that sig. I told him not to take it too seriously - not that he did from the start- and let him be. Plus we just had a discussion about a very similar conflict some weeks ago and my stand was not to do anything about it. It would've looked biased if we removed because he was targeting Gill.

2. Volzilla is crazy and grudgesome 5mm thin skinned guy. Do not try to reason with him, nothing good will possibly come out of it. BUT I think I should have said that last night and not today as you find it out yourself  :-X

3. When the damage is done, leave the thread open to the public. It looks bad if we start talking about something publically but hide the end of the conversation. Worse than posting private messages. Nevermind, I misread some posts.
Last Edit: April 29, 2011, 02:58:27 am by Orochi Gill's fan/stalker number 2
Re: V-Zilla
#54  April 29, 2011, 02:52:20 am
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At best we could ask Gill to never post in a CVG thread just so we don't have volzilla bleating at us AGAIN. Gill is actually really sensible about moderation and knows exactly when he's gone too far. volzilla just blows up regardless of the content.

He's been on about that "be nice" rule forever. They are guidelines as you say. And i wish he'd stfu about it because this is meant to be SELF moderation. We are not fucking nannies. Basically, if he want's gill banned, he has to be banned himself, probably for a longer period of time cos he's more of a cock about it.

Thread moves when needed, the occasional topic deletion or split. We shouldn't have to babysit 2 users who can't reconcile their differences or ignore each other.

I agree, I talked with Orochi Gill a bit about a couple of his posts in one of those threads and he was very reasonable and accepting of everything I had to say. I think asking him to generally try and avoid those threads would be fair, though not outright saying "don't post in these threads" or anything like that.

As far as this being private and the whole pm things goes, I'm just a bit worried about people going "oh the staff is posting our private pms now, look at this!" and having it come back and bite us all. Other than that worry it's not important to me where this is.


Re: V-Zilla
#55  April 29, 2011, 07:38:20 am
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Congrats Caddie, you've passed the v-zilla test.
You are now a full mod.
Re: V-Zilla
#56  April 29, 2011, 08:06:45 am
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I think orochi , knowing that vzilla will throw himself to the ground clutching his leg and screaming foul , still dashes in all the time passing by closely.
Now, reasonably, he isnt doing anything much, specially not anything that deserves a ban, but he could avoid picking on him. He knows that Vzilla will be rolling on the ground sreaming FOUL FOUL at the moment he even speaks, but any ban on what orochi gill posts would be validating vzilla , and he would just start rolling on the ground more often.

So , yeah , orochi is passive aggressive a lot of times, but not enough for the reaction zilla gets every single tiny time. Pming him was a good idea.

You want to see someone that was doing it wrong?
Darkflare, as reacted to by Tempest.

Futhermore, oz post here pretty much sums it up

His new avatar also reminds us about what really matters to him. Getting his own way. Is gill too passive aggressive? Maybe. That would reason more of a talk than a "BAN PLEASE", specially considering how over reactive vollzilla gets everytime.
Re: V-Zilla
#57  April 29, 2011, 10:06:56 am
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If he was banned over this, then this thread should be public, btw.For transparency.

note: He has changed his profile to CADDIESUCKS etc and is now supporting darkflare on his sig as well.
Re: V-Zilla
#58  April 29, 2011, 10:49:39 am
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I agree 100% with going public with this thread.
Re: V-Zilla
#59  April 29, 2011, 03:38:34 pm
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yeah make this public
Re: V-Zilla
#60  April 29, 2011, 06:53:01 pm
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