
What does your username mean? (Read 33305 times)

Started by Cornholio, August 04, 2008, 09:43:58 pm
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Re: What does your username mean?
#21  August 05, 2008, 12:31:35 am
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feels like talking to someone with a jaguar head (or whatever it is).

...although why would anyone ever call you "king"?
Re: What does your username mean?
#22  August 05, 2008, 12:43:42 am
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Red = favourite colour

navi = first name backwards

Re: What does your username mean?
#23  August 05, 2008, 12:45:31 am
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feels like talking to someone with a jaguar head (or whatever it is).

...although why would anyone ever call you "king"?

Is this directed towards me....?

i'm just messing around ;P

the word does mean "A king"..but i call myself that because it represents to me my ethnicity on this forum nothing more. Infact when i see people nickname me Rajaa it's just another name to me although i know the real meaning.

No one is really calling me King.

Cheers,Rajaboy ;)
Re: What does your username mean?
#24  August 05, 2008, 12:51:35 am
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Re: What does your username mean?
#25  August 05, 2008, 12:57:51 am
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Re: What does your username mean?
#26  August 05, 2008, 01:28:29 am
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I didn't know your name was Ivan. I thought your name was a play on Navi, the fairy on the Legend of Zelda series, You red fairy boy.

now I am ^^
Re: What does your username mean?
#27  August 05, 2008, 01:46:49 am
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  • Do-Not-Disturb B**th!!!

Need I say more?

Only the Avatar, master of all 4 elements, could stop the mugen cheapies, but when mugen needed him most, he vanished.

3 Years passed and now his W.I.P has returned, and although his airbending skills are great, he has alot to learn.

But I think that, with my help, Aang can save Mugen...
Re: What does your username mean?
#28  August 05, 2008, 01:49:09 am
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I got it from Legato B and Tiltin's Koopa Troopa. And his awesomeness.
Re: What does your username mean?
#29  August 05, 2008, 02:00:21 am
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devilman= White Zombie - "Super charger Heaven" lyric.

ozzy= back in the 90's was a pretty big Ozzy osbourne fan of the music(Not the show)

Re: What does your username mean?
#30  August 05, 2008, 02:23:14 am
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The Dreamslayer = A wrestling name I used back when I was a teenager wrestling in the back yard. Started using it online.

Just No Point = Named after my website, I wanted a name that would practically cover ANYTHING I wanted to host. Unlike NewWaveMugen which was named for mugen [duh], I figured since there was really no point to anything I do the site's name could reflect that.

I attribute The Dreamslayer to the guy that spent all his time on MUGEN, Just No Point is my comic making user name which festered and took control over TDS in a symbiotic fashion.
I have the feeling if i ever changed it properly or my avatar people would think i was dead for a little while.
There's a guy on Drunk Duck with that exact avatar. Everytime I see him leave a comment anywhere I think it's you =p


Re: What does your username mean?
#31  August 05, 2008, 02:28:45 am
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Seriously Dreamslayer, funny you mention that as I used mine in a similar way although when I was given the nickname I used it for backyard wrestling and my nickname for when I wrestled on my High School wrestling team.  :sugoi:

Also I suppose like the others I can give a small explanination on how I came about to Door Mat Kid then later just DMK.

One night while having some random party during the summer of my first year of highschool I had gotten so tired I literaly fell asleep on a friends porch and was woke up the next morning laying on top of the Doormat.  ;P

Friend woke me up and said "Hey get up Doormat boy come inside!"

Then it eventualy threw playful gestureing "Doormat Kid".

Later a friend in my third year of Highschool put it down to DMK and became my nickname threw the rest of my years there. I even liked it and asked for teachers to even use. It stuck well, isn't used that much and I feel it's a simple name to remember and makes life easier for others.  :D

That and it's a bajillion times better then "Taylor". Fucking parents and wanting to use a girls name for a boy. AWE
Re: What does your username mean?
#32  August 05, 2008, 02:33:52 am
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That and it's a bajillion times better then "Taylor". Fucking parents and wanting to use a girls name for a boy. AWE

LOL My last name.
Re: What does your username mean?
#33  August 05, 2008, 03:42:15 am
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The Dreamslayer = A wrestling name I used back when I was a teenager wrestling in the back yard. Started using it online.
I always just use my name, and give me another personality. I'm counting 8 now.

Just No Point = Named after my website, I wanted a name that would practically cover ANYTHING I wanted to host. Unlike NewWaveMugen which was named for mugen [duh], I figured since there was really no point to anything I do the site's name could reflect that.

get a site with your name, Keith. I did, and the mind of me is sucked into it.
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Re: What does your username mean?
#34  August 05, 2008, 05:29:53 am
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anthonygamer = My real name + I'm a gamer

Pretty simple. It's the first username that I used when I joined my first forum. I decided to use it at every site that I sign up to.
Re: What does your username mean?
#35  August 05, 2008, 05:38:43 am
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Not much of a story behind Shin RyuKen. As stated multiple times before, it's a pun off of Ken's super, and Ken's my favorite SF character. It caught on pretty well, so I kept it.That's about it. :P
Re: What does your username mean?
#36  August 05, 2008, 05:44:51 am
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"Toninho" is a common nickname here for "Antonio". it could be translated for "Lil' Tony" or "Tony".

"3rd" because i'm the third "Antonio" on my family. My grandfather was the first, my uncle the second, and i'm the third.
Re: What does your username mean?
#37  August 05, 2008, 05:52:53 am
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Back then when I was a fan of DBZ (circa 1996) a friend of mine who liked Vejita started to call me "Renzoku" because my name is Renzo and Vejita had a move called "Renzoku Energy Dan". The FC comes just from my last names and I use it because oftenly when I register somewhere just "Renzoku" is already in use.


Re: What does your username mean?
#38  August 05, 2008, 06:05:14 am
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Yeah, wonder where my name came from...

I'd always liked the concept of Oz, the great and powerful.
(I remember reading the original Wizard of Oz around 8th grade as well. Silver slippers, Crucifix of gold , etc.)
So the first forum I joined, I tried out the name Oz.

It kinda stuck.
I've used other names, such as Dr. Kevorkian and Faust.
To keep from being confusing, I try to keep the name standard, so those have been converted to Dr. Oz.

Most places they just call me Oz, regardless of titles or adjectives.

Re: What does your username mean?
#39  August 05, 2008, 10:24:41 am
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Silver slippers, Crucifix of gold
I'm sure i read the original as well, it was still ruby slippers and what crucifix?

There's a guy on Drunk Duck with that exact avatar. Everytime I see him leave a comment anywhere I think it's you =p
Lol, must look into that some time.

In M.U.G.E.N there is no magic button

They say a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, but it's not one half so bad as a lot of ignorance.


Re: What does your username mean?
#40  August 05, 2008, 04:31:46 pm
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L. Frank Baum
1800's mumbo jumbo, when it was used during the debates in which the 'common man' tried to change the gold standard and get silver added to the monetary system.
The entire story is basically one big metaphore; Oz standing for ounces, the yellow brick road obviously refering to gold, and the slippers were silver. When the movie was made the creators changed them to ruby slippers to take advantage of the new color possibilities brought to them by Technicolor.

You can see silver in black and white, I suppose they thought it would impress the kids to go ruby.

And the crucifix was not actually in the story, but William Jennings Bryan's "Cross of Gold" speech was closely linked to it, and both came about around the same time.

Of course the 'common man' lost the fight, so it's original context has more or less been forgotten.