
Ikemen GO (Read 1864751 times)

Started by K4thos, May 26, 2018, 03:04:27 am
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Re: Ikemen GO Plus
#21  May 29, 2018, 04:50:12 am
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crap. looks like I'll have to figure out how to combine characters together like in KOFZ

The correct sinthax is characterfolder_omitedif_hassame_defname/character.def,stage/stage.def,music/ifwant_otherto_play.mp3,order=1-10

You can make something like this:

Angrykyo,order=0 (0 means never be picked by cpu)
Kyo,stages/1.def (if no order specified is always 1)
Superkyo,order=2 (if omited stage Will be random)


Then in arcade order and simul order you can make

1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0 ;arcade
2,2,2,2,1,0,0,0,0,0 ;simul

That means ,you may face one character of each order randomly in every Match and finaly one BOSS fight

In simul you may face 2 randomly choosen (can be same char twice, is engine lucky) 2 fights of each order until you reach one simul BOSS fight (again can be same char twice sorry)

There is no way to avoid certain/same/already choosen characters until specific code be implemented on engine as i said in posts earlier.
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Last Edit: May 29, 2018, 06:18:35 am by MangeX
Re: Ikemen GO Plus
#22  May 29, 2018, 05:21:13 am
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Wait wait wait, what about my issue? I can't get the specific arcade order and stages to work in conjunction.
Re: Ikemen GO Plus
#23  May 29, 2018, 07:32:20 am
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Wait wait wait, what about my issue? I can't get the specific arcade order and stages to work in conjunction.
 ; - 1, 2, (...)
 ;   IKEMEN feature: paramname points to the match number in
 ;   arcade mode. paramvalue overwrites character that you would
 ;   face following normal 'order'. paramvalue should match exactly
 ;   the charname text typed after "Insert your characters below"
 ;   line, so it can be either full DEF path or just folder name.
 ;   This functionality introduces simple solution for implementing
 ;   story like arcade mode similar to the one in Street Fighter
 ;   Alpha 3 where characters always face their rivals along the way.
 ;   If you're playing in Team mode than paramvalue character becomes
 ;   opposite team leader, other characters follow normal order.
This has nothing to do with stages. So this syntax that you have posted:
Ryu, stages/Suzaku2014.def, order=3, 1=Alex, stages/Shiyo/ring2014.def, 2=Terry stages/Shiyo/west2014.def, 3=Sakura stages/Shiyo/home2014.def, 4=Ryo stages/Shiyo/home2014.def, 5=kfma4a, 6=Kyo stages/Shiyo/neogeoland2014.def, 7=Sagat stages/Shiyo/ayutaya2014.def, 8=Ken stages/Shiyo/wall2014.def,9=M.Bison stages/Shiyo/drive2014.def, 10=Akuma stages/Shiyo/shrine2014.def
is wrong and currently not supported. Here is correct syntax:
kfm, stages/mybg1.def, 3=SuaveDude, 5=ShinGouki
SuaveDude, stages/mybg2.def, stages/mybg3.def, 3=kfm
ShinGouki, stages/mybg4.def
In this example KFM will always face SuaveDude in 3rd match and that SuaveDude will randomly use mybg2 or mybg3 stage. On 5th match he will face ShinGouki on mybg4 stage. Other matches will follow the normal order. Selecting SuaveDude would result normal arcade run with exception of 3rd fight which would be against KFM on mybg1 stage. In other words it works the same way as mugen but with optional additional parameters explained in select.def.

btw. you can't skip commas in the syntax. That's how parser distinguishes between different parameters. Using space doesn't make sense when file names can contain space in them.

It has been already requested to extend "1, 2, (...)" parameter feature to take into account additional parameters like music and stages, but this will require changes in the current code and the syntax will need to be different in order to parse such monstrosity. Probably in future, once it's supported,  syntax will look like this:
num={charname, stages/stagename.def, music=musicname}
using your example:
Ryu, stages/Suzaku2014.def, order=3, 1={Alex, stages/Shiyo/ring2014.def}, 2={Terry, stages/Shiyo/west2014.def}, 3={Sakura, stages/Shiyo/home2014.def}, 4={Ryo, stages/Shiyo/home2014.def}, 5={kfma4a}, 6={Kyo, stages/Shiyo/neogeoland2014.def}, 7={Sagat, stages/Shiyo/ayutaya2014.def}, 8={Ken, stages/Shiyo/wall2014.def},9={M.Bison, stages/Shiyo/drive2014.def}, 10={Akuma, stages/Shiyo/shrine2014.def}
Last Edit: May 29, 2018, 08:12:15 am by K4thos
Re: Ikemen GO Plus
#24  May 29, 2018, 08:00:48 am
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I showed that example for anyone whom had not already seen it.

Yes, I know its wrong which is why I'm asking for the correct way to do so.

What if all characters have them is the thing here. Alex has his own arcade order so the above mentioned doesn't work. My question was.. Can you set specific stages "IN addition" to the set ladder and how.

Ryu, 1=Alex,2=Terry,3=Sakura,4=Ryo,5=kfma4a/kfma4a2.def,6=Kyo,7=Sagat,8=Ken,9=M.Bison,10=Akuma

Let me try this again and see if I can figure something out.

Okay, I see you edited it, yes, that is what I meant.
Re: Ikemen GO Plus
#25  May 29, 2018, 11:12:04 am
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I read all new specifications and sounds very promissing! I love the part of scales for portraits via screenpack because lots of good characters have localcoord and do portraits for them it´s complicate and loose quality, and can you do the same for lifebar portraits in the fight.def file?
And about fight.def file, can you add a Bgdef for round, fight, k.o and win animations? This is possible using Add004 addon but impossible with mugen because you only have 1 simple layer for every action and it´s very limited to create good works.
Another thing that I don´t read nothing it´s about stages, please, can you add a 9000,1 portrait to them? With mugen you need to add a image for each letter or symbol but it´s very limited too.
I read that it´s possible use various portraits for select, versus and winner screens but, it´s possible do actions ( Interpolate Blend, Offset, Scale and Angle) with them?
Another thing that I like it very much in Add004 addon are the combo messages, it´s possible to add to Ikemen Go this feature?
Thank you very much for your work and waiting more news about it, see you and forgive my english...
Re: Ikemen GO Plus
#26  May 29, 2018, 01:27:41 pm
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    • Brazil

well, a problem with transparency is happening on ikemen plus ... see:
I would like to know if this has already been identified and corrected in the GO version
it's fixed for the screenpacks (to be more precise in old Ikemen Plus animSetColorKey was used incorrectly). As for the stages please upload the problematic one and I will check it out. Even if the problem is still there I know how to fix it (should be a matter of changing one of the bg.anim.mask lines in stages.go from 0 to -1 or maybe defaulting this value to -1).

ok, the game was tested on the GO version
the same problem keeps happening ... in stages, chars, screenpacks and portraits.
animSetColorKey ... please, where do I find this parameter?
Re: Ikemen GO Plus
#27  May 29, 2018, 02:08:07 pm
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ok, the game was tested on the GO version
the same problem keeps happening ... in stages, chars, screenpacks and portraits.
animSetColorKey ... please, where do I find this parameter?
As mentioned in the post you quoted, if you want it to be fixed, please upload the problematic stage, so I can test it myself.  chars, screenpacks and portraits mask compatibility have been already fixed in current GO build.

And about fight.def file, can you add a Bgdef for round, fight, k.o and win animations? This is possible using Add004 addon but impossible with mugen because you only have 1 simple layer for every action and it´s very limited to create good works.
Another thing that I don´t read nothing it´s about stages, please, can you add a 9000,1 portrait to them? With mugen you need to add a image for each letter or symbol but it´s very limited too.
I read that it´s possible use various portraits for select, versus and winner screens but, it´s possible do actions ( Interpolate Blend, Offset, Scale and Angle) with them?
Another thing that I like it very much in Add004 addon are the combo messages, it´s possible to add to Ikemen Go this feature?
Thank you very much for your work and waiting more news about it, see you and forgive my english...
Other than stage portrait, I'm afraid none of this stuff is currently on ikemen go plus roadmap. Join the project and start implementing them if you want to get these features in foreseeable future.
Last Edit: May 29, 2018, 02:16:51 pm by K4thos
Re: Ikemen GO Plus
#28  May 30, 2018, 05:14:14 am
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  • If you rip sprites i´ll rip your code
    • Mexico

It has been already requested to extend "1, 2, (...)" parameter feature to take into account additional parameters like music and stages, but this will require changes in the current code and the syntax will need to be different in order to parse such monstrosity. Probably in future, once it's supported,  syntax will look like this:
num={charname, stages/stagename.def, music=musicname}
using your example:
Ryu, stages/Suzaku2014.def, order=3, 1={Alex, stages/Shiyo/ring2014.def}, 2={Terry, stages/Shiyo/west2014.def}, 3={Sakura, stages/Shiyo/home2014.def}, 4={Ryo, stages/Shiyo/home2014.def}, 5={kfma4a}, 6={Kyo, stages/Shiyo/neogeoland2014.def}, 7={Sagat, stages/Shiyo/ayutaya2014.def}, 8={Ken, stages/Shiyo/wall2014.def},9={M.Bison, stages/Shiyo/drive2014.def}, 10={Akuma, stages/Shiyo/shrine2014.def}

Maybe the best way to surpass that monster code is to handle variable pointers on characters and stages, but you have right, the syntax need to be changed  (even mugen creators always said that everything could change in future releases so why not here too).
They want complex ways to code their games, so, everything has a sacrifice..... maybe the syntax could be some:

[Characters] ; each character code can be contained in variables including the stages already ones
0 = randomselect
1 = homelessryu ,1
2 = ken_speed_buster.def ,2,sound/rap.mp3
3 = chunli/lee.def ,6,order = 2
4 = guillermo ,5,sound/vivaldi.ogg,order = 2
5 = cammyla.def ,7,order = 3
6 = mister_vegan ,3,order = 3
7 = agogouken.def ,3 , order = 4 ,hidden

[Stages] ;each stage on its own variable
0 = stages/training.def
1 = stages/road.def
2 = stages/bay.def
3 = stages/ruins.def
4 = stages/uglyplace.def
5 = stages/militarybase.def
6 = stages/chinatown.def
7 = stages/castle.def

[Routes] ; forced routes without taking into account the established orders
3 = 2,4,randomselect,1,6                      ;Chunli first vs ken, then vs guile, then some with order three, then vs ryu and lastly bison.
1 = randomselect,randomselect,randomselect,4  ;Ryu rute always be random fights from three first orders and lastly vs akuma.

ranks can be recorded on a different file named "ranks.dat"  who using persistent variables that add to that file as long as the conditions stipulated in lua are met.
persistent variables always loaded in start but in common files stipulated that hits add some amount ,blocks add certain amount, super finishers, or whatever stipulated add more value while record or load from rank file.

Any character can have the status of hidden in the selection file, and each one will have conditions to be unlocked if necessary; in it .cmd or .cns file could have a unique state that overwrites the condition that is in the common file for hidden.
if finish the game in an amount of ticks or the rank value is >certain number or if meet a character made from an author or some the character hidden with select number 7(as akuma example) will be available.

[Status]  ;in char cns file
hidden.statedef = 666 ;overite the common one if exist for full games, or only has conditions if any has this char in hidden status for fun.

[Statedef 666] ;the statedef with conditions ,maybe lua is better for this
type = H

[state 666]
type= unlock
trigger1 = (if var (666) + (rank) = 999)     ;some amount of point for rank variable will unlock
trigger2 = ifselect(command = "QCF_z",2) ;some command in select screen will unlock

there could be many variants in how the unlocking could be, it's just a proposal.
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Last Edit: May 30, 2018, 05:37:25 am by MangeX
Re: Ikemen GO Plus
#29  May 30, 2018, 03:21:18 pm
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Well if you can do that, it'd be a dream come true. A legit ranking system man..

Because everyone is waiting to make screenpacks for this, I just cut it all out, but this is what I plan to do for "every" character. So I really need for the above mentioned to work at some point. Just a hope.
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Re: Ikemen GO Plus
#30  June 01, 2018, 05:18:52 pm
  • What's in your head?
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Popping in for a moment to note my current tests on the GO Engine. I've been messing around with it to play with some attempts at creating features, though obvious with my spaghetti coding it's not ready for public release, especially with the engine still being worked on on K4thos's end.

What I've Got:

Pseudo Lobby System (Fully functional)
Lobby System holds up to 8 players(any more and the lag gets unbearable) that hosts username based matchmaking for 1v1 or 2v2 battles(Partially functional, 2v2 only works with Simul and add04 Tag)
Unlockable Characters/Palettes/Stages - Supports Triggers for:
-Time Played
-Time Played Online
-Matches Played(can include online)
-Matches Won/Lost
-Arcade Mode results(Includes parameters for Characters used, characters fought, clear time, and times cleared)
(Fully Functional, unlocked data can be cleared through a branch I added to the Options menu~)
Challenge Mode(Must input and hit specific combos for those unfamiliar, fully implemented)
Music Replay Mode(Fully functional)
Version Checker, compares the versions of all parties attempting to interact and offers option to update to most recent version(Partially functional, since it currently only allows updates to stem from github repositories from what I'm testing)
And Finally, Branching Arcade/Story Mode(Fully functional)

Lots of this is spaghetti coding that relies on my own fun lil' server to run(specifically the online functions such as the lobby) so ERK. I've also sorta stopped working directly on the GO front because I'm currently on  MUGEN standstill regarding some errors. For instance, I'm using the Super Smash Bros and I can't seem to get the characters to work in both Mugen and IKEMEN as I want. In Mugen, the characters can't do anything if their below the 0 Y Axis, which is a terrible issue. In Ikemen, the issue is that the zoom doesn't work like Mugen 1.0 which is due to localcoord I believe, so I'll just have to wait on that one. So I'm currently not touching IKEMEN Go until I get the Super Smash Bros engine to work(I've tried posting on the original topic to no avail, so this will take a while) but I didn't want ya'll to think I was dead.
Re: Ikemen GO Plus
#31  June 01, 2018, 05:43:24 pm
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  • Oh look, I changed this thing.
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Man, it's amazing that you guys were able to get this from spaghetti coding alone, shows that there's still good stuff you can do with these engines. Makes me wish the source code is put out for many like you guys. Can't wait to see what full game makers can use this for.
Re: Ikemen GO Plus
#32  June 01, 2018, 10:25:01 pm
  • ***
Ruler, great progress. We need to discuss these features in detail in order to come up with finalized implementation.
Unlockable Characters/Palettes/Stages - Supports Triggers for:
-Time Played
-Time Played Online
-Matches Played(can include online)
-Matches Won/Lost
-Arcade Mode results(Includes parameters for Characters used, characters fought, clear time, and times cleared)
(Fully Functional, unlocked data can be cleared through a branch I added to the Options menu~)
I'm in the middle of implementing this myself. Here is what I've designed when it comes to save system, characters unlocking, global scores etc.:
1. Game progress is storred in a simple JSON table that looks like this (it's lua syntax but the table itself is saved in json format on the HDD):
	gametime = 0,                --total amount of time played
chars = {                    --[data related to individual characters]
<charname> = {             --[subtable existing for each playable character in game]
<modename> = {          --[subtable existing for each playable mode in game]
--stats tracked after each match
matches = 0,           --played matches count
wins = 0,              --won matches count
loose = 0,             --lost matches count
draws = 0,             --draw matches count
rankd = 0,             --total rank D count
rankc = 0,             --total rank C count
rankb = 0,             --total rank B count
ranka = 0,             --total rank A count
ranks = 0,             --total rank S count
rankss = 0,             --total rank SS count
--stats tracked after mode is cleared
cleared = 0,           --mode cleared count
consecutive = 0,       --maximum consecutive won matches count
perfects = 0,          --maximum perfect matches count (flawless victory)
continues = 99,        --minimum continuous count
score = 0,             --maximum total score
cleartime = 999999999, --minimum clear time (in ticks, so divide by 60)
difficulty = 0,        --maximum difficulty level used to clear the mode
scores = {                    --[data related to global score rankings]
<modename> = {              --[subtable existing for each mode in game]
<num> = {                 --[subtable existing for each score saved - amount probably limited to 10]
teammode = {0, 0}       --team mode selected for P1 and P2 side (0-single, 1-simul, 2-turns, 3-tag)
team = {}               --slice containing character references (only 1 if single)
2. Above save file (table) is updated after each match (other than gametime which is updated every minute).
3. Most of this match data is retrieved after each match via game() function that now returns tons of match stats (coded in source code)
4. There is a new getCharVar lua function coded in source code that can read any variable from characters existing in the last match, which can be used to retrieve remaining data from features coded in common1.cns (rank, score)
5. All of this stuff is meant to be used for global ranking system and characters / modes unlocking.

This is how characters unlocking has been implemented (quote from select.def)
1. This is character parameter that hides the character in select screen:
 ; - hidden
 ;   IKEMEN feature: Set the paramvalue to hide a character:
 ;   1: cursor can move to this cell, face and face background are not
 ;      rendered (same result as hiding selectable characters in mugen by
 ;      placing them outside visible grid, but without need to create lots
 ;      of unnecessary select.def slots to do so),
 ;   2: cell can't be selected, art is not rendered (slot is ignored until
 ;      character is unlocked).
 ;   3: cell behaves like randomselect slot until character is unlocked.
 ;   Unlocking hidden characters is handled via [UnlockContent] section.

2. And this is section of the select.def that handles conditions that unlocks characters:

edit: updated unlocking documentation is available here:

Above syntax offers a way to set all kinds of unlocking, for example:
-Play x number of matches in y mode (example: win 10 survival matches):
-Draw match x number of times in y mode (example: draw 5 arcade matches)
-Win x matches in y mode (example: win 100 versus online matches)
-Beat x mode y number of times (example: beat arcade mode 3 times)
-Beat x mode with y character (example: beat arcade mode with KFM)
-Beat x mode on at least y difficulty (example: beat arcade mode with any character on at least AI Level = 7)
-Beat x mode with no more than y continues (example: beat arcade mode without any continuous)
-Beat x mode with at least y perfects (example: beat arcade mode with at least 1 perfect)
-Beat x mode without losing a round in at least y matches (example: beat arcade mode without losing a round in 10 matches)
-Beat x mode within y time (example: clear Time Attack within 4:00.00.)
-Get at least x total score in y mode (example: beat arcade mode with at least 300 000 points score)
-Acquire rank x or above with y character in any mode
-Accumulate x hours of game time
etc. etc.

Considering this implementation is probably in conflict with yours, Ruler, and I don't know which implementation is better please hit me up on discord, so we can discuss pros and cons and decide which to implement.

Same request for MangeX, please contact me on discord, so we can coordinate the work on the engine in order to not code the same features in a conflicting way. I'm also really interested in discussing with you how to implement separate story mode. Based on this post you're really good at designing features in a way that fits select.def / screenpack conventions, so before doing anything on this front I'd like to hear how you imagine it. You've also mentioned story mode before, so if you're interested in not only designing but coding it too, I will be more than happy to not work on it myself at all :P Otherwise I can handle the implementation (after we all agree on the design how to handle it).

And Finally, Branching Arcade/Story Mode(Fully functional)
missed this one. In such case, discord group discussion may be better apprach. Please check your PM box.
Last Edit: July 06, 2018, 05:05:12 pm by K4thos
Re: Ikemen GO Plus
#33  June 02, 2018, 01:27:19 am
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Hello i have a message too. Do you remember this problem months ago?

Em no works build.bat  :(
you should NOT use any of the BAT and SH files. Those are for source code developers and require Go compiler to work (build - compiles ikemen go source code, get - downloads external packages used by the engine, run - compiles source on the fly and starts it, without creating executable).

Ikemen is started via Ikemen_GO.exe.

If it doesn't work probably your computer is too old to run it (opengl is required, probably also 64-bit system since the compiler is 64-bit). Also check what "debug/log.txt" says.

edit: see my next post

Oh,wait the new version is for 64 bits computers?

This is bad for me sorry :P

Ash, maybe try installing OpenAL 1.1 Windows Installer (no idea if it's needed but ikemen uses openal for sound in source code).

Ikemen GO system requirements that I know about:
- GPU with decent OpenGL support (pretty much anything from the last 10 years should work, some older graphic cards may require drivers update),
- 64-bit system (not sure if there is 32-bit windows GO compiler available - if someone will send me a link to it, we could provide additional exe).

Well i have very good news, i be able to compile a 32bits AND 64bits executable for windows ,obviously only is for that in particular build (the only dated currently)
Remember, is the same version talked in the quotes, no more no less (no updates at all); in future releases with the upgraded things there will be that two binaries, so, there you go (only exes).

Ikemen Go 32bits & ikemen Go 64bits
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Re: Ikemen GO Plus
#34  June 02, 2018, 01:51:12 am
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  • 2D Fighting games forever!
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Re: Ikemen GO Plus
#35  June 02, 2018, 09:54:15 pm
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  • Pixels are atom's of resolution,Low-res or Hi-res
    • Turkey
Will sth like pal selector can be implemented? Current one does in the start of battle,and takes long to choose pals beyond 12
Re: Ikemen GO Plus
#36  June 03, 2018, 10:32:25 pm
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Re: Ikemen GO Plus
#37  June 03, 2018, 11:25:13 pm
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    • Mexico

anyone know if this is compatible with sdl1.2.15 ot 1.2?

@MangeX Hey man, in case you didn't saw.

Is there a way to implement DirectX to Ikemen GO, just like the vanilla Ikemen?

Ikemen Vanilla Plus use SDL2 API with OpenGL functions, that´s why it can be disabled for incompatibilities and is enabled by default.

Ikemen GO Plus does not have any SDL compatibility, it uses the GLFW API (Application Programming Interface) who work and is made with Opengl only in mind, that´s why this version of the engine has very broken incompatibility with lots of systems, like Windows for example who try to redirect an older version of simple opengl functions (1.2) is the reason for the video inconveniences.
It can be solved using wrappers for every possible configuration on each user system but is more effective the use of a more flexible and universal API (SDL)

I'm on the way to implement that Simple Direct-Media Layer (SDL) to surpass those issues, DirectX and OpenGL Can/Will be secondary alternative runtimes attached.

Is better to wait until that happen ,beacuse in fact, to make any port to whatever system or hardware you Will need to adapt the core code engine (Ram management, Proccesor calls, unique optimizations) not only the API, SDL libraries in this case (the physical interface)

The actual engine code is functional but a little chaotic in organization and needs more modular presentation for anyone to understant it.
I know that the engine was made to emulate or simulate mugen, but is a new engine itself, so can be used for more than only fight games using the intuitive file system and programming that everyone know.
There is no knowledge that is not power
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Last Edit: June 04, 2018, 05:38:02 am by MangeX
Re: Ikemen GO Plus
#38  June 03, 2018, 11:49:08 pm
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  • 2D Fighting games forever!
    • Brazil
Oh I see, thanks for clearing things up, definitely going to keep an eye on this.
Re: Ikemen GO Plus
#39  June 07, 2018, 12:56:27 pm
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Quick question. Isn't there some limit on mugen where you can only have a certain amount of ports for stage select? What is the deal with that exactly? Not that I have 200 stages, but just curious if that issue would well still be an issue with this. Also selfish of me to ask this one, but as someone who actually plans to use this, I want the animated ports(I've seen some others here also interested). We can all agree that we basically want it similar to say, older MVC series animated, when selected they use "state 195"(whatever you have). I've seen it asked, but hasn't been answered. Also hasn't been mentioned in a whileeee, but the announcer on character select, even a little note on how to do so would be appreciated. Also, another thing, is there any possible way using this to integrate second round themes? For me personally, only for the final boss. Makes me also think about the ol' SF2 when time is running out speed up but that isn't really necessary. I'm really only suggesting this for people interested in projects, not for casual use.
Re: Ikemen GO Plus
#40  June 08, 2018, 03:40:54 am
  • ***
And about fight.def file, can you add a Bgdef for round, fight, k.o and win animations? This is possible using Add004 addon but impossible with mugen because you only have 1 simple layer for every action and it´s very limited to create good works.
Another thing that I don´t read nothing it´s about stages, please, can you add a 9000,1 portrait to them? With mugen you need to add a image for each letter or symbol but it´s very limited too.
I read that it´s possible use various portraits for select, versus and winner screens but, it´s possible do actions ( Interpolate Blend, Offset, Scale and Angle) with them?
Another thing that I like it very much in Add004 addon are the combo messages, it´s possible to add to Ikemen Go this feature?
Thank you very much for your work and waiting more news about it, see you and forgive my english...
Other than stage portrait, I'm afraid none of this stuff is currently on ikemen go plus roadmap. Join the project and start implementing them if you want to get these features in foreseeable future.
I've finished implementing flexible bgdef parsing and rendering directly in source code (based on existing stages bgdef code), which means all bgdef, bgctrldef, bgctrl parameters and animation types are now supported via independent functions and can be implemented elsewhere without much effort. This means that the bolded requests can be fulfilled (I do think this stuff would be nice to have).

I never coded a lifebar, so please elaborate how lifebar layers works currently and what exactly should be implemented. Extra points if you could suggest parameter names, in which section of the lifebar DEF they should be placed etc).

Regarding combo messages - isn't there already combo counter in mugen lifebars? Please elaborate what exactly you mean.

Quick question. Isn't there some limit on mugen where you can only have a certain amount of ports for stage select? What is the deal with that exactly? Not that I have 200 stages, but just curious if that issue would well still be an issue with this.
There are no portraits for stages in mugen. What you're talking about is a trick with using fonts to render images (which already works in ikemen go plus the same way as in mugen). Proper stages portrait support is already on the roadmap for future releases (see above quoted post)

Also selfish of me to ask this one, but as someone who actually plans to use this, I want the animated ports(I've seen some others here also interested). We can all agree that we basically want it similar to say, older MVC series animated, when selected they use "state 195"(whatever you have). I've seen it asked, but hasn't been answered.
already answered

Also hasn't been mentioned in a whileeee, but the announcer on character select, even a little note on how to do so would be appreciated.
What announcer? That says character name after select? Seems like a stuff for full games (so that the voice is consistent) and something that almost noone would use, so it doesn't really fit basic engine, imo.

Also, another thing, is there any possible way using this to integrate second round themes?
This will be implemented in future (support for additional optional parameters in stage DEF file that sets different bgmusic for final round.)
Last Edit: June 08, 2018, 04:19:20 am by K4thos