
FireQuacker by Balthazar and Koopakoot (AI coder needed!) (Read 58967 times)

Started by Balthazar, August 06, 2013, 02:16:03 pm
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Re: FireQuacker by Balthazar and Koopakoot (video added)
#261  February 21, 2014, 02:02:35 pm
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oh shit. a new challenger has entered the ring!
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Re: FireQuacker by Balthazar and Koopakoot (video added)
#262  February 23, 2014, 12:34:14 am
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I requested it from Archell, it's wonderful!

Whoa, that's coming together nicely! I gotta get that audio to you when I get a chance to record.
Re: FireQuacker by Balthazar and Koopakoot (AI coder needed!)
#263  March 12, 2014, 08:28:00 pm
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Alright so he's pretty much done at this point, has been through a beta-tester session already,
all that's left is the AI to be coded. @Koopakoot: mentioned he's not a very advanced AI coder himself,
and my go-to AI guy @Infinite Crisis: has been somewhat unresponsive on the matter, so I hereby shout out to any adept (Winmugen) AI coder so FireQuacker can be completed and be prepped for release! I really want him to be released within this month as well.
Go forth and bring us a good AI coder!
Thank you in advance.
Re: FireQuacker by Balthazar and Koopakoot (AI coder needed!)
#264  March 12, 2014, 08:31:23 pm
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ShinSmoke is personally the guy I would volunteer. Seriously, he does some pretty beast AI coding.
Stay true to your own heart, faiths, and convictions; your destiny is what YOU make of it.
Re: FireQuacker by Balthazar and Koopakoot (AI coder needed!)
#265  March 12, 2014, 08:42:58 pm
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Alright, when suggesting coders please use the tag to attract them, like this
@ShinSmoke:   ;)
Re: FireQuacker by Balthazar and Koopakoot (AI coder needed!)
#266  March 12, 2014, 08:44:02 pm
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Aye, I'll remember that next time :).
Stay true to your own heart, faiths, and convictions; your destiny is what YOU make of it.
Re: FireQuacker by Balthazar and Koopakoot (AI coder needed!)
#267  March 13, 2014, 06:41:21 am
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I'd not suggest ShinSmoke, but that's just me. His AI isn't any fun to fight against and is frankly a bit too good for what it's supposed to be, or at least on the higher difficulties.
Is finding MUGEN to be more enjoyable to play when you're not wearing clothes an underrated opinion?
Re: FireQuacker by Balthazar and Koopakoot (AI coder needed!)
#268  March 13, 2014, 06:49:48 am
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^ I couldn´t care less for the AI so just let ShinSmoke go for it. We can´t just bother Kamekaze every time the word AI appears in a topic.
Re: FireQuacker by Balthazar and Koopakoot (AI coder needed!)
#269  March 13, 2014, 03:18:56 pm
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^ I couldn´t care less for the AI so just let ShinSmoke go for it. We can´t just bother Kamekaze every time the word AI appears in a topic.
Agreed. His AI on his C.Falcon makes me want to punch myself in the face... >_<
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Re: FireQuacker by Balthazar and Koopakoot (AI coder needed!)
#270  March 13, 2014, 04:59:14 pm
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If I had ever bothered to learn to code AI, I would have done it for you. Alas, I lack discipline... :(
Re: FireQuacker by Balthazar and Koopakoot (AI coder needed!)
#271  March 13, 2014, 05:10:10 pm
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Hell, I would love to learn to code AI as well, just so I can make the perfect AI for JMM's Ken.
If I just wouldn't have been such an lazy ass...
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Re: FireQuacker by Balthazar and Koopakoot (AI coder needed!)
#272  March 13, 2014, 05:24:32 pm
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I can do it. I didn't know that you wanted me to do his AI. I Just want to make sure I have the most up to date version of him.
Re: FireQuacker by Balthazar and Koopakoot (AI coder needed!)
#273  March 13, 2014, 05:35:51 pm
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Oh alright Infinite, you were tagged in a few PMs and such I thought the offer came through, I guess not.
@KoopaKoot: I guess you can send over the latest FireQuacker version to Infinite, then ;)
Re: FireQuacker by Balthazar and Koopakoot (AI coder needed!)
#274  March 13, 2014, 07:53:40 pm
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Back from wooooooork~

I'll send the latest version your way then. :)
Re: FireQuacker by Balthazar and Koopakoot (AI coder needed!)
#275  March 13, 2014, 08:05:36 pm
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Not my way, his way! :P
Re: FireQuacker by Balthazar and Koopakoot (AI coder needed!)
#276  March 13, 2014, 08:14:12 pm
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I meant his way and it's been done :D
Re: FireQuacker by Balthazar and Koopakoot (AI coder needed!)
#277  March 15, 2014, 08:33:44 pm
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