
Death Battle (And sprite fight animations) (Read 26748800 times)

Started by Long John Killer, April 09, 2015, 03:59:16 am
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Re: Death Battle/One Minute Melee
#1741  March 03, 2018, 10:23:05 pm
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Wait..What... o.O ?

Re: Death Battle/One Minute Melee
#1742  March 03, 2018, 11:03:00 pm
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Evidently, someone really doesn't like Pikachu.
Re: Death Battle/One Minute Melee
#1743  March 06, 2018, 06:33:41 pm
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Sorry for the late reply Long John, been busy.

Anyway, let's get down to some of the basics. I'll give Jotaro this much, Pressure Points aren't instant win buttons. The general conceit of the HNK series is that it's primarily used for quick and fast assassination, or at least it was originally. I'm getting a bit off-topic but anyway, If you have a strong enough spiritual power, you can suppress the effects of pressure points without any training. You're still going to explode, it's just a question of how much. Usually when you have a strong enough threshold, it's usually arms or head veins, not an entire body part. I think having a Stand would easily qualify for strong spiritual power, so it's not an instant win for Kenshiro. That said, Kenshiro has fought, ignoring HNK2, at least 3 people who had complete resistance/immunity to the effects of Hokuto Shin-Ken's pressure point strikes and had to resort to brute force. Gauging Kenshiro's power is almost kind of pointless considering the very notion of brute force in Hokuto no Ken being kinda... not the point. But there's quite a few canon feats they can use in his favor. Such as the time he stopped a death camp that constantly carried rocks around by dropping a boulder the size of a house on the people in charge (will edit this post if I can find a clip of it)

Or that time he antagonized some of Raoh's troops that were searching for him.

The main issue comes down to how they want to do the whole "You can't see or touch Stands" thing. I don't think that really flies in a crossover situation where people from other series also have spiritual abilities. However, one thing that's very much worth note is that Kenshiro... actually kinda has a Stand of his own. The ability "Musou Tensei" or as it's sometimes translated "Transmigration of Souls"
It allows for two main things. It allows him to become 100% intangible in short bursts. It also allows him to literally summon the spirits of his dead friends/rivals and they infuse his fighting style with their techniques flawlessly as they guide him.

Last Edit: March 06, 2018, 06:38:27 pm by Negi Springfield
Re: Death Battle/One Minute Melee
#1744  March 07, 2018, 12:40:50 am
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Alright.  Well, first off, thank you for all that.  It does seem less clear-cut than before now.

However, psychic abilities do not equal spiritual ones.  That worries me in Kenshiro's case.  They may just look the other way for it, like for Naruto and Ichigo saying how chakra and reishi are totally different concepts, but what the hell, just make them interact with one another, but I'm getting Mewtwo vs Frieza vibes from this comparison.  The spiritually more impressive one still lacks the proper defenses against the psychic one. (Like for example, no one should bat an eye if someone claims Frieza can flick Mewtwo away with a finger, but the possibility remains for him to lose if Mewtwo just mind wipes his opponent.)

What works in Kenshiro's favor is the psychic in this case makes use of said powers by doing what Kenshiro is most prepared for; punching people.  Though time stopping is a big thing to counter; how long does it last?  Is this like Dio's thing, where he can set up as many attacks as he wants that will all register once the flow of time continues?  If it's not as serious as Dio and his knife tricks then while it's a good counter for Jotaro in most cases, it's the only thing he would have against Kenshiro, and would lose the majority of fights, which is what matters here.

Also I had figured Kenshiro clearly had the experience over Jotaro, because I always just presumed he was 17, but apparently looking him up he's 40 now.  So...that goes out the window.  Still, with this new data, then should Death Battle find reason to allow Kenshiro to interact with Star Platinum, then I'm going with Kenshiro.  Has too many advantages that I see that counter if not equal Jotaro's less expansive skillset, minus one hax skill in time manipulation that doesn't guarantee a win.

I will say this, this match is making me consider finding my FotNS DvDs and rewatch the series.  It's been many years, and I'm kinda done revisiting Sailor Moon so I could use a new series to jump on to reevaluate.  I was considering Eureka Seven, but manly men doing manly things with comical deaths works fine as well.
Last Edit: March 07, 2018, 12:51:03 am by Long John Killer
Re: Death Battle/One Minute Melee
#1745  March 07, 2018, 04:00:23 pm
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Not sure where you got 40 from. He's supposed to be (the art style doesn't do him any favors) in his early to mid 20s But you're right about experience. Kenshiro was raised since he was a baby in the ways of martial arts. And when you consider his 12 year old older brother was initiated into the teaching of Hokuto Shin-Ken by being tossed off of a mountain and had to climb his way up with a broken arm, while also caring another sibling, I think it's safe to say Kenshiro has seen some shit. If they're going to use filler, which they shouldn't, and I don't consider it valid for this scenario, Kenshiro has fought a few psychics, one that could create illusions and another that could raise the dead. Paultry stuff, I know, but worth mention. I and I think most fans would agree with me, don't consider the sequel series (Hokuto no Ken 2 or Shin Hokuto no Ken) a good gauging point for Kenshiro. For a few reasons. He kinda gets stupidly OP to the point where the writers are stuck writing bad Superman plots where Kenshiro has to be trapped or otherwise unable to help for there to even be a conflict since he could practically sneeze people out of existence. And well, Shin Hokuto no Ken is just garbage. That said, even I don't see OP Part 2 Kenshiro fairing too well against Part 4 Jotaro. Hokuto no Ken has it's own rule similar to Jojo, even if it's only really explored more in-depth in filler. It's the notion that people without any spiritual power or "touki" as it's referred to; can't inflict damage on a person with it. Minus blades, because iunno, kryptonite or something.

This video also showcases Kenshiro's main combat strategy most of the time he encounters anyone who is a remote possible threat. He essentially fights passively until he gains a sense of the enemy's main strategies or techniques and then finds a way to counter when he needs to. In the entire series it's only caused him an issue twice, to my recollection.
Last Edit: March 07, 2018, 04:04:58 pm by Negi Springfield
Re: Death Battle/One Minute Melee
#1746  March 07, 2018, 06:13:17 pm
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double post for preview video

Re: Death Battle/One Minute Melee
#1747  March 08, 2018, 12:32:18 am
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Not sure where you got 40 from.
His wiki page.  For part 6 of the manga.  Personally, the art looks more like he ages backwards, but that's just one of the series' quirks as I've figured.  And I would imagine this case would be same as most if not all the other Death Battles, in that filler is included up to the point where the canon directly contradicts it.  I think I know the psychic you mean that Kenshiro fought though, the fire witch who turns her minion's fire breath into dragon illusions?  Those worked kinda differently than a stand would.  I don't know if I'd even call them illusions, seeing it was more like fire manipulation to maneuver and shape like a dragon.

And yeah, I've noticed HnK's odd weapons weakness across the board, re-watching some scenes.  For a guy who can punt gang members out of Earth's orbit, and take hits just as hard, his skin's just as tough as yours or mine to any bladed weapon.  Which I guess makes some degree of sense, he's just thick skinned from such harsh training, but you'd imagine such supernatural powers would save him from, like, just getting shot.

I'm curious what part 4 Jotaro's OP nature is that you eluded to.  Is that where this time stop comes into play, or something bigger than that?
Re: Death Battle/One Minute Melee
#1748  March 08, 2018, 01:54:59 am
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Patra did create illusions, she merely created illusions of fire to mask her partner's attacks.

About Part 4 Jotaro. He still can't use Time Stop to the same effectiveness as DIO could, but he still has pretty decent control over it which may not be an instant win for him, but is a serious addition in his favor. Also, your hot link for Kenshiro info linked me to the Jojo wiki? I thought you were saying Kenshiro is older, not Jotaro.

As far as not using sequel Kenshiro... it's mainly due to how awful the writing gets after a point, but if they still use manga canon feats in his favor, I think Kenshiro has the upper hand but I wouldn't say it's a runaway by any means.

All the more reason i'm genuinely excited for this battle. It's the first battle Death Battle has done that doesn't feel, at least on surface level, for me, to be incredibly one-sided or flat out dumb.
Last Edit: March 08, 2018, 10:14:56 pm by Negi Springfield
Re: Death Battle/One Minute Melee
#1749  March 08, 2018, 02:10:25 am
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Oh, no, I meant it was a surprise to learn that Jotaro is 40 now, I did not realize the time gap that had occurred over the series' run, I'm sorry.
Re: Death Battle/One Minute Melee
#1750  March 14, 2018, 06:25:14 pm
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Re: Death Battle/One Minute Melee
#1751  March 17, 2018, 09:16:08 pm
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Re: Death Battle/One Minute Melee
#1752  March 17, 2018, 09:48:58 pm
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^Well that was actually fun to watch but that ending... Don´t mind who won but how is a dissapointment.
Re: Death Battle/One Minute Melee
#1753  March 21, 2018, 06:26:34 pm
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Posting this ASAP, will have more to say after i've watched it

Update after watching
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Last Edit: March 21, 2018, 06:52:20 pm by Negi Springfield
Re: Death Battle/One Minute Melee
#1754  March 21, 2018, 07:20:50 pm
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Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

Next fight is one I'm interested in on how they'll approach; Crash Bandicoot versus Spyro the Dragon.

Initial guess?  Spyro's pretty much got this, unless they count Crash's ability to take over monsters from Mind over Mutant.  In which case, he could have Spyro kill himself.
Re: Death Battle/One Minute Melee
#1755  March 21, 2018, 09:50:40 pm
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I have to say that I'm rather surprised, anyway as a bones

Re: Death Battle/One Minute Melee
#1756  March 21, 2018, 10:38:55 pm
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Fuck Jotaro.  Just in general.

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

Next fight's probably going to Spyro just because Crash doesn't really have much to work with.  Jump, spin, slide.  They can give him the fruit bazooka from Warped, but it ain't gonna add much.  Spyro's got a much wider arsenal of tools to fight with.

The only thing I really see working in Crash's favor, if they choose to go that route, is that Aku Aku provides more versatility and powers than Sparx does.
Re: Death Battle/One Minute Melee
#1757  March 21, 2018, 11:57:52 pm
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I'm not as versed in the later Crash games as the later Spyro ones, and I'm a little foggy on that as well to be honest.  What else does Aku Aku do for Crash other than sustain him from two lethal hits and a powered-up invincibility for a limited time?

I've been trying to figure any strength feats in Crash's favor, but any of the bigger guys he struggles with I find Spyro deals with bigger threats easier.  I mean, his first game when he's at his youngest and weakest lets him charge through steel chests with no effort.  I guess Crash can spin fast enough to drill underground and make tunnels, so that's something.  I recall Spyro gaining immunity to lava, while Crash dies from simple TNT crates, so Crash is also on the losing side of durability.  And yeah, versatility is all Spyro's game once you get all the different elemental breaths.
Re: Death Battle/One Minute Melee
#1758  March 22, 2018, 12:35:22 am
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I mean, it's just invincibility but it's still more than Sparx ever does.  The only reason I even bring it up is the fact that their Spider-Man 2099 vs Batman Beyond fight pretty much boiled down to Bruce Wayne vs Lyla for who was the better assistant.
Re: Death Battle/One Minute Melee
#1759  March 22, 2018, 12:41:34 am
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Hm, a fair assessment, seeing along with that, I'm still 100% confident Jak would destroy Ratchet, but while they ignored a number of things with Daxter, Clank was still the better partner. (Still think combined, Jak & Daxter would kill Ratchet & Clank, but that's a different discussion)

However, in this case, that's...all Aku Aku does, then.  Two hits and if he doesn't get hit at all and somehow gets a life boost he can become a temporary Star Power.  I recall Spyro having something similar, just not drawn from Sparx.  Heck, Sparx can attack, I don't recall Aku Aku every actually attacking in a fight.
Re: Death Battle/One Minute Melee
#1760  March 23, 2018, 10:32:52 pm
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