
System (Read 33404 times)

Started by BC, November 05, 2014, 10:03:32 pm


#1  November 05, 2014, 10:03:32 pm
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Street Fighter Alpha 4 System:

  • 6 Buttons
    3 punches and 3 kicks.

  • Throws
    Standing and air throws.

  • Dash
    Forward Dash and Back hop/dash.

  • Alpha Counter
    While guarding by pressing F + hp+hk you can interrupt the opponent and counter attack. Uses 1 level of power.

  • EX moves
    Each character has EX moves but these are selected moves only and not all versions of their special moves have an EX move

  • Multi-Level Super Moves
    Typical SFA power meter

  • Custom Combo
    Borrows from SFA2/SFA3

  • Stagger System
    Special system where overheads cause the opponent to go into a stagger state, you have the ability to mash out of it to avoid further damage, if you don't mash out of it you will eventually return to normal after a certain amount of time expires. This has a gauge to show you how much mash is left to get out. General basic overhead attacks can only stagger once to avoid infinites, where as EX moves that cause stagger can be infinitely done as long as you have power.

  • Dash Cancel
    Works like a FADC has it's own separate meter, can cancel out of any hit apart from supers. This is great for mixing up combo's along with the stagger stun!

  • Dizzy
    Standard SFA style dizzy system

  • Rage System
    When your power bar is at max and you have 1/4 life left you can activate a Rage Ultra Combo. These combos deal the highest of damage in the game.

  • Unique Character Systems
    Each character in the game will have his/her own unique system which will range from maximum damage meters to speed boosts, here is a list of the characters systems so far:

    Guile – Sonic Hurricane generation

    Chun Li – Lightning legs pressure.

    Dhalsim – Yoga Float, drill direction change

    Blanka – Fever feature. Poison.

    Zangief – super meter slam link

    E Honda – super armor

    Adon – Enhanced Move stocks.

    Gen – Pressure point attacks. Can cause delayed damage, disable button attacks for 5


    Rose – Orb generation

    Charlie – Attack repeater.

    Sakura – Spunky girl speed increase.

    Birdie – Chain traps.

    R Mika – Throw combos.

    Karin – Marvel vs capcom Gameplay somewhat. Air combos and air chain attacks.

    Cody – Final Fight weapon system.

    Rolento – Grenade and knife stock.

    Mali (brand new character from scratch) –

    Eagle –

    Maki –

    Ingrid – Sun scale. Makes the screen brighter (lvl 1, 2 and 3). The brighter it gets, the

    more hits given and bigger her sun attacks are.

    Ryu – Evil Ryu mode. Satsui no hadou meter.

    Ken – Heat Guage. Adds hits, damage, flames to attacks

    Akuma – Demon mode. Chain all special moves together.

    Dan – Saikyo scale. Does better on saikyo side, plays horrible on the other :P

    Balrog – Gigaton punch charge plus. Guard break attacks.

    Vega – Roll, sidestep, and dodge system

    Sagat – Scar stroke stock, tiger semi auto charge system

    Bison – Psy Crusher super extension + Soul flame stun

    Fei Long – Overheat engine. Massive damage on maximum charge.

    Dee Jay – rhythm feature, builds up super meter quicker, gives all attacks less recovery

    during great rhythm.

    Cammy – Doll assists.

    T.Hawk – Thunder super meter charge.
An explanation of each character's system will be updated shortly. Please note not all characters in the game are shown here as there are more to be added in later.
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Re: System
#2  November 05, 2014, 10:52:04 pm
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I prefer the system you had before. This waters down the system too much imo. Plus I dont like the unique system for each character thing. Glad to see you posting again though! I was looking forward to this project

thanks again Vans/Jesuszilla!


Re: System
#3  November 06, 2014, 11:01:34 pm
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I'm glad people are still excited for this project, it's nice to see! it's a game that just needs to be made. Regarding the new system I really like what we have so far the new stagger and dash cancel systems really add versatility to the gameplay and you can freestyle combo with so many different possibilities. We've carefully looked at cheapness/infinite possibility and tested it thoroughly and so far so good. SBZ has really helped to balance the gameplay out.

Regarding the individual character systems this is still a WIP but we really like the idea. While it is out of character for a typical SFA game we wanted to add something unique and never been done before in a SF game. We will make sure that it's balanced properly, I really think it will make the game very fun to play!

Thanks for your honest opinion though :)
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Re: System
#4  November 06, 2014, 11:39:45 pm
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Glad to see that you still plan on working on this. Stagger seems a bit iffy to me. It seems you're dumbing down the timing to follow up an overhead. Following up an overhead is perhaps a bit easier now that the timing is not strict. Judging from the video, if mashed correctly, the timing may still be strict. I'll have to wait and see the frame advantage for level 1/2/3 staggers.

Going for overheads now are much more rewarding and mix-up heavy characters are going to benefit a lot from it. Characters without overheads however are not going to benefit much from this system. Maybe giving everyone an overhead similar to how 3S did will help.

Also regarding the Unique System, I think you could do without it. The game itself doesn't really need those gimmicks and you already have Rage Mode.
Re: System
#5  November 07, 2014, 06:27:05 am
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I'm looking forward to this, but I'm wondering why there's no guard break system though?
I'm going to let god handle you people ✞


Re: System
#6  November 09, 2014, 12:41:58 am
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Glad to see that you still plan on working on this. Stagger seems a bit iffy to me. It seems you're dumbing down the timing to follow up an overhead. Following up an overhead is perhaps a bit easier now that the timing is not strict. Judging from the video, if mashed correctly, the timing may still be strict. I'll have to wait and see the frame advantage for level 1/2/3 staggers.

Going for overheads now are much more rewarding and mix-up heavy characters are going to benefit a lot from it. Characters without overheads however are not going to benefit much from this system. Maybe giving everyone an overhead similar to how 3S did will help.

Also regarding the Unique System, I think you could do without it. The game itself doesn't really need those gimmicks and you already have Rage Mode.

We're not homogenizing their gameplay, they're totally able to play without it, but we figured it would be interesting and add something new to the game. We do plan on allowing you to play without those gimmicks and with a damage boost. We're featuring 2 modes playable that being the first and the second mode (EX mode) utilizing those character systems.

I'm looking forward to this, but I'm wondering why there's no guard break system though?

Guard break is not going to be in this game now due to the new systems implemented. Dash cancel combos and the character buffs would cause so many guard breaks it would be pointless.

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Re: System
#7  April 03, 2015, 07:51:19 am
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on the off chance you see this, may i ask for an update on how things are going?
I'm going to let god handle you people ✞