
DB LEGENDS Mugen Editon - Ikemen (Read 15184 times)

Started by Bardock Revenge, September 18, 2023, 04:14:25 am
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DB LEGENDS Mugen Editon - Ikemen
#1  September 18, 2023, 04:14:25 am
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  • I am Alive
    • Brazil
Dragon Ball Legends M.U.G.E.N Edition 0.2

Here is a Mugen Version of Dragon Ball Legends.
I tried to follow the gameplay of the old games SuperBotuden and Ultimate Battle 22, Because these are the games I like, and I feel nostalgic.




Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

I believe anyone who is a DragonBall fan will like it.

* 12 Characters the original, Divided into 3 categories "Hero, Extreme and Sparking".
* Cheelai "DBS"
* Gamma1 "DB Super Hero"
* Gine "Broly Movie"
* Hatchiyack "Plan to Eradicate the Saiyans"
* Jaco DBS
* MR- Popo "All DragnBall"
* Oceanus-Shenron "DBGT"
* Pan GT "DBGT"
* PuiPui "DBZ - Buu Saga"
* Shallot "DB LEGENDS" - Need Balancing
* Syn-Shenron "DBGT"
* Uub - "DBZ - End Z" - Add more Atks
* Space for 135 Characters in Select.
* 8 Stages
* Improved color palettes
* Improved interface and more in line with a fighting game.
* They all have an intro and ending.
* Sounds English Sub and Good Effects.

My Chars are 100% made by me, starting a new sprite format (BRStyle3D)

Things in progress:
In addition to what I mentioned above, the final version will expand on content based on other games, Hyper Dimension, Ultimate Battle 22 and Final Bout.

Other originals and collab with other Games.
I didn't include Goku and others because Shallot is the protagonist.

If you want to know more, you are invited to my discord or youtube.
Re: DB LEGENDS Mugen Editon - Ikemen
#2  September 18, 2023, 05:56:59 pm
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Looks pretty interesting, but it's for Mugen or Ikemen? If it's for Ikemen, then it should go in the Ikemen releases.

This screenpack looks very cool btw.

I also liked that you made a bunch of characters that weren't made for Mugen before (Jaco, Gine, Oceanus Shenron, etc)
Re: DB LEGENDS Mugen Editon - Ikemen
#3  September 18, 2023, 06:53:25 pm
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  • I am Alive
    • Brazil
Looks pretty interesting, but it's for Mugen or Ikemen? If it's for Ikemen, then it should go in the Ikemen releases.

This screenpack looks very cool btw.

I also liked that you made a bunch of characters that weren't made for Mugen before (Jaco, Gine, Oceanus Shenron, etc)

yes it's ikemen sorry, I didn't know it had to be in another location, wait for ADM to move the topic if possible :(
Re: DB LEGENDS Mugen Editon - Ikemen
#4  September 18, 2023, 10:09:22 pm
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  • Formerly DeathScythe
    • Brazil
Moved to IKEMEN Releases.
Re: DB LEGENDS Mugen Editon - Ikemen
#5  September 19, 2023, 02:39:01 am
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  • I am Alive
    • Brazil