
DC Cinematic Universe: Now presenting Gang Weed: The Movie (Read 1446887 times)

Started by Jmorphman, August 31, 2012, 12:01:22 am
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Re: DC Cinematic Universe: Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice, an actual movie title
#1141  October 28, 2014, 10:14:49 am
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I like that they are trying to go for a female director for Wonder Woman. That would bring some fresh ideas that could make the film watchable.
Now, if only we can get Gal Gadot replaced with a rock we could get a more expressive and imposing Wonder Woman.

I am so desperate that I think even Hayden Christensen would make for a better and more expressive Wonder Woman. And I compare his acting skills unfavourably to that of a rock or a cardboard cutout...
Princess Adora: "My friend saw She-Ra take her dress off in the shower. She said she has an 8 pack. She said She-Ra is shredded."

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Re: DC Cinematic Universe: Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice, an actual movie title
#1142  October 29, 2014, 12:57:34 am
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vin diesel on a wig would make for a better wonder woman.


Re: DC Cinematic Universe: Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice, an actual movie title
#1143  October 29, 2014, 01:13:51 am
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Princess Adora: "My friend saw She-Ra take her dress off in the shower. She said she has an 8 pack. She said She-Ra is shredded."

SF2NES is dead. Long live SF2NES.
Re: DC Cinematic Universe: Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice, an actual movie title
#1144  October 29, 2014, 01:26:12 am
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Re: DC Cinematic Universe: Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice, an actual movie title
#1145  October 30, 2014, 04:25:15 am
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Hasn't she had multiple solo titles before? Also I remember her teaming up with Poison Ivy or something.
Re: DC Cinematic Universe: Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice, an actual movie title
#1146  October 30, 2014, 04:41:27 am
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Yeah, quickly after the cartoon introduction, when the Joker wasn't around, she soon got a lesbian yay phase with Ivy, and some years back the comics threw in Catwoman for good measure. I think it depends on the version of Harley you keep of her, though : the harlequin fool from the cartoon easily has phases without Joker, but the homicidal nutcase often falls back on having Joker ram his way into the story sooner or later like she can't survive long enough without him. ... Not that the former doesn't have that too, actually.
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Last Edit: October 30, 2014, 04:46:41 am by DKDC
Re: DC Cinematic Universe: Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice, an actual movie title
#1147  October 30, 2014, 05:41:22 am
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Hmm, well, I don't think it's a huge issue to put Harley in there. I mean sure, it's gonna be weird as shit to have a version of Harley without a corresponding version of the Joker; I guess they could always have a cameo or something, but the lack of a pre-established relationship is pretty odd. Which is true of the idea of doing a Suicide Squad movie so soon in the first place, without building up any of the villains who will make up the squad. Not that Captain Boomerang, Deadshot, and the rest need whole movies where they're the villains, but... I dunno, just seems weird; Assault on Arkham's Squad was mostly newcomers, save for Harley and Deadshot, but Harley was used as an emotional anchor, because everyone watching that movie knows what Harley's deal is, because they've played the games (I mean, probably. Mostly). This movie doesn't really have that luxury.

But just the general idea of Harley in the Squad is perfectly fine, I think it's probably the best place for her in comics, really (notwithstanding terrible nu52 Suicide Squad). Harley partnering up with the Joker in the comics is just something that can't be sustained for that long (and eventually did fall apart, with Harley becoming sorta heroic even, afterwards); cartoon Joker had just the right balance of murderous and wacky to have Harley as his sidekick last indefinitely, but in the comics he's simply too murderous and Harley needs to be able to be empathized with to work as a character. Putting her in Suicide Squad with a bunch of other sympathetic villains like Deadshot (and of course, some not not so sympathetic ones, because it is Suicide Squad) is a pretty great idea.

Watch Flash, it's everything that anyone could possibly want from a superhero series. It's Arrow without the baggage of its first season. Trust me on this.
I mean, I dunno, it just looked all kinds of off and ugh Barry (and they crib most of his personality from Wally, and jeez, they're even stealing his love interest, an actress for Linda Park was just cast!!!) and double ugh retconned murdered mom backstory and also they keep doing that thing Arrow does where they name a minor or single episode character after a comics character but never really do anything with them deserving of their namesake and/or kill them off (I mean how the fuck do you waste Kate Spencer, Arrow???); better to just use a new character than resorting to (in my opinion) cheap fanservice.

I know I'm probably being weird about this.
Re: DC Cinematic Universe: Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice, an actual movie title
#1148  October 30, 2014, 06:13:26 am
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(I mean how the fuck do you waste Kate Spencer, Arrow???)
Eh, that was from the first season, when they tried to go the "everyone is normal" route with only doing oblique namedrops (like at the very beginning, "oh Laurel Lance your voice shall be heard through the city !" and Thea being nicknamed Speedy). She was introduced as a random attorney, and when they started backpedalling hard on that, they probably couldn't figure out how to fix her, so they just said ah fuck it let's kill her off. It's still better, and it's still going well on the road to embracing superheroes on a League of Assassins background right now.
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Re: DC Cinematic Universe: Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice, an actual movie title
#1149  October 31, 2014, 02:58:54 am
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First casting call for Supergirl:
For Kara Zor-El aka Kara Danvers, the show is eyeing Caucasian females, age 22 to 26, to play 24. As the series’ mythology goes, Kara at age 12 was sent from her dying home planet of Krypton to Earth, where she was taken in by the Danvers, a foster family who taught her to be careful with her extraordinary powers. After repressing said skills for more than a decade, Kara is forced to bust out her super moves in public during an unexpected disaster. Energized by her heroism for the first time in her life, she begins embracing her abilities in the name of helping the people of her city, earning herself a super moniker along the way.

The other lead role currently being cast is that of 26-year-old Alexandra “Alex” Danvers, Kara’s gorgeous, brilliant, science-minded foster sister. Growing up, Alex was partly jealous of her sibling yet also fascinated by her abilities, prompting Alex to learn as much as she could about alien anthropology, sociology and culture. Today, Alex works for a secret government organization and, alongside her heroic sis, will face many challenges, both mundane and super.

So, she's not named Linda Danvers, because a Superman character can't have two different names, it's too hard to remember.

also I guess Superman doesn't exist in the show? Maybe? That's all kinds of weird.
Re: DC Cinematic Universe: Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice, an actual movie title
#1150  November 01, 2014, 12:17:03 am
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Re: DC Cinematic Universe: Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice, an actual movie title
#1151  November 02, 2014, 09:45:16 pm
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More casting calls for Supergirl

CAT GRANT | The project is eyeing females in their 40s, open ethnicity, to play the founder of CatCo, a media conglomerate that Cat built from the ground up. Kara (Supergirl’s mild-mannered alter ego) will work as a personal assistant to Cat, who is described as “J.Lo by way of Anna Wintour.”

JAMES OLSEN | In his late 20s/early 30s, open ethnicity, James is a smart, worldly and (duh) attractive photographer for CatCo. Though an alpha male, his salt-of-the-earth nature elicits a huge ol’ crush from Kara.

WINSLOW ‘WYNN’ SCHOTT | This twentysomething tech whiz/Comic-Con stalwart toils for CatCo as a programmer, unaware of his own (toying?) potential. Unware of her secret, he carries a torch for Kara, whom he lives next door to.

HANK HENSHAW | As an upstart CIA agent, Hank grew obsessed with intergalactic intel. Now in his 40s and lording over the DEO (Department of Extra-Normal Operations), he is on high alert when Supergirl reveals herself, worried that her otherworldly abilities pose a threat to humankind.
... they seem to be trying to make this Supergirl show independent and less derivative of Superman, and they're doing that by taking a good deal of Superman's supporting cast and transplanting it to basically the Daily Planet but on the internet?

jesus christ
Re: DC Cinematic Universe: Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice, an actual movie title
#1152  November 02, 2014, 09:51:07 pm
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James Olsen, attractive, alpha male, Kara has a crush on him. ... Right.
If I struggled to the end of my determination, to the end of my way of life with my followers, if the result is ruin, then this ruin is inevitable. Grieve. Shed tears. But you cannot regret.
Re: DC Cinematic Universe: Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice, an actual movie title
#1153  November 02, 2014, 09:59:34 pm
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Oh jeez, I missed that part. Alpha male Jimmy Olsen? What the fuck?
Re: DC Cinematic Universe: Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice, an actual movie title
#1154  November 02, 2014, 10:03:20 pm
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Yeah, I was really starting to look forward to this being a show about Supergirl, but this is clearly a show about gender-swapped Superman. You've got her Lex (they weren't even subtle about that one), her Lois, her Perry, they even threw in a Chloe from Smallville to be eternally friendzoned. Very disappointing.
Nevermind, there's nothing I can do
Bet your life there's something killing you
It's a shame we have to die, my dear
No one's getting out of here alive
This time
What a way to go, but have no fear
No one's getting out of here alive
This time
It's a shame we have to disappear
No one's getting out of here alive
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Re: DC Cinematic Universe: Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice, an actual movie title
#1155  November 02, 2014, 10:05:43 pm
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If I struggled to the end of my determination, to the end of my way of life with my followers, if the result is ruin, then this ruin is inevitable. Grieve. Shed tears. But you cannot regret.
Re: DC Cinematic Universe: Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice, an actual movie title
#1156  November 02, 2014, 10:08:28 pm
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Toyman (or "Wynn" which is just ugh) sounds like he could be either an ally or eventual foe, I'm not sure which.

Probably ally, if only because attacking people with killer toys isn't grim and realistic at all!
Re: DC Cinematic Universe: Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice, an actual movie title
#1157  November 02, 2014, 10:10:50 pm
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Nevermind, there's nothing I can do
Bet your life there's something killing you
It's a shame we have to die, my dear
No one's getting out of here alive
This time
What a way to go, but have no fear
No one's getting out of here alive
This time
It's a shame we have to disappear
No one's getting out of here alive
This time, this time, this time
Re: DC Cinematic Universe: Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice, an actual movie title
#1158  November 02, 2014, 10:14:42 pm
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Ah, you mean the friendzone thing, I thought you were talking about the original character insertion.
If I struggled to the end of my determination, to the end of my way of life with my followers, if the result is ruin, then this ruin is inevitable. Grieve. Shed tears. But you cannot regret.
Re: DC Cinematic Universe: Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice, an actual movie title
#1159  November 08, 2014, 07:53:23 pm
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Re: DC Cinematic Universe: Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice, an actual movie title
#1160  November 08, 2014, 07:59:16 pm
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Jared Leto might be playing the Joker in the Suicide Squad movie (though unlikely to be part of the team, probably just for Harley's backstory)

also the Rock says Shazam will be fun and independent from the DCCU movies

The first one is... an interesting pick. Could be fitting and could work nicely.

Now, on the second one, I am working on believing it. A DC Super Hero Film that will involve fun? Must be some sort of dream and I will wake up any minute now.
Princess Adora: "My friend saw She-Ra take her dress off in the shower. She said she has an 8 pack. She said She-Ra is shredded."

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